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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:42 pm
by ADDF_Toxic
that's interesting
while I was searching for a game for my Atari ST emulator, Baal(which seems to be nowhere) I kept coming across Baldur's Gate. I don't know what Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale are.
I think that's all I have to blab about.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:22 pm
by Ameena
They're games using AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) rules, which involves damage calculations done by rolling imaginary dice, most often with more or less than six faces. Also the armour class, for some reason, goes down - I mean that a low armour class is better than a high one, and you can go into negative figures. I dunno who thought up that rule but I just get confused lol.
Baldur's Gate came first (and there was an expansion for it, Tales of the Sword Coast). You created your character (race, class, skills, stats, picture, name, voice, etc) and started the game. It's point-and-click, isometric, looking-down-from-above view. You pick up other party members as you go. Icewind Dale came later, a couple of years on I think, and as I think I already said above, gameplay (ie interface - appearance and controls) is exactly the same as Baldur's Gate, only it takes place in a different part of the world and has a different story. One cool thing you can do is pause the game but still give commands, so like if there's a bunch of mobs incoming to the group, you can pause the game, tell different people to attack different things (or run away!), then unpause and they get on with it. It's so good it's almost cheating but I suppose without that it'd be too hard to direct your troops in a complicated fight.
Incidentally, Baal you mentioned - never heard of a game called that but search results would probably turn up Diablo II (or its expansion) - it's the name of one of the big baddies in it.
Whee yet another pointless waffle :P. Oh hey btw I noticed the other day I've jumped up to Um Master now, wootage :D.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:29 pm
by Trantor
You might have heard of Neverwinter Nights ADDF, that is another game based on the D&D rules. And since it follows the 3rd Edition rules, a higher AC is better there than a lower one. :wink:

There used to be a lot of AD&D games in the late 80s and early 90s, like Pool of Radiance, Champions of Krynn or the DM clone Eye of the Beholder. Then RPG games sort of died in the mid-90s, and Baldur's Gate sort of rekindled the genre.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:38 pm
by Ameena
There's been the Might and Magic games too - still being made I think...we've got V-VIII but V doesn't really work well 'cause it's old...I think it doesn't load properly or something. Can't remember but anyway VI is my favourite :D. Heroes of Might and Magic is cool too (we have Hewroes III).

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:42 pm
by Trantor
I only playes Might & Magic 3 (very good, but eventually too hard for me), 4 and 5 (both very nice). I took a look at part 6 at a friend's house - it looked nice and had some of the worst speech samples ever, which made the game extremely funny. But Might&Magic is not based on D&D rules. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:47 pm
by Ameena
No, but you just said "RPG games sort of died out in the mid-90s". I just figured you meant RPGs in general so was mentioning that series as an example of one which has carried on (VI was '96, think VIII was erm...1999/2000). MMVI is great stuff - I've played it through so many times. There's so many bugs you can take advantage of which can make it really easy - naturally I take full advantage of said bugs (I've finished the game before, properly anyway, before I found the bugs, so it's okay to exploit the pants off of it now :twisted:). For example, no matter what classes you have, you can get them to learn every school of magic (I presume Knights are the exception to this as they have no mana, therefore couldn't cast the spells anyway, but I never use them for exactly that reason), or you can get (for example) Sorcs to learn the Chain skill (they can normally only wear Leather). Ahh the list goes on. There's an exp bug at one point so you can get them really high level, there's also a better-known cash bug at another point where you can get unlimited gold if you choose. The exp and cash bugs are one-time only though, once you've finished with that bit, you can't go back and get more. I tend to have a group of four Pallies now - magic is a bit slow at the beginning due to lack of mana points, but they can take damage a bit better than more caster-caster people. Not only that, but I think "Hero" is a cool-sounding title to get :).
Ooh this thread's getting derailed and crashed a few miles into the distance isn't it..

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:11 am
by ADDF_Toxic
Well I haven't heard of that game, and yes Baal is very hard to find.
When searching for Baal, you might want to put Baal +"Atari ST" so that you don't get a bunch of other stuff like Baal means lord. It is a side for it on, you might find some information there. It seems like a good site, b/c people allover the net are linking there.
Now with the other game(I'm too lazy to scroll up to find that name again), I do like Dungeon Games, thanks to Dungeon Master. I haven't had the chance since February when I found and started to love DM again after the Atari ST era of me playing DM, but there is a game on top of the CD rack that looks like it, and I would like to play it sometimes. It is called Stonekeep. I remember playing it when we got our first 95 computer!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:29 pm
by Ameena
Ooh yeah we've got that - I re-played it again recently actually. I love Shargas (the little green goblin-type guys), Skuz is cute. And Vermatrix Goldenhide is very cool /bow. Good game, that :D. And the strategy guide is probably the best I've seen for any game in regards to layout, tips (they're actually useful!), and detail.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:55 am
by ADDF_Toxic
That game would be my second favourite ST game, counting DM series as one game, well, I guess you can say the rest in the series would go under Baal. Have you found a control for shooting downwards or something so that I can get a rid of those landmine monster without sacrificing myself?

I am so excited when I see this topic replied to in my e-mail.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:58 am
by Ameena
Shooting downwards? Landmine monster? What game are we on now?
Oh, and Stonekeep wasn't an Atari game. Well if it was, it was very late in the day...we've got PC version...

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:47 am
by ADDF_Toxic
I wasn't saying it was an Atari ST game, I was saying it was a 95 game.
Baal by Psygnosis or Psyclapse. It's a side scroller shooty game. There are ladders and these power walls...before you start, there is a face of some scary guy and it says "Press <space> to begin." Lots of the monsters are green...there are ladders and power walls. Shoot these giant things that you shoot and destroy and the walls have 5 lives...behind this giant wall is some phone can fly when you get there.

And I don't know if you can shoot downwards, I was wondering if you knew a way...and oh yeah, there are monster generators that are so annoying!

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:06 pm
by Ameena
I dunno, I've never played it. Only "Baal" I've ever heard of is the one I mentioned before - the Lord of Destruction from Diablo II.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:27 pm
by ADDF_Toxic
Oh. Oh, and I just realized I wasn't very specific in my previous post...on the first line, "it" is Stonekeep.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:43 pm
by linflas
@addf : go to in Games > B
click on the screenshot to download the amiga version and load it into WinUAE in ECS mode.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:57 pm
by ADDF_Toxic
G to for an atari ST emulated version of it. It is in A_049, with Crazy Cars II.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:59 pm
by ADDF_Toxic
I just looked at that...there is a screenshot of one of those pink landmine things on the ground.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:13 am
by ADDF_Toxic
So have you played Baal yet, Ameena?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:36 pm
by Ameena
No...any reason why I should have?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:36 pm
by ADDF_Toxic
No, just wondering...