Help testing AI

Questions about how to create your own dungeons and replacement graphics and sounds.

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Help testing AI

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

Looking for Dungeon Masters interested in testing AI, new improvements developed. New idea's are welcome. You'll be testing monster abilities, different attacks and behavior. It will be shared with everyone who has interest :idea:
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Re: Help testing AI

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

That's discouraging, but life is like that.
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Re: Help testing AI

Post by Saumun »

I must have missed the original post.
Is this an updated version? If you give me a link or send it, I’ll take a look when I can.
Can’t promise much time because I’m working on The Trail Pt 2 again after a long break. Between work, family, and that I won’t have much of a window, but I’ll try.
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Re: Help testing AI

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

This is the busy season, the last few weeks were free, today feels like summer. Thanks Saumun. I didn't hear back from you on the currency example so thought you were just too busy, most people are. As I check the history my track record for getting help is pretty low, it's like nobody really has that flair for it anymore. I do it for fun and as a hobby, much better than TV.

How did you make out with the currency example? While going over some of my old work I am able to see more streamline ways to build them. Some things I manage to reduce 80%. I have fun looking at my old work and seeing how I did things and how they change. George Gilbert did me a favor by giving a visual and adding color to it, that GUI gave me years of amusement. Learned a little bit of computer stuff on the way.
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Re: Help testing AI

Post by Saumun »

The currency system is great. I’m using something not quite the same, but very similar in Pt 2. I must credit you for the idea.
It works well on two fronts. Not only are you not having to carry tons of coins, but it allows you to get any coin type you want (remember when Leslie said he had gems, but no gold coins?). No need to go to the shop and buy.

You were right to say I’m busy... I am. But I’ll take a look when I can. Results will probably be slow.
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Re: Help testing AI

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

I have a feeling that knowing how to use those last few operations might prove to be very handy. I have already found ways to reduce program by using them. There are no examples here, does anyone have examples of this? I used a lot of AND operations and before that I used a monster on a trigger as an AND which gave me other ideas and more options such as how to deactivate a relay in a chain of relays but still have the other ones work by turning off the trigger. I have been able to perform an operation with values that compare and do not require an AND. I will be exploring this for sometime. Why hasn't George come back to help out on issues like this? He could give examples and we'd all benefit from it.
I will send you AI 3 and 4 if you're done with the currency example. Nearly there to begin building a dungeon based on Clodios's map, story and characters. I have revisited Banville, which was a demonstration of the info screens use. I can make that same thing come true with a fraction of the programming I used in making it, it was an experiment. Did you have a look at Banville? You might be surprised by it. If not I'll send it so you can have a look at the various methods being used.

Using currency for trade with characters reduces the amount of programming quite a lot, there is more to be done here.
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Re: Help testing AI

Post by Saumun »

Yes, I’ve done a much similar thing a number of times (monster on trigger... swap monster to null to break chain but keep the rest).
Used AND, OR, and NOT plenty of times but not really the others.
Did a course at college a long time ago in programmable logic controllers. Same thing. Remember using NAND, etc.... but bear in mind this was 26 years ago and they were fairly primitive.
Yes, I remember Banville. That was the one with info screens to move in the town, yes? And a forest outside it.
I liked that forest wallset.
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Re: Help testing AI

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

26 years ago is a long time, heh, you're making us feel old here.
It was enjoyable learning binary base two and actually use those 1's and 0's together with operations, I didn't learn that in school, they didn't have computers, just punch cards which eventually I had to pick up off the school lawn because I did their maintenance at all the schools that I went to.
What have you done so far with those relay operations? I am curious about relay operations and how they connect to each other. I have learned that nand nor xor have values 1 or 0 and that they can check values if they are 1 or 0, both or none, so they are easy to use for counters, they also work on charge values, so they can be compared. I know there is a good use for this stuff.

So you did have a look at Banville. There was a lot in there, all sorts of different methods, it was a large test dungeon on info screens, use of counters, it was fun learning while making that thing.

Did you find the blood cross necklace? the spell mon vi bro dain and I think a flask of vi recharged the necklace, sort of as an insurance against death since it would restore health if wearing it.

Do you think the wallset looks to real for DM, does it look out of place with some of the objects and characters? I purposely degraded them to give it that old look by indexing to 20 colors but it still looked a bit to real. I still have all that work, hundreds of trees ready to make outdoor landscapes of all types, not so much brick ones.

Most of the work that I have fiddled with has been AI. By using their attacks to change counters with swapping their abilities the monsters\npc is born. Add to that the %chance and they begin to act freely, unpredictable, as well as dodge attacks and that would make a decent AI. It all can be done using RTC, but there is one snag I came across, health transfer, but there are ways to circumvent that too.
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Re: Help testing AI

Post by Saumun »

I’ve only really employed them very basically, like a AND b - move to next. Handy for reducing the number of relays (which I tend to overuse).

It was a while ago, but I think I didn’t get very far in Banville. I remember a prison and interacting with some characters there.
I think the wallset was fine with objects (as far as I remember). The only thing that looked weird was the Zed character in the forest, due to the very different graphical styles.
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Re: Help testing AI

Post by Chaos-Shaman »

About the relays

Only one relay is needed to compare two values if they are equal, not equal, before the event happens... I was using an AND and an extra relay to do the same thing, this cuts down objects, in this case using one relay rather than three to do the same job using values. This would help out in dungeons that are using complicated mechanics.
Banville was not complete, I didn't even finish my first example until last week. Everything works on the first house and they are all connected to one counter. Placed another luck counter and added a thief counter which would be rigged to lockpicks and what character uses them. I remember being told that it doesn't work, but I can assure that it does. Next time when making a town there will be only several infoscreens being placed on a town map, instead of walking through he town it will be just a click on the house from the map. I am happy you checked it out Saumun. Not much was said 5 years ago when I played with it, maybe we can continue with ideas and conversations on how to do it. Help others make great dungeons.
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