What the... Snow in June, then in August!

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What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

hahahahah, what happened to the greenhouse? where is the CO2? both coasts in Canada were well below seasonal, just some parts of the interior were warm and humid. we were told here in Canada that it was going to be for all of Canada, above seasonal, and just a couple weeks ago, said it was to extend into October. these guys don't know a damn thing. that's what happens when we rely on computer models that are used in predictions with nature, it'll never happen. a farmer knows more by reading the land, plants and animals than any computer program will. quite simply, i predict that their predictions will stay within the range of 50% right within a 24 hour period, we all can do that. the head of weather information in Canada, David Philips was wrong and is an alarmist.
how has the weather been for you guys throughout the world?
a program can not do predictions if there is constantly new info being input, point being, the more the data, the more the possibilities, the more difficult the prediction, opposite to their thinking. trying to put a number on nature is the same as finding pi , silly humans :lol:
numbers can only go so far to explain things in nature, but there is no number that'll be precise, except maybe the ever eluding none existant 0, and zero is something to reckon with, right programmers :P
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Lord_BoNes »

Apparently, the greenhouse effect works in both directions (obviously more in the HOT direction, but the COLD side of things are also meant to get more severe). Think hot days and cold nights. Just take a look a Venus to see what will happen with the heat, and look at Mars to see what will happen with the cold.... we're right in the middle.
Here in Australia, we've copped both extreme hot and cold. Some of the hottest summers on record for over 100 years, and some of the coldest winters. Just recently, about the last year or so, we've recovered from a drought that lasted several years.

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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Paul Stevens »

and zero is something to reckon with, right programmers
Zero? What exactly do you mean by this word?
Can you be more precise?

If you read a bit of game theory you will discover
that there is a bit of confusion near that 'Number'.

See, eg: "Winning Ways" by Berlekamp, et. al.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Lord_BoNes »

Chaos-Shaman wrote:and zero is something to reckon with, right programmers
You wouldn't be referring to the whole "division by zero" issue, when it comes to programming, would you?

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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Bit »

The last three winters were cold again here in central germany.
Each one brought more snow than the ten winters before together.
Summer? What summer? We now have a dry period in spring, April/May - and from early July it started raining - each day, each night.
I remember an evil hot August 2003, +40° C for about four weeks without any raindrop. And my home under the rooftop... that was the month that killed my life, because the big order I had to wait for 9 months was finally cancelled - and because of the heat I wasn't able to do anything that made sense. Made a complete wrong decision with this 'short interim' job - that still lasts, will probably do forever and kills the rest of my life.
We now got unnormal jumps in temperature day by day and especially the nights stay pretty cold, killing the morale in nightshifts. And if it gets hot - there's also much water in the air. That's somehow more a far-asian-raintime... Future is predicted to make this situation even somehow stable - more maritim climate in the west, more dry continental climate in the east - and us in between. Means, surely no water problems... :roll:

And about prediction:
Do you really think they still tell the truth, if it's ugly weather day by day?
Those three days after the next three days are always said to bring promising weather - who will remember in three days?
The local radio manager will surely not allow to bring the same bad news every day when another station promises more beautiful things... :x
Call them and tell them you just pumped 3000 hectoliters of their few raindrops out of the cellar.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Jan »


1. Don't mix weather and climate. These are two totally different things. You can't tell anything about climate or its changes from a few days / weeks / months of observation.

2. The "global climate change" is happening. I'm not saying anything about the human influence (because I don't want to start this discussion; although it's pretty obvious that the people are responsible for it at least to some extent), I'm not saying that it's something unusual in the Earth's history, I'm just saying that in the last decades the Earth's climate has been changing faster than in the previous times.

3. The "global warming" is just a part of this "climate change". It's an important "driving force" behind the changes, but, believe me, you won't feel it with your senses. If the global mean temprerature rises by a few tenths of C in several decades, you won't recognise it. 1st September's temperatures in one place have varied from e.g. +5 to +35 C during last 100 years, so how on Earth would you like to perceive a +0.5C increase in 50 years?

4. The impacts of the "global climate change" are on (e.g.): local mean temperature, local annual variation of mean temperature, local precipitation, local annual variation of precipitation, and so on. Globally, you would have higher differences especially in precipitation and it's annual variation; and (also as a result) a higher occurrence of extreme weather events (floods, typhoons, extreme droughts, snow in the summer, warm winters, etc.). The faster the system changes, the more magnificent are its fluctuations (both regional and temporal).

5. The most significant changes happen in extreme latitudes (melting Arctic and Antarstic cover) and in the tropical zone (increasing precipitation somewhere, droughts and concentration of rainfall in less days in the year elsewhere). On the other hand, the temperate zone (Europe, US) should avoid the worse. Some consequences of the change might be even favourable here (better yields - except the drought Med, new crops possible, etc.).

6. We're talking about a system here. Not only atmosphere, but also hydrosphere and other parts of the Earth. The whole system is extremely complicated. It doesn't mean we can't describe it (with numbers). It doesn't mean we shouldn't try. It only means that it's so bloody complicated and we've been studying it for only too short time now. Saying that it's unpredictible is like saying that we cannot read the DNA - we can, but it ain't that easy.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by oh_brother »

I do agree with Jan that it is not theoretically impossible to predict these things with a reasonable degree of accuracy, just there are so many variables and chaotic effects (damn Lord Chaos and his effects! Ruining our computer models!). Actually I think Chaos Theory was first discovered by someone trying to predict the weather, although I may be wrong.

Anyway that is my opinion, that it is theoretically possible but practically difficult (impossible?) to get a perfect prediction system.
Chaos-Shaman wrote:trying to put a number on nature is the same as finding pi
Maybe you are right, but that does not mean it should not be attempted. Putting a number on pi is not possible, but the approximations for pi are vital for numerous processes, like architecture and mechanics.

As for the weather, it has been awful pretty much since 2007. Every time it seems to be the wettest winter on record, the heaviest snow since 1896, the coldest August in 82 years, etc. Getting a bit annoying. last winter was unbelievably cold (down to -18C, which is unheard of) and this summer never really started.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by cowsmanaut »

Chaos-shaman, where are you in canada that it's snowing? or was this some prediction that didn't happen? I just checked the current weather reports and it only shows snow where it should be.. up a mountain :P
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

hmmm, it seems we all have a little to say about this.

@ Lord Bones Nothing is unusual if only 100 years is used as a comparison of numbers.

@ Paul Stevens It's hard to argue with zero, it has it's worth, for we're not always happy with nothing, but nothing is something, and it's very hard to predict.

@ Bit It's been real cold in some places, the global temperatures have been dropping in many places, the Antarctic has been very very cold, -60s for some time in some places. You are so right that they'll tell you what works best for them, their agenda, forget truth, hard to make money and control with truth, lies work better on the fear of weak minded individuals. It is easy to be like everyone else, and it is usually what people want, but it is hard to stand up and point out how it may not all be true as the tide of half truths flow, assuming the worst, and to eagerly take blame. Science has been inapropriately used, it's never 100% either, especially with nature. The world is not flat, the sun does not go around the earth, but that thinking lasted 100s of years.
Question everything, doubt everything, including our own thoughts, for we are not perfect. I hope your job gets better Bit! and thanks for all your help.

@Jan Yes, Climate and Weather are not the same, I think we all know that here, and you're right to point it out. I'm not so positive about who is responsible at all Jan. We destroy so many things, but wait just a minute here, so does nature. Natures whole purpose is to grow from death, destruction and decay, it's how it works, and we're a part of that. You could I suppose compare us to cancer, but I'd rather not and take the path of a more positive approach. For us to create, we must also destroy. I doubt we're going to take out the planet, but the opposite, it will take us out first, it will survive long after we're gone unless we're smart enough to figure out how to colonize space, and start eating away at it's resources. I do not believe we have very reliable data that extends more than a few hundred years, and as you pointed out it takes 10s of 1000s of years to know the whole story of change, so taking only a small snippet of 30 years (pretty well since satelite and digital imagery) as a reliable source to predict data is not sufficient enough to spread doom across the planet. I think it's all being hyped up, cause us humans like to be frightened like out of a horror movie, the fact is, we like it. It's too easy to jump in the doom and gloom boat, besides, it's full already :) remember the only thing that is constant is change If we're to use the logic of numbers, then you need to use a coin and flip it. It's not going to be what you think all the time is it, and it'll always change, even if you do it all your life, in the end, it will be not perfect. Even DNA is different from person to person, that's why people are sick, there is no perfect DNA either, just a damn good guess of numbers using numbers to find numbers, but you'll come back to the same problem that nothing is perfect, change is always, and we'll never have the perfect DNA sample, cause numbers can't do that... ever

@ oh brother It is theorectically impossible to know which side the coin will be. Jurrasic Park, Jeff Goldblum, remember the water running down either side of her hand, unpredictable. I doubt God gambles here :) Truley it is gravity that's the culprit. It is reponsible for everything, the weak forces will inherit the earth eventually. I too believe in trying to put a square in a circle, like a child, we learn most from this type of thinking, there may be something that was missed, but it is the attempt that eventually leads to discovery. That is why in my opinion that we're all copy cats, lost is the ability to think outside the box of norms, taking the same paths to be like everyone else is degradation from choices of thought. As for pi, it's all we have to compare to perfection. There is no real circle, there never was, but what's a circle to me may not be a circle to you. One of the very first shapes we were told to draw was a circle, but by natures chance, we can't, but we believe we did. Sorry about the crappy weather you've been getting, it's happening everywhere, but it's normal, we just like to complain :)

@ cows I can explain. Those who live in Alberta had a crappy summer, especially those a bit higher up in the foothills. Alberta (foothills) had snow every month but July, the temperatures were on the cool side. It is unusual to see snow there in August.The coasts were both cool, more in the east, they were more than 2 degrees celsius cooler. In May, every province had snow. The upper atmosphere has been very cold in Canada, that's why all the hail in many places. The reason for all the tornado outbreaks was simply from all that cold air that wouldn't leave, and this year had retrograde weather systems, I've not seen that many before.
I expect to see with this trend, more snow and colder temerpatures than usual. It is all over the world. Japan, South Africa, Newzealand, South America, parts of China, all of these places have experinced colder than usual, even snow in some places where it hadn't in 50 years. The earth is rumbling, the plates seem to be very active, lots of earthquakes and volcanoes are proof of that, this is what is warming and cooling the oceans and in turn, warming the air in some places, cooling it in others. The Arctic is really taking a pounding, the active volcanoes and hot vents are slightly warming it up. There was a special show on TV where divers going under the ice showed how it was melting from underneath, since the Arctic is 80% floating ice. Do not worry about the flooding if it melts, it won't happen. Melt an ice cube in a glass, tell me if it raises its miniscus level.
Last edited by Chaos-Shaman on Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

almost lost that post, good thing i copied it first, right Jan :) it's happened to me so many times before
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Jan »

@Chaos: I don't want to argue with you, because you're my good friend, I respect you very much, and I'm honoured that I can talk to you. I don't want these things to kind of step in between us. However, I could question basically every word you wrote (although I'm not saying that you were always wrong and that we're in a total disagreement). But the style in which you write, the manner in which you mix so many different things together, makes it very hard for me to reply consistently and not to create some sort of misunderstanding.

Thus I don't know if you want to me to reply. I think I'll remain silent.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by oh_brother »

@Chaos: well I suppose you are right that it is theoretically impossible to predict something with absolute certainty - the uncertainty principle if accepted means that the universe is not deterministic. Some people claim that the uncertainty principle is not fundamental, it only reflects our lack of knowledge, but it is the best theory we have. God may not gamble, but it seems that someone does throw dice!
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by cowsmanaut »

*All* provinces in may? I think you're confused ;)

we didn't have any snow in may.. at least not in North Vancouver, and I'm at the base of the mountain :) I can usually travel about 15-20 mins by car to get to some though :D

As for Alberta, yes I can totally see that.. Calgary especially has some very odd weather. Ranging from frost bite in 10 mins of exposure, to wearing shorts and sweating all within 24hrs. That's what happened for us one Xmas when I was visiting my aunt there.

In BC though we have very little snow most of the time.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

Jan wrote:@Chaos: I don't want to argue with you, because you're my good friend, I respect you very much, and I'm honoured that I can talk to you. I don't want these things to kind of step in between us. However, I could question basically every word you wrote (although I'm not saying that you were always wrong and that we're in a total disagreement). But the style in which you write, the manner in which you mix so many different things together, makes it very hard for me to reply consistently and not to create some sort of misunderstanding.

Thus I don't know if you want to me to reply. I think I'll remain silent.
oh, no worries Jan, it's meant to be a bit confusing, enough so for you to think. those are nice words to say, thanks, friends of course, i wouldn't want anything else.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

oh_brother wrote:@Chaos: well I suppose you are right that it is theoretically impossible to predict something with absolute certainty - the uncertainty principle if accepted means that the universe is not deterministic. Some people claim that the uncertainty principle is not fundamental, it only reflects our lack of knowledge, but it is the best theory we have. God may not gamble, but it seems that someone does throw dice!
every way i look at it, it's all by chance, influenced by karmic actions, divided by intelligence multiplied by stupidty. God may not gamble, God has no choice :) God's a farmer, he'll keep the tasty, and chuck the rest, choosing only what is best, like natural selection, if we believe in such deity.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

cowsmanaut wrote:*All* provinces in may? I think you're confused ;)

we didn't have any snow in may.. at least not in North Vancouver, and I'm at the base of the mountain :) I can usually travel about 15-20 mins by car to get to some though :D

As for Alberta, yes I can totally see that.. Calgary especially has some very odd weather. Ranging from frost bite in 10 mins of exposure, to wearing shorts and sweating all within 24hrs. That's what happened for us one Xmas when I was visiting my aunt there.

In BC though we have very little snow most of the time.
yes, all provinces, it was in north B.C in May. it is snowing in north Manitoba and Ontario today, it's about three weeks early this year. snow in south B.C coast rarely happens even in the winter, but it does happen. the weather network has all the skewed data of the last 30 years, it's enough to generalize theories. Calgary is just a few kilometers from the foothills, the cold air ceiling was very low this year, it squeezed the warm air down. did you see the snow footage at the weather stations in Jasper and vicinity?. the information is all there if anyone cares to research it. did anyone feel the earthquake off the coast of B.C? does anyone think California is in for a biggy? will the northern hemisphere be colder than usual again this year?
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

Paul Stevens wrote:
and zero is something to reckon with, right programmers
Zero? What exactly do you mean by this word?
Can you be more precise?

If you read a bit of game theory you will discover
that there is a bit of confusion near that 'Number'.

See, eg: "Winning Ways" by Berlekamp, et. al.
what it meant was, there are some who believe that it was all created from nothing. all that there is came from nothing, that's pretty good for a zero :lol: my daughter has shown me some of the work she has in chemical engineering that she's learning on division of zero with infinity. i asked her to show me some time to explain it in detail.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by cowsmanaut »

Nope, didn't feel the earthquake at all, the only ones that would have would have been in buildings.. I had felt one many years ago because I was in an old wooden house, it rocked more forcefully due to it's flimsy frame. However for that one people were also stopping their cars and jumping out in some irrational fear..
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

cowsmanaut wrote:Nope, didn't feel the earthquake at all, the only ones that would have would have been in buildings.. I had felt one many years ago because I was in an old wooden house, it rocked more forcefully due to it's flimsy frame. However for that one people were also stopping their cars and jumping out in some irrational fear..
hahaha, PANIC! , yeah, no really, it's not all that funny. there is a good chance that there will be a quake of significant size in the near future, judging by speculations from the recent activities across the globe. i felt one quake over 20 years ago when living in an apartment. i opened the balcony door and yelled, EARTHQUAKE! was completely dissy and disorientated. it's freaky to feel the ground vibrate. only time i ever felt anything simulated like that was from when i was a young teenager and someone gave me hash brownies :lol:
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Bit »

I thought one levitates then :D
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

hehe, no i didn't, i wish though Bit. it was very strange indeed, never did it again. it wasn't fun at all, it was scary. levitation can be felt with a powerful mindset and great imagination, but there is a way to fool yourself with ketamine hydrochloride. it's better than an earthquake :shock:
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Sophia »

I wonder what percentage of AGW is caused by the emissions from Al Gore's Cadillac Escalade.
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

hehehe Sophia, and all those plane flights too. yup, if he really believed it, why does the dumkoff still take flights for a vacation? saw him on a talkshow last night. you can tell he has been brainwashed, the show host cornered his thinking in a second, he got out of it by laughing and the host was nice enough to let him off the hook. his type is the most dangerous for he'll brainwash many of our children in believing that it's our fault and it's up to them to fix it.
children should be taught not to pollute from day one, it's that simple. no fear, just common sense is needed. he prolly is a real nice fella, just blindsided with fear and the use of it.
here's what students do to Al Gore when they start to see the truth of information
http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/09/14/i ... ica-today/
http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/09/14/p ... ality-day/

watch this tube Sophia
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z685n4RM ... r_embedded

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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Jan »

Chaos-Shaman wrote:this one is for you Jan :) http://youtu.be/bi2QKY3zW8Q
"This clip from The Great Global Warming Swindle."

I hope you don't want me to comment on this. Or perhaps it was just a joke I didn't understand?

You could also argue that CIA was behind the 9/11 attacks. Or that the Kreb's cycle is a myth. Or that rats are being created from wheat + sweaty shirts. Or that Hitler made it to South America in 1945. Or that there was no holocaust. Or that HMS Invincible was sunk by Argentinians in the '82 Falklands War. Or that the people never landed on the Moon. Or that there's no photosynthesis. Or basically anything.

I'd better quit this thread. Sorry. It's better to quit it now than to say something I'd regret later. Let's talk about DM or our gardens instead. :wink:
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Lord_BoNes »

Jan wrote:... Let's talk about DM or our gardens instead. :wink:
Dungeon Master rocks, and Return to Chaos is f**king awesome!
There ya go, Jan :P

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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Jan »

No no no no no, you've got it all wrong! 'Wrong' must be your second name! If there's a 'Wrong' Wikipedia entry, 'Lord_Bones' would be automatically redirected to that!

It's because:

CSBWin is much much much better! And I'm not talking about DSB!

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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Sophia »

The problem with those videos is that there are usually very bad reasons for their existence. I'm not saying there isn't massive waste, fraud, and hypocrisy on the other side of the ideological spectrum, too-- hypocrites like Al Gore who say one thing and then apparently find their own "inconvenient truths" far too inconvenient are enough proof of that. But, when watching them, you need to keep in mind who's producing them and why.

I don't know what it's like in your countries, but over here, there is a a disturbingly powerful coalition, made mostly of Christian political conservatives, who I'd best describe as "anti-science," and large (and corrupt) corporations who find them useful. The former group has fundamentalist religious views and attempt to smear any science that doesn't align with them; these are the same ones who are ardently against evolution as well. They want to believe the climate isn't changing at all. Not naturally, not artificially, nothing, because that's not how God made the Earth 6000 years ago. Never mind that the climate has changed in the past 6000 years, too. As for the latter, who generally end up funding this stuff, they will happily use any controversy about the causes of climate change to derail any legislation about anything environmentally-related. Basically, they use debate about climate change as a smokescreen to keep dumping toxic whatever wherever they want. Honestly, if CO2 was the worst thing we were putting into our atmosphere, we'd be a whole lot better off than we are now.

Maybe humans had everything to do with the current climate change. Maybe we had nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter. We have to live on this planet either way so we'd better start figuring out how.

So, yeah, anyway. DSB is better than everything. Discuss. ;) :twisted:
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

well Jan, you're right on the money, and you understand why i used these tube clips. the same reason you used to debunk the debunkers, it's all the same isn't it. better off thinking for ourselves after many many years of debates and arguments, and it's better not to listen to all those scientific clowns, not the legit ones who just report facts, but the speculative ones who cause fear. it's the global mentality that's the problem. wizards first rule is ( from a series of novels from Terry Goodkind, The Sword of Truth from the first novel it mentions the first rule,people are stupid, but it should be read, people want to be stupid. stupid does not mean that they can't do quantum mechanics, but rather the actions one takes. in other words, everyone who believes in any speculative information without looking into it themselves is stupid. took me years and years of listening to frightened people that the world was going to end and burn up, and we caused it with oil, but that's not true. oil is what brought humanity together, making it easier to live together and to find jobs, all the products from oil, we'd be nowhere without it.
we should protect our environment, absolutley, and instead of brainwashing the TV watching reality show public, who wouldn't spend the time to learn for themselves but instead they only worry what the Joneses have and their own reflection in the mirror. i bet just about anyone would ignore the damage they may cause to our earth for pleasure, this can't be disputed. we all do it everyday.
don't worry about the earth, it'll take care of itself as it always has.
Jan, i'm glad you're speaking your mind, it's how we all learn more to make better decisions, it's better than ignoring it, or me :)
i like to hear what you have to say, even if i don't like it. you may be reading me wrong, there is no need to be defensive, you're not under attack. tell me what you know and what you think is important, this is what i want to know, this is how i increase my own knowledge. i have become familiar with this topic as you can tell. please remember what you said, friends, and i you
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Re: What the... Snow in June, then in August!

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

you drive down the middle Sophia. a good place to be most of the time, for there is always some grain of truth, or better put, some reason for what's been said.
religion really works on the fearful, the doomers, the vulnerable hurt suffering, for all they want is peace, love and harmony. but we would not be here today if we all did that. peace needs war, love needs hate, harmony needs chaos. for all those who think love is the ultimate, i can say that it is not, for love debunks love for there is more than one to love, and the biggest lover takes all. so love causes just as much trouble as it does make for peace. it's human.
i really do not think that CO2 is NOT that much to worry about. i want to breath clean air, drink clean water just as much as anyone else, but if they try and pull a fear card on me like that brainwashed AL GORE, they're gonna have resisitance.
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