Technical Questions to the Game

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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by ChristopheF »

Open D:\ReDMCSB\Toolchains\Common\Base\Start-ReDMCSBBuild.ps1 in a text editor
Copy the whole function named Copy-ReDMCSBCustomSource into a PowerShell window
Run this command line:
Copy-ReDMCSBCustomSource -InputPath D:\ReDMCSB\Toolchains\Common\Source -OutputPath D:\ReDMCSB\Output -TagSet "I34E_I34M"

Result will be in D:\ReDMCSB\Output\I34E_I34M
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Sphenx »

Thanks for all these examples Cycl0ne, that's a good insight. I would definitively try more of these -- that might even help some works on DCS or SKWin ..
@Sphenx: Can you give me please a peek into your flooritems calc/draw routine? ;-) im sitting here with paper and doing all stuff to convert my enums N,E,W,S with NE, SE, SW, NW -> (var+3)%4
You first get the quarter-position in tile of the item from this order 0 to 3 : NW - NE - SE - SW. If in alcove, its on the wall face N - E - S - W.
No modulo needed here, you're always between 0 and 3 for a tile and DM reference item tells on which quarter/face it is. In DCS, I actually handle float coordinates, but still need to know the quarter-position.
You generally draw far items before the closer ones.
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Cycl0ne »

Sphenx wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:35 am You first get the quarter-position in tile of the item from this order 0 to 3 : NW - NE - SE - SW. If in alcove, its on the wall face N - E - S - W.
No modulo needed here, you're always between 0 and 3 for a tile and DM reference item tells on which quarter/face it is. In DCS, I actually handle float coordinates, but still need to know the quarter-position.
You generally draw far items before the closer ones.
That i already do, but i only got an array where all items are stored on the tile and i iterate through the array. what the difficult for me (or my brain is).

Im facing south, so all NE, NW are front and SE and SW are back, when im facing EAST -> SW and NW are front and SE/NE are back. This is something where i think i need modulo or?

Example of my WallDeco Source:

Code: Select all

            // Confusing but true: if we look straight and have right a wall, then the items "left" need to be drawn
            // this works, but normaly we have this.position-> need to check brainlogic here
            if (this.position > Position.Center){
                const leftIndex  = cell.deco[(dir + 3) % 4]; // +3 represents the left direction
                if (leftIndex && this.wallornateSide[leftIndex-1])  this.wallornateSide[leftIndex-1].setVisible(true);
            } else
                const rightIndex = cell.deco[(dir + 1) % 4];
                if (rightIndex&& this.wallornateSide[rightIndex-1]) this.wallornateSide[rightIndex-1].setVisible(true);
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Cycl0ne »

ChristopheF wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:24 am Open D:\ReDMCSB\Toolchains\Common\Base\Start-ReDMCSBBuild.ps1 in a text editor
Copy the whole function named Copy-ReDMCSBCustomSource into a PowerShell window
Run this command line:
Copy-ReDMCSBCustomSource -InputPath D:\ReDMCSB\Toolchains\Common\Source -OutputPath D:\ReDMCSB\Output -TagSet "I34E_I34M"

Result will be in D:\ReDMCSB\Output\I34E_I34M
Didnt work. there is for a milisecond a red error and the whole powershell window closes. i will see how i can get around this :)

a suggestion for improvement :) Why dont you create small .bat files in a subfolder named: CreateSourceAmiga.bat, CreateSourcePC.bat,... for future people like me asking :-D
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by ChristopheF »

I use PowerShell version 5.1 on Windows 10. Can you check if you are using the same? Maybe it fails with newer versions.
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Cycl0ne »

ChristopheF wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 1:08 pm I use PowerShell version 5.1 on Windows 10. Can you check if you are using the same? Maybe it fails with newer versions.
one failure: you need to call it from the dir common/base since you access Remove-Folder.ps1 which cant be found i f called from:ReDMCSB_WIP20210206/ dir.

still investigating. Even doing it with ps ISE, it hard closes the window

Running windows 11. Not sure which PS version.
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Cycl0ne »

It worked now. i changed the function to a script.. :

Code: Select all

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})][String]$InputPath,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})][String]$OutputPath,

# Make sure MEDIA*.H files (containing '#define MEDIAxxx_' directives) are processed after all others
$SourceFiles = @()
$SourceFiles += (Get-Item "$InputPath\*.C")
$SourceFiles += (Get-Item "$InputPath\*.H" -Exclude "MEDIA*.H")
$SourceFiles += (Get-Item "$InputPath\MEDIA*.H")
if ($SourceFiles -eq $null) {
    Write-Host "No source files found in input path [$InputPath], aborting."

# Create empty output folder
$OutputFolderPath = "$OutputPath\$TagSet"
if (Test-Path -Path $OutputFolderPath -PathType Container) {
    Remove-Item -Path $OutputFolderPath -Recurse -Force
$null = New-Item $OutputFolderPath -ItemType Directory -Force
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $OutputFolderPath -PathType Container)) {
    Write-Host "Failed to create custom source folder [$OutputFolderPath], aborting."

$OutputLine = New-Object -TypeName Bool[] -ArgumentList 100
$Tags = $TagSet -split "_"
$CompileTagsToXTags = @{}
$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")

foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles) {
    $StreamReader = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader($SourceFile, $Encoding)
    $OutputFileContent = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
    $CurrentDepth = 0
    $FileHasContent = $false
    $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth] = $true
    while (-not $StreamReader.EndOfStream ) {
        $SourceFileLine = $StreamReader.ReadLine()
        if ($SourceFileLine -match "(?<StartOfLine>^\s*#define )(MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?<EndOfLine>.*)") {
            $TagString = "MEDIA$($Matches.TagId)$($Matches.TagSet)"
            if ($CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                if ($CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString] -ne $null) {
                    $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine("$($Matches.StartOfLine)$($CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString])$($Matches.EndOfLine)")
        if ($SourceFileLine.StartsWith("#endif")) {
            if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine($SourceFileLine)
        if ($SourceFileLine.StartsWith("#if")) {
            $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth] = $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth - 1]
            if ($SourceFileLine -match "(^\s*#ifdef MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?<EndOfLine>.*)") {
                $TagString = "MEDIA$($Matches.TagId)$($Matches.TagSet)"
                $CompileTagSet = $Matches.TagSet
                $CompileTags = $CompileTagSet.Split("_")
                $CommonTags = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $CompileTags -DifferenceObject $Tags -PassThru -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
                if ($CommonTags -eq $null) {
                    $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth] = $false
                } else {
                    $JoinedCommonTags = $CommonTags -join '_'
                    if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                        if (-not $CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                            $CompileTagsToXTags.Add($TagString, "X$($Matches.TagId)_$($JoinedCommonTags)")
                        $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine("#ifdef $($CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString])$($Matches.EndOfLine)")
            } else {
                if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                    $RegExMatches = ([regex]"(MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)").Matches($SourceFileLine)
                    foreach ($RegExMatch in $RegExMatches) {
                        $TagString = $RegExMatch.Value
                        $CompileTagSet = $RegExMatch.Groups["TagSet"].Value
                        $CompileTags = $CompileTagSet.Split("_")
                        $CommonTags = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $CompileTags -DifferenceObject $Tags -PassThru -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
                        if ($CommonTags -ne $null) {
                            $JoinedCommonTags = $CommonTags -join '_'
                            if (-not $CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                                $CompileTagsToXTags.Add($TagString, "X$($RegExMatch.Groups["TagId"].Value)_$($JoinedCommonTags)")
                            $SourceFileLine = $SourceFileLine -replace $TagString,$CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString]
                    $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine($SourceFileLine)
        if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
            $FileHasContent = $true
            $RegExMatches = ([regex]"(MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)").Matches($SourceFileLine)
            foreach ($RegExMatch in $RegExMatches) {
                $TagString = $RegExMatch.Value
                $CompileTagSet = $RegExMatch.Groups["TagSet"].Value
                $CompileTags = $CompileTagSet.Split("_")
                $CommonTags = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $CompileTags -DifferenceObject $Tags -PassThru -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
                if ($CommonTags -ne $null) {
                    $JoinedCommonTags = $CommonTags -join '_'
                    if (-not $CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                        $CompileTagsToXTags.Add($TagString, "X$($RegExMatch.Groups["TagId"].Value)_$($JoinedCommonTags)")
                    $SourceFileLine = $SourceFileLine -replace $TagString,$CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString]
            $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine($SourceFileLine)
    if ($FileHasContent) {
        $Content = $OutputFileContent.ToString()
        if ($Content -ne "#ifndef COMPILE_H`r`n#include `"COMPILE.H`"`r`n#endif`r`n") {
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$OutputFolderPath\$($SourceFile.Name)", $Content, $Encoding)
then i changed the restriction level of my os:

Code: Select all

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
then it worked..

Code is now much better to read, whats still anoying:
#ifdef X707_I34E_I34M

cant we just leave them out, since im on a I34 Version?
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Sphenx »

Cycl0ne wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:29 am Im facing south, so all NE, NW are front and SE and SW are back, when im facing EAST -> SW and NW are front and SE/NE are back. This is something where i think i need modulo or?
Ah yes. Considering your display viewport and viewer facing, yes, there is array transposition and modulo involved depending on the rotation.
If you turn left, transpose +3 (or -1); if you turn right, transpose +1 (or -3). Then modulo 4.

You can consider this image, with the original position of items in the center, and the different viewport visions depending on orientation.


Hope this helps.
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by ChristopheF »

Here is an updated version of the function that should fix the issue and get rid of the useless #defines :

Code: Select all

function Copy-ReDMCSBCustomSource {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})][String]$InputPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})][String]$OutputPath,

        # Make sure MEDIA*.H files (containing '#define MEDIAxxx_' directives) are processed after all others
        $SourceFiles = @()
        $SourceFiles += (Get-Item "$InputPath\*.C")
        $SourceFiles += (Get-Item "$InputPath\*.H" -Exclude "MEDIA*.H")
        $SourceFiles += (Get-Item "$InputPath\MEDIA*.H")
        if ($SourceFiles -eq $null) {
                Write-Host "No source files found in input path [$InputPath], aborting."

        # Create empty output folder
        $OutputFolderPath = "$OutputPath\$TagSet"
        if (Test-Path -Path $OutputFolderPath -PathType Container) {
                & "D:\ReDMCSB\Toolchains\Common\Base\Remove-Folder.ps1" -Path $OutputFolderPath -TemporaryPath $OutputPath
                if (Test-Path -Path $OutputFolderPath -PathType Container) {
                        Write-Host "Failed to delete custom source folder [$OutputFolderPath], aborting."
        $null = New-Item $OutputFolderPath -ItemType Directory -Force
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $OutputFolderPath -PathType Container)) {
                Write-Host "Failed to create custom source folder [$OutputFolderPath], aborting."

        $OutputLine = New-Object -TypeName Bool[] -ArgumentList 100
        $OutputTag = New-Object -TypeName Bool[] -ArgumentList 100
        $Tags = $TagSet -split "_"
        $CompileTagsToXTags = @{}
        $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")

        foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles) {
                $StreamReader = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader($SourceFile, $Encoding)
                $OutputFileContent = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
                $CurrentDepth = 0
                $FileHasContent = $false
                $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth] = $true
                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $true
                while (-not $StreamReader.EndOfStream ) {
                        $SourceFileLine = $StreamReader.ReadLine()
                        if ($SourceFileLine -match "(?<StartOfLine>^\s*#define )(MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?<EndOfLine>.*)") {
                                $TagString = "MEDIA$($Matches.TagId)$($Matches.TagSet)"
                                # Translate MEDIA tag to X tag
                                if ($CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                                        if ($CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString] -ne $null) {
                                                $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine("$($Matches.StartOfLine)$($CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString])$($Matches.EndOfLine)")
                        if ($SourceFileLine.StartsWith("#endif")) {
                                if ($OutputTag[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                        $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine($SourceFileLine)
                        if ($SourceFileLine.StartsWith("#if")) {
                                $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth] = $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth - 1]
                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth - 1]
                                if ($SourceFileLine -match "(^\s*#ifdef MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?<EndOfLine>.*)") {
                                        $TagString = "MEDIA$($Matches.TagId)$($Matches.TagSet)"
                                        $CompileTagSet = $Matches.TagSet
                                        $CompileTags = $CompileTagSet.Split("_")
                                        $CommonTags = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $CompileTags -DifferenceObject $Tags -PassThru -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
                                        if ($CommonTags -eq $null) {
                                                $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth] = $false
                                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $false
                                        } else {
                                                $JoinedCommonTags = ($CommonTags | Sort-Object) -join '_'
                                                if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                                        if (-not $CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                                                                $CompileTagsToXTags.Add($TagString, "X$($Matches.TagId)_$($JoinedCommonTags)")
                                                        if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                                            if ($JoinedCommonTags -ne $TagSet) {
                                                                $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine("#ifdef $($CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString])$($Matches.EndOfLine)")
                                                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $true
                                                            } else {
                                                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $false
                                } else {
                                        # Search for MEDIA tags on an #if line and map them to their corresponding X tags
                                        if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $true
                                                $RegExMatches = ([regex]"(MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)").Matches($SourceFileLine)
                                                foreach ($RegExMatch in $RegExMatches) {
                                                        $TagString = $RegExMatch.Value
                                                        $CompileTagSet = $RegExMatch.Groups["TagSet"].Value
                                                        $CompileTags = $CompileTagSet.Split("_")
                                                        $CommonTags = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $CompileTags -DifferenceObject $Tags -PassThru -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
                                                        if ($CommonTags -ne $null) {
                                                                $JoinedCommonTags = $CommonTags -join '_'
                                                                if (-not $CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                                                                        $CompileTagsToXTags.Add($TagString, "X$($RegExMatch.Groups["TagId"].Value)_$($JoinedCommonTags)")
                                                                $SourceFileLine = $SourceFileLine -replace $TagString,$CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString]
                        if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine($SourceFileLine)
                                if ($CurrentDepth -gt 0) {
                                        $FileHasContent = $true
                if ($FileHasContent) {
                        $Content = $OutputFileContent.ToString()
                        if ($Content -ne "#ifndef COMPILE_H`r`n#include `"COMPILE.H`"`r`n#endif`r`n") {
                                [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$OutputFolderPath\$($SourceFile.Name)", $Content, $Encoding)
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Cycl0ne »

Sphenx wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:18 pm Ah yes. Considering your display viewport and viewer facing, yes, there is array transposition and modulo involved depending on the rotation.
If you turn left, transpose +3 (or -1); if you turn right, transpose +1 (or -3). Then modulo 4.

You can consider this image, with the original position of items in the center, and the different viewport visions depending on orientation.

Hope this helps.
Yesx this i have on paper, but i still cant figure out how i can do it computional. i could go with a switch() and then a case. The thing is, my code works like a popup card Image

so all gfx are there in a manager and i just say: .setVisible(true) and false with the coordinates already stored in the image itself. But in the situation of the items now this is new for me (and where i have to think about it) since the grafic engine now has to display the gfx with coordinates and not just say: oh i see you there: .setvisible(true). so in the array i need to pick out the gfx and print it to screen to the position calculated. so yes, maybe with a switch().
DSB in its source 0.74 does it more traditional and just calls a function (drawflooritems) with a parameter D1-D3 and a view parameter (x+3)%4. And then comes alot of boring code. im checking for all sorts of things. i want it sleak and nice :)

ps: should i split this threas? one for the DeCSB and one for "coding" for dummies? ;-)
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Cycl0ne »

ChristopheF wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:35 pm Here is an updated version of the function that should fix the issue and get rid of the useless #defines :

Code: Select all

function Copy-ReDMCSBCustomSource {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})][String]$InputPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})][String]$OutputPath,

        # Make sure MEDIA*.H files (containing '#define MEDIAxxx_' directives) are processed after all others
        $SourceFiles = @()
        $SourceFiles += (Get-Item "$InputPath\*.C")
        $SourceFiles += (Get-Item "$InputPath\*.H" -Exclude "MEDIA*.H")
        $SourceFiles += (Get-Item "$InputPath\MEDIA*.H")
        if ($SourceFiles -eq $null) {
                Write-Host "No source files found in input path [$InputPath], aborting."

        # Create empty output folder
        $OutputFolderPath = "$OutputPath\$TagSet"
        if (Test-Path -Path $OutputFolderPath -PathType Container) {
                & "D:\ReDMCSB\Toolchains\Common\Base\Remove-Folder.ps1" -Path $OutputFolderPath -TemporaryPath $OutputPath
                if (Test-Path -Path $OutputFolderPath -PathType Container) {
                        Write-Host "Failed to delete custom source folder [$OutputFolderPath], aborting."
        $null = New-Item $OutputFolderPath -ItemType Directory -Force
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $OutputFolderPath -PathType Container)) {
                Write-Host "Failed to create custom source folder [$OutputFolderPath], aborting."

        $OutputLine = New-Object -TypeName Bool[] -ArgumentList 100
        $OutputTag = New-Object -TypeName Bool[] -ArgumentList 100
        $Tags = $TagSet -split "_"
        $CompileTagsToXTags = @{}
        $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")

        foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles) {
                $StreamReader = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader($SourceFile, $Encoding)
                $OutputFileContent = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
                $CurrentDepth = 0
                $FileHasContent = $false
                $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth] = $true
                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $true
                while (-not $StreamReader.EndOfStream ) {
                        $SourceFileLine = $StreamReader.ReadLine()
                        if ($SourceFileLine -match "(?<StartOfLine>^\s*#define )(MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?<EndOfLine>.*)") {
                                $TagString = "MEDIA$($Matches.TagId)$($Matches.TagSet)"
                                # Translate MEDIA tag to X tag
                                if ($CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                                        if ($CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString] -ne $null) {
                                                $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine("$($Matches.StartOfLine)$($CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString])$($Matches.EndOfLine)")
                        if ($SourceFileLine.StartsWith("#endif")) {
                                if ($OutputTag[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                        $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine($SourceFileLine)
                        if ($SourceFileLine.StartsWith("#if")) {
                                $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth] = $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth - 1]
                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth - 1]
                                if ($SourceFileLine -match "(^\s*#ifdef MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?<EndOfLine>.*)") {
                                        $TagString = "MEDIA$($Matches.TagId)$($Matches.TagSet)"
                                        $CompileTagSet = $Matches.TagSet
                                        $CompileTags = $CompileTagSet.Split("_")
                                        $CommonTags = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $CompileTags -DifferenceObject $Tags -PassThru -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
                                        if ($CommonTags -eq $null) {
                                                $OutputLine[$CurrentDepth] = $false
                                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $false
                                        } else {
                                                $JoinedCommonTags = ($CommonTags | Sort-Object) -join '_'
                                                if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                                        if (-not $CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                                                                $CompileTagsToXTags.Add($TagString, "X$($Matches.TagId)_$($JoinedCommonTags)")
                                                        if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                                            if ($JoinedCommonTags -ne $TagSet) {
                                                                $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine("#ifdef $($CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString])$($Matches.EndOfLine)")
                                                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $true
                                                            } else {
                                                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $false
                                } else {
                                        # Search for MEDIA tags on an #if line and map them to their corresponding X tags
                                        if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                                $OutputTag[$CurrentDepth] = $true
                                                $RegExMatches = ([regex]"(MEDIA)(?<TagId>\d\d\d)(?<TagSet>_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)").Matches($SourceFileLine)
                                                foreach ($RegExMatch in $RegExMatches) {
                                                        $TagString = $RegExMatch.Value
                                                        $CompileTagSet = $RegExMatch.Groups["TagSet"].Value
                                                        $CompileTags = $CompileTagSet.Split("_")
                                                        $CommonTags = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $CompileTags -DifferenceObject $Tags -PassThru -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
                                                        if ($CommonTags -ne $null) {
                                                                $JoinedCommonTags = $CommonTags -join '_'
                                                                if (-not $CompileTagsToXTags.Contains($TagString)) {
                                                                        $CompileTagsToXTags.Add($TagString, "X$($RegExMatch.Groups["TagId"].Value)_$($JoinedCommonTags)")
                                                                $SourceFileLine = $SourceFileLine -replace $TagString,$CompileTagsToXTags[$TagString]
                        if ($OutputLine[$CurrentDepth]) {
                                $null = $OutputFileContent.AppendLine($SourceFileLine)
                                if ($CurrentDepth -gt 0) {
                                        $FileHasContent = $true
                if ($FileHasContent) {
                        $Content = $OutputFileContent.ToString()
                        if ($Content -ne "#ifndef COMPILE_H`r`n#include `"COMPILE.H`"`r`n#endif`r`n") {
                                [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$OutputFolderPath\$($SourceFile.Name)", $Content, $Encoding)
ill give it a try. Worked, but some are still there. but ok. :)

Source looks now really nice and readable. :-D so readable that im temping to put it on my list to transcode this to Javascript for a 1:1 conversion :-D
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Sphenx »

Cycl0ne wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:26 pm The thing is, my code works like a popup card
:lol: I think I was not following correctly your issue on that one. So now you have to write the manager code for these pink / blue / red / green balloons :wink: At some point, even for OO, some logic has to be coded, isn't it ? at least prepare some parameters for other methods/objects. I shall pop up later then.
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Re: Technical Questions to the Game

Post by Cycl0ne »

yes i have to think about it. if i follow my path with popup i will need to create 27 sprite for each item possible on floor, since you can have in D0C 2, in D1C 4, in D1L, 3, ... this combined with 84 items in game. not sure if this will be some stupid memory overhead :-P (and before you say it: yes and 7 possible positions in wall (alcove)).
I think i have to leave my path, since in my world only one item can be there, if there are two or three rocks.. wont work.. ok i will think about an array and blit approach.. ;-)
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