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Beware! Bad customer service from iam8bit

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:52 am
by Sophia
Since we're all kind of retro enthusiasts around here, I thought I'd post a cautionary tale about some shittiness that a friend of mine had to endure from iam8bit.

He ordered a game soundtrack on vinyl, which arrived damaged. After contacting them about it, they told him there was nothing they were willing to do, because he had it shipped via media mail which means (at least according to them) you are apparently opting out of all insurance or possibility for a refund, because it's cheap. They don't bother to explain that this is the case anywhere on their site, though; there is no warning that you are apparently assuming liability, as can be seen from this quick test I ran. From here, all it looks like is that you're choosing a cheaper, slower shipping option to save some money on shipping. This, naturally, makes the whole thing seem extremely shoddy!

It's all here on Twitter, in case you'd like to read both sides of the story or post something.

Good (ish) customer service from iam8bit

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:24 pm
by Sophia
On the upside, being called out made them change their approach in a hurry, so credit to them for doing the right thing when enough customers got angry about it. ;)

Re: Beware! Bad customer service from iam8bit

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:40 pm
by cowsmanaut
isn't that always the way? get a big enough mob and they suddenly decide to play nice? shame that's what it requires..