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DEMO: "Therons Quest" for RTC

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:02 am
I have started a new Project:

a Conversion of "Theron's Quest" for RTC

I have just finnished "Ak-Tu-Ba" - and several things are not looking quiet well...
my only information is what I can find on the Encyclopaedia-site, so if you have further Information, please let them have me. (especially if you have the complete bitmaps)

A big main-decision was how to handle the seperation of the 7 parts. I am trying now to have a wellknown mirrow room which leads into a decision-room from where you can choose an entrance to one of the parts. after finishing the mission, you will be teleported back to the decision-room and start the next mission [not yet].

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:05 am
by Walter Mitty
I've also been working on a Theron's Quest version for RTC, but I'm just using the original for inspiration and altering most or all of the maps and adding a bit here and there. I was originally going to have a 32x32 main "overworld" map and have each dungeon entered from a location on the map, but that might have made things too complicated so I decided to use a hub room with teleporters linked to the hall of champions. I'll post a demo up here for people to try out once I feel it's to a point where it's decently playable.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:36 am
Hi Walter

where have you got informations from? and should we bring our passion together to finnish this project?

I would be glad to see a demo from you. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:38 am
by Tonari
If the action newly added is used well, the party will be able to be returned to the first state.
Though there is a problem that the companion cannot be chosen again.

Modification idea of dungeon:
"RTC mode" that limited rune. Theron has spellbook from the beginning. Even if the mini dungeon ends, it is not lost.
The 8th or any more additional mini dungeon.

BTW, Theron 's Quest heard an unconfirmed story that save was not able to do in the dungeon.
If it is true, it is necessary to limit save. And, save can do only in the start area.