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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:40 am
by hansblieb
ok i locked the hungry guards took the key with me but it dont fit for the door i see a staircase behind.. i put a barrel on a teleporter put on the switch the barrel disapears.. the alarm goes and the keyhole for the door with the staircase is also away
ok the barrels thats the clue
ha ha ha stupid guards

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:03 pm
by Saumun
Yes, the key is to...
... use the barrels to trap all of the guards. The ones in the centre of the prison only trigger the alarm when one steps outside the gate.
As long as they’re blocked, the lock for the door to the stairs will remain in place.
... be sure to leave them blocked for now, because you’ll need to return to the prison later, so it’s best to be able to move around freely.
You’ll need at least...
... one barrel for the floor above the prison (the ground floor of the port tower), so you should have enough barrels to keep the guards blocked and teleport one to the next floor.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:24 pm
by hansblieb
i making good process in the tower but hat is the secret spell one place one funktion?

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:58 pm
by Saumun
It has “One place. One function” because it opens a door in the tower that can not be opened any other way.
If you have found the spell, then you must have inserted the ya, oh, ful, and zo keys.
When you have used these keys, the floor plate in front of the grey door on the zo level, will now work (there is a scroll that displays these runes next to the door).

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:01 am
by hansblieb
i have inserted 3 keys if i put the last key i trapped by guards or i can jump down in the pit with the black devil . but i cannot defeat him
i found the scroll with the 4 runes but thats no spell and i dont have the oh rune

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:50 am
by Saumun
You need to...
... drop down the pit and beat the Korax.
It’s quick, but if you hit and move in a square you can kill it.
The oh rune is on the water level of the tower, through the winged key door... but you can only get it after stopping the water elementals from spawning (block the holes).

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:07 am
by hansblieb
aha ok.. i thought that you need the secret spell to defeat him!. i have the cursed sword my favorite weapon in part 1

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:48 am
by hansblieb
and i am in the eye of the beholder level now in the tower but see no secret to open the door .. must i get one of the banners or the mirror from the wall? maybe its the same problem with he sun painting in the temple of part 1 i tried very long there to get that picture from the wall using the whole hand, only the fingertip. but i give it up after 2 hours

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:50 am
by Saumun
The secret spell is...
... very close to where you fight the Korax.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:10 pm
by hansblieb
i cannot find any spell there exept the scroll behind the banner
must i go to the garden and into the grey walls dungeon? i am there now.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:34 pm
by Saumun
The scroll is the spell. It can only be cast when you read it.

You can carry on in the lower dungeons if you like, but you’ll eventually get stuck in the lowest level because you need something from Elija, but Elija won’t help unless you have rescued Meseu.
Eventually you’ll need to complete the tower.

Have you seen the guy in the town, surrounded by worms?
He will give you clues. One of them is about Elija.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:08 pm
by hansblieb
do i need elija to close the blue gates where monsters are coming out? i forgot how to do this in the original game
and i met elija in his mirror earlier.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:08 pm
by Saumun
If you mean the portals on the walls in the lower dungeons, then no. You don’t need Elija. They can be closed with a zo spell.
On the bottom level...
... there are doors that can only be opened with a certain staff, which only Elija can use.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:36 pm
by hansblieb
how to step on the cross surrounded by 4 pressure plates that turns to blue quickly? do i need a monster? i kill them all
another cross earlier i use the barrel to step on it i have lowered 4 ladders now

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:08 pm
by Saumun
You just have to time it right and do two quick steps, and then repeat to get off.
The wyverns that come from the portals look for the crosses and turn them back to grey, so it’s best to close them all.
If you get all five and step on the floor plate near the first ladder, then you can make it through, even if the wyverns are still active, because the floor plate triggers the number of ladders that are lowered depending on the number of crosses you’ve changed.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 5:30 am
by hansblieb
ok i missed the last clan key. when i jumped in a pit in irra,s cave i fall down to the level where the clan key pieces must inserted i see a lever and a scroll with "it takes two""

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 6:09 am
by Saumun
There is a wall on the bottom level which requires two levers to be pulled.
If you had not jumped down the hole in Irra’s cave, you would not be able to open it... but since you have, you can.
If you tell me where you found the other clan keys, I can lead you to the last one (please spoiler tag the locations).

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 7:34 am
by hansblieb
first one in the pit hall after the 6 onyx doors.. 2e after the door opened by a painting. 3e in a place with 9 places where you
teleported i read something about the house to the south of elija,s house but i search there for a long time moving beds and tables. lighting the fire

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:00 am
by Saumun
Hmmm, strange.
There is definitely one...
... in the upstairs of a house, under a bed.
I’m not at my computer, but I thought it was the house south of Elija’s. I’d check the upstairs of each house and move the beds again.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:23 am
by hansblieb
it was the fourth house what a tricky place for a key.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:46 pm
by hansblieb
how do i open the last magic door in the tiles level ? the storm ring is out of energy. (i found a scroll with finalize orb spool)
and what are the 4 ninja items?
i see 2 alcoves by an local item point. must i spread the 4 items over 2 alcoves?

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:03 pm
by Saumun
The phrase rearranges to...
... zo, poison, fireball. I think the third magic door is fireball but can’t remember for sure.
In each section there is an alcove next to...
... the ‘local item’ alcove.
The local items are what the scroll at the start of the level refers to. As you’ve no doubt seen, apart from the central room, the level is split into four.
So the kind of items you find in one area must go into the alcove next to the ‘local items’ sign in that same area.
There are four items in each area. You get a tile in the nearby alcove when you’ve placed all four.
The ninja items are dagger, shuriken, crossbow (or it might be speedbow... I can’t remember, but it’s found in the area), and grapple.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 7:07 pm
by hansblieb
ok i must find a staff to cast fireballs or find another stormring
and the 4 symbols i tried to find them in google search pictures but i cannot found them i search also as dungeon master guilds

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 7:47 pm
by Saumun
The wraiths in that area...
... attack you with fireballs. One of them respawns. Get it to follow you to the magic doors.
The symbols are related to...
... the items you find in a particular area.
For instance, in the northwest you’ll find an axe, sword, mace, and war club. They are all fighter items, so you need to make the ku symbol with tiles in that area.
The hard part is getting all the tiles, because you need all eleven to make the neta symbol.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:08 pm
by hansblieb
i am in the castle now.
and i am not very good in might & magic like riddles..
the first i found here in a spoiler the second..
many have heard me but no one has see me. riddle

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:11 pm
by Saumun
A sound that repeats when the waves are bounced back.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:00 pm
by hansblieb
and that behead riddle?? i tried with several letters i have the a and l who fits buts its a lot of work to return every time with new letters

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:12 pm
by Saumun
Answer is “Alone”
If you behead it (remove the first letter) you get “lone”, then behead it again and you get “one”, but the meaning remains the same.

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:29 pm
by hansblieb
and the (hopefully) last one the word instant have no translation from english into dutch

Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:01 pm
by Saumun
What disappears the instant you say it’s name? Silence.