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Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:56 pm
by MasterWuuf
Great games. I checked with one of the members here but couldn't get any help.

I've installed M & M 6 and 7 on a few Windows XP computers. They didn't work, although everything seemed to load.

I finally tried them on a Windows 98SE computer (I know, it's the OS, not the computer).
Immediate success.
Now I'm having a blast with my youngest son.
I killed the dragon on the first island and am using the cheat to get filthy rich, while getting a huge inventory of neat stuff. :wink:

Anyone know if I need to use the DosBox to run these great games on Windows XP and up?

If not, would anyone know why the games aren't working on XP?

Thanks for any help.

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:23 pm
by Jan
MasterWuuf wrote:I checked with one of the members here but couldn't get any help.
And before everyone starts laughing and banning poor old Trantor again, yes, IT WAS I!

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:28 pm
by Ameena
Hmm, strange that MMVI wouldn't work for you - I've never had any problems with it (Vista atm and before that, ME, and before that...erm...'95 I think, or whatever comp we had back then). I can tell you a whole load of exploits that are to be had at certain points - mass cash, mass exp, secret teleport to Dragonsand from New Sorpigal (drops you near the Shrine of the Gods), hwo to have any character, of any class (except Knight, presumably, as they have no mana) learn every possible Magic skill (Fire, Mind, Dark, etc), even those they wouldn't normally be able to learn...and probably some other stuff too. I go back to MMVI every now and then - it's definitely my favourite of the three MM games I've played - VII I don't remember too much about, should probably get back to some day, but haven't played for years. VIII I started years ago (when we first got it, presumably) but didn't finish, then instaled on my comp a few months ago and played through, finding it fun but surprisingly short. MMVI I think is the biggest of the three (not sure about VII, as I said I've not played it for aaaages), the least restrictive, and with the most little buggy things you can exploit :twisted:.
I'm presuming your reference to a "dragon on the first island" is from MMVII, as you don't start VI on an island and there are no dragons there anyway ;). If you have any questions on VI, feel free to ask as I can most definitely answer/advise you on stuff there ;).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:40 am
by Bit
Yes Wuuf, try it with DosBox.

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:49 am
by MasterWuuf
Bit wrote:Yes Wuuf, try it with DosBox.
I have DosBox already set up on my computer.
How do I set up the bat file to read, for it to work with DosBox?

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:30 pm
by Jan
It's actually much easier to use DosBox. Just drag the exe/bat/com file of the game over the DosBox icon on your screen and "drop it" and ta-da, here you go! :) Well, doing this might eventually slow down or even screw up the things a bit after a few hundreds times you do it and you would have to re-install the DosBox, but meh, you're certainly not going to run the game for more than let's say 300 times, are you? :wink:

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:39 pm
by MasterWuuf
Since this is a Might and Magic 6-8 problem thread, please allow me to ask another question.

Where does one go to be accepted into the light and dark magic guilds?
My son decided to pick dark and is wandering around in 'useless' mode, unable to add dark spells to his arsenal.
It's been years since I played this game, so..., I have the tendency to get that 'deer trapped in wonder of your headlights' attitude. :oops:

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 9:43 pm
by Ameena
Err, which of the three games are you playing? If VI, you can find the Initiate Guild of Dark in Whitecap (Frozen Highlands),the Initiate Guild of Light in Silver Cove. The Adept Guild for both is in Blackshire. Light Guilds are open from 10am-2pm, while the Dark Guilds' hours are 10pm-2am. I think membership costs 2k gold (per member, per guild). As far as I can remember, only Sorcerers and Clerics can take the Mirrored Path of magic, though personally I know enough bugs with the game to play as four Paladins and have all four characters use all schools of magic (Self, Elemental, and Mirrored Path).
If you're wanting to join Mirrored Path guilds from Might and Magic VII or VIII, I'll have to get back to you as I can't actually remember where they are atm...and I only played VIII a few months ago :O. But I've played VI inside out plenty of times, and I know zillions of sneaky bugs you can exploit. I have played it through properly at least once, though (before I found out about all the bugs, some of which I read about, some of which I discovered for myself), so that's alright ;).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:35 am
by MasterWuuf
Oops. Sorry about that. It's Might and Magic VII.

I've noticed the 'guilds' sell books, yet being accepted into the guild (to be able to learn spells)
you almost always (always?) have to go elsewhere to be allowed into the legit order (waah).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:07 am
by Ameena
Ahh, bugger, the one I've played the least, lol. Probably my least favourite of the three games but I'll still probably finish it one day (didn't back when I first played it, same with VIII, though that I finished a few months ago - was surprised how quickly I managed it since I'm used to VI which is a much bigger game).
And oh yeah, I forgot...even in VI you have to get membership from a house. Try the houses in towns that have a Light/Dark Guild. I tend to go round every house in a town anyway, to check for quests. Though it is possible that Light/Dark people live a bit more out of the way. I can't remember much about VII other than the bit where you have to choose between the two Arbiters (Judges Sleen and Fairweather), which determines whether you're a "good guy" or a "bad guy", then that "battle of Harmondale" bit between the humans and the elves (where you get to determine which side owns Harmondale, or whether it remains independent), and erm, ohh later bits with the Proving Grounds and stuff...but I don't think I got that far myself, I was just watching my dad.
But we do have the strategy guide and if I remember then I can go have a look, though not right now as it's not long before I have to go to work and I'll be back later this evening as I have my gaming club tonight. But if you haven't done it by the time I remember and have time to check, I'll look it up for you ;).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:25 pm
by MasterWuuf
Just leaving a quick note to let you know I'm still wandering in the valley of No Naw Ledge. :?

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:51 am
by Bit
To make spoilers not too easy - this one in german ;)

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:16 pm
by Ameena
Ahh, I've looked it up now - regarding Light/Dark Guilds, in MMVII it looks like it's done differently to the other games - you can only join one of the two guilds, not both, and you do so by completing the "Choose a New Arbiter" quest (which determines your path, Light or Dark), and then complete a quest after that to "prove yourself" to your chosen side, which then gives you access to the actual guild. Or something. To take the Dark Path, you have to choose
Judge Sleen
in the Arbiter quest, who can be found in
the inn in Deyja
, though I think you get told that when you're given the quest.

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:01 am
by MasterWuuf
Decided to try installing Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 and 9 on a Windows 7 OS laptop.
Compatibility Mode? Now that seems to be a great joke for now. The 'non' compatibility mode seems to work better. :lol:

Ameena: We're playing M&M6 now.
Having fun building funds through the 'touch roof/race into the building with a bazillion dragons around glitch.

Don't know why, but the game doesn't seem to have an 'always run' mode. I feel like I'm going slow motion through the game.

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:33 pm
by Ameena
I dunno, I always just hold Shift to run in these kinds of games - can't remember whether there's an option for it in the, err, Options ;). Once you get the Fly spell (and someone can use it), you won't need to run when outdoors anyway :D.
As mentioned before, MMVI is definitely my favourite. Using the "sneak-to-Dragonsand-from-New-Sorpigal" thing, you can also activate the
Shrine of the Gods
to get +10 to all stats - you can do this every time the zone resets (every two years, as with every other outdoor zone except New Sorpigal, which only takes six months). You can also find the secret entrance to the
NWC Offices
. which is located nearby.
Other exploits in MMVI include unlimited exp (when you hand in a particular quest, so you have to take advantage of it at that time), unlimited cash (at a particular chest, the first time you visit it), the ability to teach all characters every magic school (except, presumably, Knights, who'd not be able to take advantage of it as they have no mana), plus I think you can also teach some other skills to characters who shouldn't be able to use them. Erm, what else...ohh, well, those are the main ones. I play the game with four Paladins (higher hp so tougher at the start, and due to the exploit bug I can get all four of them to learn from every school of magic so I still get to use stuff like Wizard Eye, Fly, Dragon Breath, etc).
If you want any further info, let me know ;). I can also give any info you might want on more "legal" stuff such as how to complete quests etc.
One more thing - if you're intending to learn
Master Light Magic
, I would suggest [sopiler]handing in too many quests[/spoiler], since you need to be
Saintly in Reputation
to be taught and as far as I can see, the only way to get that is to
hand in a whole load of quests at once, using Town Portal and Lloyd's Beacon to access places quickly, including the tutor himself (set a Beacon outside his house, or at least in the zone somewhere - it's one of the most time-consuming to get to as there is only one boat, one day a week, from one zone, that goes there), so that your Rep doesn't have time to decrease due to your taking too long
. The only other way I know that you can
increase your Reputation
is by [/spoiler]donating at a Temple[/spoiler], but this never seems to get you beyond
Respectable, only one step above Average
. On the subject of
, if yours is too low (I think it has to be
Despicable, or possibly even Monstrous
), don't try to enter any
castles (ie places where you have a screen with guards saying "Halt! Who goes there?" before you get the throne room image with whichever lord/lady it is who lives there)
, because you'll be
arrested for your crimes and have to spend a year or two in prison before being released - can't remember any negative effects beyond the wasted time, however
. Once you've completed
all quests given by lords/ladies (and therefore have no reason to want to visit castles), you can do what you want for no penalty. If you do have a shit Rep and find you need to enter a castle, just donate a load at a temple to get yourself up to at least Vile, and you should be fine :)
See, this is what happens when I find an interesting subject - big long uber post, yaaay :D.
How did you get on with MMVII, btw? Gave up on it? I'm guessing you never solved the Dark/Light thing. It would seem that MMVII is unique (of the three MM games I've played) in that it forces you to choose only one of the two paths, and that as part of the Main Quest - in VI and VIII you just buy membership in a house and are then free to visit the guild any time you like, though in VIII you need to have the right level of expertise in order to learn spells. In VI it doesn't matter - you just need to know the skill.
Right, I'll shut up now ;).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:55 am
by MasterWuuf
M &M 6 plays well on Windows 7 Professional (thanks Ameena for the 'shift' for speed comment.

Went to ?Kriegspire?, greedy for the well of unlimited experience.
I set a beacon there and at the business office ( :wink: ), with the unlimited 10,000 gold box.
To my sorrow, the experience ran out at 50,000 points/gold (even though the cheats say otherwise).
Any idea how long it will take to reset, if at all?

Made the mistake of training there. I came out with no beacons set (stranded in Paradise).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:52 am
by Bit
(hihihi, be glad that you didn't strand in hell you evil cheater you ;) )

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:49 pm
by Ameena
Hmm, the only "exp well" I can think of in Kriegspire is the one just outside the inn, which gives you something like +10 levels temporarily (and does something else as well...:twisted:), or is there another one somewhere that givs you exp but kills you as well or something? I don't know what the "business office" or "unlimited 10,000 gold box" is either :(. However, as mentioned before, all zones (except New Sorpigal) reset after two years (New Sorpigal only takes six months).
You can get unlimited free exp at the
Hall of the Fire Lord
repeatedly handing in the quest over and over again, as the "Quest" speech option doesn't disappear (until you close the conversation - you can no longer get the exploit if you've already done so)
. The unlimited gold that I know of is from the chest containing the reward for
the Obelisk quest
, which you get by just
repeatedly opening and closing the chest over and over again - every time you do it, you get 250k gold, though I think this only happens the first time you find it - if you leave the zone and return, it probably won't let you do it any more, though I've never tried
If you've got all th way over to Paradise Valley and got stuck, don't worry too much - if you're in the town, head northeast till you're round the mountains, then straight east along the road and you'll zone into Blackshire, which has a stables and stuff :). Although if you're all the way over in Paradise Valley and have the Lloyd's Beacon spell, I'd hope you have Fly as well...but if not, you'll just have to charge it and try not to get your arse kicked on the way - fortunately all the mobs in that zone are ranged attackers so none of them should try to close with you. Don't let any
Supreme Titans
hit you, though, as their special attack is that of
instant death
, which is kind of annoying...though personally as all my party members have every spell in the end (except Divine Intervention and Dark Containment, the top-end Light and Dark spells, repsectively), any conditions are curable as long as the more permanent ones (Dead, Stoned, Eradicated) don't affect everyone ;).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:27 am
by MasterWuuf
Bit wrote:(hihihi, be glad that you didn't strand in hell you evil cheater you ;) )
Not evil, no. In fact my reputation (in the game) is still neutral, I believe. :lol:

Amazing what a winsome smile will allow you to get away with, huh?
That, of course, wouldn't work with a 'toothless' grin.

P.S. The 'level up' well gives you a temporary 30 levels, I believe, then says to watch out.
Really didn't see anything special that happened, as far as baddies showing up.
The business office is the 'city in the bottle' (New World Computing) or whatever most call it.
(The trapped people in there are supposedly people who were involved in the making of Might and Magic.)

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:48 pm
by MasterWuuf
MasterWuuf wrote:M &M 6 plays well on Windows 7 Professional (thanks Ameena for the 'shift' for speed comment.

Went to ?Kriegspire?, greedy for the well of unlimited experience.
I set a beacon there and at the business office ( :wink: ), with the unlimited 10,000 gold box.
To my sorrow, the experience ran out at 50,000 points/gold (even though the cheats say otherwise).
Any idea how long it will take to reset, if at all?

Made the mistake of training there. I came out with no beacons set (stranded in Paradise).
Update on this, er, cheat?

I went back to the well in Kriegspire a day or two later, just to see if it would show some mercy on 'poor little' me.
I was able to get at least 20,000 more experience points.
I'll check when time allows, to see how much it offers (daily?) to the weary warrior seeking a vacation from all the fighting for experience.

P.S. Ameena: There are at least three wells in the town of Kriegspire;
one does the 'level up' and leaves the look out/watch out note,
another one transports you to a wonderful vacation spot (if that's the kind of Klingon you happen to be)...
...the other gives experience for gp/money, at 5,000 per shot of experience for the character that drinks from the well.
(located in the middle of the main block of houses)

There is a great spell to protect one from the instant death spell; the instant save trick.
Of course that only works if you manage to do it before they use the death spell. :wink:

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:08 pm
by Ameena
Ahh, the NWC offices...yeah, everyone in there is someone from NWC who made the game - you can access their offices in MMVIII as well, and probably in MMVII though I don't know how as I never got too far in it - will have to get back at it some day soon after I'm done with the heap of games currently in my waiting list ;).
Your Reputation will be Average at first, but if you go too long without doing anything that gains Rep, you'll gradually stat to drop. But you can get it back up to Respectable (one above Average) by just donating a few times at a temple (New Sorpigal is best for this, as each donation is only 10 gold ;)). Reputation levels, from lowest to highest, are - Notorious, Monstrous, Despicable, Vile, Bad, Average, Respectable, Honourable, Glorious, Angelic, Saintly. If your Rep is high enough, peasants will always be willing to talk to you because you're so lovely and wonderful and it's such an honour. If your Rep is low enough, peasants will always be willing to talk to you because they're scared shitless ;).
The "+30 levels, watch out!" well in Kriegspire, I thought the level bonus was just temporary and had no lasting effects. However, technically you can get some definite exp (and loot) out of it - that "Watch out!" message? Well, it does refer to something. Since I know what it does, I make use of a couple of Lloyd's Beacons and the Fly spell. Here's what I do...
First, set a Beacon by the well. Second, fly over the mountains to the north and set up a Beacon by the obelisk (near the western edge of the zone). Then go back to the well. Drink from it (however many times a day it works - only once I think?). Then go to the inn (right next to the well) and sleep for erm, two nights, I think it is. The well resets. Drink from it again. Keep doing this a load of times or until you get bored. Then make sure you have your usual spells up (in my cast, Fly and Wizard Eye) Enter turn-based mode. Skip turns till you're on the person who set the Beacon up by the obelisk. Recall to there. Multiple castings of Starburst and Meteor Shower are the fastest way to deal with what you see before you at this point (some distance northeast of the obelisk, I think - you'll know it when you see it :twisted:).
Best way to avoid being hit by anything outdoors? Fly - you can still go up and down when in turn-based mode so can dodge anything the bastards throw at you :D. Do bear in mind that if the person who cast Fly is killed/incapacitated/runs out of mana, the Fly spell effect will stop (ie you'll start falling, though the spell is still active - no mana means it can't be sustained, that's all), so make sure someone else recasts it pretty fast before you hit the ground ;).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:09 pm
by RakuPL
Use those patches for MM6-8 games:
Then all works great on XP/Vista/7 8)

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:26 am
by Bit
He's so silent. Seems he doesn't need patches but a rescue team ;)

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:51 am
by MasterWuuf
Bit wrote:He's so silent. Seems he doesn't need patches but a rescue team ;)
After listening for a moment or two, you might think a 'rescue team' might be in order. :shock: :lol:

I've had a time. My Paladin was able to
thanks to the clever cheat feature
get all magic skills.
Then I made the mistake of getting too many abilities (mace, bow, sword, etc)
which pushed the Dark Magic skill so far down the list that it disappeared. :oops:

Hmmm. Anyone know a way to access the poor paladin's dark magic skill so I can raise him to expert and master?

P.S. The
well at Kreigspire refreshes every two days or so. Yum, yum.
Better take 20,000
sometimes allows much more
or so to pay for the drinks.

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:41 pm
by Ameena
I don't know if there's an in-game way to fix the problem of your Pally having an inaccessible skill...however, if you send me your saved game I should be able to sort it out - let me know which skill(s) you don't want (I'm guessing you just want to keep Sword, Bow, and Plate from the weapons/armour skills?), and I can see they disappear and so make your list shorter ;).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:37 am
by MasterWuuf
Still trying to locate the saved game files on my Windows 7 OS laptop.
After trying to 'unhide' files I finally managed to hide ALL Might and Magic files. :lol:
(I'm so proud of myself)

Anyone know why the experience well in Kriegspire sometimes only gives a potential of 20,000 experience,
while I have, at least once, received 1,000,000 experience (ran out of funds, so don't know how far it would have gone)?

Getting Master in Dark Magic was easy; just didn't do any quests, accidentally killed some folks,
'viola' (this spoiler is for Ameena and Sophia)
I was given the 'good nature' necessary to become a master.

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:47 am
by Ameena
Hehe yeah, Master Dark is easy - it's Master Light that's the tricky one, since you get very few opportunities to get it, really. I put that in spoilers somewhere in a previous post, though. While you're Notorious, make sure you don't visit any castles (anywhere with a lord/lady where there are guards who go "Halt! Who goes there?" when you try to enter) unless you want to spend a year in prison ;). Quick way to get good again -
Spam the New Sorpigal temple with donations - it only costs 10gp there (the cheapest donation of any temple) but still gets your Rep up to Respectable about as fast as anywhere else, as far as I can tell. I think each donation raises you one level of Reputation.
I wasn't aware the Kriegspire well charges for its temporary +10 levels...I thought it was a free thing with that secondary effect ("Watch out!"). I also don't know how long the +10 levels lasts - maybe a day or something? I only do it for the "Watch out!" effect, anyway.
One other thing, in response to your little spoiler tag there...
it's "voila", not "viola" - a viola is a musical instrument ;).

Re: Might and Magic 6-8 Windows problems

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 6:16 pm
by MasterWuuf
Might and Magic six, seven and eight merge.

This is something one of my family members just found.
It allows a person to visit all three worlds (6-8) in one game, using the M&M8 engine.
The graphics have also been upgraded.

If you have a M&M 8 save, you can use that as a start-up, but there seem to be some glitches there (just be aware).