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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:08 pm
by beowuuf
Westian looked at the king, and immediately sensed both his victory and his failure. His words had trapped the King. The fact that Tosca was scrambling backwards to his King's feet with each stride of Westian, and the fact some of the Trolins laughed with Westian at this, showed the King could not support the wretch.

However, Westian had played the crowd against the King. It would work for now - the King looked at Westian as he would look to an unsuspectedly skilled opponent who now had a blade under the King's neck. Westian would get some conscession, would be able to walk out of this place.

However, Westian had a sinking feeling that whatever was agreed here would not hold. Once away from the crowd, Westian would be betrayed somewhere along ther way at best, and silently done away with later at worst. The King looked as if he were being pinned by a skillful opponent, but surely in real combat the King had found himself this way more than once, and had obviously managed to act in a way that saw him victorious later.

What should Westian do? Push his advantage and miminise the damage the King could do? Or should he risk what he had managed to actually convince the King? Westian had, at least, shown the King his abilities in winning the crowd. At the very least, Westian was being considered a worthy foe and not some amusing distraction.


The Trolins as a group started arguing, yelling they were ready. The King baited them a few times, showing the strange psychology of the Trolins that castigating them would work so. Finally he waved his hands, as if he had been convinced. It also, of course, saved much face that the King had been persuaded to fight the Blackskulls by his people and an elf. Finally, he calmed the yelling mob.

"Loyal Trolins will go with me. Disloyal will be judged and dealty with," the King said, in a more normal tone of voice to Westian. "I have one, but you need give me other who threaten her king. Then you can come with me, if you want. But not get in my way."

Westian realised that he had not quite managed to solidify his position either. 'May have lied' had been applied to Tosca. Tosca had not been numbered as a traitor. The sneak was not discredited, merely sidelined. Meanwhile Uumack and now Guree were being demanded as sacrifices, subtly, for Westian to hand over in order for the King to allow Westian to have his way. It was cunning politics. Made worse that Westian senses the King would not honour any agreement later, indeed might not even carry on with a Blackskull attack even if Westin and the group fled now.

What do do? Cut their losses - and the two Trolin companions free - for the chance at the Trolins attackign the Blackskulls, worrying about thebetrayal and trying to escape before? Or should Westian potentially come off as unreasoable, demanding, even scheming by trying to actually turn the King.

This could all be over now, a decent victory, better than some might hope. Or was Westian up to the challenge of achieving something greater? Was that arrogance to try, and a sop to his conscience when what he wanted was probably on offer, as best as he could have expected it?

The room was silent.

Ok, leave it there. Sooooo, let's see what Westian does. Push further, or accept the terms as they stand, try to ensure the King goes throug hwith the attack, then prepare a covert escape?

And yes, you may well find I'll play a PC in Raixel's game :D I plan it to be one who doesn't speak!


Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:33 pm
by oh_brother
“I know no traitor. Only Tosca. He lied, he tried to create fear in the king’s heart. But you did not bow down to fear, you took control of your people. As a king should. Now I know why these people follow you.” His shouted out for emphasis. “You will lead them to victory. You will lead them as they destroy the blackskulls.”

The change is strategy was necessary, Westian felt. They were caught in a stalemate, new fronts needed to be opened up. On a simple level it was playing to the king’s vanity. And more than that; the king had seen that Westian could be a tough foe, maybe now he would see that he could be a useful ally.

“You do not fear shadows, or false rumours of plots” he continued, laying the praise on thickly. “The Trolins I know, the Trolins I fought beside, show great strength, bravery and loyalty. No traitors. Just true warriors, like all Trolins” his hand swept around the room, encompassing the king and then the crowd.

“All Trolins except one” he added with a laugh, looking at the sorry sight of the prone and wounded Tosca. “If you have doubts about any of your men, give them to me. I promise they will kill many of your enemies.”

I don’t know if I need a new roll because of a change of strategy. I rolled any way, it was a 6 + 13 = 19. Damn it!!!! :(


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:54 pm
by beowuuf
The King gave Westian a look. Westian recognised that the King was not truly buying the praise, probably because he had used such tricks himself. Howeve,r the crowd were chanting the King's name, obviously swayed by Westian's words and showing him appreciation. That, despite himself, the King could not ignore as easily. A smile crept up on his lips unbidden as he - very weakly - gestured for them to calm down. Only after they chanted louder for a while did he finally grow weary and actually yell at them to stop.

Clearly, he was still displeased at Westian both forcing his hand, and not giving in to his demands over the female Trolin.

"NOW I KNOW MY BRAVE TROLINS WANT TO FIGHT, OR COURSE I LEAD THEM TO FIGHT! THEY JUST NEED SAY! LET ME KNOW THEY READY!" There was more cheers. The King had apparently done this both to stir the crowd in his favour again, but this time to disguse the quiet words he hissed at Westian. "You keep that female bound by your weak words or by hands, but if she aims at me again I split her <i>culmba's</i> throat, then hers. You tell her that. No weak words stop me."

The King moved back a little to bellow more words at Westian, just as the crowd realised the King was addressing Westian. If nothing else, the King had perfect insticts regarding his subjects. "You say you make Tosca fight? Then he yours! Prove yourself to my fighting Trolins! Prove your worth and words!" The King had a wicked look on his face, as the crowd mocked Tosca and jeered at Westian for the first time in a while, a little fickle and perhaps assuming Westian was not up to the task, or that Tosca's cowardice and incompitence was catching.

Tosca was squirming on the stairwell, and realising the jeers from the crowd and the King's words, looked up for support. The fat Trolin was shaking from fear and his wound, seeming greener than before. It was probably the Trolin version of being pale.

The King shook his head imperceptibly at Tosca, with a sneer. Perhaps the King had been waiting for an excuse like this to be rid of the Trolin, or perhaps he simply enjoyed seeing weak things squirm helpless under his power.

Tosca suddenly shrieked, and to the surprise of all grabbed something from a concelaed area at his side. It was a small black knife, slick with something green, and he leapt wildly at Westian with it!

Roll initiative please! Since standing up and withdrawing the knife are a move action, that's Tosca's surprise round action. So if you roll a good initiative, you'll be able have a full set of actions before Tosca stabs Westian.

Money, that means you to, since I assume you are close to the stage and looking up. Remember many of your spells have a radius, so if you do something violent make sure you use a precise spell.

Obviously, both your immediate concerns might be Westian not dying of poison death. However, remember that you've got an unhappy King, fickle crowd, lots of guards, two Trolins with an unknown mental state regarding Tosca and of course some 'friendly' NPCs who might act weirdly when things seem to be going wrong. So you might want to deal with this in a way that doesn't see all your hard work take too much of a hit! Though at this point in time it's possibly more a case of just ensuring you don't look bad, rather than the entire plan falling apart. Still, we'll see!

Good luck!


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:13 am
by money
Roll initiative please: (13)


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:23 pm
by oh_brother
And I rolled a 10


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:20 pm
by beowuuf
Sorry, I meant to make it clear you could write your actions as well, since Tosca wasn't going anywhere. As if stands Falkor and Westian (I almost forgot your +4 for the ring) react ahead of Tosca, so go ahead and do stuff before Westian gets stabbed :D


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:31 am
by money
Seeing the Trolin come at Westian was no surprise, Falkor had half expected this would happen - although it did perhaps show that Tosca did some courage in him - this was most likely a suicide run.

still, this was not time to kill one of their own so easily as this may be seen as arrogance...

He took one look at the Trolin and spoke the words... ON ZO, he hoped at best to dissarm the fat trolin, and at worst cause him to stumble on his way towards Westian - perhaps buying his friend some precious moments.


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:22 pm
by beowuuf
Nice. Yup, that will buy Westian a moment if nothing else. Roll me a d20 if you are still around as a disarm attempt to see if you can send that dagger flying too!


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:05 pm
by oh_brother
Tosca's movements were well telegraphed, so Westian had time to compose himself. He lifted up his staff with both hands held close to the base and then brought it down forcefully to connect with the Trolin's skull. "Down, dog" he growled in a display of bravado.

Attack was 16 + 6 = 22, damage 5 + 2 = 7.


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:04 pm
by money


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:53 pm
by beowuuf
While Guree noticed Falkor's spell flung out on instinct, no-one else really noticed it. All they saw was the result, which was that Tosca's blade seemed to deflect with a splash of multi-coloured magic away from Westian. It was made all the more impressive by Westian's swift and assured response, smacking the Trolin on the head with a sound blow of his twisted staff.

The Trolin crowd were calling out, some in anger at Tosca, some cheering on Westian. The oddest response was the KIng. He took a step backwards, not afraid but clearly tactically. He was looking to the scene infront of him. And then he laughed a genuine laugh.

Tosca was disoreinted, looking around him and at the dagger he had barely heldon to. Westian could see it in the fat Trolin's eyes though, he was being humilited soundly, and obviously anger and disorientation were for the moment outwaying fear and pain. For the moment.

That's an impressive double team there! Tosca isn't down, but he's not exactly far from it. And the King is actually enterrtained. This might turn out well after all! Tosca's attack is delayed by a round, keep up the good work and let's see what happens tomorrow! :)


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:49 pm
by oh_brother
As Westian looked at Tosca he considered ignoring him, showing that he posed no threat. Maybe just walk away, to show disdain and indifference.

But maybe not. In these surroundings such subtleties may be meaningless, whereas crushing a foe could provide a lot more respect. It was only a guess, but based on what he had seen so far it seemed a reasonably safe one. What was more it might permanently remove a thorn from his side.

He swung once more, this time a wide, sweeping swing of his staff, connecting with the Trolin on his ear.

Attack was 15 + 6 = 21, damage 6 + 2 = 8.


Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:24 am
by money
Falkor wasn't sure he liked the way it was going, humiliating the fat trolin was of course of his own doing, and he had already taken the view that this was a suicide run, but still - something he had been pondering since Ameenas words, was this right. He decided to let Westian take his own course - if he was needed he could step in at any time, but that could show weakness to the others, that Westian was unable to fight his own battles - no more than hot air. Westian, with his swift moves was proving otherwise..


Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:56 pm
by beowuuf
Tosca fell sideways at the second blow, and then screamed in pain as he fell on the bolt. Pain obviously flooded his body, and he squirmed and cried out in pain. The dagger dropped and fell off the stairs, having fortunately not delivered its deadly payload.

Tosca scored a hit by the way - so you better than the dice gods and money, OB, for Westian's health :D

The King roared with laughter, apparently impressed that Westian had dispatched Tosca so soundly. The King stepped back to his throne, sitting back on it. Meanwhile, the Trolins aroudn were jeering and howling many contradictory things. So mocking Tosca, others yelling for Westian to kill Tosca, others calling for the King to denounce Tosca. None of the Trolins gathered had a good word for the fat Trolin.

The King seemed genuinely tickled by Westian's performance, however it wasn't long before a calculated glance came to the King's face. Perhaps some subtlties were lost on Trolins, but sadly not others. "You prove Tosca traitor, you make him fight - though wrong people. Stil, you beat him. Kill him! Kill traitor!"

Obviously, Westian realised acting under the King's orders might sooth the King's ruffled feathers. Or would it lower the estimation of the Trolins for Westian, putting the King on top.

Meanwhile, Guree was giivng Falkor a strange look. "You not help priest more?" she hissed when Falkor had obviously stood down. She was using actual orcish, wiht an accent Falkor could understand easily, though any Trolin who caught the words accidentally might not have understood the words. However, seeing Westian beat his attacker soundly, she perhaps preseumed Westian had it easily in hand. She looked impressed. "You promise me you get priest to free Uumack?" she asked. Clearly, she perhaps realised Westian was not someone to cross, and perhaps deserved the initial respect his words had generated. Just as clearly though, she wished to use Falkor as an 'in' to get some assurances that Uumack would not be forgotten.

Aurek and Farel had moved when the assault had started, but it was clear they were not needed almost as soon as the disruption had occurred. Farel used the distraction to go across to Ardur, left alone where Falkor had been. Aurek was still equidistant between Westian's position and those on the ground.

And we'll leave it there! Also, Lord Bones might be coming back to the game. I've got to get him up to speed on what has occurred, and we'll see if he can slip back in :)


Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:20 pm
by money
He understood clearly - although his own skill in replying may be less good - and to ensure the privacy between the two remained he spoke, in Trolin, with Guree using the messaging technique he had previously used with Westian and Brighteyes/Seeroc. "I will do all I can to protect him and his passage back to you although the battles ahead may not be so kind or forgiving." Falkor motioned towards Westian, "It was important that a man who talks so powerfully, gaining respect from those around, proves he has more than clever words. I believe he has done this."

Falkor wasn't sure if Guree would be confused or startled at the voice appearing in her mind, but he believed he had commanded some respect of his own by now, and given his history and recent run ins with Seeroc, the blue haze and the scorpians, he expected Guree to realise this was another use of his powers.

cool for LB, looking forward to the next update :)


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:58 pm
by money
a name change.... to our excellent adventure :)


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:02 pm
by beowuuf
Fingers crossed! :) We seem to have lost OB for the moment though!


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:19 pm
by oh_brother
Westian moved forward. He looked back to Aurek, indicating that he wanted support. The he brought his staff down on the Trolin, putting all doubts out of his mind. Doubts were a luxury they could not afford.

I got 19 attack, and 3 damage - check IC. Not around today, apologies! Great to have LB back though


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:37 pm
by oh_brother
Just to explain Westian's was not an easy choice. But he could not let weakness ruin all their work, the stakes were too high. And Tosca was an emeny who attacked. Even though Westian was not a fighter (by training or temperment), he would have been raised with an "old school" attitude of carrying out whatever was needed for the sake of Larethian/ the church/ the civilan population. I just realised Westian looks a bit blood-thirsty and thought I should clarify! :)


Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:34 pm
by beowuuf
I thought it was something like that, though glad to have it confirmed! While I still feel guilty for continuing Westian's splitting of the group for so long, considering it was my metagame choice not yours, I was hoping that away from the main body of the group Westian could have him moment to shine wihtout havign to worry abotu the group's cohesion and reactions. Interesting to let him stretch himself away from them, and then have to see or defend his actions later in a new light when they meet back again.

Although Falkor already has new appreciations and has always had a hidden conscience, so it's not like

Haven't heard back from LB again actually, though there is a lot to assimilate, of course! I will nudge the story ahead while leaving Aurek free to jump in to it.

Tosca looked around in horror at his King's words, mumbling half sobbing words of mercy. He did not get the chance to look back to the cleric, for Westian moved with the determination of his choice. The back of Tosca's skull was vulnerable, and the Trolin was not defending himself. The crack of the blow reverberated around the room, and there was a communal indrawn breath that left the hall silent for a moment. Tosca's skull staved in with frightening ease, and his face was smashed in to the stone of the stairwell. Westian felt the slight spray of blood on his face, but it was probably best not to show any reaction to that. Tosca's body slipped around, and it was probably best nto to show any reaction to the revealed face and sightless eyes.

The King was looking at Westian strangely. There was a strange fire that had not been there before. The calculation had a new component on it. There seemed to be elation. Glee. The King gave a nod of his head, as if in respect, a broad smile on his lips that was not so much predatory as genbuinely pleased. Apparently, a new avenue had openeing up in the King's mind due to Westian's apparent zeal.

As one, the Trolin crowd around burst in to a ragged, extended cheer that reverberated painfully in the ears. It was almost enough to distract from the trail of blood that started to pool at Westian's feet, and was visible as splashes on his hands at the tip of his staff.

Uumack, previously unregarded, moved painfully to turn to his King and bellow something in Trolin speech. The King had been about to get up, and there was brief irritation on his face, although he nodded at the words, and then finally stood fully to address the crowd over Westian's head.


The Trolins carried on bellowing, the King had timed it right for them to be chanting his own name and not Westian's, riding the wave perfectly. Westian had managed the impossible, it seemed. The danger he felt from the king previous seemed to have gone, the King seemed to believe in Westian's ability after such a casual display of power and ruthlessness. Of course, as was the danger, the Trolins were apparently not something he would be able to direct. He had broken a dam, but had been unable to effect a channel before the flood was unleashed. He would - like the King - have to ride the tide with as much skill as possible to ensure his ends. And hope the damage was minimal.

Still, he had achieved his impossible objective.

Congratulations....I think? :evil:

Meanwhile, Flakor was close enough to see everything. The casual dispatch of Tosca had seemed to solidify Guree, and the female Trolin looked almost apologetic and certainly fearful at having tried to cross such powerful people. It did not escape notice that Uumack had been able to address the King and not had his words bitten off. Falkor had just about made them out - 'You see! Him powerful and have honour! Him speak true and I not traitor, I bring powerful ally!' The King had nodded at the words.

Of course, Flakor could also see the blood staining what had been a noble impliment of peace in the hands of the elf who had once possessed it in a previous life. And Falkor could also see Farel was shielding Aldur's eyes from the violence, looking darkly to the rest of the group.

Still, it was clear that the group were not in immediate danger. It appeared the King had twisted the situation to his advantage, and was clearly confident he could strike the blackskulls. Westian had, at least, accomplished what he wanted to. If this was for the best was something to figure out discretely.

I'll leave it there for now. Obviously you guys can react the the people aroudn you, etc, and make any final requests and comments. After that, the King will want to take you guys - as guests who can't escape - to a quieter place for planning. Well done! Did you ever think you'd get here and do it? I had my doubts :D


Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:17 pm
by oh_brother
Westian showed no reaction to what had happened, but he could not bring himself to look his comrades in the eye.

It was the only option. Tosca was an enemy, and he had attacked first. He would not have stopped. Showing an unwillingness to kill would have been interpreted as weakness. By Westian refusing to do an unpleasant act far greater evil could have been unleashed. But while these arguments made intellectual sense to the half-elf, they did not reach him on an emotional level. On that level he felt guilt and confusion, especially when contrasted with Farel’s non-violent approach. Maybe these things would get easier with time. Or better yet maybe he would not have to make such tough choices again.

Still, a sneaking sense of self-accomplishment was in the back of his mind. He had travelled into the lair of the Trolins, and convinced them to join his cause. His pride whispered that few people could have accomplished the same, and part of him relished that.

With that odd mixture of emotions running through him he turned to the king. “Together we will smash the blackskulls. You will lead your people to a famous victory. And the traitor is dead.” He indicated in Tosca’s direction, although he did not look himself. Feigning indifference was easier the less you looked at the consequences of your actions. “These two were blamed because of Tosca’s lies”, he continued, nodding in Guree and Uumack’s direction in turn. “They are loyal to you. And they are brave.”

I am surprised we managed to pull it off. Actually I feel like we earned it - by which I mean you did not give it to us on a plate, it was not a case of "just go in here, say a few words, and you get an army". It felt like it could have gone wrong pretty easily. Some good rolls when it counted really helped! :D Still, for everything gained something is lost, Westian had to make a tough decision that he as a character and I as a player have mixed emotions about. :(


Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:45 pm
by money
Falkor knodded with Westians words, enough had been said, it was time to move on...


Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:52 pm
by beowuuf
Well obviously a lot of that is you set it up way ahead of time. I always love the actions that build and build ahead of these things so it's hard to know how it came about. The fact you won over the initial Trolin group to the point where you got in a position to even snag Tosca, the fact you didn't lose too much respect nor momentum for any of the set backs such as the Chaos's Breath thing, the fact that you managed to overcome the set back of losing Tosca for him to be a thorn, but that there are consequences for how it's all gone down. It's why I still enjoy this a year and a half later, obviously :)

And you guys did a good job of keeping most people almost on side and heading off problems - Farel until now, and Guree you obviously lost a little towards the end but got her back, and Uumack seems to have kept the faith after everything you guys have kept doing to stoke the fires there. Good rolls like your attack rolls now and the initial grak-grak turning rolls help immensely, losing that male crossbow Trolin to bad rolls hurt in hidden ways, but it's still great that the bulk of the opportunity comes from what you guys do.

Anyway, glad it didn't feel like it was handed to you - I really didn't want to take it away from you (nor Westian), but yeah, a wrong move from Falkor or Westian would have seen this turn in to an escape from the hall/escape from captivity situation (with perhaps a second attempt to convince the King) was something I was prepared for. And yeah, you guys certainly earned it! The limits of exactly what you've earned, of course, come from how you've arrived at this place. As mentioned, instead of perhaps leading a large group of Trolins himself, Westian is now going ot have ti watch the King actually launch an attack. Perhaps what he wanted, but in a way so unpredicatable that he might wish he'd got something easier to manage later!

Glad you've got mixed emotions about it, I have a funny feeling Falkor - if not money - might have that too (Fingers crossed). Which means you guys managed to create a great scene for yourself!


Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:06 pm
by beowuuf
Oops, somehow I missed money posting when I posted again, or I would have moved things along!

The King seemed to barely notice those he had damned before, waving away the comments on their being considered disloyal. Whether it was a trait of Trolins, or the King, he seemed to readily bounce form one certainty to the next without missing a beat, seemingly creating the front that it was his intent all along.

"Indeed, the real traitor was proven," said the King, standing up and not being able to read the elation and doubts Westian was feeling. Though it was noted that the guards still looked very unkindly at Guree. "As always, throw all supposed traitors together, and strength shows itself." The King actually laughed, and beckoned for the group on the floor to come up the stairs. It was only as tensions had faded and Westian could afford to look passed the King that it could be noted there was a narrow path leading to the back of the cavern.

The King turned to the Trolins all around. "Leaders! Celebrate with your clans the events that will happen! I shall hold Meeting of War in my private halls at the next Striking! We shall discuss <i>colldum</i> then!" Only as the Trolins moved around, was it clear there had been Trolins of a slightly higher standing in the mass, dotted around. Now that the crowd had calmed, and once more now that the group could focus on the Trolins as a set of groups breaking apart instead of one hungry mass to be appeased, the divisiosn were a little clearer. The King did not rule a mob, the King rules many small and large groups, and surely potential replacements were currently looking to their own groups with concern. Falkor knew <i>colldum</i> was a very specific oric-like word, like treasure but it also had intonations of prestige.

It was clear that when Westian had been talking, the King had fought for the hearts and minds of the crowd who decided everything. Now he had the crowd on his side, clearly the King was already aiming to placate the leaders who could slowly slip poisonous words in to the minds of their own group. The King clearly wished to keep the momentum, and not allow rivals and cowards a chance to apply any breaks. He gestured with frantic energy for all the group to join him. It was clearly noted that some of the guards jumped right behind their King before Westian could get too close, and gave him a dark look before falling in to step. Clearly, the King and his guards were not going ot fully lower their guard. Uumack was given all due respect, but the guards' insistance that he stand up despite his injuries and move across the walkway clearly still carried a threat of violence.

Without too much ceremony, one of the guards leapt on to the side of the steps, and kicked Tosca's body down on to the dirt.

Down on the ground, Farel and Ardur were in a small group, Farel clearly very hesitatnt to go anywhere with the Trolins. However, now the focus was gone, it was clear some of the main Trolin modb were loitering, watching intently to see if there would be any sport to be had with some of the stragglers. Aurek had already started bounding up the steps in reaction to Westian's previous gesture. Falkor, with Guree moving reluctantly, clearly was also ready to leave and move on.

Farel moved Ardur infront of him, and casting neutral looks around, slowly strode the steps himself. Some guards had enacted swinging drops from the pillars they had been on, landing on the floor heavily but still upright, and came up behind Farel. He cast them, too, the same neutral looks, but ensured he increased his pace.

I'll pause here briefly just because that's a wall of text, and just to see if you guys want to quickly say or do anything before going in to private audience with the King.


Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:20 pm
by Lord_BoNes
Seeing the situation unfold, Aurek was almost speechless. He bound up the stairwell after Westian, briefly glancing at the corpse of the traitor, Tosca, before continuing upward to the king. He moved to stand slightly behind Westian, and off a bit to the side. As they approach the king, Aurek sheathes his sword, in order to show his now peaceful intent.

Aurek bows to the king, as they approach showing him the respect he demands, "Thank you, mighty leige, for hearing us out. You show great care for your subjects, and you do them a great service." and on that note, he goes silent again.

Once in position, his thoughts drop back to past encounters... for quite a while, he hadn't been quite himself, but now was more like his old self. He thinks of the initial situation with Soorec, and his minions, "the cursed foul creatures"... then his thoughts veer off to what happened in the waterfall cavern, "I could have drowned". Then it was leading a group of trolins to the king, "what fun that's been". Now, we're here surrounded by trolins in what could be any number of "death-traps". What a fun day this has become! he thought sarcastically to himself, before snapping back to reality.

I'M BACK!!!! YAY! :P


Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:04 pm
by oh_brother
Westian maintained a neutral expression as he followed the king. The king seemed eager to get started, and that suited Westian perfectly. Ameena and Haynuus were presumably in the elf’s lair; maybe they would be able to reach them in time. Or maybe they were too late already.

The show of solidarity from Aurek boosted Westian’s spirits at a time when he needed it. The actions he had taken had made him feel more and more isolated, even though everything was done with good intentions. But knowing that your companions were still on your side meant a lot. He glanced back to Farel, wondering what must be going through the knight’s head. Perhaps in this case he had not been the best ambassador for Larethian.

Yeah, welcome back LB! :D Good to see you posting again!!


Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:59 pm
by money
Falkor said nothing, he had nothing to add. The party moved onwards to the meeting with the King. He wondered weather he could get some of the clan leaders on side. Perhaps promise to teach them some magic or give them something to help them "replace" the King and in turn secure their exit at the end of the great battle - but it was fraught with peril. He could quickly be identified as a trator, or the clan leader might get too cocky/ambitious before they completed their mission. So for now he decided to stay quiet.


Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:00 pm
by money
Welcome back LB :)


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:43 pm
by beowuuf
Indeedy! :D And money, I would love to let you attempt such evil machinations. Well, not evil, pretty pragmatic really. I can see Falkor has a level of restraint not wanting things to blow up anymore...but still, if you can decide to go for it, you won't find me blocking you. :) And don't forget...Uumack might feel a little less loyal to his king now. He might not have great pull directly, but it is possible he's now in the minds of those who do...[/b}

Aurek felt his awareness expand a little bit again. He'd had to be so focused on what was going on - making sure the water and air elementals didn't kill them all, making sure Westian was not in harms way from the small group of Trolins they'd been forced to tag along with, and then making sure they didn't die by the King's word!. Finally, with the goal of Westian achieved, Aurek felt he could think his own thoughts a little more. ( :D )

The King was taken aback when the paladin actually spoke. He puffed up his chest a little, and grinned. "I know," he said with no modesty, and sneering a little at the care aspect. However, depsite trying ot pass it off lightly, Aurek could spot that the Trolin liked to be flattered. Indeed, now the unpleasantness was over, some of Westian's choicer phrases and comments were perhaps being refiltered back in to the King's memory.

Farel was behind Aurek, perhaps deliberately. "Do you still trust Westian," asked Farel suddenly, in hushed tone. "He gave us assurances that seem to have fallen by the wayside." Aurek could not tell, with the knight behind him, if the man was concerned, or angry, or something else. His voice sounded flat.

Meanwhile, Falkor briefly looked back in to the hall as his thoughts were of what was goign to happen next. Falkor noted a squat, black-tinted Trolin- surrounded by some less consicuous looking followers - was the last to leave the hall. The Trolin gave a long look towards the king and the group, lingering far longer than was conformtable before departing. No one else seemed to have remained.

From what Falkor remembered from his studies of orcs, and from conversatiosn with various orcs and elves over his life, Trolins were an odd race. They loved violence for the sake of it, almost using territorial disputes as a reason. Still, those that rose to the top seemed to also rise above that petty nature. There was still the love of conflict, confrontation, and violence, but more often as not as it was practised by others. Such high risers seemed to love indications that they had 'won' conflicts - mental, verbal, physical, emotional, spiritual - and those were the rewards they graved, more than the confrontatiosn themselves. So for example, it wasn't that the King loved to be flattered, it was very liekly he loved proof that - from a worthy foe - he was better. Indeed, it was also possible that Westian was now a prized 'possession' because the King had apparently manoeuvered a skilled person to appearing to be under the King's service. The deal with the dark priest before was perhaps a similar thing that the King had maybe twisted in his midn to be proof he had defeated the blacskulls at their own game of diplomacy, forcing the black-clad warriors in to ceasing hostilities. So aside from looking forward to seeing the conflict, what might the King actually hope to gain from it happening? And what might he think he would lose if it went wrong?

It was a strange quirk in psychology, and of course perhaps dangerous to generalise to everyone, however it might be something to keep in mind when dealing with the King. And also to keep in mind if the mage changed his mind regarding looking to other leaders for assurances.

Westian, at the head of the group, got to see the King's private chambers first. If the King's occasional quirks hinted at him loving to ape humans, though not understanding the nuances, his private chambers screamed it. The place was a basic large square, low roofed in line with caves. Plastered on many walls, and even drapped on some surfaces, were various tapestries probably stolen from the Grey Lord, the Blackskulls, and various older conquests. There seemed to be a banner of Lord Chaos's, being used asa throw rug. There were also pictures, placed at strange angles even if they were portraits. Clearly, these were things other rulers had, and King grrl had made sure he had the most of any.

Still there were normal Trolin trophies. A line of heads - mostly Trolin, with the occasional humanoid - in varying states of decay were lines on one wall, underneath a banner of the blazing sun. In pride of place on another wall, close to an ornate chair, was a battered and bloody club. The King pointed to the
club and then pointed to his head. "King Congrub think we not join Chaos. I not agree. We fought. I won." Looking at Grrl's crown, there was an obvious area dended and restraughtened, some signs of blood visible. "Chaos tried to betray me, use me - ME - to create fake Trolins for his armies. Still, he gone, and we still here. No one have chance to hit me on head, make sure thye know good decision. Decision with vision. That I sacrifice for good decision." The King nodded to himself.

The King laughed, and again did the arm sweep that a King with a robe would use to move it out of the way. "Sit! Sit! We talk before others get here. Leaders not like to come too early, forced to look weak. Not like to come too late, forced to speak with all watching. Not too much time."

The King barked words to one of the guards, who grabbed some scabby parchment and unfurled it on a table closeby. Other guards grabbed some other chairs for the 'guests' which was actually at the table. Clearly, the King was too important to be too close to anything resembling actual planning. The grubby map seemed to be, in broad sketches, the tunnels of the Trolins. There seemed to be a second stuck under that one. It took a moment to realise that was deliberate, and the other parchment showed a connection to a lower level. That level seemed to have skulls crudely splattered in places, indicating the lair of their enemy. Farel was not going to sit, still keeping Ardur behind him. However, the knight could not help look to the map with curiosity.

The King gestured, concentrating on Westian. "Look. Ask. Blackskulls all over place. Stupid. Bargain with me for they know we can kill them. Cut head off. Think we scared of The-ron. Think we believe he have power. Grey Lord is dead! Grey Lord errant boy is good as dead! Ghost-man talk big game, but humans weak."

Guree and Uumack howevered in the background, speaking in low voices and casting glances at their king and the group.

I'm going to leave it there fore now, to let you guys react and so forth. Obviously, the King is looking to speak t Westian, but everyone can wade in. And obviously, you can try to create some distractions so someone can speak privately to someone else. There are guards posted in the four corners of the room, and one beside the table. So you might need some bluff checks to talk completely in secret.


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:23 am
by Lord_BoNes
After Farel spoke to him, Aurek responded quietly with "Farel, now isn't really to time to discuss such things. I will happily discuss it later, but not at the minute. I trust our leader's decisions." placing a little extra emphasis on 'our leader' incase the nearby trolins caught some of what he'd said. "Westian needed to show his strength in combat, so the trolins could see it, and trust him to perform well in the coming battle."

Aurek couldn't help but to glance about the King's chamber when he entered. The various objects about the room attracting his eyes for a few moments each, especially the 'Lord Chaos throw rug'. Once the guards brought forth the maps, his eyes dropped to them. He took the extra glances to try and remember what was scrawled on the scrappy parchment from a distance, while trying not to be to obvious at the same time (d20 = 20, First roll back, Friggin LOL! I even handed it the missus who rolled 20 followed by 19... the d20 likes me today :P ) his mind focused, and the images locked into place.