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Re: Teleportation and the world getting smaller

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:00 pm
by terkio
Yes, in my hill example I was talking about gravitational potential energy.
More genrally teleportation is prone to potential energy change from gravity, electric fields, magnetic fields.
Theses changes must be balanced to respect the energy conservation law.

Re: Teleportation and the world getting smaller

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:06 pm
by cowsmanaut
if we were talking someone moving through a portal, I would imagine their shift from one level and direction of gravity would have a big impact on them. However, in what mode are you picturing teleportation taking place? The string example? energy matter conversion? or matter rearrangement? or perhaps a 4th?

In articles and comments I searched relating to the effect of gravity on electrical current, the general consensus was that there is no impact where gravity is concerned. One of the main points was in the case of a space elevator, where the cable goes from earth to space. The only impact gravity had was on the cable itself, not the flow.

Re: Teleportation and the world getting smaller

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:31 am
by terkio
I imagin teleportation as a transport of matter via a shortcut.
Not sure wether it desintegrate then reintegrate, something like:
At the start point the matter shifts to some realm where time and distance are not as in our universe while at the arrival point the matter shifts back from that realm.
I think this will ask for a start booth and an arrival booth, and may be there will be several transfert booths on the way.
I do not imagine this system to violate physics laws in force in our universe. This will allow travel as fast as light, but no more. This will not allow travel in time.

Re: Teleportation and the world getting smaller

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 11:54 pm
by cowsmanaut ... -distance/

teleportation of energy.. interesting.