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Working together as a team

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 7:26 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
i was hoping there might be someone else who might be interested in workinig together for another dungeon. i've hinted to this before, are there dungeon masters who would like to? maybe i should cross my fingers lol ... wish i had of stuck around in the beginning to get to know you all better :)

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 7:45 pm
by beowuuf
back in the days when we all had more free time, heady, heady days :D

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 10:48 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
yes, the time before children were adults, lol, yeah, well i'm reclaiming my time back for some DM :D . i have a large mountain ahead of me, so i better bring enough supplies and hopefully i'll have gained enough experience to reach the summit and create good DM game, of course if i could find some other brave adventurers to help me scale the mountain as i'm not a skilled climber but i have strength and determination, and have a good relation with natures spirits. i must visit the inn of lost souls in hopes of finding some willing characters who have the power to join the team

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 11:25 pm
by Ameena
I don't mind writing anything that you may want writing - that is, stories, poems, riddles, etc. I don't have a lot of spare time atm 'cause I'm on a course thingy and have work placement four days a week but it finishes next Friday so I'll have more time to do stuff :).

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 3:05 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
That sounds wonderful Ameena. I've been thinking about the story for some time, and it's all centered around 2012, the Mayans and their calendar as well as shamans, shamanism, nature, tree of life, oh, there are so many things to work with. DM already has that feel about it, with magic mushrooms and other realms, good and bad forces, and it's why i took an interest in shamanism for the past decade, about the time i left this forum due to life changes, and i am really sorry i didn't come back sooner.... That is just great Ameena! :). The other part i need help with is creating new dungeon walls and items and creatures, i've got a good idea already but without some guidance (since i didn't learn any skills from school to do with graphics) i can't seem to impliment anything. I've got an idea how i want the story to go, but i don't have any experience in writing stories at all. What i offer the most in the project is time, i'll have lots of it, so i can do stuff that others want provided i have been shown. Thanks Ameena, with a little more help, we can get this thing started, i can make a list of the items, monsters and will give you an idea what the story is about, let's see if we can find someone else interested. I HAVE TIME, and i'm willing to spend it with DM and its characters, i love DM, may the spririts guide us.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 5:14 pm
by Tom Hatfield
The really cool thing about taking this kind of approach is that the vast majority of people don't know squat about Mayan culture, and yet anything you throw at them will seem familiar, and it's that familiarity that immerses people. It's also why I like Guillermo del Toro's films so much. I read that the designers of Half-life deliberately put aliens into an office complex because they seemed so out of place, yet the office setting made it all feel plausible. Real + surreal = wicked cool.

Have you played Indigo Prophecy by any chance? A lot of Mayan ties in that — or maybe it was Aztec or Incan; I have exactly zero knowledge of Central American history — though it gets pretty downright strange toward the end, and I lost interest when . . . well, not to spoil anything, but when the "orange" clan appeared. Still, you might enjoy it. The game play is very unconventional.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:27 am
by Chaos-Shaman
yes, there are so many things that can be thrown in the game design, there will be puzzles that relate to the mayan and the culture, so far Ameena has offered some writting help, how about you Tom?

I have not played Indigo Prophecy , what type of game is it?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:24 pm
by Tom Hatfield
It qualifies as an adventure game, though I guess it's more an interactive movie. It plays very much like Shenmue, which if you haven't played is vaguely similar to Dragon's Lair during action sequences.

Like I said, I know nothing about ancient Central American cultures. Your offer is flattering, but I don't think I'm up to writing anything intellectually stimulating.

Re: Working together as a team

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:07 pm
by Duckman
Hmm, i probaly could have time as i am still so young but... i am not THAT much to computers. And i already make much teamwork wit' my brother.