Locking doesn't do any good either

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Locking doesn't do any good either

Post by Lunever »

Reaction to this locked thread. - b.

Beo: Sorry, but simply locking a troubling topic doesn't do any good either. It's a bit like politician tactics "I we ignore a problem it will go away". I honestly don't believe in that. After all these years of building a gaming community together I find it astonishing that either participant of this argument is so stubborn that either one won't move an inch from his/her position. George, is dodging requests about your code really so important that you don't mind hurting someone you've corresponding with for years? Sophia, what have all community members here done to you that you withdraw your contributions from them too instead of just ceasing to develop them any further.

A slightly changed quote from LoR might apply here: "Now let us cry: "a plague on the stiff necks of programmers!"
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Post by Gambit37 »

*Sigh* I think George has been more than fair and has explained himself very clearly several times. Maybe some people's perceptions of 'dodging the issue' is different from mine, but I think GG has given enough reasons why that has been the case and he shouldn't have to justify himself anymore.

I understand that a straight YES or NO answer was what Sophia was looking for, but there is more than enough information now available to see that she won't get one. Whether that's right or wrong, I don't know.

It's time to stop taking this so personally, accept the situation for what it is and move on.
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Post by beowuuf »

The idea was to draw a line under this in the RTC general forum, as this was a post by and between the two main people - it had managed to stay civil and unpedantic, so it was time to stop it and let it die out before it got confused and rehashed.

I think the subject can stay active for the regulars if we want to discuss it, but can it please move away from the general RTC forum which is to do with the engine itself - you can easily post feelings in the inn thread in the general forum, and it can go in whatever direction uncensoered

So I hope you don't mind, I've locked this one too (since I can't merge the whole thing back) and after a day or so of people being able to see it will move them both to the RTC archive