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Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:09 am
by lord soth 75
Managed to open the troublesome door, but i did it using a Solid key..not a square key :?

I think im in the area you guys were pointing me in the direction of now.
Mouldy Mildew area,with a fireball launcher wall trap. And a Rock pile monster named 'Black Pudding'

Iv a cunning plan to destroy the Minotaur.
Im going to use the fireballs from the wall launcher to hit the minotaur.Hopefully i'll be able to get the monster to chase me to this corridor.
Hope the plan works :)

Still haven't found any Kath Vinegar,but ...i think,im in the right (ish) area.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:15 am
by beowuuf
Damn, sorry! Didn't recall it was a solid key :( We really need to play this again to help you better!

It's a cunning plan regarding the fireball launcher! I may suggest trying it later to find the cool goodies in that side of the area. What I#d suggets you do now is explore the area beyond the fireball launcher and the door it blew open, find an area with pits and teleporters and grates. If you solve that riddle, you'll find the evil moisters area, and there are some cool rewards for solving all the tricks and traps of that area. The biggest being the kath vinegar! :)

Still enjoying yourself?

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:34 am
by lord soth 75

1 Fried Minotaur!!!
Also used the same tactic to get rid of a few of the rock piles.
I can now look around that maze without the fear of that damn thing following me.
Cant seem to get Black Pudding to move though.That sucker is a stubborn little blighter.

Yes.Im thoroughly enjoying this dungeon.Its kinda sad that this was never released back in the day as the true sequel to DM.
Thats the highest accolade i can give to it really.imo,THIS truly is a proper sequel to CSB.A masterpiece.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:05 am
by beowuuf
NICE! Yeah, I think the pudding is either trapped or just very reluctant to move - whack him as and when you have inclination :)

The maze it came from has a trick to get some cool items. Meanwhile, the area with the four rockpiles is the area you need to keep exploring for the kath vinegar. Oh, you might find a pillar with the four guild signs. This is one of the advanced 'hey, you used opened the guild fully? type areas. Don't waste guild signs on it yet!

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:03 am
by lord soth 75
beowuuf wrote:NICE! Yeah, I think the pudding is either trapped or just very reluctant to move - whack him as and when you have inclination :)

The maze it came from has a trick to get some cool items. Meanwhile, the area with the four rockpiles is the area you need to keep exploring for the kath vinegar. Oh, you might find a pillar with the four guild signs. This is one of the advanced 'hey, you used opened the guild fully? type areas. Don't waste guild signs on it yet!

Got the flask. :)
Just need to learn some spells now to heal this coughing and spluttering party. :)
Back up to the starting level now to rest,heal,eat,drink.

I didn't fully explore the vinegar area.Im going back there next time i play.It seems that the tree monsters keep re-spawning there.

I used items for guilds only in the starting area.
I used 2 maces,and the corbomite,and monk staff ect.
I did have an extra ninja star...but i just noticed that it has disappeared from my inventory.I guess it was stolen by the green dwarf thieves,or a giggler at some point.

More pain rat killing is next. Gotta keep that food supply up.
As long as i got a food and water supply,im happy.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:51 am
by beowuuf
I have a funny feeling that a chewer pod and flask can also give you a little relief....

The chewers do indeed respawn there - it's a homage to one of zyx's earlier dungeons. That area was bruital in his old dungeon, but there are tricks to navigating the spawning corridor...

Close to the actual wine cellar is a stairwell labelled 'the kitchen' - it's a dead end area, but it has several chests and mosnters with food. It's a painless (and well lit) place to grab more food.

I don't want to spoil the basic healing spell unless you are really stuck. Once you find the stairwell to the temple, just before it is what was the VI altars. It and a sense of zyx's humour should allow you to realise what the new healing spell is!

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:29 pm
by beowuuf
Gah! When I am not thinking about playing conflux, the weather is horid. The moment I mention spending part of the weekend playing it, the weather is gorgeous. So I might have to take a (non)-rain check on that :( We'll see!

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:54 pm
by lord soth 75
beowuuf wrote:Gah! When I am not thinking about playing conflux, the weather is horid. The moment I mention spending part of the weekend playing it, the weather is gorgeous. So I might have to take a (non)-rain check on that :( We'll see!
Iv actually cancelled a night out at the pub,so that i can play Conflux tonight instead.

The plan for this evening,is chinese takeaway food,a 6 pack of beer,followed by a couple of hours playing this dungeon. :)

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:13 pm
by beowuuf
Try not to eat any stone mushrooms whist inebreated. The effects are trippy enough!

Edit: Damn, I just recalled why the plasma is worthwhile so early in the game! Almost certainly too late now, unless you haven;t opened the mage guild yet!

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:36 pm
by Jan
lord soth 75 wrote:The plan for this evening,is chinese takeaway food,a 6 pack of beer,
Wow, sounds like a good plan to me! :P
beowuuf wrote:Gah! When I am not thinking about playing conflux, the weather is horid. The moment I mention spending part of the weekend playing it, the weather is gorgeous.
As usually - if you want good weather, you have to walk around saying "I hope the it rains this weekend" and pretend preparing for a day spent at home. Vice versa, if you want a bad weather, you have to buy sunscreen and tell everyone that you intend to spend your weekend sunning on the beach. It just works that way, believe me. :wink:

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 1:16 am
by lord soth 75
Just killed a Giggler that was carrying 19 snapdragon flowers,and a skull seed!!!

The monsters in this dungeon certainly don't travel light do they? :)

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:52 am
by beowuuf
It's hopefually a confirmation to you that a) snapdragons regrow, b) snapdragons also occasionally leave skull seeds, and c) don't leave any of your stuff lying on the ground if you suspect thieves will be moving around! :D

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:06 pm
by Zed5Duke
I must try this again, itwas first dungeon i played but was confused to point where gived up, at these times i just finished DM and search the same style game, here you have tons of traps and puzzles from begining. Now this originality dont bother me that much as before.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:11 pm
by beowuuf
I think the weak characters you need to slowly develop might be more to your tastes now. The game is also so large that even if you hit the levelling cap before you open sections of the guild, you'll still have enough dungeon to explore to level up when you finally find the signs. Very organic design though, where things have been added and devloped on top of the original.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:22 pm
by Zed5Duke
My first question is: do is available 800x600 resolution bat file?

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:30 pm
by beowuuf
Personally I play the windowed.bat and play in the native (small) resolution. The windowed application can be increased in size if needed

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 10:50 pm
by lord soth 75
Any hints on where i should be heading next?

I tried a kamikaze run through the sewers last night,and got my ass handed to me by Trolls and Pain rats.
My party are nowhere near strong enough to tackle that area yet it seems.

Also.... These Snapdragon flowers.What do i use them for?
and i found a thorn, is it a quest item? A message flashed up on screen when i found it saying "This will long be remembered"

Also....This scroll, "The wand is lost.It went through one of those damn drains"
Is the wand an important item to look for? Im assuming that it is located somewhere in those freakin sewers.

Other random stuff.
*I placed a stone mushroom in the guild/starting area (im using that place as a base),and i noticed upon returning later that the mushroom had crumbled into dust.
* I cant find the Kitchen area.Any pointers?
* Iv found a Turqouise key.Is the key important? or should i leave it at my base area.
* What use's do the spitter berries have?

Thanks in advance

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 11:16 pm
by beowuuf
The wand is just a fun little quest, if you still have the map from the fountain of wisdom you may know where to look

Stone mushrooms do crumble to dust in order to 'spore' and I beleive if you leave it for a while longer you will get a new mushroom. That odd behaviour and movement is actually a trick to complete a puzzle muuuuuch later

Snapdragons have a couple of uses. One of the best ones, though, is eating them for cool temp stats. Note planting a snapdragon or seeds in the right place can give you more snapdragons later. Just like spitter berries. Spitter berriesd are food, and you can also plant then, grow spitter trees, then kill those trees for more berries. I forget if they have medicinal uses beyond that.

The kitchen area is right beside the door to the wine celler, and is close to the tapesteried area that had the stairwell up to the minotaur.

A turquiose key and not an emeral one? Very important! Keep it for later, and don't store it on the floor, store it in an alcove. Noooooo reason :)

Unique items have text in the description, though maybe you need a good priest to look at them (or another high level character). Normal thorns are just thee equivalent of poison darts otherwise. Though be wary of assumig any item is ordinary. Some are special for good or bad reasons, yet look innocous or like all the others. Sometimes even a stick...

When you got the kath vinegar, did you open a lot of nice bonus areas? If not, go back there and solve the whole area. I beleive you should be able to get one of most if not all of the guild items there.

Rememberthe touch the eye of your character to see their stats - this should tell you if a character can't advance further without a guild be opened up more.

If I were you I'd go back to the supply area and try and open any of the doors? There should be one gando gives you a hint at...if you've found a few more guild items, you might be able to go that way.

Otherwis,e I warned you against the temple, but it is something you can at least try. If you foudn the cross key, and navigated the area beyond, you can find the easiest entrance to the temple. Beware the guardians before it (run away fro mthem), and we wary of the four stairwell room they are in - two stairs go to the temple, one back to the cellar, and the last goes to a nice area with bonus stuff, but one that's hard to finish if you can't kill immaterial beings.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:10 am
by lord soth 75
@ beowuuf
Is it literally called 'the kitchen'?
I recall playing through an area earlier in the dungeon that had Hellhounds and giant orange slugs.I just assumed that that area was the kitchen.
I cant find any message on the wall near a staircase describing an area as 'Kitchen'

Yep.Its a Turqoise key i have.I found it in the minotaur area by using a green gem on a locked door,and solving an area with 2 pits and had to throw a stone through a locked portcullis.

Re- the Kath vinegar area
Yep.I went back there,and found a ninja star along with 2 sets of clothing for my party.

Re-Guild area
I think iv opened 2 doors for each of the guilds (3 for Fighter guild iirc).Im not 100% sure without booting the game up right now.

The sewers are certainly too difficult right now thats for sure.
Iv been roaming around the sewers again tonight,and keep getting destroyed by the various creatures there.Fell down a pit into an area in which i couldn't use the magic torch spell because it caused explosions.Found my way from there and back up to the sewers and got spawn trapped by giant centipedes which wore my party out.

I found the cross key,and it took me into an area with different wall set for graphics.Went down a set of stairs and was greeted by 4 spell vines,so i made my excuses and left that place as fast as i could.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:29 am
by beowuuf
Ah, that's weird - the place with the hellhounds, etc is indeed the kitchen, but there should be a big wall text declaring it as the kitchen to the left of the stairs up

he area with the spell vines is the place I was talking about - you need to dance around them (don't worry, this isn't RTC, spell slingers are exactly as responsive as you recall, so you should be able to run around them) and aim for one of the stairwells. There are two joined stairwells that lead to the temple area - it might be more manageable, though the spellcasters might be nasty so save often when you think you are in a safe place. The third stairwell will lead very quickly to an area with grates and alcoves - I'd leave this until later!

Just before the spellvine stair though, did you open an area and reveal a VI altar? Did you get the joke, and also the hint to the healing spell?

The area where you couldn't use a magic spell/torch is the dwarf mines. Lots of dust to make you go 'boom', so find non-igniting means (like illuminets or glowstones) or casts longer lasting spells on the atairs /level above before you go down. This area needs mapped, and you'll probably find that once you are fit enough to tame the sewers, you are fit enough to stay in the mines. It might be worthwhile trying the mines again, just because there is a secret area called the fur trader. You should have furs from your rat killing. And one of the items for sale is a certain single bladed dwarven item that you might be looking for....

The sewers have a coupe of points of entry/exit. I think the floods of monsters can be stemmed with enough time, and you can soon walk around and deal with it. The sewers level is 'circular' - you can basically walk around it. There are a couple of branches, and one area that blocks you from going back without determined effort. There are also a few secrets to explore, but those can be found and come out of if you explore the temple fully and unlock its secrets.

In the kath vinegar area - did you get the compass too where you got he shuriken? That might be an important item you'll want to ensure you got. Also, you sould be able to get another mace - for the moment just a decent melee weapon until you can get the answer to the fighter riddle from somewhere.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:17 pm
by lord soth 75
Im feeling quite pleased with myself. Iv just found the 'Long lost wand' :D

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:34 pm
by beowuuf
Nicely done! And quite a fight too if I recall. The map is bang on, once you finally figure out where it's speaking about!

So, the real question is...did you get to keep the wand? :D

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:44 pm
by lord soth 75
@ beowuuf
I placed the wand back into the alcove,and it opened a set of stairs back up into the cellar area.
There didn't appear to be any escape from the room if you dont put the wand back in its resting place.

The fight for the wand was against a few screamers,that re-spawned a couple of times.
What was puzzling me more than anything about that room was the constant noise of fireballs hitting a wall or something..But,iv no idea where the noise was emanating from. :?:

'Supplies for the strong' door has opened again,but it smashes shut on me when i pick up the sabre.
There appears to be another shuriken star in that alcove as well,but i dont get enough time to grab it.

btw.... the kitchen area.
I just checked,and the message on the wall reads "To the food storage"
The odd thing is.....There is zero food in the area whatsoever.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:49 pm
by beowuuf
Ah, the constant fireballs could be because you have been down to the mines. There are fireworks around!

I believe you find an iron key in the wand room? I believe there is a keyhole, or some hidden wall switch somewhere. It opens a second wall out. I think the trick is to get out the wand way, then you can get back in to the room?

I have restarted conflux, so may well get back to that area to tell you :D

Supplies for the strong is as it says - you need to survive the smashing and pick up all the stuff and put it to the other side of the door until you pick everything up. There is a trick to buy you some time - a half jammed door might have hinted at the way to STICK a door for a moment or two? But still, it's pretty brutal. Higher level champions, and a healing potion or two can get it done though.

Oh, I recalled it said kitchen not food stoage. There should be chests of stuff like spitter berries and stone mushrooms, so it is basic food.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:53 pm
by lord soth 75
Yeah,I went back to the wand area.Used the key on the lock (missed it before)
Iv now got the wand in Gando's inventory. :)

Iv got pet tree's growing in the dungeon starting area. :)

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:56 pm
by beowuuf
Don't get too close, they're called spitters for a reason :p

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 1:24 am
by raixel
Grr. Back. So I'll try and catch up. I see I'm not the only one who fried the minotaur w/the fireball launcher! And I'm downloading the new version (WIP002). I believe the last one I had was 3.5, but I really couldnt tell you as I cant go back and check.

Prepare to hear screams of anguish as I get impatient and go running place I shouldnt. Thats the advantage you have, LS. You havent played before so you arent tempted to go charging around trying to get somewhere you *really arent strong enough* to survive yet.

And yeah. That supplies for the strong door can get kinda sticky, if you know how to jam it right. And if I remember right, the kitchen is where it can get a little hot when the denizens find you in there? Or is that the canteen? God, I need to play again.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 1:46 am
by lord soth 75
raixel wrote:Thats the advantage you have, LS. You havent played before so you arent tempted to go charging around trying to get somewhere you *really arent strong enough* to survive yet.
Iv tried several kamikaze runs through the sewers,and everytime it ends up with me getting swarmed by Trolls/Rats/Caterpillar monsters/or those annoying things that cast poison clouds.
Found an area earlier with a few nice looking weapons in an alcove..but i got surrounded by monsters before i had a chance to look at what the weapons actually were.

Im pretty sure that i *should* be moving on to deeper parts of the dungeon now....But,i still arent quite familiar enough with the nature of this dungeon to dare.
Im kinda camping in the Cellar area,stocking up on dead rat meat and trying to build my characters stats.
Occasionally,i will tip tap around the opening part of the sewers trying to map it.
The only problem is the seemingly never ending spawning Blue Trolls.Those sewers are hard to map because of the sheer amount of monsters chasing your ass.

Found a nifty piece of armour earlier called 'Flamebain' or something similar,along with a couple of magic purses (but,im no idea what the purses do yet)

This is a fantastic dungeon.

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:59 am
by beowuuf
I forget if the magic purses are freeze life substitutes. Always check the info some purses are actually purses, and can store keys or coins

Go to the temple! Just run passed those spell vines and see if you can take on that area. It has many hidden areas and should net you nice guild signs, flasks, and items like a mirror...and give you a hint on how to use it elsewhere...

I believe the sewer monsters can trigger as you move around - slow and steady and finding safe places is the way to go, but more levels and a few more attack items might help! There's a trick with sar wine i'm not sure i want to spoil directly...involving it and the slimes on the sewer walls...

Re: [CSBwin] Conflux III: the Undercity

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 7:51 pm
by gene
Hi there, could somebody please explain the character selection in Conflux 3?

I'm a little bit irritated by that section.

- Do I find more players deeper in the dungeon, respectively do I need to revive everyone at the start?

- Is there a way to bypass the 5 heroes from which you can choose from (or am I able to change the heroes later on [when I found the necessary items to unlock the doors for further heroes])?

Besides that, the "custom dungeon" already looks awesome, love the atmosphere and the ambient background music. Also, what's the estimated time for a normal playthrough?
