
This is an archive of posts from the Unofficial Dungeon Master website, run by Daniel Durgan. It was the first DM web site and disappeared from the web in 2000. This archive is for reference only.
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Post by +Maik »

Does anybody know something about Dungeon Master 3 - Nexus ?
+MD Pontiac

Post by +MD Pontiac »

It's a shame you didn't visit my old site, Computer RPG World, it had a full spoiler on the title including around 6 screenshots from the game.

Here's the lowdown. Released for Sega Saturn only by Victor Entertainment. Released in 1998. Was only ever a Japanese language version, it's never been converted to English.

It had state of the art 3D polygon graphics, and there were 15 levels. The view was first-person of course in the age old DM style. The characters were more cartoon-like, cutesy Anime like dudes which was in fitting with the Japanese image. It kept the 4 player system, and the stat bars at the top of the screen. The in game image reminds me of Kings Field on the Playstation, similar polygon graphics. The inventory screen looks similar too.

Maybe I'll repost the images someday. I'd love to play it, but it's only available in Japan and even there it's hard to find, plus it's in Japanese of course, so it'd be hard for english speakers to play...