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The Witcher

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:10 am
by Tom Hatfield
I fell in love with this game almost instantly. It's fairly non-conventional for a CRPG, in that it isn't dumbed down. The alchemy system in particular really excited me, and while it's a bit too simple for my taste, I did have a lot of fun "strategizing" my ingredients and formulas. I took the time to lay down ingredient rosters and recipes — something I haven't done since drawing up my own maps for DM some 15-odd years ago — and assembled it into an Excel workbook, which I then spent an entire day converting to HTML. (You can view it here if you like.)

But what I also like about it is the combat. It's just easy enough for a casual gamer, just twitchy enough for a hardcore gamer — sort of like the active reload system in Gears of War: it's there for those who want to master the game, but you don't specifically need it to win.

And then there's the story itself, which isn't particularly interesting when you boil the meat off the bones and are left with quite a few cliches, but the choices you make really do have an impact on the game, and there are many times when you are presented with a "lesser of two evils" choice, rather than the blantantly moral good-evil dichotomy.

Character advancement takes a fairly straightforward approach but has interesting limitations on what abilities you can learn and when. Some of them can only be acquired by brewing and drinking potions made from the parts of unique monsters — not all of which you will obtain, depending on your choices. (I missed a particularly powerful one because I wanted to play the good guy, but then I got a powerful ally later on.)

It's nothing like Dungeon Master, but I consider it a game worth playing for any CRPG fan. I've seen one of three endings, and I'm going to take a hiatus until the game isn't so fresh in my mind. Meanwhile, I plan on taking the alchemy system to a new level for my own project. Love the concept; just needs some expansion.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:31 am
by ian_scho
The site looks good! A useful reference for many, I'm sure.

Can I ask what tool you would suggest for synchronizing a web site? I'm not suggesting this for the DM Forums, lol.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:36 am
by Tom Hatfield
Internet Explorer allows it. There might be a Firefox plugin.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:41 pm
by Erik Bauer
Witcher is right now one of my two reasons to play videogames sharing it's throne with Zelda Windwalker for GC played on Wii and that says all!

I find it to be one of the most immersive and true roleplaying games ever came out for PC (the other being Baldur's Gate 1).
I simply love everything in that game from the dark and grim setting (I'm an accanite WFRP pen & paper RPG player), the fact you are a kicka$$ witch-beast hunter (Witch hunter being my favourite WFRP career), the fact your decisions have a real impact on the game, the quests that cross each other, the alchemy system (very similar to Tower of Souls one) and everything else.

Re: The Witcher

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:49 pm
by Narjhan

Ok Im still stuck somewhere in the swampy area but so far, I've liked the whole storyline, the combat system, and the naked girls of course :p

Re: The Witcher

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:42 pm
by Ameena
I'd never heard of this game (I don't think, anyway...maybe there was a film of it or something?), so I just looked it up on Wiki. It looks kind of interesting. Might look into it further at some point, but I'm playing Overlord II atm :twisted:.

Re: The Witcher

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:39 am
by andilist
Good morning everyone,

"The Witcher" was the only new game which i played in the last 3 years. It´s a very good game! :!:

Kind regards,
