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Post by PicturesInTheDark »

On the other hand - is there anything you can be helped with? Like bringing texts into a certain format or writing down monster stats? If these informations are available, I can imagine doing this bit by bit. Your page, your choice...

Regards, PitD
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Post by Gambit37 »

My source documents folder for Codex is pretty chaotic at the moment -- that's very apt don't you think? :-) Not sure when I'm getting back to this, hopefully gonna start on it again soon. I'll see if there's anything people can help with, but I am very poor at giving up control of things..
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Post by PicturesInTheDark »

It's just an offer... and (for example) the monster page is very self-defining anyway... clear structure what it has to look like and what should be in there. Well, think about it... I'm around and watching :wink:

Regards, PitD
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Post by Gambit37 »

Just an update for you all:

It's been a long time since I did any backend work on the site. In the last year I have learnt much about web development, and the general move towards semantically correct, structurally sound, accessible and usable web sites.

As a result I looked at the code for the site the other day for the first time in over a year (!), and felt sick. It's terrible. I couldn't possibly let that loose on the public in the current climate of web development.

So I've decided to completey ditch the old school table based layout and reliance on javascript, and instead code up the site correctly. Using pure XHTML and sophisticated CSS, I have already streamlined the drop down menus into nested lists controlled purely by CSS (and a little javascript for IE). I ditched the whole table and all the redundant crap. It's now lovely (well, if you're geeky about that kind of stuff and understand it anyway).

There are other benefits to this approach too. The old design used one big CSS file which was becoming unmanageable. Now, I am splitting it up into section to control layout, colours and type individually. One big plus of this is that in the future I can offer 'skins' for the site by simply changing the CSS. I already have two variations -- one with the menus at the top as before, and one with them running down the side.

Over the next two weeks I intend cleaning up the entire site. I'm making no promises about when I'll be returning to the actual content though! Just thought you might like to know where development has got to...
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Post by Gambit37 »

Been thinking about the Codex again after my brief mention of it in the Retro Gamer article thread http://www.dungeon-master.com/forum/vie ... hp?t=23999

There have been a lot of reasons why I haven't done any *publishable* work on this. Setting aside all my personal reasons, I was trying to work out why I've been finding it so hard to actually get new content written and entered into the database. II have realised it's because I've been tyring to develop my own Codex CMS (content management system), and to be honest that doesn't interest me and is a bit beyond my practical capabilities. It wuld certainly be possible for me to do it, but it simply takes too long and I'm more interested in developing the content than the backend.

So, I have decided to look at getting a GPL off-the-shelf CMS that can be configured to my needs. I am currently looking at Mambo and Plone. Mambo is pre-installed on my hosts server, so it makes sense to use it. However, it doesn't seem to be as configurable as I would like.

Does anyone have personal experience of using Mambo or another open source PHP/mySQL based CMS? I would be grateful of any input you guys can offer. Thanks.
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Post by ChristopheF »

My ISP made some hosting changes recently: I can now host 1 GB of data (instead of 100 MB) and the maximum size of uploads is now 2 MB (instead of 200 KB). By the way, you can already upload files of 2 MB in the forums on my web site.

These changes, along with other annoyances of managing my static web site, made me look at phpnuke in the past weeks. I have tried it, and I plan to put this in place with a file upload module that would replace the current forums. Registered users will then be able to upload their own files (scans, dungeons, csbwin movies, ...) and post new content to the site (articles, FAQ, links, comments, ...). Paul, for example, will be able to easily publish new versions of csbwin and his CSBwin documentation additions.

There is nothing public to see yet, but I will definitely work on it in the next weeks.

I'll have a look at mambo and plone (never heard of them) to see if they are better than phpnuke. Perhaps you already compared them ?
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Post by Gambit37 »

I didn't look at phpNuke because I read a lot of negative press about it's security. However, I've been reading a little about Postnuke but I guess I simply need to start instaling and trying them out to see if they cater for my needs.

Mambo looks OK, but it's support for custom skins seems very limited and I don't think I can do drop down menus using it. I just intalled Plone then promptly uninstalled it --completely unsuitable as it requires a Zope server and there's no way to install that on my ISP's box.
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Post by ChristopheF »

On the Mambo web site, there is a demo site available. In the administration panel of that demo, there are drop down menus on top of the page. So I guess it is possible.
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Post by Gambit37 »

Doh! I've been looking at this this morning -- I must be asleep still because I didn't really notice the fact that they were drop downs; even though I was using them! However, maybe that's just on the administration side -- I'll have to investigate how the end product (ie, a user facing site) handles them.
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Post by ChristopheF »

This site allows for detailed comparisons of CMS: http://www.cmsmatrix.org/

And this one to test many of them:

Mambo looks very good to me, better than phpnuke!
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Post by Gambit37 »

Yes, I looked at opensourcecms -- that was my first port of call after I checked my ISPs appliction support.

I've downloaded and installed mambo, but am having trouble logging into the admin area -- I think it's something to do with the fact that my local mySQL installation has no password; I left it blank. Mambo seems to not like this. Not knowing anything about mySQL doesn't help! I'd better do a bit of research...
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Post by Gambit37 »

Bloody Mambo -- not a good start. I finally managed a fresh install on my home machine, but I can't login to the admin section -- it just keeps looping around. I checked the mambo forums, and *loads* of people are having the same problem with no apparent fix.

I'm not going to waste my time trying to get this to work. Next!
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Post by Gambit37 »

Hmmm... well, I hate being beaten on something.... I actually bothered to follow the instructions I found to fix the problems I was experiencing -- and it worked!

So I now have an installation of Mambo CMS running on my home machine. I'm going to start fiddling with the template system to see how easy it will be to get my codex stuff into it.... watch this space!
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Post by sucinum »

i'm doing a website by myself and my templates look like this:

Code: Select all

<? require("header.php")?>

<? require("footer.php")?>
of course i have to update the navi on my own, but that's not really a problem.

maybe it's me not understanding the problem, but i have seen and worked with cms and never seen any sense in it next to the fact you don't have to permit ftp-access for others to submit stuff.
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Post by Gambit37 »

i have seen and worked with cms and never seen any sense in it
:shock: Try managing a site the size of Microsoft without one! Or even the DM Codex come to that.

Once a website gets to a certain size, there is no return on keep updating static pages or developing new code yourself to manage the simplest of tasks. A CMS frees you up from the task of code maintenance and allows you to concentrate on the real purpose of the website: content. A CMS also allows non-technical people to add content quickly and easily to a site -- imagine training all you staff in HTML, PHP or whatever just to be able to add a news item to a site. A CMS is the only way to maintain a site under these circumstances.

That's exactly why I've started looking at one for the Codex. I got sick of trying to develop my own system when all I really wanted to do was get the content in.
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Post by ChristopheF »

I tried Mambo on my ISP server. I got no issue for logging into the admin panel.
However, I did some search and did not find any upload module that I could use.

I will look into OpenPHPNuke tonight (not related to phpnuke), which seems to be very feature packed. I'll install it and see what it can do.
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Post by Gambit37 »

I thought I'd respond here, rather than on the thread about the Future of the Encyclopedia....

I've decided to ditch a database driven site for now. It's simply taking too long to get my own system working, and I don't like any of the open source CMSs that I've seen.

In the shortterm, I'm going to return to static HTML pages coded by hand (or maybe Dreamweaver). This will allow me to concentrate my efforts on the design and the content and get it exactly how I want.

I will start looking at this again at the end of July, beginning of August. I'm setting a tentative deadline of Release 1 for the end of September. Yes, really.

It may seem like I lost interest, and I certainly did for a while, but I'm still keen to get the Codex up and running.

Watch this space.
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Post by cowsmanaut »

ok.. that's it then.. we're going to hold you to that date. and allow for real life ofcourse but each and everyone of us regulars will hound you closer to the date.. haunt your dreams.. and stare at you in your waking moments untill it's done.. and then.. THEN.. THERE WILL BE MUCH REJOICING!!!

oh yes.. there will be.. ohhhhhh.... yeah...



yeah so I'll just wait over here untill the time.. er... commeth..

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Post by beowuuf »

Great, now he won't come back from Spain!
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Post by Gambit37 »

Right. The pressure's simply too great. I'll probably stay out there for good now. It's been...interesting. Adios!
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Post by Gambit37 »


My most recent backup is knackered!

I think I might have to do all of last year's work again!

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Post by Gambit37 »

Phew! I managed to find another backup from january which had the same content on. Thank goodness for that! :o :o
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Post by Gambit37 »

Have got my local server up-and-running again and finally got DMCodex in it's year old state working again!

Have been thinking about how best to structure the site and it's data, and have realised that I am better off keeping a veriation of my mini database than hand-doing each page. I'll be here forever otherwise.

I have a week off this week, and will be doing some work on the DM Codex in earnest! I'm going to update this thread as and when I make significant progress, a bit blog like. Only for those who take an interest in this sort of thing, you understand?
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Post by cowsmanaut »

yes.. now get back to work you grumpy old far.. I mean you lovely person you. ;)
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Post by ChristopheF »

It is great news that you will work again on the DMCodex !

I am currently spending a lot of time preparing the new encyclopaedia.
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Post by Adamo »

hey Gambit, how`s going on your work on Codex site? We all wish to be released soon.. regards!!
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Post by Gambit37 »

Errr... yeah, soon. That's right. Soon.
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Post by MitchB1990 »

Gambit37 wrote:Aaarafgghhghghghghg!

My most recent backup is knackered!

I think I might have to do all of last year's work again!

Sounde like what happened to my Vortex dungeon, cept I didn't have a second backup...
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Post by Adamo »

DM Codex will be released by the end of march! It`s official! :D

...I mean... I would love to hear that... :oops:


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Post by zoom »

Adamo, did you mean please... not? ;)

With the little word at the end your post would get an ironic touch.
:o :shock:
there is really unique information, like lightning resistance, and Gambit
knows how to do websites.(no pun intended, I don`t know how else to express this)
I would also love to see the site up and running*, even if it was incomplete.
Why releasing it 100% and not a 5% preliminary one? But it is Gambit`s decision,which is maybe not an easy one.The Codex is belonging to him and I will respect it.

*and I would vote for a standalone website, no merging with other sites.
there are hyperlinks, you know. And it was not only hard work, but also
pieces of heart put into this project. But this is this and that is that, I will shut up now
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