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Advice for artists

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:41 am
by cowsmanaut
I wrote a long post in my other forum. Some of what I've discovered to be true, with my own journey to grow as an artist. Maybe it will help some of you

Re: Advice for artists

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:17 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
"You were asked to draw a circle, not a wobbly mess, not an egg, not an oval, etc.. a circle. This is where the basics fails us,"

well done, except there is no real circle, it does not exist, we can try all we like but it'll never happen. we were told we could draw something that's called a circle but in reality it is a spiral. one of the first lies we're told as a child. a circle seems real enough to view but math proves it's not, it shows it as a spiral.

I like point number 4, it really says it all. you explain how we have filters which over time set who we are. why quite a few artists turn to drinking and other drugs to break what those filters do, restart the process from new and bypassing those filters.