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Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:17 pm
by beowuuf
but doesn't the sense of accomplishment far outweigh any mere questpoints, objects of power, knowledge or treaure you could have gained? isn't that the real reward?


Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:40 pm
by Gambit37
Why I oughtta... That battle was the toughest I've ever faced, not surprising seeing as the creatures concerned had 20,000 hit points between them! I did have a small inkling that it might all be for nothing, but I thought even Zyx wouldn't be that cruel... I wouldn't have minded if I hadn't run all over the dungeon gathering up the stuff I had left behind: Ven egss, blast spores, etc...

Speaking of cruel, the Cruel Pit is one of the cleverest and simplest puzzles I have seen! Nicely done!

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 3:44 am
by Antman
Is the dwarven treasure the powergem? I got that along with cerberus and freed the treators prisoner and i did a couple of other quests, but they were all done with an ArchMaster Ninja after exploiting the ninja bug. But soon i will start some games which only focus on one quest at a time for the minimal moves records.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:17 am
by Antman
I sent in records for getting a Cerebus and freeing the prisoner of the trator, and i sent in a new Mother of the Egg Chamber yesterday aswell. I finally know how to cast an open door spell, thanks for the clue Gambit!, so i was able to get the crown of kings, i couldnt find another way past the Immortal Venom God. I have also destroyed the council and all thats left to do is make some records for the remaining two main quests.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:56 am
by beowuuf
The dwarven treasure is different, you will know when you find it
and now i'm suddenly worried i was imagining the other way to defeat the immortal...i will check it out....

and is it a feiry cerberus? i will check if no one else has... : )

cruel pit - the cruelty is when you play it one player!

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:11 am
by beowuuf
And if yahoo wasn't sucking, i could actually log in and verify all your games! : (

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 9:24 am
by beowuuf

Charlatan and Antman have been stealing records off of each other, though after the dust has settled Antman has managed a phenominal time in a key quest, so is now ahead of charlatan

with these two competing for times though, gambit sits smuggly as the leader!
(Note to antman: if you have a saved game after you killed the council, please submit it, as you haven't got an entry there - and if its less than 53000 moves or so, you'd get that quest too : ) )
Aplologies also for the confusion - i forgot cerberus and feiry cerberus were different quests...

So there you go, lots of movement in the quests...i may fall off my chair...or be late for work...
No, late for work, that was it

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:38 pm
by Gambit37
I couldn't see anything important with the Immortal God -- it's not like it's blocking your way or anything.... unless of course it is, but I may not have known about it if there's a specific object triggered wall somewhere here -- I know Zyx seems to use that a lot.

I have still lots to do in this dungeon. I've been focussing on drawing accurate maps. I haven't freed the prisoner of the traitor or found any cerberus, fiery or otherwise.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:15 pm
by Antman
Got new records for the Lich, Flask and the Crown of Kings, i hate that dragon, soooo much health. Next up, destroying the pitiful council and surviving the trial. I still have only found the helm of the dragon armour, i dont know what the drawven treasure is, havent found a fiery cerebus, have no idea where to look for circus prize 99, don't know how to go to the future and we can't our precious, they stoles it from us, filthy hobbitses.

Also, in the giggler room, the guy asks you to throw a key, before i figured the puzzle out, saying 'what the hell is thrazoka?' i threw an Onyx key and forgot about it and saved. Now he's sitting on it and no matter how much i pound him, he doesnt die. So i can't retrieve it.

Another, thing which almost trapped me was that for some reason while i was opening up new sections in the guild areas with guild items i had found, whenever i had the power gem in my inventory, the door closed trapping me, so i had to leave it behind and retrieve it later.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 3:32 pm
by beowuuf
Yes, important notice, the power gem is also part of the halk to stop you doing the halk ending, then freeing the traitor, it shuts you in the guild

The thought being, if you have the gem to free the prisoner, why aren't you using it? do you think its fun being surrounded by blue hazes waiting for freedom? : )

Onyx keys - as CSB really, they are rare and open up bonus areas or interesting parts, but aren't vital

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:02 pm
by beowuuf
More movement
Antman has stolen more record points (including a sneaky flask and a determined crown of kings entry) so now he is equal to Gambit and Charlatan combined!
And Gambit has broken the three-digit barrier now, with all three main quests completed

Still no fiery cerberus nor quests of legend though...

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:23 pm
by beowuuf
And finally:

Antman just shaved some more moves off his time for the lich...and apologies for not changing the name for the last attempt...corrected now : )
And with the trial also done in record time, that's a clear lead!

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 5:13 am
by Antman
Just finished making records for the precious and the dwarven treasure, i still havent been bothered to make a record of destroying the council as that would take ages.

My main guy was stuck for awhile untill he fell down about 10 pits and landed in the biggest x,y,z coodinate maze i've ever seen in a dungeon. Its huge, and my guy is lost somewhere in the middle of it all, i might even have to resort to drawing maps! I found my third piece of dragon armour down there though, so only one more to go, and that only leaves me with finding a fiery cerebus and going to the future after that. I still can't open the door to the future machine, but i'm guessing you need four guys in you party...?

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 10:26 am
by Antman
It twas' an epic battle, but the council is no more, and in record time! With Blast spores and Ven eggs and Icewinds they were so scared they couldn't move while the poison gas choked them and the fire burned them, but alas, two brave heroes were felled in the battle that followed. Oh well.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 10:51 am
by beowuuf
Holy ****, i woke up too early this morning ,and noticed two mails with quests from antman
I am properly up now, and there are 10 mails from charlatan and antman! the battle for records ain't over yet!

time for some downloading and ranking....

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 11:57 am
by Gambit37
@Antman: I've just finished mapping that area you described. It's a huge pain in the butt! And as I had no point of reference from my other maps, I had to do draw it once on sepaarate pages, work out how it fitted in, then add it to my existing maps. But my maps are getting ever closer to completion.

As for your quests: I doff my cap to you, Minimal Moves Master!

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 12:03 pm
by beowuuf
Don't speak to soon!

Well, antman sent me another four games, but charlatan sent six!
The dust has cleared, and antman has managed to break the three digit mark and equal Gambit

But the more interesting part is that with charlatan's big push, both antman and he are equal on 24 record points (sorry though gambit, yours have been stolen along the way!)


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 12:10 pm
by beowuuf
Speaking of spekaing too soon, Gambit just snuck in the future quest...another 10 quests points!

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 12:15 pm
by Gambit37
Heh, well I'm playing in an exploring style with the same team, so I'm not surprised I lost all the minimal moves points. But once my maps are complete, I'll try to beat the pants off Charlantman!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 11:29 am
by beowuuf
Well, another impressive night in conflux records

Antman has managed to reclaim most of the records charlatan beat in the top board, but charlatan has started submitting serious minimal main quests and so hold two of the three again!
All main quests are doable in around 1000 moves apparently, with antman actually breaking that barrier with an impressive 897 for freeing the traitor!
So antman has more records, but charlatan has now regained the lead in record points..i'm sure that will change by the time i come home again : )

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 12:58 pm
by Charlatan75
Hello! :)

Hmmm... for "Get an empty flask", we can get any flask? Or is it limited to the one with the scroll saying "Quest of the flask. Bring me three potions..."?

- Charlatan75 -

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 1:56 pm
by Zyx
Yes, any flask will do it (just empty it!).

Thank you Beowuuf and PitD for taking care of the competition. I still won't be able to update the scores until monday night, I just wanted to have a glance today, and so many things happened! Congrats to the 3 players!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 2:30 pm
by Charlatan75
Ok, thank you Zyx ^^

- Charlatan75 -

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 5:36 pm
by beowuuf
Lol, that's why antman is sneaky - he's been getting a different flask for a few goes now : )

And ok zyx, i noticed you around earlier, but i will can carry on checking today then... : )

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 10:03 pm
by beowuuf
Speaking of which, charlatan has just submitted five records...on shaving his own council time to sub-1000, the rest beating antman - he now holds the three main quests, alot of the board, and a large amount of record points

I imagine this can change quite quickly though... : )

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 12:18 am
by Antman
*sigh*, that's it. I give up for the moment. I'm sick of repeatedly trying to get records in a certain amount of moves, i wish it was time based so there's no stopping and starting all the time and more flow. Anyway, i want to finish my main game now that i found all the dragon armour and only need a fiery cerberus, and school is starting in just two days so i have to get ready for that.
So, congratulations Charlatan75!
And congratulations Zyx for a great dungeon!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 12:42 am
by Gambit37
Perhaps Zyx will add a 'Quickest' competiton as well? ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:32 am
by beowuuf
lol, conflux was released like a month ago
There's plenty of time for setting up other competitions of all varieties, or even just gettign some of the more subtle elements - anyone think they have a full set of recipies for the oven? Anyone think they have a full spell list?

Have fun with the main game and real life for a while, and congratulations on setting the bar so high (or low) so damn fast! : )

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 9:20 am
by Antman
Well, i actually found a way back to the rest of the game from the depths, and i have explored everything i can, but i still can't find a fiery cerberus or open the door to the future, can someone give me just a small clue?

Charlatan, have you ever thought competing in the CSB or DM records, with the low amount of moves and the time it takes you to get them in Conflux 2 i'm sure you could find news ways to improve those records aswell.

As for the time records in Conflux 2, i'll how fast i can do some of the easy quests. Then maybe you could have time divided by moves or something.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:44 pm
by Zyx
About the Sudden Death: there are at least two ways of managing it. Fighting is the direct approach, but not the clever one, that's why you shouldn't expect too much kindness from me :twisted: