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Original addon packs still around?

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:20 pm
by kelly_DMJ
Its a long shot, i know, but does anyone still have my original stuff i made for DMJ years ago?

I don't have any of my original files anymore, so what I was working back then is now lost. Just kinda hoping someone out there might still have any graphics I was working on from that time?


Re: Original addon packs still around?

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 3:37 pm
by kelly_DMJ
Ah,ah..I've found some stuff from Addon Pack0.3 so I'll get that updated and uploaded.

I was trying to remember why I didn't release all the files in one go and then I remembered my webspace at the time was limited to 30mb, I think.
HA - 30mb it's nothing these days is it!

And at that time modems were still relatively new and alot of peeps were still using dail ups modems! I can't imagine now trying to download 30mb on an old dail up, haha!
Anyway, I'll get some test dungeons going and get some piccies of the new stuff and how to use it.

Many thanks to Solito's last update of the DMJ code, more options are available to the designer now, and I've been in contact with him recently too so were both still have plenty of ideas!

Piccies to follow...