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Gee, thanks everyone...

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 4:00 am
by ZachTheAngryDrunkenJew
Thanks for the comments everyone...but can you give some information that will actually help me, the comments are great but I don't get anything from them, and yes, this web page does have info on mute but none that is clear or can help me!! AHHHHHHHHH INSANITY TAKING OVEr



sorry but if you think your sick of this...whew.... <i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... age=EN>Ian Clark</A>  <IMG SRC= BORDER=0 WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=10> at: 12/12/00 7:35:03 pm

Now, now, don't get nasty...

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 10:00 am
by Gambit37
Getting rude isn't gonna make anyone want to help you now is it??

We all went through the same learning curve, and spent the time to work out what to do... it's really not that hard, so why can't you do it too? If you've got the patience to post a rant to this board, then you should have the patience to work it out for yourself.

Clue: Look for a DAT file on your save game ADF.

Well sorry

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 2:00 pm
by ZachTheAngryDrunkenJew
I was tired and grumpy last night, sorry about it. But this sure is getting annoying. But i really haven't had the time to mess with it, except when i get home and most of the times thats late.

so sorry if i was 'rude'. And thanks again everyone

Zach -_-

Re: Well sorry

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 3:00 pm
by Gambit37
You are forgiven :)

Seriously, the information that you seek is on this forum. I have posted numerous messages about getting the sound to work in DM and getting WinUAE to work. Others have posted lots of info about using ADFOpus or DMute. Where do you think all this info comes from? From people fiddling around with something that interests them <i> in their own time</i>, after they have got home late from work/college/spacecamp whatever.

Most of the stuff here has been found out either through experience, trial and error or brute force. Once someone has discovered something new, they tend to post it on the board. We're a nice bunch like that - it's called 'sharing'. But why would we go out of our way to keep reposting information on the board that we know is already there and that can easily be found by using the search facility or patiently looking through the posts? You get the point...

Something to bear in mind

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 7:00 pm
by Ian Clark
This board is administrated, unlike the other one. That is why the word "Administrator" appears underneath my name. Please stop these rants, it is only going to discourage people from answering, just post and wait too, they aren't going to answer straight away. Also, the information you seek <b> IS</b> in this forum, the numbers at the top represent pages of older topics, you can also search, type in a keyword associated with what you're looking for and I am sure you'll find it. Don't worry, it's all here. And I don't like having people email me to complain about these things, just like that stupid poll I deleted a while back.

Whew, I probably sound rude myself. :lol:

Stupid Poll?

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2000 1:00 pm
by ZachTheAngryDrunkenJew
Well I had looked, and I hadn't found, but I looked more when I had more time yesterday and I found it. So alls I need now is a working kickstart rom for amiga, or a place where I can download WinUAE.(all the plces I tries had broken links


WinAUE and kickstart

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2000 6:00 pm
by beowuuf
I got CSB from Dan's site, and can't play it needs a different kick rom! ARGH!

So Zach, I still have my zip file (600 odd kb) for WinAUE that I will post somewhere soon if you have no luck, and if you get a kickrom of 2.04 or higher (i think mine is 1.3) then feel free to send it to me : )

Otherwise, Gambit, do you have a decent kick for CBS? I went and got gzip and EVRYTHING! Soo annoying... <p>"It's not a bug, it's a feature...oh wait, it is a bug..."</p>

Re: WinAUE and kickstart

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2000 7:00 pm
by Ian Clark
The "stupid poll" was a while back and wasn't posted by you, someone else posted it, having a laugh about sound cards or summat, I can't remember now. <p><font face=arial>Ian

Pulp - Styling the pattern for life!</font></p>