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[Custom dungeon] DM: Alternate [DM PC] [Michael Hutton (a.ka. Beowuuf)]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:55 pm
by beowuuf
Version: 1.051
Platform: DM PC
Author: Michael Hutton (a.ka. Beowuuf)
Email address:
Date published: 2001, October 7
Date last updated: 2001, October 7

What if Theron had failed in DM? (For further story, see Prologue.doc).

As DM, to find the firestaff for Lord Librasulus.

One level 2 stairwell does not work, and is part of a toggling puzzle. Some tiles have been 'cloned', so objects can appear in two or more places at once if placed on one. Some monster types are differently coloured, for better or worse.
There are two different 'endings' to DM: Alt, or rather different areas to face Chaos in - hence the name. In each case it is easy to be trapped with Lord Chaos, though not impossible to escape after.

This is an altered DM PC saved game, using Stamm Bladecaster. DMAlt.dat is a backup copy of the Dmsave.dat file, which should be placed in the root Ftl directory for DM. Run DM and ‘resume’ to play. The game is medium sized, using all DM levels, though most much smaller in scale.

Known bugs:
Level 9 runs too fast when entered, and should be given about half a minute to slow to normal speed. There were no other bugs found using v3.4 of DM.

Download this dungeon from this Shared OneDrive (in the 'Custom Dungeons' folder)

Custom dungeon 'DM: Alternate' review by Michael Hutton (a.ka. Beowuuf)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:55 pm
by beowuuf
Reviewer: Michael Hutton (a.ka. Beowuuf)
Gameplay: 7. Come on, no two levels are the same! Large fights, tight corner fights, levels with key fun, maze levels, arenas, alot of puzzles - of course this means you will hit at least one type/puzzle you hate I guess :)
Originality: 7. Tried to make it a logical step after DM, but I think the puzzles are original.
Difficulty: 8. Aiming it as an alternate to DM (assume beginner, gradual build up of difficulty) gave way to wanting to challenge the DM people around!
Puzzles: 7. I think they are very original, but balanced by being oscure most of the time :(
Size: 9. All the levels used, even if alot aren't as large.
Replayability: Dunno, it was designed with alot of secrets and alternate paths, but do people want to play it again!
Craft: 7. Good puzzle craft, but nothing that taxes the DM engine. I like the fires of barabus and fighting librasulus personally :)
Game Ending: 8. Two endings, with some nice touches that I like.
Atmosphere: 7. Hopefully nice driving story, and logic to your progression/the end.
Overall: 6. Personnally I find too much wrong with it, but there we go :)
Best part: Using all three keys at the end, fighting the lost champions in the secret on 5, the lightning room past the arena on level 8.
Worst part: Traps obscure, fight on one of the level 3 paths can be evil if you don't figure the way to coast through, the level 10 maze bores me and I cheat in DMute to find the path when I play tested :)
Review: What the heck, may as well review my own game!

Bugs: Level 9 - those fireballs do slow down!

Custom dungeon 'DM: Alternate' review by Christophe

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:56 pm
by Christophe
Reviewer: Christophe
Gameplay: 7
Originality: 8. Great level layouts
Difficulty: 8. Well, I died numerous times.
Puzzles: 9. Puzzles were very good and original in this dungeon.
Size: 8
Replayability: 8
Craft: 7
Game Ending: 8. Very neat having Chaos show up after defeating that Knight, don't know the other ending.
Atmosphere: 7. Some early levels and Matrix level didn't seem to have much atmosphere, otherwise very good.
Overall: 8
Best part: Puzzles, specifically the room that was filled with doors, the false wall room, and the level that was half imaginary walls.
Worst part: Getting lost so often in the beginning. Title of Dungeon. Matrix level (it was original, but not much fighting done there).
Review: Bugs: not really a bug, but one of the gates in one of the bottom levels that is near a stairway and I think it has a teleporter on the other side, appears to be closed when it is open (have to be to the left of it). Thought you might want to know if you didn't already.
I don't think your overall rating that you gave yourself gives you enough credit.
This is a great dungeon (I'll trade you).