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DM2-like doors for DM (DMute)

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 11:00 am
by beowuuf
This is a push button door that cannot be opened unless a key is placed in the lock. When it is, the door is activated as normal. Removing the key will then close and lock the door again (you can't lock it open with this).

1) Create a push button door with a keyhole wall object beside it.
2) Create a floor pressure pad a few steps away from the door (this will be the one time initial trigger for this)
3) In any part of the level, create two wall objects on the same square (prefereably hidden away). Have the first targetting a close effect to the door. Have the second targetting a close effect to the sqaure itself. Hex edit both, so that the third/fourth bytes are 5 0
4) Have the floor pad activated by the party, and targetting a close effect to the square in 3). Add 4 to the 5th byte hex to make this a one time pad.
5) Edit the keyhole so it is activated by whatever key is desired, and targetting a toggle 2 effect to the square in 3). Now, hex edit the keyhole so that in the third byte the 4/84 is replaced by d/8d, and add 10 to the 7th byte.

When the floor pad is stepped on, it starts the square in 3), that sends a constant stream of close effects to the push button door, locking it. Putting the key in the hole stops this square from working, and this key can be removed from the wall again, which reactivates the square.


Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 5:00 pm
by Zyx
Yeah, a great idea!