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Re: OOC thread

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:46 pm
by Ameena
Hehe, was that coincidence? That the spells murafu tend to use are healing ones on people they care about, and that those spells are the ones using the Bro rune which you have described as being the rune of things like "closeness" and "togetherness"? ;)

Re: OOC thread

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:49 pm
by beowuuf
I'd like to take credit for tying it all together beautifully like that, but it was just wonderful coincidence. I mean...that was deliberate! :D

Re: OOC thread

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:55 pm
by Ameena
Hehe well, coincidence or not, like you say, it ties together beautifully - a healthy murafu trying to help an injured one is probably going to be thinking of little else besides "Please get better, please don't die" etc, so if it turns out they have magic, that would be a suitable trigger for it to activate. It's a bit like the whole adrenaline rush thing in "Heroes" resulting in people discovering their powers for the first time.
Now all we need to do is get some magic inside Ameena ('cause from the start of things she was never born with any), and then have one of her friends get really badly injured, and we'll have two Priests :D. Well, alright, two priest-classes. Murafu don't follow gods/High Lords ;).

Re: OOC thread

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:57 pm
by beowuuf
Who knows, a really ancient murafu might have ascended, unknown to the murafu who just revere them as a really kind/wise reknown murafu. Who knows. Anyway, the usual items - pendants, certain weapons and certain stevaes/wands - will grant enough mana to RP trying to get to be a priest.

Re: OOC thread

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:28 pm
by Ameena
Okay :). It will just fall to Ameena herself to think of trying it, or something. Well, I suppose if she has a magic-granting item equipped and finds herself in the same kind of situation other magic-using murafu do when they first discover their power, she might find herself highly surprised at what she may suddenly find she can do.
If she's holding a magic item like that, would she notice anything? I mean, magic inside her? I'm guessing not, and that what's required is to tap the magic that's in the item, which channels through the user's body and eventually allows them to build up a store themselves (if they don't already have one) as they become more attuned to the stuff, or something.
And "ancient" for a murafu is probably...well, given a stress-free and healthy life, a murafu could probably manage to hit fifty. Generally, though, I would imagine this doesn't happen too often, what with the various predators and stuff that can strike, and the fact that a fair number of them like to travel around areas that are probably highly dangerous. That said, I would guess that the majority of murafu make it to at least their mid-thirties (though not being particularly numerate, they themselves wouldn't be keeping any track of this). So Ameena's probably about a quarter of the way through her probable lifespan (assuming she doesn't get, you know, eaten or squished or blown up or whatever whilst in the dungeon ;)).