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Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:42 pm
by Zyx
&PALETTE is not described in th einbuild help.

How do I clear a &PALETTE effect?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:03 am
by Paul Stevens
There is no way. Except to put the identity palette
in place at 100 percent.

I am adding a way for the next release. Use an
overlay number that is negative and the identity
palette will be installed.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:55 am
by Zyx
If I change the first i16 of the palette from 00 00 to FF 7F (from black to white) all the colours get screwed.

EDIT: it seems that &PALETTE doesn't force a redraw of the viewport. It should do it. If not, when facing a wall and not moving anything, the viewport is not redrawn.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:52 pm
by Paul Stevens
I think these problems are due to your using old
versions of CSBgraphics and CSBwin.

You should be using 4.2 and 9.8v57. I think they
have fixed all your problems and incorporated your
new features. The import worked correctly but the
export and the decode in CSBwin failed because the
first byte was 0xff. Special case.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:01 am
by beowuuf
Out of interest where is the newest CSBgraphics? 3.9 is the newest stand alone one...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:18 am
by Zyx

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:05 am
by beowuuf
I guess I hadn't checked recently enough!

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:12 pm
by Zyx
I don't understand very well how the palette is applied:


EDIT: I do now. I was confused and forgot the &PALETTE applies on the indexed palette. It doesn't check which colour is each entry.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:44 pm
by Paul Stevens
Here is what is supposed to happen: Perhaps it
does not.

There is always a palette in place between the
Atari palette and the screen. Initially it is the
identity palette. I call this the OverlayPalette.
It is alwys there and it is always being used.

An &PALETTE modifies the OverlayPalette.
A 100 percent will replace it. A 0 percent will
not change it. A 50 percent will make each color
in the palette be 1/2 the old color and 1/2 the
new color.

So let us examine the one color 000. And let
us look just at the Red component.

Let us say that the existing palette translates color
000 to Red=0 (The identity palette would do this).
Let us say that you have a Custom palette that transfoms
color 000 to Red=25 ( and green=something and blue
=something). And let us say that you apply the palette
with 75 percent.

The first time you apply it the resulting OverlayPalette
will be:
Red = 0.25 * old value + 0.75 * new value
Red = 0.25 * 0 + 0.75 * 25
Red = 18.75
Red = 19.

So the color 000 will have a red component of 19.
That is what is in the OVerlayPalette.

Now, you apply the same CustomPalette again with
opacity 75 percent. The red component in the
OverlayPalette will become:

Red = 0.25 * old value + 0.75 * new value
Red = 0.25 * 19 + 0.75 * 25
Red = 23.5
Red = 23

And again:
Red = 0.25 * old Value + 0.75 * new value
Red = 0.25 * 23 + 0.75 * 25
Red = 24.5
Red = 24

I think the confusion is that the 'opacity' specifies how
how the palette is changed rather than specifying
how the palette is applied to the displayed
colors. The OverlayPalette palette is ALWAYS being
applied 100 percent to the translation between the
Atari colors and the display colors.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:48 pm
by Zyx
Thank you. That cleared it all.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:28 pm
by Adamo
I`ve prepared a lot of custom palettes and I need to force them to behave like an overlay does (each overlay frame is replaced by the next one of 1 tick (1/6th second); when the overlay is finished, it starts from the beginning wchich means first frame).
Is that possible? I know Zyx did a similar thing in CIII (rainbow 0-47 Viewport Palette files).

Here`s what I need:

when the DSA responsible for the palettes from range X to Y is SET, the program starts changing the palettes from X to Y and again. In case of palettes from range 28-36 that would look like 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,28,29,30.. and so on. Each replaced in a time of one tick.

When the DSA gets the CLEAR information, the whole process stops and the original/identity palette (first on the list) is installed.

Is it possible?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:34 pm
by Paul Stevens
For example....

Code: Select all

State zero.
    Set: palette = 28; got to state 1 toggle.
    Clear: Ignore.
    Toggle: ignore.

State 1.
    Set: Ignore.
    Clear: Install identity palette.  Go to state 0 Clear.
    Toggle: Install palette.  Increment palette.  Toggle to self w/delay 1.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:17 am
by Adamo
for an overlay (in case of frames from 1 to 32) it is:

Code: Select all

0S0: LB &1+ L32 &% SB L0 L50 L0 L0 LB L1 &+ &OVERLAY M1S
0C0: 1L0 L100 L0 L0 L1 &OVERLAY
0T0: J
1T0: 0J0
can I use PALETTE in the same way?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:09 am
by Paul Stevens
Yes...That sort of thing should work.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:54 am
by Adamo
I tried to use

Code: Select all

0S0: LB &1+ L9 &% SB L0 L50 L0 L0 LB L28 &+ &PALETTE M1S 
0C0: 1L0 L100 L0 L0 L1 &PALETTE 
0T0: J 
1T0: 0J0
code, but no effect. Is this one proper? help!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:37 pm
by Paul Stevens
The DSA 'help' says that:

Code: Select all

&PALETTE (unused unused overlayNumber density . . . )
It appears that you may have the parameters
wrong. You are always specifying overlay '0'.
You are providing values for the 'unused' parameters.
And the density is 'B'+28 in the first case and '1'
in the second. I doubt that is what you intended.

Off topic....I would use '0' for unused parameters just
in case they someday might be used for something.
Putting '0' will ensure forward compatibility.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:30 pm
by Adamo
the DSA help:
&PALETTE (unused unused overlayNumber density . . . )

what do you mean by overlayNumber? Is it that palette affects on the ViewportOverlay or it is just a number of ViewportPalette stored in CSBgraphics.dat file?

I assume order of the values is:
L0 unused L0 unused LA overlayNum LB density &PALETTE

If so, I understand "InstallPaletteAatDensityB" DSA in your OverlayDemo:

but I still don`t know how to rearrange overlayDSA .. by simple replacing &OVERLAY commands by &PALETTE comands? would that work? I`m still confused with values..

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:50 pm
by Adamo
0S0: LA &1+ L1 &% SA L0 L0 LA LB &+ &PALETTE M1S
0C0: 1L0 L0 L0 L100 &PALETTE
0T0: J
1T0: 0J0

I marked the parameters with colours:
red for density parameter
orange for PaletteNum (?) parameter
green for unused parameters
violet for things I don`t understand

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:36 am
by Paul Stevens
If you don't understand those things in
violet then it is understandable that you
haven't quite got it working.

Those are the nuts and bolts. The foundations.
The basic necessities. Literally the ABCs
of a DSA. (quite a ring to that last sentence ;-) ).

Oh, well. Give me a couple of days and I will
add a demo to go with the &PALETTE page.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:44 am
by Paul Stevens
The &PALETTE page has a link to the demo.
It was a lot easier than I had thought to
create a series of palettes. The program
that created the palettes in included. ... lette.html

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:24 am
by Adamo
the demo is great!!

the program generates palettes randomly on Atari 9bit RGB colours, right? Can I switch it that it would generate palettes on 15bit colours?

does palette changes each 2 ticks (~3 times for a second) in the demo?

BTW. how many ViewportPalette files can be stored in CSBgraphics.dat (what is the limit)?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:41 pm
by Paul Stevens
Not random. You will notice that all the
black/grey/white never turn to anything
other than black/grey/white. What it does
is shift the bits left.

The result of the program (and the requirement
of CSBwin) is 512 15-bit colors. More than
512 would be senseless because the engine
(like the Atari hardware itself)
is not capable of generating any number
greater than 511.
You can put any of 32768 colors in each
of those 512 palette entries. I don't know
exactly what your question is.

It was supposed to change the palette on
every tick of the clock. I created a trace
and it seems to do just that. So it runs
at what we have always called 6 times
per second. (But actually at about 5 times
per second in real time).

A palette occupies on the order of 1000
bytes. 2**32/10**3 equals about 4*10**6.
So about 4 million. Might be safer to limit
yourself to 2 million to keep that sign bit clear.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:09 pm
by Adamo
From the docs:
The palette you provide does not 'replace' the current palette. It 'blends' with the current palette. You provide a 'density' parameter. If you specify a density of zero then the current palette will not be changed. If you provide a density of 100 then the current palette will be completely replaced. If you provide a density of 50 then the result will be half way between the current palette and the palette you provide. Using this feature allows you to 'fade' from one palette to another by doing several &PALETTE commands. Each will change the current palette a little bit more like the palette you provide. If, for example, you specify a density of 25 then the first application will result in 75 percent original and 25 percent new. The second application will result in 56 percent original and 44 percent new. The third will result in 42 percent original and 58 percent new. Then 31 percent original. Then 24 percent. Then 18, 13, 10, 8, 6, etc. (Mutiplying by 0.75 at each application).
So, if I set a DSA density parameter to 25:
1st time will be replaced with 25%,
2nd time will be replaced with 44%,
3rd time will be replaced with 58%,
4th time will be replaced with 69%,
5th time will be replaced with 76%,
6th time will be replaced with 82%.

how can I rebuild Cycle Palette DSA to make only one cycle by one message and go back to the origianal palette. Say, I want to make a cycle from Viewport Palette #45 to #50 with the density parameter=25, like this:

There is a normal/identity palette. The party press the pad and DSA gets a message. The program starts the cycle one time:
tick #1: engine implements palette #45 (25% density)
tick #2: engine implements palette #46 (44% density)
tick #3: engine implements palette #47 (58% density)
tick #4: engine implements palette #48 (69% density)
tick #5: engine implements palette #49 (76% density)
tick #6: engine implements palette #50 (82% density)
tick #7: the DSA stops its work and the engine implements original (identity) palette with 100% density.
The party press the pad again and the whole process starts from the beginning...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:09 am
by Paul Stevens
Let's see if I understand.
You have an identity palette (called ID).
You have six palettes numbered 45 thru 50
named P45 thru P50.
You want to display

ID 100%

until pllayer steps on pad. Then

Code: Select all

before step ID 100%
step 1      ID  75%  P45 25%
step 2      ID  56%  P46 44%
step 3      ID  42%  P47 58%    
step 4      ID  31%  P48 69%
step 5      ID  24%  P49 76%
step 6      ID  18%  P50 82%
thereafter  ID 100%

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:28 am
by Adamo
I assume that by the "STEP" you mean party STEPPING on the pad => recieve a messege by a DSA? Then no. I was thinking of a "game-ticks", like in your demo, where Viewport Palettes changes in the time lapse of one tick (1 second is about ~5 ticks).

In other words I need a DSA, that changes (displays) ViewportPalettes starting from #X and stopping on #Y with initial density Z. Each change in a time of 1 game-tick, like it is in your demo.
Moreover what I need is that after the process everything goes back to the previous state (wchich means the viewport is displayed like before, using Identity Palette with 100% density, wchich is original DM palette).

BUT. When I set a density to Z, I want it to affect ONLY the first change. I want each next one to be multiplied by 0.75. Next by 0.75. Next by 0.75. Like a PALETTE function does. Let`s say I want to set X (initial Viewport Palette number) to 45, Y (final Viewport Palette number) to 50 and Z (% of density of initial Viewport Palette) to 25. That means the program starts changing Viewport Palettes from Palette #45 to Palette #50 with density 25% (for #45), 44% (for #46), 58% (for #47), 69% (for #48 ), 76 (for #49) and 82% (for #50).

DSA gets a message and starts working, and:
game-tick #1: program displays Viewport Palette #45 with density 25%
game-tick #2: program displays Viewport Palette #46 with density 44%
game-tick #3: program displays Viewport Palette #47 with density 58%
game-tick #4: program displays Viewport Palette #48 with density 69%
game-tick #5: program displays Viewport Palette #49 with density 76%
game-tick #6: program displays Viewport Palette #50 with density 82%
game-tick #7: DSA stops working. Everything goes back to the previous state, wchich means original DM palette. case if DSA gets the message again, the whole process starts from the beginning.

"Cycle Palette" DSA already does most of it. But it doesn`t stop automaticly after the DSA change Viewport palettes from initial to final one and doesn`t install original palatte after that.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:30 am
by Paul Stevens
game-tick #2: program displays Viewport Palette #46 with density 44%
I understand that. But if palette#46 is being shown with
'density' of 44%, what is the other 56% supposed to be?

From your description I guess it should be:

Code: Select all

ID 100%
ID 75% / P45 25%
ID 42% / P45 14% / P46 44%
ID 18% / P45  6% / P47 18% / P48 58%
ID  6% / P45  2% / P47  6% / P48 17% / P49 69%
ID  1% / P45  1% / P47  1% / P48  3% / P49 12% / P50 82%
ID 100%

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:02 am
by Adamo

Code: Select all

ID 100% 
ID 75% / P45 25% 
ID 42% / P45 14% / P46 44% 
ID 18% / P45  6% / P47 18% / P48 58% 
ID  6% / P45  2% / P47  6% / P48 17% / P49 69% 
ID  1% / P45  1% / P47  1% / P48  3% / P49 12% / P50 82% 
ID 100% 
whoops! You`re right about that! It doesn`t look good.

Code: Select all

before step ID 100% 
ID  75%  P45 25% 
ID  56%  P46 44% 
ID  42%  P47 58%    
ID  31%  P48 69% 
ID  24%  P49 76% 
ID  18%  P50 82% 
thereafter  ID 100%
seems much less complicated (especially with a large number of palettes), and give almost similar results..

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:57 pm
by Paul Stevens
The new does what
you want and a trace is included to
demonstrate that it does it correctly.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:06 am
by Adamo
Your demo works great! Thank you!

Code: Select all

0S0: 2G1 J2T0
1S0: L0 L0 L1 L100 &PALETTE L45 SA L7500 SB
2S0: J0
2T0: LA L51 &= ?J3:JS1
2S1: L0 L0 L1 L100 &PALETTE L0 L0 LA L10000 LB &NEG &+ L50 &+ L100 &/ &PALETTE JC1
2C1: LA &1+ SA LB L75 &* L100 &/ SB JT1
2T1: L$ M1T*
I found out that for changing initial viewport palette number I have to change L45 parameter in 1S0 line and for changing final viewport palette number I have to change L51 parameter in 2T0 line.

Say I want to set this DSA to do the same thing, but with % of density of initial viewport palette changed to 2% (now it is 25%).
Wchich parameters here do I have to change when I want to change % of density of initial viewport palette?

ok, I found out. L75 parameter to 98 on 2C1 line, right?

Previous DSA

Code: Select all

0S0: 1J1T0
1S0: JT0
1C0: 0N
1T0: LA &1+ L100 &NEG &+ L15 &% L100 &+ SA L0 L0 LA L100 &PALETTE L$ M1T*

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:44 am
by Adamo
0S0: 2G1 J2T0
1S0: L0 L0 L1 L100 &PALETTE L45 SA L7500 SB
2S0: J0
2T0: LA L51 &= ?J3:JS1
2S1: L0 L0 L1 L100 &PALETTE L0 L0 LA L10000 LB &NEG &+ L50 &+ L100 &/ &PALETTE JC1
2C1: LA &1+ SA LB L75 &* L100 &/ SB JT1
2T1: L$ M1T*

L= initial Viewport Palette number
L-1= final Viewport Palette number
100-L= % of density of initial Viewport Palette
L= "destination" frame
number of game-ticks per change