Use this forum to discuss dungeon editors and other tools, like DMute (by George Gilbert, also working for RTC dungeons), DM Builder (by Sphenx), and ADGE by `rain. Includes DM editing tips and tricks.
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Post by -rain` »

Since August 1st, I've moved into my new house (14 blocks up the road, same street, i am lame) and hadn't had internet until 1 hour ago or so. Unforunately the computers at my school (running some sort of UNIX and using netscape) cannot view these forums so I've been 'out' for awhile.

During this time I've been working on ADGE, just a little app still in development, but I need some assistance.

ADGE stands for "Atari Dungeonmaster Graphics.dat Editor", it is designed to read atari CSB/DM graphics.dat files (the ones used by CSB4win), modify graphics, adjust values of the RAW files 558-562, and basically edit all 'aspects of the file. I'd say 95% of graphics.dat is editable at this point (5% being a few bytes from files 558,559, and 560, and all of files 561 and 562). I've been using Charlatan (sp?)'s notes on file 558 and doing my best to interpret them But I do not know how to read french (if it is french?). I've interpreted most of the notes but theres a few things I'd like to know:

Charlatans Note files:
_0558 - octets 0595-0650.txt: bytes 619 to 650. Can someone translate this?
_0558 - octets 1559-1642.txt: description of octet 2
_0558 - octets 1643-2152.txt: description of octet 2
_0558 - octets 3035-3206.txt: pretty much everything here

Files 561 and 562, if anyone knows anything about them feel free to post any scraps of knowledge, anything will help! As far as I know though, its mostly RectPos's which is just a matter of spending the time to track down each ones' features (I can do most of it).

If your curious about ADGE heres a few screenshots of what it is now (I'm still working on it daily trying to translate every single byte of the graphics.dat file !=])

old link:
full donwloads page: : - newest version - older versions
(This download link added to first post -b.)
I changed the custom palette for monsters special colors to make a 'grey' just to see a grey worm and the effects it has when mixed in with a dragon's graphic (It modifies the image's colors during runtime, allowing you to see what happens without having to save, load up CSB4win, find the monster, etc). It was built on top of CSBEdit, a previous tool I created so you will find alot of similarities.

Also: I'm having a LOT of trouble with LZW decompression using Visual Basic. I actually tried copying ChristopheF's LZW decompression code from his VB script to decompress graphics.dat files but I got an error with the dictionary object (something about a key with the value already existing). I changed a few things and now It hacks up the content but matches the size correctly. If anyone wants to help me out and write me a VB function to decompress LZW compressed data feel free! =]

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Post by Paul Stevens »

Oh, my. This is very impressive work. This is going to make
a lot of things possible for the average dungeon designer.
just a little app
Yeh. Right. ;-)
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Post by purple1 »

Holy cow!! That's crazy! I'm really amazed! Think of what you could do with that! No-hassle CSB dungeon-customizing. Pair it with CSBEdit and you could almost do whatever you wanted! (Not that you currently can't...)
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an approximative translation...

Post by Zyx »

Bytes 595-650
This part indicates the color changes for the display of creatures at D2 or D3, according to the colors used at D1. The bytes come in groups of 16 and each byte represents a color, in the ordedr 0,1,2... The value of a byte simply gives the index of the color which must replace the color it represents.

** Note **: the colors 9 (orange) and 10 (rose) are particular cases: some creatures can replace these 2 colors by colors from another palette (see bytes 0833 to 1156)!

In order to obtain the right color indexes, you must divide the value of the bytes by 10.

*** For a creature at D2 ***
0619 0 (x00) the color 00 (black) doesn't change
0620 10 (x0A) the color 01 (gray 2) doesn't change
0621 20 (x14) the color 02 (gray 1) doesn't change
0622 30 (x1E) the color 03 (dark brown) doesn't change
0623 40 (x28) the color 04 (cyan) doesn't change
0624 30 (x1E) the color 05 (brown) is replaced by the color 03 (dark brown)
0625 60 (x3C) the color 06 (dark green) doesn't change
0626 70 (x46) the color 07 (green) doesn't change
0627 50 (x32) the color 08 (red) is replaced by the color 05 (brown)
0628 0 (x00) the color 09 (orange) is a particular case...
0629 0 (x00) the color 10 (rose) is a particular case...
0630 110 (x6E) the color 11 (yellow) doesn't change
0631 120 (x78) the color 12 (dark gray) doesn't change
0632 130 (x82) the color 13 (light gray) doesn't change
0633 140 (x8C) the color 14 (blue) doesn't change
0634 150 (x96) the color 15 (white) doesn't change

*** For a creature at D3 ***
0635 0 (x00) the color 00 (black) doesn't change
0636 120 (x78) the color 01 (gray 2) is replaced by the color 12 (dark gray)
0637 10 (x0A) the color 02 (gray 1) is replaced by the color 01 (gray 2)
0638 30 (x1E) the color 03 (dark brown) doesn't change
0639 40 (x28) the color 04 (cyan) doesn't change
0640 30 (x1E) the color 05 (brown) is replaced by the color 03 (dark brown)
0641 0 (x00) the color 06 (dark green) is replaced by the color 00 (black)
0642 60 (x3C) the color 07 (green) is replaced by the color 06 (dark green)
0643 30 (x1E) the color 08 (red) is replaced by the color 03 (dark brown)
0644 0 (x00) the color 09 (orange) is a particular case...
0645 0 (x00) the color 10 (rose) is a particular case...
0646 110 (x6E) the color 11 (yellow) doesn't change
0647 0 (x00) the color 12 (dark gray) is replaced by the color 00 (black)
0648 20 (x14) the color 13 (lightgray) is replaced by the color 02 (gray 1)
0649 0 (x00) the color 14 (blue) is replaced by the color 00 (black)
0650 130 (x82) the color 15 (white) is replaced by the color 13 (light gray)

Bytes 1559-1642
Byte 2: this byte seems to be used for an indexation system:
- for the missiles of the "weapon" kind which have front, side and back view, the value of this byte progress by implements of 18 (see the value difference between bytes 1560,1566,1572,1578). I suppose the program stores somewhere 6 images of different sizes for the front view, 6 for the back view and 6 for the side view... (this hypothesis is reinforced by the fact that in the game, if you throw an arrow for example, it's seen under 6 different sizes. You can also see it from the side or the front under 6 different sizes!)
- for the throwing star, which only has a front and a side view, the difference between the values of bytes 1614 and 1620 is 12 => which would fit, 6 images for the front view + 6 for the side view...
- for the spells, on the other hand... the bytes 1578 and 1584 have the same value, the same for bytes 1620,1626,1632,1638 => I suppose the program doesn't store images of different sizes for these missiles... but this could be explained by the fact that the size of a "magic" missile depends also on the power of the spell!

Bytes 1643-2152:

Byte 2: this byte seems to be used for an indexation system: its value progresses by implements of 2 from an item to the next (3 possible sizes for the display of items according to the distance => I suppose the program stores somewhere the 2 pictures of the resized items), except in 3 cases: the chest (the difference between bytes 1644 and 1650 is 6), and the 2 magic boxes (difference of 4 between the values of bytes 2022 and 2028, and between those of bytes 2118 and 2124). These 3 items are particular, since they're the only one whith a "mirror" effect, which makes their image different according to wether they're on the left or on the right of the player (I suppose the program stores 2 supplementary images, coresponding to the resized "mirrored" item). The chest has another particularity: it's the only item which has a special picture when it's placed in an alcove (=> I suppose the program stores 2 supplementary images, corresponding to the resized item in the alcove)

Note from Zyx: I tried to add more "mirrored" items but it seems that the total of stored images must remain the same. That is, the maximal value for the index is already fixed (I guess it is stored somewhere in the graphics.dat). Anyway, be aware that without editing this maximal value, the DM will crash when loading the graphics.dat, unless you keep the same number of resized images by displacing the mirror effect from an item to another.
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Post by Paul Stevens »

I looked in the CSBwin code to see if I could identify these structures.
It seems that they are all easily identified. ( Do you start from 1 instead
of 0 when you name the bytes? ). These structures all have names and
their uses can be found by searching for their names in the code.

Perhaps this is how much of the information was determined and everyone
knows already. But in case anyone has overlooked this resource.......
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Post by rain` »

Ahhh thank you so much Zyx! My guesses on what they meant were way off!

Paul Stevens: Thats what I have been doing since CSBEdit, using CSB4win source and scanning the code for its meaning. Some are easily found out while others are very confusing. For instance, uByte7 of MONSTERDESC structure I have guessed to be attackspeed while i still have doubts. If you look through the code you find it is halved and added to timer_70 variable (which is actually timers 35-41 if i remember correctly?) in the function MaybeDelTimers_Fear6_TurnIndividuals. It also appears in this code:

Code: Select all

    D4W = sw(timeFunc - 38);
    D0W = pI16A2->uByte12[D4W];
    if (D0W & 0x80)
      i_60 = NextMonsterUpdateTime(pI16A2, D4W, 0);
      w_90 = STRandom0_3();
      D4W = (UI8)(mtDescLocal.uByte7);
      timer_70.timerTime += uw(D4W + w_90 - 1);
      if (D4W > 15)
        D0W = sw((STRandom() & 7) - 2);
        timer_70.timerTime += D0W;//D0 can be negative.
pI16A2->uByte12[D4W] is the status of a monster ingame, and bit 0x80 on that byte is set while the monster is attacking. It seems to be some sort of timer related byte for monster attacks, but I have yet to find its true meaning since the monsters' uByte7 byte dont seem to match its description. It's all there if you dig enough but sometimes its hard to find out exactly what each byte really does.

Another interesting thing is that some byte's are completely unused in the source code (or seem to be) yet still have values other then 0, or some bytes containing bits (such as monter's word4 which contains info on the graphics for the monster, how many they have, if they have a side, back, and attack graphic, etc) have bits set that are never checked!

I'll probably end up putting descriptions of each byte in a help file with the release of ADGE and what each editor is editing so one can do their own research and send me updates (yah right eh? =])

Either way, if i get completely stuck on a byte, I'll probably end up asking you about it paul, since you know the source and structure of CSB4win source better then everyone in the world save the original programmers.

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Post by Paul Stevens »

Well, since it is added to the delay then it cannot be 'Speed'.
It must be 'Lethargy'. ;-)
And in the code you quote, if the monster is reallly lethargic then
he gets a (usually positive) random amount tacked on the top
of this.

Perhaps we could call it a 'Response Time'. But I don't know what
the code is doing here. I do know that there are two asynchronous
timers associated with for movement??? for
attack???? Don't know. But those two times being out of synch help
very much make the monsters seem not to repeat the same action
over and over.
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Post by Gambit37 »

Very excited to see this pop up last month! Would make mods for CSB Win so much easier (I'm getting a bit sick of hex editing....)

Any progress or news on when it might be released?

Post by rain »

Well I'm sorry i announced the program but never seemed to release it, I encountered a few bugs that I just couldnt figure out so I did what every programmer should do, put the project aside for a few days and try looking at it another time with an unbiased perspective.

Unfortunately I put it aside far too long and forgot about it due to college starting up again =[.

Well today I took a quick glance at it and fixed the bugs that were there that caused me hours and hours and hours of painful headaches in the past (took me about 5-10 minutes to find the bugs btw) and will continue to try and work on it in the days to come.

Status as of now: Bug free, loads graphics.dat files (compressed/uncompressed) for atari graphics.dat files, imports/exports graphics in any format (yay) and has a full fledged editor for most of the RAW file bits.

What needs to be done: researching a few more bits, making a good help file, and coding the saving routines, so it is 70-80% completed as of now.

I'm glad you took enough interest in it to reply and I hope I have something to give out soon. :P

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Post by PaulH »

Are you still working on this Rain? Would be a great addition to the editors.


Post by rain »

Ok here you go, its not entirely what i want it to be yet, but it something for you to play with at least.

Adge v0.1b

This is a beta, read the readme, and BACKUP everything often. Backup especially before beginning work. I cannot guarantee everything works 100%, but it should be working at 99.9999% ><

Note: Exported graphics are in BMP format. Imported graphics are *any* format. It will attempt to match pixels of colors accordingly. I.e. you can import any picture you want (JPG, GIF, etc) with any number of colors and/or palette information. It will match the colors in the picture with that closest to the palette available to the graphic file (Automatically accounting for custom monster graphics, which are editable as well in adge). You MUST change the custom colors of the monster before importing the monster's new graphic for it to check for the custom colors though.

A lot of it is similar if not the same as my other application, with some tweaks and variables researched. For example, shields in my old application have an "ignored" flag, which i mis-interpreted, it is actually "gives armor while holding". This allows shields to be held in hands and give armor whereas holding a helmet does not.


Feel free to let me know of any bugs/feature-requests and I will try and fix them ASAP. Any questions as well I'll do my best to explain it since there is 0 documentation (Sorry).
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Post by Gambit37 »

Wooo hooohohoooo -- giving it a go over the w/e. Hey Paul, I might not release those GFX after all.... we'll see. ;)

EDIT: Just had a very quick look and am impressed so far! This will really make custom graphics and items so much easier to handle. I may actually continue with my CSBWIN adventure after all as it was all the hex editing that took so much time.
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Post by PaulH »

Wow. What more can I say?! Great work!
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Post by Des »

Oooh yes baby :D This is perfect timing as I've almost finished the initial build of my 10-level dungeon as a "vanilla" - I've just had a little tinker with DMExtract so far toward customisation. I intend to have a play with ADGE but only use it in earnest *after* the basic gameplay has been properly tested - first by me then via a beta release of the vanilla version. I'm not into turd-polishing.

This is definitely the most daunting part, getting it all to "work" as a whole and get the difficulty level right. One problem with my dunge is that it is not very linear - definitely more CSB than DM, so in theory I will have to test lots of different variations (the party goes down that pit, presses that button, uses that teleporter etc.) - might take a while :?

This route also gives me the option of releasing "The Angel's Egg" (see for story synopsis) with minimal customisation as a "first dungeon" then designing a much more ambitious second dungeon in which the customisations will be integral from the outset, rather than an afterthought.
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Post by PaulH »

Does anybody know what the largest workable size value is for each monster type (ie single space monster, double and quarter space?) Obviously setting everything at 255 does 'very bad things'.

I had a fiddle with the monster graphic info feature to double the height of a vexirk. It seemed to scale the image rather than increase the workable image area which was demonstrated when I exported the bmp to edit. It was the original size.
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Post by PaulH »

OK, figured it. You must import the image first and then change the monster graphic info in the other the box, and not the other way round. Then pray it displays it properly...
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Post by rain` »

ADGE will import graphics as any size and save the graphics in the graphics.dat file as *THAT* size. Whether the game accepts this value or not is up to you to figure out. For instance, taking the monster vexirk and replacing it with the images of a knight (obviously an increase in width/height of the actual image) will save correctly, but may not give reliable results in CSBWin. When editing the information (width/height/custom colors) of a graphic, it will show an image of the size specified in the text fields and scale it to that size in the editor.

I do not know for sure if it scales the image ingame or just simply crashes or garbles it etc. I also do not know the boundries for how big an image can be besides the fact that the editor for monster graphic sizes holds 8 bit values for width/height (0-255) and the width value is actually 'half' of that. Anotherwords, theoretically the maximum is a height of 255 and a width of 510.

I completed more monster graphic info, specifically the place in which to draw monsters on the screen at various distances. Heres a sneak peak (this is fully functional, and I'm going to continue on working on the same type deal for items on the ground, projectiles, and decorations now.

Interesting? :P

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Post by rain` »

Oh yeah, forgot. The encoding used for images in graphics.dat files uses 16 bit values for width and height of an image, giving a theoretically maximum of 2^16-1 x 2^16-1, or 65535x65535 =].

Again, don't know how CSBWin will treat such an image =]
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Post by ChristopheF »

rain`, do you plan to release the source code of ADGE ? Or would you share it with me so that I can document the content of items 558-562 in graphics.dat ?
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Post by rain` »

"do you plan to release the source code of ADGE ?"

Sure, i'll upload a zip with the source code in the next version. Just a note, it is programmed in VB6, which is a nightmare. My code is very, very poorly organized, but the file routines are pretty strait-forward.
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Post by PaulH »

Most monsters seem to display correctly (skeleton sized type) if the width is no more than 64 and height 99. Single spaced monsters (dragon, scorpion) can go up to 144x108 (unsure about couatls) while rats, rusters and worms have slightly different rules due to their side graphics. 64 width for the front back and attack graphic seems the safe maximum.

However, having a sneaky look at Conflux2 parameters shows that the screamer can have a width of 112.

This is just a trial and error exploration, so sorry if is not technically correct.
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Post by Gambit37 »

They can be as wide as the viewport as long as you specify the widths correctly and make sure they are in the right grouping -- looks bloody weird though because they end up overlaying wall graphics.
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Post by PaulH »

Yeah, you have to be careful. I bodged up editing the skeleton, and a single one in a dungeon displayed as two, distorted, with the lower half of it the graphic of a door!

At the moment I am getting the effects I want. The graphic before of say a water elemental was very limiting due to it only being 27 pixels high. I have also managed to import some Wizardry 6 monsters through which look very good.

Whilst I understand the colour palettes (I think!), you still have to be careful of the monsters you put on a level if you want them to display correctly.

Now to edit the sound files... and steal Gambits wall graphics...
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Post by Gambit37 »

Sound files don't work properly yet -- they have to be sampled down to 4-bit PCM which no sound editor I've found will do.

Kentaro's tool will import sounds into graphics.dat but it distorts them. See here: ... hp?t=23609
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Post by Gambit37 »

How should we use ADGE in conjunction with DMEXtract?

Up until now, I have been manually hex editing 0558.dat with information like monster sizes, palette details, offsets, item offsets, wall decoration sizes, etc.

ADGE exposes some of this but not all.

I'm not sure the best way of using ADGE with my existing methods because it only works with a precompiled graphics.dat.

Is it possible for ADGE to also use a folder of extracted data rather than a compiled GRAPHICS.DAT?
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Post by PaulH »

I wonder if a simple inbuilt graphics editor/art programme would be a good idea? As it stands, it can be a slightly longwinded process to make running changes to some of the graphics. Before with DM extract I had the DOS command line at hand to quickly rebuild the dat file and I simply made a couple of quick changes to a graphic by editing it with Paint.
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Post by rain` »

Gambit37 wrote:`Rain, I am already using ver 1.01 of DMExtract and the problem remains. I'll send you the graphics.dat so you can see the problem.
There was nothing infact wrong with your graphics.dat file. The problem was the complexity of the image #6 (Due to the way images are encoded, it actually exceeded the size of a signed integer in terms of actual length). Changed the values to longs in all the appropriate places and now it loads and saves fine! Next ADGE release will allow you to open the graphics.dat file.
At the moment I am getting the effects I want. The graphic before of say a water elemental was very limiting due to it only being 27 pixels high. I have also managed to import some Wizardry 6 monsters through which look very good.
Wow, thats fantastic! Beware of copyright infringments though ^^
How should we use ADGE in conjunction with DMEXtract?

Up until now, I have been manually hex editing 0558.dat with information like monster sizes, palette details, offsets, item offsets, wall decoration sizes, etc.

ADGE exposes some of this but not all.

I'm not sure the best way of using ADGE with my existing methods because it only works with a precompiled graphics.dat.

Is it possible for ADGE to also use a folder of extracted data rather than a compiled GRAPHICS.DAT?
ADGE is my attempt to render DMExtract obsolete. Soon you will not need to hex edit file 0558.dat as I'm getting more and more done each day with creating nice, point-and-click style editing for all the information in file 0558.dat

If you still need to hex edit and don't want to wait for version 0.2b, the only way I see to do it is to export file 0558 as hex, edit that, import it, and save (0.2b should be available within a few days). I have no plans of making ADGE work with a folder of extracted data though, I don't see why you would want this, but if you give some reasonable reason then perhaps it can be arranged. Would you be referring to some sort of "re-import all the graphics in this folder into the graphics.dat file upon saving"?
I wonder if a simple inbuilt graphics editor/art programme would be a good idea? As it stands, it can be a slightly longwinded process to make running changes to some of the graphics. Before with DM extract I had the DOS command line at hand to quickly rebuild the dat file and I simply made a couple of quick changes to a graphic by editing it with Paint.
Not planned at the moment.

I have noticed that there are a few people who have edited the first few graphics in the file (main title, main menu, and credits). I tried looking into the palettes that are used for those graphic files but I could not find them nor re-create them. If anyone can post the palettes for each graphic I'll see about putting them into ADGE appropriately.
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Post by kentaro-k.21 »

when you release the source code of ADGE, i'll add the import/export feature for SND1 format :)
i'll just wait until release.
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Post by rain` »

ADGE v0.2b1



Some updates, any bugs you find post here and I will address them. I still have some plans for the future, involving more dynamic rendering of the editor's graphics as well as utilizing transparency when drawing them.

The source is very ugly >< But someone requested it. There you will find some info on files 558-562. I did a lot of checking as to what all the bits did but I have yet to implement GUI'd editors for them =[

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Post by kentaro-k.21 »

*** ADGE special version is no longer available ***
Last edited by kentaro-k.21 on Sun Apr 10, 2005 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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