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Twisty Little Passages

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:28 pm
by UnluckyMule
I thought the DM community might be interested in this...

Twisty Little Passages is a dungeon crawl puzzle game book created by Caravel Games, makers of the critically-acclaimed DROD indie computer game series. In TLP, players use a fine-tipped dry-erase pen on laminated pages to track their progress. I've printed out and play-tested the demo tutorial puzzles and found it a truly unique and engaging experience. My wife and kids loved it as well.

As I post here, there are about 30 hours left in the Kickstarter campaign and the momentum is really picking up. Caravel has a great track record, and as a long time fan of their work, I'm confident they will deliver a high quality product. Please check it out and spread the word to help unlock additional stretch goals!

Twisty Little Passages - Kickstarter