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Poison in &CHAR ?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:24 pm
by Sophia
If there's some way I've overlooked to set this, then please, let me know.. but otherwise, could whether or not the character is poisoned be added to &CHAR commands? :)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:49 pm
by beowuuf
&char is more for the stats, plus needs the char@ then &char!

If we're on the subject and asking about this, I was surprised you couldnt' do it - I wanted to have poisonous food and was surprised the feeding filter didn't include a provision for it (there seems to be lots of unused other thigns in the code)!

Also...talking about the feeding filter, would it be possible to have some form of &DRINK message you could do to simulate drinkiing a poiton? That was you could have a nourish or starve spell, or have an attack that temporarily adds/reduces stats exactly the way a potion does, etc. Or, of course, have a drink action so you can drink a poiton in your hand (maybe at reduced effect)

I am tinkering with my dungeon again, though who knows for how long!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:47 am
by Sophia
By "the &CHAR commands" i meant &CHAR@ and &CHAR!. :)

All the other stats are in there, as well as the food and water bars, so I thought that would be the logical place for it to be. During a feeding filter might not be so bad either, since you're eating and all. Maybe just add -1 to the range of legal values for the "cure poison" flag, and have it signify "cause poisoning"?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:32 am
by beowuuf
I don't know how poisoning actually works

Is it a repetative timer loop that the 'cure poison' flag breaks out of? Since the frequency and severity of poisoning can alter, and also I think I've seen multiple poisonings (maybe) then not sure if there is a hard coded value to set

Also, I meant why have to find the space in a DSA for an &char (the poison value would then have to be at the end of the whole &char string to make sure no DSA code is broken) then reset it, when a <char> &getpoison and <char> <level> &setpoison would be better

Would like to be able to cause poison in the feeding filter though at least : )

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:32 pm
by Sophia
I guess, but that might cause too much confusion with &GETPOISONED and &SETPOISONED... but I see what you're saying.

There has to be some flag somewhere, that makes the little "poisoned" icon appear. Maybe the actual game mechanic is more complicated, though.

The poisoning would have to be at the end of the feeding filter for the same reason it'd have to be at the end of &CHAR, so I don't know what your point was. ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:12 pm
by beowuuf
You naturally call the parameters in a feeding filter, first thing you do, it's part of that DSA
You don't naturally make a &CHAR call as part of a DSA - it is stuck in the middle of any DSA and would use up to 56 characters, just to set a poison flag

That's another reason to have the drink/feeding filter call for DSAs, incidientally - nicer to make a call for a strength adjustment, rather than mess around with the char parameter, which I don't think is configurable right now ; )

Actually, just noticed the 'sheild strength' parameter in the char call and feeding filter - strange, it's only this parameter and not the spellshield or anti-fire shields that can be found out...

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:14 pm
by Sophia
I've done some digging...

It seems like &CHAR is not the best place for this, as poison is a little more complicated than just setting a value-- well, you can set uByte42 in the character's stats, but that only causes the little "POISONED" icon to appear, not actually poison the character.

However, the rather cryptically named function TAG017274 seems to do exactly what we need-- the two parameters are the character, and the strength of the poison. Perhaps we could have a &CAUSEPOISON or some other DSA interface to this function? :)

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:40 am
by beowuuf
Has sophia done enough research for this one to be viable and easy to implement?

Poisoned food, and poisoned potions, would be ool.

Or poisoned traps like spiked pits!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 4:12 pm
by Adamo
yep, I think if monster is poisonable, his meat/body/remains etc , if eatible, should be also poisonable. In real life you wouldnt eat dead snake if hes poison was dangerous, would you? ;) I know some people eats snakes, but I guess not these who has poison inside ! it`s illogical in DM with worms, that they can poison you during the fight, but worm rounds dont when you eat it.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:14 pm
by Paul Stevens
CSBwin-CSBuild contains:
CSBwin version 9.93
CSBuild version 2.47
&CAUSEPOISON is implemented with a demo.
Notice that you cannot &CAUSEPOISON in a filter.
You would have to use &%CAUSEPOISON or arrange
to do the deed at a later time outside the filter.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:46 pm
by beowuuf
Just tried it, perfect! Many thanks!