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Warriors difficulty... Which level am I currently on? O.o

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:53 pm
by Fermen
Ok, CSB is really confusing. I don't even know on which level I'm currently on. I come to a room where ther is an axe called Executioner an when I take it, tons of knight is showing up. There is like a huuuuge gap (<------------------------->) between the difficulty on the "regular" enemies and the warriors. I don't know how I am supposed to get out from this room with the axe (which I probably should want). And also, it would be cool if someone could tell which level I'm currently in.

Re: Warriors difficulty... Which level am I currently on? O.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:40 am
by Ameena
Hehe, welcome to CSB, and get used to being lost ;). The use of the word "Chaos" in the title is entirely appropriate - unlike Dm, which had a linear progression down through the dungeon from the top to the bottom (aside from that slight backtrack to get the Firestaff once you have all the keys), CSB kind of doesn't ;). There are actually less levels to it than DM - I think CSb only has 10 to DM's 14. But you can never really tell which level you're on. If you want to know, you start the game
on the middle level of the dungeon
, and the level which holds the point at which you end the game is
the topmost level
. Yes, you will find yourself going all over the place - there are loads of invisible teleporters and fake walls and secret buttons and all sorts, but there is a layout to the game which can be mostly learnt if you run around it enough and sort of figure it out - all four of the Ways link into each other, too, which can cause some confusion if you start wandering through, say, Neta, and then suddenly find you've gone up some stairs or through a wall and found yourself in Ku ;).
As for the room you're in at the moment, with Executioner, yes, it's a bit of a tricky one, especially when you're not expecting the knights to come and get you upon taking the axe. Still, here are a few little tips...
Before you take the axe, when the knights are still stuck in their alcoves, you might be interested to know that
you can, I think, attack them one by one, though attacking a knight frees it and it can chase after you. But you can just kite it round the room (are you familiar with the two-step dance, or whatever they call it?) until you've finished it off, and then go get another one :twisted:
To get out of the room, there is
either a button or a fake wall (sorry, I forget which) in one of the alcoves, behind its occupant knight - I think it's the first alcove on your left when you enter the room. If it's a fake wall, you can leg through it to freedom. If it's a button, I think it opens the door
Alternatively, I think you can just
nuke the door to break it and get out that way - just get a decent Fireball or two ready, then grab the axe, leg to the door, and blast it. I think this works, anyway - not all doors in the game are blastable, but plenty are, whether by you or by other blasty creatures ;)
As for whether or not you should actually take Executioner at all,
it's not as if you need it to finish the game or anything - yeah it's a pretty nice axe, but personally I prefer a nice fast sword which has the Thrust attack - good damage and fast recovery time. But it's entirely up to you - there are plenty of weapons available in the game, so mess around when you find a new one and see which you end up liking best :)
So to sum up - yes, CSB is entirely confusing. Expect to both get lost and die lots of times, but don't worry about it - it's happened (and still happens, I'm sure ;)) to us all and it's really half the fun of the game, I reckon. I suppose the other half is figuring out exactly wtf you're supposed to do, if you don't already know ;). Feel free to ask if you've got any more questions. I haven't played CSB for at least a couple of years, but I've been at it enough times to be able to remember at least the basics about pretty much all the main locations ;).

Re: Warriors difficulty... Which level am I currently on? O.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:15 am
by Fermen
Okeyy, i should try this out :D Thank you very much for this answear :mrgreen: