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Word problem

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:57 pm
by Ameena
That is, a problem with Word the programme, not a problem with words themselves ;).
I was just in the chat with Wuffy and Soph, and we were talking about our various old DM stories and stuff. I have my old one on this comp, where I'd sent it by e-mailing myself from my dad's comp, which in turn I'd sent it to from college. But anyway, I just tried opening it and bam, it's got a password on it and bollocks can I remember what it is. Well, two passwords - one to get into Read Only mode and one to get into the file properly. I know the passwords'll be something to do with the story (either related to DM or my characters or something) but that's about it. KNowing my luck I'll probably remember both PWs five minutes after posting this but meh.
Anyway, I'm told there are ways to get hack progs to get past these passwords, but I don't really want to risk downloading something dodgy onto my comp just to hack into my own files. I was wondering whether anyone else already had something like that and wouldn't mind opening my file for me if I sent it to them.
It's no major major thing, though - it's just bugging me, that's all. I just wanted to nose through the old file (well, actually it's one of my most recent stories even though it's gotta be, omg, about three or four years old by now) and umm...look at it.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:22 am
by zoom
Sorry, I cannot help you there.
I don't have dodgy programmes ;)
If you can get into
read mode, however probably you
could copy and paste the several
?hundred? pages painstakingly into
a new word document.
Why did you lock it in the first place?
final tip: try hard to remember that pw!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:31 am
by Ameena
Hehe if I could get into read-only mode on the story, I could probably get the rest of the way in too since both PWs would be related somehow, like the PWs for the other file were "Ph4t" and "L3wt!" (the file was a list of equipment and stuff the characters in my DM story had, so I could refer to it and maintain consistency and stuff, and wouldn't forget who was carrying/wearing what).
And I put a PW on it in the first place 'cause that was just something I ended up doing on important files at school/college ("important" being my stories, naturally, never mind those crappy essays and assignments and stuff I had to write ;)) after someone back in about Year 8 or something got into a load of people's files, I think.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:48 pm
by Gambit37
If you don't want to use password decrypt or reveal software, then unless you can ask a very good programmer to write you an equivalent, you're stuck I'm afraid.

You could start here, but note that most solutions require payment and some are not guaranteed:

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:57 pm
by Ameena
It looks like those progs check for dictionary words...I'm not sure whether that woudl work for me as I think I might have included character names in the PW and also it might have been more than one word long. Maybe I'll remember it at some point...most likely when I'm either in bed or just nowhere near a computer :P.