Modern day Dungeon Master equivalent?

This is an archive of posts from the Unofficial Dungeon Master website, run by Daniel Durgan. It was the first DM web site and disappeared from the web in 2000. This archive is for reference only.
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Modern day Dungeon Master equivalent?

Post by +Nathan »

Hi, what is the newest Pole Playing Game which in the style of the old dungeon master, ie: first person veiw only, not gods eye like command and conquer..
The thought of dungeon master's playability and modern day hardware acceleration technolgy is pretty awesome.

Post by +John »

System Shock 2 is similar. Although there is a lot more action type stuff than Dungeon Master. But it's considered a role-playing game by most.
I'm interested too whether there is a modern game of this style. I know there was a game using an engine similar to Doom was made in the Ravenloft D&D world, but I never looked at it. Plus, that was a few years ago.
Anyone know of any modern games that are similar to Dungeon Master?

Post by +Isamu »

I don't know of any *current* ones but TMK there was a pretty good DM looking rpg out awhile ago called Stonekeep. It got rave reviews. Anyone know how similar was to DM?
+Alexander Holland

Post by +Alexander Holland »

Albion is kinda like DM... although it's not modern.
Or Ambermoon
+Mandy Rodrigues

Post by +Mandy Rodrigues »

I recently played Might and Magic VII and found it to be the nearest I have come across since Dungeon Master. It is worth taking a look.