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Breaking Bad

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:06 pm
by beowuuf
The various press leading up to the final eight episodes finally drew me in to watching the DVDs I bought of this series. In pretty rapid succession, and I got really suckered in to this show big time!

Any other fans on the forums?

It's amazing to see a TV series that can take things so slowly, allowed to go in depth and at such a reasoned pace to explore the conceit of the show.

I'm already caught up and now awaiting the last six episodes, scared and excited to see where the show is going to go.

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:24 am
by ChristopheF
This is indeed a great series. I discovered it last year, just before the first part of the last season was broadcast, and I was also "suckered into this show".
I've not seen episodes 9 and 10 yet. I'll wait until the series is finished so I can watch them in a row. Waiting between episodes is too hard :)

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:38 am
by beowuuf
Indeed, but avoiding spoilers in a digital age is also pretty hard : D

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:48 am
by beowuuf
Last episode is tonight in America, Gambit! I need to avoid the internet until tomorrow evening until I can watch it on Netflix first.

I don't envy you avoiding spoilers... I imagine even non-internet sources may decide to talk about it...

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:31 pm
by RAF68
but how can you love a series like the
or it traffics drugs is anything ..................

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:19 pm
by beowuuf
The great thing about the show is that it always demonstrates the lead character is doing a very bad thing. Every character involved in that business, and everyone whose live the lead character touches is worse for it in the end. There are some horrific moments, and the joy of the show is seeing the lead character slowly become a villain. His decision to do something without care for the consequences to faceless people slowly means he comes to make more and more decisions that hurt people he knows withe same ability to rationalise.

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:06 pm
by Zyx
I like the way it shows what said beowuuf without resorting to deus ex maquina.

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:58 am
by Roquen
I've been meaning to watch this series but have never gotten around to it. I'd guess if you like this one, you should maybe give "The Shield" a try.

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:46 pm
by Zyx
I didn't like the acting in the Shield, never could pass the first episode...

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:24 pm
by Roquen
It's one of those shows that there's probably no middle ground...people are either going to enjoy it alot or totally hate it. What made it really work for me is that I found all the characters plausible and it's the only show that I've enjoyed where I didn't like a single one of the many characters. The "good" ones, the "bad" ones...I found them all pretty despicable.

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:53 pm
by oh_brother
Finally caught up on this. I obviously avoided this thread like the plague when Beo first posted, and somehow I managed to avoid all spoilers, so just reading this now.


Great show. The conversion of Walt from a mild-mannered teacher to villain was gradual enough to be believable. And you could even find yourself making excuses for some of his actions, because you 'knew' him as he had been, and also knew what he was going through. And the motivation - craving respect due to insecurities and underachievement - is perfectly understandable.

The science was well done. They did not go into tremendous details, but what they mentioned made sense.

I enjoyed the end. Not necessarily the final resolution, but the characters. Like Walt admitting to Skyler that he did it for himself. I almost felt sorry for him in the end.

beowuuf wrote: Indeed, but avoiding spoilers in a digital age is also pretty hard : D
I manged, somehow. By being paranoid for a few months, but it is surprising how details can just 'appear' in places you never expect. Like Google's autocomplete or a friend showing me the photos on her phone (she had some screen shots there too and forgot about them).

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:08 pm
by beowuuf
Indeed, especially things like Breaking Bad that get in to the internet consciousness, people can use references like a touchstone so an article or comment is a spoiler.

So, where did you stop rooting for Walt? Or did you ever?

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:12 pm
by oh_brother
Not until late on, surprisingly. Even when Hank was chasing him (and Hank was a great character), part of me wanted him to get away. Maybe it was the shot-out in the desert - the one with the neo-Nazi's and the sad ending. But even then I had some fondness left. I never hated him, I just got annoyed at the choices he made.

And then some scenes towards the end made you think about it again. Like where he pays the guy to spend an extra hour with him. Or driving back to New Mexico. And of course you have to root for him in the very end, just because the alternatives are so much worse. :D

How about you? DId you turn against him sooner?

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:29 pm
by oh_brother
Oh, also when he poisoned the kid. And shot Mike. And let Jane choke.

Re: Breaking Bad

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:31 pm
by beowuuf
The kid thing was spoiled for me, and I don't think I turned turned on him then. I think Mike was really the first time it was pure ego with no justification. And you had to hate him when he spotted Jess under the car after the desert shoot out. That was just stone cold retribution when Walt was the one at fault. Even though your heart breaks for him not two minutes before! And certainly you just wish he'd give up at the very end of the penultimate episode.

Anyway, a very good series - glad you finally caught up :)