Xarastak1 - hints needed!...

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Xarastak1 - hints needed!...

Post by luke41 »


I am stuck in Xarostak 1 - I hope there is someone here in forum remembering the game.

1. The level 10 (above labirynth) with the whirl in the middle - what am I supposed to do? In the REAL prison was a hint about a key in the temple with bones. I found one key in the room with many bones (same level as the whirl and a temple) - it was RA key or Toruquise, I dont remember, but where to use it???

2. On the level 8 (with machines,generators etc.) - I got the Firestaff. But should I do something with the machines and buttons? Is this the way to deacivate the mechanism closing doors on level 2 (with 4 bottles)?

3. Where can I find a gem to activate the maze-teleport for "Dungeon"? I activated the other three - so I think I miss a gem...

4. Labyrinth: Is there anything else to do except finding the way to the real prison?

5. On level 3 (wizard school) there is a room with a wizard eye. I cannot open the shining door...

I have 3 blood keys, 1 RA-key, 1 tourquise key, 1 onyx, 1 skeleton key, 1 iron key, 1 solid key, 1 gold key - but no idea where to use them!
Moreover two plates / keys called "VI-key" and "YA-key"...
Finally three special gems (red, green, blue), and a lot of "normal" gems (blue, orange, green), and a magnifier - what for???

Would be great if someone could give me any hint, thanks in advance!
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