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Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:00 pm
by Gambit37
ACTION_PICKUP_ANY_TILE and ACTION_PICKUP_ANY_TILE_INFRONT work great for getting stuff back into the party member's inventory. And items go into their correct slots too! Nice :-)

But large items, like a chest, go straight into the backpack, even if the party member's hand is empty. Would it be possible to make everything go into the hand if it's empty? It looks a little confusing to the player as the item simply 'vanishes'.

Would it also be possible to do a variation action, ACTION_PICKUP-IN-HAND_ANY_TILE? The difference being this would only pickup the item if the mouse hand is empty, and would automatically make the mouse become the item (like when you pick up directly from the dungeon view), rather than putting it in the backpack or wherever.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:55 am
by Lord_BoNes
Coming up with some interesting ideas Gambit... Keep 'em coming.

Along the same principle, could you MAKE a monster pick up a specific item EG: a character dies, spawning a monster on a nearby tile, the monster then "picks up" all the character's gear (including skeleton).

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:02 pm
by Lunever
I wouldn't put stuff automatically in the hand currently, because as long as you don't have a horn of fear, you usually have an empty-handed war-crier in your party.

Best thing of course was to mix this with another suggestion I made ages ago:

- adding an action icon to every item and give every item a "throw" action (since you can throw them anyway by clicking them in the air)

- adding a small hand icon right above the larger action item icon. You click the hand, you'll get the unarmed actions like "war cry", "kick" and maybe "punch" (you certainly can cry out loudly whether or not you carry a sword, same goes for kicking, and in melee combat quite a lot of actual hits are made with one hand letting go of your two-handed weapon for a moment or a pommel)

- splitting the action item icon box vertically and have the off-hand action item icon put in the lower half to be fully DM2-cappable.

With these things done, it'd certainly make sense to put chests aitomatically in hands (since it wouldn't inhibit you at war-crying),

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:54 pm
by Gambit37
I never have an empty handed war crier in my party. I don't think anyone else does either ;-)

The action I'm talking about is used to give items to the party and doesn't really cover the issues you raised. It's a specific action ACTION and not related to the 'empty hand' menu options.

For a better understanding, take this example: I have trees in my custom adventure, which are cloned pillars. You can disable the party taking damage and making 'oof' sounds if you put an invincible, invisible monster on the same tile. But if you throw an item onto the tile, you can no longer pick it up due to the monster. So I make the tree clickable and its action is to give any items back to the player -- but it looks odd because they simply disappear into the inventory and go back to their 'correct' slots. It would make more sense to go into the mouse cursor.

In fact, the most sensible improvment would also be the ability to only pick up one item at a time and put it in the mouse cursor: ACTION_PICKUP_ANY_TILE_SINGLEITEM and ACTION_PICKUP_ANY_TILE_INFRONT_SINGLEITEM

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:23 pm
by Lunever
Ah, by saying "hand" you meant the party hand, the mouse cursor, not an actual character's hand. Yep, that's something different of course. I thought you meant a chest should go into a character's empty hand instead of going into the backback, I only objected to that. BTW: I always do have a fear-inflicter with an empty action hand, at least until I get a horn of fear ;-)