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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:56 pm

I am editing a new Dungeon. In fact I am nearly ready - just have to do some testings. Meanwhile I thought it is a good Idea to post my README- and STORY-File because I am sure my English is not good enough. Maybe there are some nice native english people here who can have a look at it.
Also these files make a nice Teaser of what I am working on.

Here comes the README
This is my Dungeon for RTC. My first one and maybe my only one (it took too much time, to get this finished - I don't think I will have that time ever again).

It is one with the traditional Graphics an in a traditional manner. But my Opinion was, to create a Dungeon, that seems to be enlivened. Not a empty graveyard - but a stronghold with soldiers and workers in it. That meant that I had to make some new features which are necessary for such a thing. Most of my time took the drawing of Bitmaps to decorate my Dungeon - and most of them are not Important for the solution of the game. But I hope, I could enrich the Atmosphere and Graphics of DM.

So what you got now is a open Dungeon were there are no restrictions in wandering around [well - SOME are surely ;-) ]. Feel free to examine all the rooms, try to find out, what they are for - and try to solve the main-aim [first of all you have to find out, what this is!]. The whole is not a hard one, the Puzzles are not too strong - the Monsters a bit more.

If you stuck: I have paid a lot of attention to the hint oracle. So please ask it before you ask me. In case of still stucking you can contact me at

Ah - one word for the entrance sequence: The global game-rules makes it necessary to choose a Party from these Mirrow-Rooms, that we all have seen so often. It's not very logical, that all the Dungeons, were you want to fight against the evil, have a stock of heroes for this fighting. So I decided to separete the Mirrows-Scene from the rest. Do not worry about the strange appearence of that sequence - the rest will generally be more known.

for Graphik-Support to
Ralf Hinrichsen -

and in general
to all the helpul creatures at
and here the STORY

LORD CHAOS disappeared - it's said, that brave Heros brought him to, from where he came from. The land is sunlit and the people in a light mood.

But as always, there are still some friends of the darker things. Some rumours make the round, that a couple of unprincipled wizards tried to contact LORD CHAOS at - well, whatever his present location can be named.

Then some day something happened.

The mood in the land became oppressively, the sky was filled with dark clouds, the people where strained and felt sick all the time. Something changed the world into bad...

And some news came around: A citadel explode some night. There was a conspiratorial meeting of a couple of these wizards one believes capable of everything. Nobody knows what exactly happend that night. But all of them died - except of one: XAROSTAK.

Of all the ambitious Wizards it must be XAROSTAK who survieved. Not that he was one of the worst - no, in fact he seemed to be a little bit stupid, fat and equipped with a great passion for silly entertainments. But he was always clever enough to take advantage from everything - even that means the dead of people. And this behaviour made him rich - now he buys everyone for everything...

XAROSTAK has his domicile in a dark stronghold, drived deep into the Mountains of Skuw where he lives, guarded by an mercenary army (and probably by some strange beings, too). Here he makes his expensive experiments whith magical artefacts (and it's said that he has a lot of these things) and watches in a special round under the earth his beloved fights of wild creatures against humans. And apparently he likes a lot to see the animals win.

And now - times after this special wizardmeeting - the centre of the dark mood in the land seems to come from his stronghold. Obviously he has deep in the deepness of the dungeons of his residence a darkening secret.

Are you clever enough to find out what it is? Can you find a way into dark stronghold and - seems to be the bigger problem - a way out?

Try to get the land off the mysterious influence that makes the life bad.
As you can see, I pay a lot attention to atmosphere. The result is, that I had to add some mediafiles (graphics, sounds) which blew up the rtc-file to 4 MB. I think this is tolerable.

Last I add two little pictures to give an Idea what to expect

I hope I can release the Dungeon next weekend.

I am exited, what you will say...


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:13 pm
by Sophia
The image links don't seem to work. First, the "img" thing didn't work right, for whatever reason. I copied and pasted those URLs and I got an error.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:38 pm
by Paul Stevens
I'd be happy to re-write your 'readme' and 'story'
in English. But I don't want to duplicate anyone
else's efforts. I will leave it to you to assign the
task to someone who volunteers.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:50 pm
Sophia wrote:The image links don't seem to work. First, the "img" thing didn't work right, for whatever reason. I copied and pasted those URLs and I got an error.
yes, seems to be a problem with my provider. will see how to fix that.
Paul Stevens wrote:I'd be happy to re-write your 'readme' and 'story'
in English.
I would be happy to see this...


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:27 pm
added the pictures again - should work now

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:46 pm
by Sophia
Neat pictures. It looks like you've added a lot of custom graphics. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:54 pm
Sophia wrote:It looks like you've added a lot of custom graphics.
Well, some... for egsample a bookshelf... Maybe this is in general less spectacularly than I thought it would be - hope others can enjoy it. Maybe I am just tired of my own dungeon. Do you know that feeling, Sophia?

Paul Stevens did some excellent translation support. - Thanks by the way.
I will include the new Files to my Dungeon ZIP.
