Page 8 of 11


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:04 am
by money
Falkor was still confused by the spirit that seemed to be accompanying them on their journey, it seemed to know more than them and he was keen to discuss matters with the spirit - but not right now, returning to the ethreal plane seemed a bad idea for the moment and other more important matters were at hand. Let's go and meet this King then, he thought to himself. Along the way he continued to look for signs of a struggle - blade or burn marks on the walls that would tell the story of a struggle or battle, or had the Trolins simply been called away.


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:25 am
by beowuuf
Guree led them swiftly through the dark, the torchlight at the back almost running to keep up. Farel had given Ardur the torch, to keep his hands free.

"Guards along corridor, entrance up ahead. Wrong wrong wrong," muttered Guree. She looked nervously at some of the side alcoves where there were barred doors. However, the doors did not open when she tried - delicately - to get one to open. They were barred shut, with no noise audible. Falkor's eyes scanned the corridor, however it looked simply dirty. There was evidence of the dirt disturbed, however just from - presumeably - the normal movement of people.

Come to think of it though, there was quite a lot of movements on the ground...

A larger and sturdier door was visible in the distance, coming up fast. "King here, quiet...." she said to the rest over her shoulder as she advanced forwards.


From some hidden place in the ceiling, a metal grate descended from the ceiling behind the party, shutting them in. There was a rattle of iron, and then the bolted doors behind that grate were pushed open, and the missing Trolin guards appeared, learing from beind it.

Clank clank clank clank

TYhe door infront of the party lifted upwards, and torchlight spilled out. Standing near the door was an imposing figure that Falkor and Westian could recognise, evne though they had never met the person before. The Trolin standing there - with random assortments of shining objects on him, and a tarnished crown - looked exactly the same as the first three Trolins the party had faced.

Lord Chaos had, in his twisted humour, apparently cloned the appearance of this Trolin to create every one of his own Trolins in the dungeon. This was King Grrl, Lord over the real colony of Mount Anaias.

"You were expected, assassins!" he yelled. There were guards visible around him, and some held torches apparently for deliberate effect behind their King. Those guards winced at the light they carried, but held it high nevertheless.

At the king's right was a beaten figure of a Trolin being held by two more guards. It was Uumack. And distrect on the right hnd side of the king was a fat figure the party may have hoped not to meet again. It was Tosca.

The party had apparently arrived too late.

Dun dun dun. Is all lost? You'd guess probably not. Will the party allow themselves to be captured? Sadl,y I'm guessing not, though I hope so cause it would make my life easier.

Westian has finally met the king, and the party's mad dash is at an end. Can they survive it? I can't wait to see!


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:56 pm
by oh_brother
“We are not assassins” Westian replied matter-of-factly, making a small bow before the king. As he continued he spoke slowly and clearly. “This Tosca cannot be trusted. When we met him first he feared us, like a frightened child. Then when no one looked he ran away, like a coward. Can you trust the words of someone like that? He will say what you want to hear, just to stay alive.”

“We did not come to fight. We have nothing to gain from fighting you. And we are not stupid. Attacking the king, by walking directly into the middle of his lands would be foolish. We are not foolish.”

“Our enemies are your enemies. We are going to fight the blackskulls. If the Trolins attack at the same time it would be impossible for them to hold out. Their lands become your lands. Their treasures too. I only want the elven priest dead. It is clear that Tosca does not want this. Perhaps he is afraid of fighting.”

“But the offer is there. We fight the blackskulls. If you want you fight them too. If not we go alone, assuming you do not intend to hold us here.”

As Westian spoke his mind was desperately trying to come up with some tactics. They were trapped. Fighting was likely to be short, one-sided and bloody. Falkor had his cloak as a last resort, but that would be of limited use to the rest of the group right now. Otherwise they were completely at the mercy of their captures, with dialogue being the only option.

Dun dun dun indeed! Advantage Mr. Trolin for now. Westian might suggest that Aurek challenge Tosca, but better wait and see how everyone else reacts. Westian has done his share of talking for the moment. Oh, almost forgot, the dice roll! Diplomacy was 5 + 13 = 18. Bugger.


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:09 pm
by money
in order to progress - Falkor will do/say nothing right now...

Do I have any magical ability to either control/or influence the actions of another?


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:49 pm
by beowuuf
Explicit spells relating to DM, you have none. However, I deliberately kept the 0-level effects vague for this reason. Given Falkor's choice of evolcation school, I don't think mind magics would directly be anything he could be good at. However, subtle sensations or thought planting could be something he can attempt. Falkor possessing 2 ranks in Orc means he can plant coherent thoughts into a Trolin mind. A 0-level effect can plant a single 'thought' - that must be a very simple concept - and has a good chance of being rejected. Alternatively, he can try a message spell to have whispered words. Less liekly to be considered their own thoughts, but might be mistaken for imagination or the whsipering of someone else. That's more liekly to have an actual effect, thought it would a less impressive effect probably.

Falkor could also try to use ZO for a physical action - I've partially expanded ZO to be an 'opposite' spell. Not only open/close doors, but you can attempt to lock and break locks, flip switches, etc. The trouble is the bolt is visible, but successful use could make a limb move opposite to how it is now (an unsuspecting - ie out of combat - hand being made to drop a weapon, a leg to buckle, etc).

Let me know what you are thinking, and I can probably better let you know if it's possible, and how you could attempt it.


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:38 pm
by beowuuf
Sadly, the King's white cat is at the cleaners, so he can't be standing stroking it like a good villain.

The King's eyes raised in disbelief at Westian's comment on not being an assassin, though then narrowed as if calculating the likelihood. Certainly, the dark look the king shot to Tosca showed that Westian had summed up the fat Trolin in a way the king apparently recognised. Tosca was glaring daggers at Westian, and was splow to spot the unfavored look his King gave him.

The King at least allowed Westian to continue, staying Tosca's protests. However, then the King gave an ugly smiled. "The elf is not our enemy. Why would I let you kill him. He shows us respect, does not Creep through secret ways with traitors."

The King gave a further black look, this time to Uumack. Guree was apparently not worth his attention.

"You talk-" said ther King.

"Weak-talk," said Tosca hissing at Westian in Trolin. The King barked a harsh word to Tosca, and Tosca flinched as if struck.

"You talk like other elf. Other elf comes with strength, to my door, with promises of blackskulls. He talkes with pride, but that elf holds himself up like world falling in. You come in weakness, sneaking in back places, with stupid talk and two pink-skulls!" The King pointed dismissively to Aurel and Farel, and laughed at his apparently joke in common about pink skulls. He seemed to delight in his own perceived cleverness.

The the King stopped laughing. "You talk with pride. You hold yourself up." The King paused. He held his two hands like they were scales. "Maybe I listen to different elf. Maybe I listen to both and kill all, take all. Maybe I listen to no elf and let you all kill selves." The King gave an unfriendly look "Bad to assume. Assume mighty King let tresspassers go as they like." The King shakes his head.

Tosca speaks quickly in Trolin to his King. Falkor can only pick up half of what is said, but Tosca seems to be ensuring the King will kill the group now. Unfrotunately for Tosca, the fat Trolin seems determined to use the worse examples. Highlighting that the group apparently turned aside a swift death, showing they were apparently liars or in league with the swift deaths. Pointing out how much Tosca had lived in fear of the group, and their swift killing of the fat Trolin's guards. Tosca even pointed out Falkor's own abiltiies, where they found him and his disappearances. Of course, pointing out Falkor was unafraid of Soorec and apparently sneaking around the gnome's room drew a gaze of curiosity, and not the hostile distrust Tosca was probably expecting.

Finally, even Tosca seemed to realise his words were not helping the case, and they dwindled. "Assassins," he hissed again in common, looking towards the group.

king Grrl laughed, looking to the group with new appraisal. There was still a look of unfriendly calculation. "You like talk? You want to make Trolins fight blackskull?" The Trolin laughed. "Fine, take you to my Trolins. Let see you use your words on them." The Trolin gave an unfriendly laugh, but there was definitely a calculation behind that eyes. Still, King grrl was obviously surprmely arrogant, happy that he could humiliate Westian and secure his reputation once more in a way that he perhaps had not been able to do with Dolo Smitre.

Westian felt an odd wave of confidence. For a brief second, he had an unworthy flash of himself turning Trolin-kind against Grrl and the king beng pulled down. Rather than the only option, was going with Grrl and attemptng to turn his people against him the perfect option?

All the revelry was broken when Guree strod forward. She had her arm crossbow raised. Immediately the guards in front of King Grrl strode sideways so the King, Tosca and even Uumack were lost in a wall of Trolin muscles flesh. The King was still an impressive enough target for his tarnished crown to be visible.

"Not care about words!" she said, still trying to sight the king's head properly. She was standing to one side of the group, and seemed deliberately apart from them. "Not care about words!" she said again, this time apparently over her shoulder. "Let Uumack go!"

And on that niggling complication, I'll leave the wall of text there :)

And lol, yeah, that was some nice talking with a low to middling - for the task you are trying to accomplish - diplomacy check. In case of I've not put it this way before, obviously successful rolls should let the storyline go basically how you want it to go, with unexpectedly good rolls rewarding you with stuff you might want but not have any reason to expect. Failure - or not rolling - basically lets me keep the storyline going as I want, throwing in challenges or evil twists as I think might be fun. So for example bad diplomacy doens't necessarily mean you fail, especially if it feels liek a good story for a deal to be struck, but certainly the concessions and challenge required would be upped compared to you rolling well to back up strong RP.

I'll leave you to work out how it might have gone with a better diploamcy roll, but you might suspect you were never going to instantly win him over. Unless you significantly change your pitch, your diplomacy roll carries. However, rest assured RP will carry a lot more sway as we go on. Just I'll have a clear consience about the roadblocks I throw at you alogn the way :D


Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:55 pm
by oh_brother
Westian stood tall and silent as the king spoke, only changing expression to look with anger in the direction of Tosca.

“You will not be so confident when there is not an iron door between us” he said, his finger pointing accusingly at the fat Trolin. “Then we will see who is the stronger. You are not like other Trolins. Others I met were brave. If I accused one of being a coward they would challenge me to a fight. You did not challenge despite being insulted. You have no honour. Your words are meaningless.”

Deliberately turning away from him he listened to the remainder of the king’s speech. The sudden commotion caught him by surprise. He did a quick calculation in his head. If she killed the king it might make their lives easier. Then again it might throw the whole tribe into chaos, and lead to an angry mob tearing them apart. Best to err on the side of caution.

“You are brave, but do not worry. We will prove Tosca to be a liar and a coward. He is the one who will die.” He held up his hand, but did not approach her.

That sounds fair enough for the diplomacy checks. I suppose the only fair (and interesting!) way is a balance of RP and dice rolls


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:00 am
by beowuuf
Guree lowered her weapon a little, perhaps being reminded that Tosca was certainly the one who had given them more grief, and currently he was cmpletely hidden from bow shot. Still, it was not all the way down.

Can you roll me a d20? Not a diplomacy check, don't worry :D

Will wait to see if Falkor will do anything. I assume if the situation appears to be resolved, you guys will go with the King?


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:20 am
by oh_brother
Dice roll was 2. :( I am happy to move away with the king, unless Falkor has any other ideas?


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:29 pm
by money
nope, keeping his mysteriousness... (if thats a word),

oh - and to clarify the cloak is still on me isn't it?


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:28 pm
by beowuuf
Cool, I shall move you guys on tonight! And yes, Falkor still has the cloak.


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:06 pm
by money
as in, im wearing it and a simple command will render me invisible?


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:13 pm
by beowuuf
As in wearing it and a simple command will put you on the ethereal plane - so gone in the material plane :D Remember the time limit though. I'm not strictly enforcing it for fun, but staying in the etheral plane for longer than @5 minutes will use up its magic for the foreseeable future. Use with care. But feel free to use it.


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:33 pm
by beowuuf
Guree reluctantly lowered her bow all the way down, although the guards did not stand down themselves. To Westian, the matter seemed settled - there was a strange flare of annoyance at the female Trolin, unimportant as she was, had almost disrupted the plan and gotten them killed.

Still, with the female Trolin temporarily chastised, the rest of the group - reluctantly - also stood down, apparently trusting to Westian. Farel kept Ardur close and placed him in the centre of the group, however did not say a word against their predicament. He also did not keep an eye on Ardur, apparently expecting the boy to look look out for himself while Farel watched those behind.

Aurek was perhaps less pleased at being captured, but he too was silenced by having to show a trust in his charge. Still, Aurek was surely thinking of the promise WEstian had made regarding Tosca, and what the paladin would do if given the chance.

The gate behind the group opened once it looked safe to do so, and the guards them came up, gesturign and jostling so the companions would move forward. The King and Tosca, holding on to Uumack, had apparently moved off already given Guree's agression. The guards at the front fell back to allow the companions to move in to the large plain room, however they all had their own ploearms and spiked weapons at the ready.

The group was not stripped of their arms and armaments, perhaps spotting those such as Aurek, Guree and Farel would not give up their items easily. The torches were a little less welcomed, however there were spluttering to a low light anyway, and the guards soon were comfortable.

Beyond the simple hall that was obviously used by the guards occasioanlly and not anyone of high station like the king, there were a run of tunnels and passageways. The dimming light made them look more intimidating than they perhaps were, dirt and broken bricks turning spiky and menacing. The smell was also not too pleasant. They were truly in the Trolin lands now. Strange half-seen goings on were hitned at along offshoots and areas they walked through. The King was visible waving imperiously occasionally, and other times getsuring threateningly. There wwere Trolins of various heights and widths doing violent things, or engaging in violent games. Once though, there was a TRolin spotted apparently ripping fungus from the walls in one place, and forcing it between bricks in another place. It was a strange activity that no one commented upon.

Many Trolins were interested in what the procession was all about. Some of the guards around the group moved up front to force a wedge through those curious so the Kign would not need to sully his hands. The guards at the back also told those following to keep their distance. It was clear that torchlight alone was unusual.

For Westian, the oppressive atmosphere seemed to lighten his mood. For no reason, for the first time in a while he felt like a weight had lifted from his shoulders. What that weight had been, or why it was gone was strange. After all, if anything the fate of the group and perhaps even the region was now in his hands and the hands of those around him. The heart was a strange thing.

Finally, after many stops and slowings down as various groups caused delayed, a set of huge and robust double doors appeared up ahead, just as the passageways grew in size too.

The hangers on were all shooed away, although the corridors they scurried to probably lead to the same place. The area the party were forced in to was part cavern and part hall. There seemed to be huge walls, and staligmites and stalagtites droping to meet them, but an attempt had been made to smash something echoing humans halls. There were areas with half-height walls where normal Trolins stood behind and yelled. The noise was deafening at first, the catcalls echoing around and back. The area the party were being pushed towards was too hap-hazard with rocks and other debris to be considered an arena, though it certainly felt like it. Tehre was strange pillared areas inside, and it was to these the King and his front guard made towards.

The central pillar held a chiar like a throne. There was only enough space for the king and perhaps one or two people, and Tosca was allowed to drag Uumack to the lowest steps. that went up one side to allow access. The other pillars were for the guards, and were setin a cunnign way to make it look as though the King was being left alone, and yet were not so far apart that a powerful Trolin could not leap across in defense of his King at a moment's notice.

"TROLIN SUBJECTS! BE QUIET!" yelled the King when he arrrived at his throne, apparently too excited to sit. After some catcalls,the Trolins fell silent. The group's ears still rang, however. "TROLIN SUBJECTS! WE HAVE MORE FROM OUTSIDE WORLD! MORE WHO BEG ME FOR HELP!" There was laughing and cheering. The King pointed to Westian. "ELF WANTS US TO KILL OTHTER ELF! ELF WANTS US TO KILL ALL OTHER BLACKSKULLS!" There was a pause, as all the Trolin's present weren't sure if they were supposed to boo, cheer, or jeer. The King laughed in derision, and the other Trolins laughed long and hard. The others in the group turned slowly around, grim faces showing. "This is going well," said Aurek under his breath, unfortunately the non0human hearing of Falkor and Westian picked up on it well enough.

The King made a gesture as if to sweep aside a cloak, even though he had none and so simply nudged some of his tarnished necklaces instead. With this gesture made - one that also seemed to calm the crowd - the King sat down. "SPEAK, ELF!" he said mockingly, and then placed a fist under his head, as if bored already. Although his lower arm rested on nothing.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand..... you guys are on. Make it good! :p I more than assume this will wrap all the way in to next week, so feel free to pace yourself and do small parts of the speech and elicity replies. It's like a non-combat copmbat. Except maybe there will be combat.

Good luck!


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:35 pm
by oh_brother
Westian drew a deep breath and moved forward, not letting his fears show. He had to ignore the negativity and doubts from his own party, regardless of how justified those doubts were. This was his chance to help undo the evil building in this mountain. He was not a warrior, the best weapon he could offer was his words. He blocked out all the inner voices that told him this was impossible, and just focused on his own voice as he spoke loudly and clearly.

“Who rules this mountain? The Grey Lord is gone, someone must be in charge. It is you” - his arm swept across the room in front of him - “or it is the blackskulls. It cannot be both.” He paused for dramatic effect.

“Should you accept some peace with the blackskulls? Be their friends? You think they will share this mountain with you? No! They will crush you, or you will crush them,” - he banged his fist on the stone in front of him to emphasise his point - “there is no other option. You know this. And yet your leader wants you to sit here and do nothing! Let the blackskulls strengthen their forces. Strengthen their magics!”

I will leave it there, to give anyone else a chance to jump in. You mentioned above that my diplomacy roll would carry...was that for the discussion with the king, or did you mean it would carry for this too? I made a roll anyway, it was 14 (no time to put link, check usual account on IC). Cool setup btw! I like it.


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:23 pm
by beowuuf
Your diplomacy roll carries with the King for as long as your basic points are still used (which they seem to be). If you are, as you appear to be, also pitching towards the Trolins as a whole, then yeah a second diplomacy roll is a good idea for currying their favour. As I said, not a success/failure, it just lets me pitch the difficulty of winning the King and/or the crowd over by RP and actions. Note if you choose an entirely new approach - such as saying "I was lying, actualy we are shapeshifters here to kill the Grey Lord's minions, send by your fellow Trolions" then you could roll a new diplomacy chesk aswell, at the risk of losing your hard work in the previous endeavour for a worse new starting point :)

Anyway, nice opening volley! See if money wants to add something, and then I can let you see what the rest of you group do and what the Trolins react to. Glad you liek the set up, I'll try to edit the wall of text for the erros I spotted!


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:34 pm
by beowuuf
The King's eyes opened wide. Clearly, he was either arrogant or foolish. He had obviously assumed either Westian would either have spoken directly the the King (as Dolo must have) when in the presence of such intimidation, or have pitched pleading to the crowd. Westian's words had been strong and trecherous, and had not even been asking for help yet.

The Trolin crowd's occasional jeers and laughter died down quickly, and there was a dangerous hush in many quarters. Tosca whispered something to his king, and the King narrows his eyes, nodding. The King no longer tried to feign boredom.

A good opening volley, backed by a good roll against the crowd. Still, a way to go, and worse of course gaining the crowd's favour at the cost of the King's favour :) Still, who said the politcally safe way was going to be the best :D

I'll add some reactions of the group a little later, and of course Falkor's input is welcome too in whatever ways he can think to help here.

Still OB, feel free to fire off another volley of words or actions, etc, if you have the time :)


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:07 pm
by money
sorry all, been away for a few days and bit manic at the moment as Riley in under the weather :( Falkor wont add anything at the moment, just nod approving with Westian or shake his head... on cue!


Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:00 pm
by oh_brother
Westian observed the beginnings of a reaction from the crowd and made a subtle change in strategy. He held back from anymore direct attacks on the king. Instead he focused on Tosca. This was a safer option, since he had less influence, and also was a weak link in the chain of command. In addition it would potentially allow the king to change his mind without losing face. Tosca could take the fall. Looking at the fat Trollin he began.

“And this coward…this fat, greedy coward, look how much influence he has! Is that right? That he should have such influence, while you do not? Did you agree to let him into such a position of power? Is it fair that someone with so few abilities has so much wealth? He ran at the first sign of danger! Who here would have done the same? No one! You would have fought!”

“People like this - ” again he gestured towards Tosca “- will tell you not to fight. Why? Because he fears the blackskulls. He will tell you hundreds of reasons why not to do it, each reason is a coward’s excuse. I do not fear the blackskulls. I am going into their lair with my men” his arm swept around to encompass the small group. “We will fight. And we will win. If you want to be part of that, if you want the glory and the spoils, tell your leaders.”

No worries about being busy money, Falkor can be the Phil Neal to Westian’s Graham Taylor. :wink:


Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:32 pm
by beowuuf
Hope Riley is feeling better! There seems to be quite a lot of weird stuff going aroudn at the moment! I really have meant to update this today, but things keep getting in the way! Will try to tomorrow morning before work, or lunchtime at the latest! Apologies!


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:30 pm
by beowuuf
Clearly the Trolins present hated Tosca as much as had been indicated. And clearly the grandiose speaking was making the Trolins regard the whole group. Farel was clearly uncomfortable, but Aurek whispered something. Both Farel and Aurek too position around Westian. Not flanking him, that might imply weakness. Instead, Farel and Aurek stood looking outwards forming a triangle with Westian. Falkor ensured he and Ardur were standing in a place to be ignored. Guree was standing a little apart still, looking sadly alone now the group was forming little defensive cliques.

It was a dangerous gambit still Westian engaged in. Clearly the King could cut Tosca loose, but at the moment it would been seen as weakness. And certainly theKing would know Westian had won. Sadly, the King - with a flicker in his features that indicated hesitation, yelled, "Tosca at my side because Tosca proved his worth in times passed! More than you have! What right you have to call him coward?"

Tosca seemed bouyed up by the backing of his King, and finally grew a spine. "I am Tosca! I not accept this abuse and big talk from cowards!" He pointed to the three warriors, and then Guree - perhaps spotting her lone status.

Tosca gestured as his back to Uumack. "This coward killed his boss, Goga, and then he and his <i>cortah![/i]" Tosca pointed at Tosca, and Guree's flinch indicated Tosca had probably used a rude word, "led these cowards," a flick across to Westian, Farel and Aurek, "through back door to kill King! Ignore his weak talk and big words! They kill my men and try to make me betray my King!" He looked to the Trolins. "Your King who keeps you safe from Blackskulls! They fear him and come crawling in to his lair through front door to beg favours!" Tosca pointed to Westian. "This coward crawls in back and only begs when killing failed. Begs with knife behind back!"

Powerful shots fired at Tosca, for the moment he's being given some rope to fire powerful shots back. Let's see if that's a problem, or if you can make it into the proverbial rope to hang himself.

Or if you'll choose another tactic...

I'm enjoy this so far,hope you are too! Sorry for the delays, will try to stay on top of it better next week (as I think I have shaken my cold thing now)


Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:20 pm
by oh_brother
The return blows from Tosca were surprisingly forceful. But one thing kept Westian’s spirits up; the centre of attention was Tosca. As long as he could make this debate about him he stood a chance of winning.

“Why do I call him a coward? Because he ran. He ran when he met us first. And then he travelled with us, but as soon as people were not looking he ran away again. He ran to cower behind the king, in the hope that the king would protect him. He cannot stand for himself! And he lied, said we were here to kill the king. We were not, we came to talk to the Trolins. Tell them our plan to attack the blackskulls. We have no reason to attack Trolins, or their king. We thought you would want to fight the blackskulls. Take their lands. Take their treasures. Rule this mountain. But Tosca, and others like him, say no. He says that you should not fight. Why not? Because he thinks the blackskulls are his friends.” Westian laughed.

“They have no friends, he is a fool. They will attack when they are ready. Do you really think you can live in peace, with an army right beside you? Do you want to live in peace with an army right beside you? If you want glory, then tell your leaders you will not sit and be friends with the blackskulls. Tell them you will show the blackskulls that they will not rule this land. This land can be ruled by Trolins. You are far more powerful than they are. You can take them. You can destroy them. Tell your leaders that.”

Yes, it is fun trying to sway an entire tribe of Trolins! I am enjoying it. No worries about the delay, I ahve been sporadic at times myself!


Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:03 pm
by beowuuf
Lol, glad to hear it. And forgive me for providing a blip of another kind on your path to giving yourself a Trolin army :) This explains you failed rolls - sense motive as it turns out - earlier.

The Trolins around were shouting and quarrelling. It was all in Trolin, so only Falkor could understand the occasiona words regarding blackskulls. It was clear that Westian was scoring points, many points.

While Westian could not understand what was being said, it was clear from the reactions of Tosca and the King that the Trolin crowd were not becoming angry and Westian. The occasional cheer was heard as Westian's last words were uttered. It was quite intoxicating to feel a hostile crowd move to your owrds. Although, of course, also very dangerous - like a tide that could pull you under as well as lift you up.

"Lies! False! Blackskulls fear us, cower at us! You want King to attack so blackskulls can attack from shadows! You are blackskull!" Tosca's words were loud, but he was obviously not accustomed to such speech. His loud voice was nasally, and his voice cracked repeatedly. It was also hard for his words to be made out on the jeers. He had stepped down the stairs, perhaps braver because the King was also now standing angrily. However, he faltered a few steps away at the vigor of the Trolins around yelling.


It happened in a flash. The moment Tosca turned his head and all other attention was focused on the King, whose own attentiuon was focused on Westian, when suddenly a crossbow bolt appeared in his shoulder. The Trolin, and everyone elese, were temporarily silences. Tosca let out a pitiful scream and fell sideways, staring in horror at the injury.

Guree had siddled across to under the guard pillar closest, and had put the other guard pillar between her and the King. She'd fired on Tosca, and was clearly trying to scramble another bolt before the guards or anyone else could figure out where she was. "Free Uumack or next bolt for you! Enough weak talk!" she belowed at the King, as the King turned to see what had happened. Either the King was caught unawares, or perhaps he was simply arrogant enough not to flinch when the bolt had appeared. Or perhaps, this was not the first time he had come under attack and he did not fear it.

Yeah, so the situation has changed for the moemnt. Angry female Trolin wants Uumack freed, doens't care about anything else. You guys have like a few seconds before all hell probably breaks loose. Stupid see-saw of interests to balance for you!. Still, you've actually put out alot of fire pre-emptively, and done well so far. There were always going to be pitfalls, I think you've done a good jon of limiting them. So good luck with this one! I'd prefer Westian to earn his army, instead of me having to map out a daring fighting retreat here, or a daring escape from a Troln prison :D


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:44 pm
by money
Falkor wasn't sure what had happened, it was so quick and commotion was not good - this was not going to convince anyone they were here for good. He quickly moved himself between the line of sight of Guree and the Trolin King. "STOP... this is not what we came for, there has been enough in-fighting." He realised he was talking in the common tounge - perhaps to add a little something he tried again in Trolin, "The king is just, trust in him and his decisions - he has heard Westians words and is yet to decide the fate of Trolins... and the black skulls." He turned his head towards the king, glancing at Westian as he turned and continued in common... "I have said little upto this point, I believe in killing the black skulls, in retribution for their wrongdoings - I have no issue with you, or your people other than to ask, as Westian has, for your support."

Falkor wasn't sure if this would be seen as weakness, stupidity or bravery - either way, the situation was volatile and no matter what happened next it was going to be make or break for the negotiations.


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:50 pm
by beowuuf
Guree was obviously surprised by the movement of the mage, and fumbled her quick reload of her crossbow. The guards almost did something, but seemed to realise the nimble halfling was facing the agressor instead of backing her up.

There was a shock through the crowd as they realised the the halfling was speaking - with an orcish accent and dialect - in their own language. Some of the less astute Trolins at the back who had simply been following the crowd, now had a better understandign of Westian's complex words. Those at the front who had understood Westian's words anyway still liked having the matter underlined so. Especially the comment on retribution. "Swift-death" was muttered by mroe than one Trolin.

As Falkor swept the groud, looking back to the King, bhe briefly made eye contact with Tosca. The fat Trolin immediately flinched. It was not surprising - Falkor could disappear at will, walk the Breath of Chaos as if it did not exist, and had been found treading the rooms of Soorec without care. Tosca perhaps had an incling Falkor may well turn out to be the gnome himself!

Certainly, Falkor was shorter than Guree, and could not block the shot physically. However, if his words were seen as weakness, Tosca's flinch at Falkor and scrambling back up the steps set the bar quite high to be berated for it. More importantly, bravery and stupidity seemed one in the same in the orcish language. Falkor stepping between a bolt was certainly a powerful message.

"Guree, stay back and let elf talk!" came a pained voice. Uumack, free of the bullying of Tosca for the moment, was able to speak to the female. She did not look fully convinced, however certainly she realised the elementa of surprise was gone. And certainly, Falkor beside her gave her pause, as unbalanced in her favour as any confrontation appeared to be.

The crowd still held its breath, awaiting a comment from the King or from the group that was the centre of attention.


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:30 pm
by money
... Falkor had said enough, looking around at the Trolin crowd it was clear - there was a sense of anticipation... either Westian or the King, who would make the next move? He found himself holding his breath, then quickly realised he wasn't the only one....

Leaving this to Trolin King and Westian - for now


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:41 pm
by beowuuf
Indeed he's not :) If you missed it in the OOC thread your guys, we've hit 1 1/2 years doing this. Scary and cool, isn't it? :D


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:05 pm
by oh_brother
Westian held up his hand too, encouraging Guree to show restraint. He calmly walked by the prone body of Tosca, hoping to highlight the difference between the sureness of the group and the fragility of the Trolin. Seeing that Falkor was doing a good job of firing up the crowd – in Trolin, he presumed – he continued to speak.

“Yes, you want to crush the blackskulls. And you can.” He looked at the king.

“Will you lead your people?” His voice was strong and he deliberately made the question simple, hoping to draw attention to the king’s response.

A year and a half, time flies! I never thought we woudl still be going, and it would still feel fresh and interesting. Thanks for all the hard work! :D


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:37 pm
by beowuuf
If you are around, roll me a d20. Heck, roll me two for fun :)

Also, yeah, time does fly! Glad you are still enjoying it, weird to think it's fresh given it's the same dungeon in the same day and a half!

Anyway, there's definitely an end point you're moving towards now. Of course, Raixel is offering to host a spin off in the same universe, so you both could carry on with it really being fresh. And you might even play alongside a 'new' player too :D


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:44 pm
by oh_brother
The dice were 3 and 17. A day and a one day = one year? :) And oooohhh, does that mean you are planing to be a PC next game?