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Custom Damage Types (DSB 0.78+)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 1:06 am
by Sophia
As of DSB 0.78 you'll be able to add custom damage types. In your custom Lua scripts you'll need to add code like:

Code: Select all

inventory_info.damage_types = 4
inventory_info.dtype.psychic = 3
This increases the total number of damage types to 4 (health, stamina, mana, and our new type) and adds a new damage type, "psychic," to the dtype table with id 3. (health has id 0, stamina has id 1, and mana has id 2)

If you provide a suitable image, DSB will automatically draw it, when you invoke it with code like:

Code: Select all

dsb_damage_popup(ppos, inventory_info.dtype.psychic, damage_amount)
The easiest way to have your image drawn is to extend the default DSB damage images. Add a fourth image of equal width and height below the first three and DSB will automatically draw it.

You can do this for however many new damage types you want to add, for example:

Code: Select all

inventory_info.damage_types = 5
inventory_info.dtype.psychic = 3
inventory_info.dtype.something_else = 4
If you need the default images to modify, here they are:


However, you can also use a purely custom renderer, if you'd like. Take a look at h_damage_popup in base/hooks.lua for details.

Re: Custom Damage Types (DSB 0.78+)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:19 pm
by Automaton
Very cool!

Looking forward to getting my regen looking proper!

Nick K.