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Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:14 am
by Bit
Just stepped home in 10 cm of fresh snow. When parking the car, both sides of the road still had this deep fresh snow, except one place where I thought I can park safe. There they already cleaned somewhat - with the price of a little snowhill. I then thought I can pass this little hill or it will be very close, but even if I hit it, it just could be fun - so gogogo. What should I say - it was able to block any forward movement, and backwards - erm, street goes up at that point. STUCK! Hehehe, with a laughter I grabbed the car free and finally made it :D

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:19 am
by Ameena
Well, we didn't get any more snow here overnight. Trains are still disrupted (says the website), so I expect I'll be late for work again today. Oh well. Three days to Christmas :D.

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:07 am
by MasterWuuf
Bit wrote:Just stepped home in 10 cm of fresh snow. When parking the car, both sides of the road still had this deep fresh snow, except one place where I thought I can park safe. There they already cleaned somewhat - with the price of a little snowhill. I then thought I can pass this little hill or it will be very close, but even if I hit it, it just could be fun - so gogogo. What should I say - it was able to block any forward movement, and backwards - erm, street goes up at that point. STUCK! Hehehe, with a laughter I grabbed the car free and finally made it :D
I had a 1962 Chevrolet 10 pickup, back in about 1988, and a four-year old daughter who would stand beside me
while I PLOWED/SMASHED into piles of snow.

I realize now, just how ridiculous that was. My poor daughter went through a dad who had a 'serious' need to grow up,
or at least grow a brain. :shock: :lol:

That was about the time I played DM so much, as well.

Ah, the GOOD OLD DAYS. :lol:

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:27 pm
by Trantor
Quite heavy snow on Sunday, even more this morning. This is very unusual for Northern Germany, having this much snow in time for Christmas. But it's getting warmer. Yesterday, I walked outside with my girlfriend, and we both were glad that "it wasn't really cold" - though it was still -4°C. Amazing how quick you get used to having -10°C...

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:36 pm
by Jan
Trantor wrote:Amazing how quick you get used to having -10°C...
No problem, if you can turn Zentralheizung (I mean heating) ON in your house. But the whole Central Europe is afraid that Russians or Ukrainians will "turn the taps OFF", i.e. that natural gas will stop going to Central European countries again - as it happened a year ago. The state of dependence on Russian "goodwill" (if there is such a thing) is one of the worst things, believe me. :(

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:58 pm
by Bit
The price for it raises and raises.

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:30 pm
by Jan
The weather is insane. It was -20C five days ago, but it's +10C today. The snow has disappeared! :(

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:51 pm
by MasterWuuf
Worked until 2:30 this morning. It was CLEAR DOWN to 37 degrees Fahrenheit (we suffer SO much).
Wind chill definitely wasn't pleasant.
No snow. No rain. Things could be much worse.

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:18 am
by Trantor
I spent the last few days with friends in Hannover, and there was a total snow chaos there. You could not drive more than 60 km/h even on the highways, and my car was buried under 15 cm of snow after leaving it for 2 days on the street. Two times, we had to push the car out of the snow because it was sunk in too deep. It's been a long time that I experienced that. Now I'm back in Berlin; it's not that bad here, but still rather white.

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:02 am
by Jan
On Czech "highways", you cannot drive more than 60 km/h even in summer. :lol:

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:25 am
by MasterWuuf
Jan wrote:On Czech "highways", you cannot drive more than 60 km/h even in summer. :lol:
Great commentary on 'progress' in your area. :wink:

When, WHEN, you come to visit me :lol: , you'll notice people drive over 100 km/h as they pass in front of my house.
I sometimes call the road in front of my house an AIRPORT RUNWAY, with the way people FLY by in their automobiles. :shock:

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:37 pm
by beowuuf
It's snowing again! Big flakes! It was a little wet outside, so I'm hoping it might settle. I'm hoping it won't just melt, then turn into ice, and make tomorrow's trip to work suck :(

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:01 pm
by Gambit37
Nothing in south London yet. Come on snow, I wanna play! :-)

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:38 pm
by MasterWuuf
Yipes! You guys scare me. :P

We have snow every ten years or so.
I figure we had a good snow this last year, so we're not due for another nine years or so.

But then, I bet you guys can't 'rope and ride' your mosquitoes where you live.

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:44 pm
by beowuuf
@gambit, apparently you're going to be hit by snow tonight, have no fear! Blizzards ho!

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:21 pm
by Ameena
Yeah, we're supposed to be getting shitloads of snow here tonight/tomorrow. Apparently.

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:22 pm
by beowuuf

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:23 pm
by Ameena

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:31 pm
by beowuuf

*Information comes from my mum and is not legally binding

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:39 pm
by Trantor

Here in Germany, traffic has been significantly hampered in the last few days. The airport of Dortmund was closed for half a day, several trains stopped running etc. It's not a natural disaster or anything, but certainly unusual this early. If the big snow comes at all, it's usually between the end of January and the middle of February here. It's especially weird if you take into account that we had some 20°C at the end of October...

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:01 pm
by Gambit37
Woo hoo! Good to have a weke off so I can go and play in it and not have the horribleness of having no excuse not to work (since I work at home!) YEAH!

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:24 pm
by T0Mi
The nordish folks get all the good stuff. And we suffer. Usually it's the other way round.
Little more than 3 inches here in the south, but it's of the powdery kind, so add some calm winds and the scenery becomes quite magical.

I made a little video while on the walkto the stable.
If there wasn't some head-wobbling guy heavily breathing, you could hear the crystals falling.

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:00 pm
by Ameena
Hehe, first I thought "Ooooh, pwetty", then had a sudden flashback to watching the Eye Shield sequences in that fanatstic old show "Knightmare", then thought "Woah, uppy-downy", then "Oooh, horsies :D" ;).
Hopefully we will have good snow here! I've been looking out the window every now and then, but at a guess I reckon the snow won't quite come far enough east to hit us tonight - maybe tomorrow at some point. But if I do wake up to whiteness everywhere, I won't complain too much (unless it's not enough to cancel all the trains so I can't go to work ;)) :D.

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:14 pm
by Gambit37
The first flakes are now falling here in Crystal Palace. Judging by what I've just seen on the news, it could be pretty bad by the morning! @Beo: Looks quite heavy near Basingstoke! @Ameena: You're quite near me aren't you? Where abouts?

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:20 pm
by Gambit37
In 5 minutes it's got heavier and is settling already! Ground must be very cold.

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:22 pm
by beowuuf
Yep, there is definitely snow outside and slush on the roads. The flakes are now small, but they are still falling. Interesting to see how many people make it to work tomorrow. Sadly, I'll be one of them.

Ugh, just I need to go in early to open up? :(

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:24 pm
by Gambit37
I don't know; do you? If so: yah boo sucks :(

I'm going to got out out for a quick walk in it before it gets all nasty and while it's still fluffly and white flakes :-)

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:29 pm
by beowuuf
Tomorrow = winter wonderland goodness

Next few days after, unless it keeps snowing = icy death not fun walking

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:12 am
by Gambit37
Whee, that was fun! I walked down to the park, about a 10 min walk from here. Unusually the gate was open (normally locked at 430pm in Jan), so I went in and had a look at the lake -- all frozen and covered in snow. It was gorgeous and magical; then I spotted a fox wandering on it, looking for stranded ducks no doubt! I bet he had cold feet, brrrrrr!

I didn't risk going into the woods as the gate might have been locked by the time I came out again. Snow got quite heavy, so I stood there for about 10 mins just soaking up the quiet atmosphere (with the odd unsettled duck fussing in the undergrowth) then wandered back. I tried to follow the same footprints I made on the way down, but had to give up half way back as they had already disappeared!A few cars and two buses passed by, all going quite slow though the road is still reasonably clear. One guy skidded onto the pavement though.

It's about 4-5cm deep in places. It's not snowing much now, but if this light snow continues all night at this pace, I imagine it could be 10-20cm by tomorrow!

Glad I went out just before bedtime, it was lovely and as you say Beo, will soon be horrid: best to experience these things when one can!

Re: Snow!! :D

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:28 am
by Ameena
Snowing here! :D
Gambit - I'm in Chatham. Crystal Palace is southeast London somewhere, isn't it? I mean, I know we all went there during the DM meet, but it's not like I have any clue specifically where it was, geographically ;). It might even be quite near Bromley, where I work, but I have no idea. Anyway...yeah, snowing here. Not very hard - just faint, light snow, but it's certainly settling - even if this is as hard as it gets, if it keeps this up all night I don't think I'll be disappointed when I wake up tomorrow morning :twisted:.