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Heyoh everyone, first post as a long time lurker

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:44 pm
by Matzie
Title says it all, I've been lurking around the forums quite a few years ago, but I recently got interested in Dungeon Master again and after lurking for 1-2 weeks I thought I might aswell join and interract a bit.

I think I'm definitely on the younger side of the demographic of the DM community, being 19 and only having discovered and got into the game thanks to my dad.

I'm mostly here because I'm interested in custom dungeon making, since custom engines is how I discovered the game and I've been making my own dungeons since I was around 10 (though admittedly they were fairly short and rubbish, especially since english is not my main language), first starting with DMJava, and then moving on to RTC (Currently considering getting a look at DSB).

So expect me being mostly active in the custom dungeon boards.

Re: Heyoh everyone, first post as a long time lurker

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:58 pm
by oh_brother
Hey Matzie. Welcome to the forums! I would say that you are indeed one of the younger members - impressive that DM still interests people who didn't grow up with it.

So you started on custom dungeons. Have you played the original dungeons (DM and CSB) also?

Re: Heyoh everyone, first post as a long time lurker

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:08 pm
by Matzie
I did play DM on RTC, so not really the original experience but close enough.

Haven't really played CSB past a few floors, I'm not a fan of the big enemy gauntlets and all kind of over the top hidden dungeon gimmicks like fake walls, pits etc... The level design is kind of a mess imho.

Re: Heyoh everyone, first post as a long time lurker

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:21 pm
by oh_brother
Don't let some of the regulars hear you say that, or you will be perma-banned :D

More seriously I do agree that fake walls are not the best mechanic, so I see where you are coming from. Even though I found CSB to be an amazingly well-designed game once I got into it.

Re: Heyoh everyone, first post as a long time lurker

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:38 pm
by Ameena
Heya, welcome to the forum, young bab ;). It is nice that new people are still discovering the games even now. For the closest-to-the-original version of DM/CSB you probably want CSBWin, which is a port of the actual original Atari version. RTS isn't bad but some aspects are a bit off, like damage numbers from certain spells (Beholders frigging hurt :P). As for the "level design" of's not like DM - it doesn't have a linear structure of "Complete this level by finding any important items and then locating the stairs to the next level", but instead it has interlinking paths that connect over multiple levels at once, and which can be accessed by stairs, illusionary walls, pits, teleporters (invisible or otherwise), etc. It can take a while but it's possible to figure out which sections link up where, and what you need from each area in order to progress. You could call it a mess, or you could just say it's a load of chaos - it's in the name, after all ;).