[Custom dungeon] The Trail [RTC] [Saumun]

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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by hansblieb »

how many yemo is a onyx gem ??
i have the 4 orbs now but only 2 onyx gems
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by hansblieb »

ok i sold all my armour and weapons. and the lever is activated in the orb room!! the onyx gems can i taken back for buy my armour back
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by Saumun »

I can’t remember for sure. I didn’t sell anything to get the onyx gems.
If you remove a gem and the lever still works then it’s fine.
Be sure to save the game before you go up.
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by hansblieb »

what a very romantic end!!!!!!
it was a very good story with amazing monsters and completed in 2 days 1 hour and 18 minutesicky puzzles. if you made a new adventure let me hear..
many thanks
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by hansblieb »

what a very romantic end!!!!!!
it was a very good story with amazing monsters and tricky puzzles completed in 2 days 1 hour and 18 minute. if you made a new adventure let me hear..
many thanks

i loking for a next mod and tried conflux. but it dont fits in dm2. and i dont like the controller keys on the keyboard and some graphics are distorded
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by Saumun »

Glad you enjoyed it.
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by Darth Mouse »

Hi Saumun

Update on My progress in your wonderful game

It's been a while since I've posted where I am
Finished the first game 94% finished 26 Secrets (If I remember correctly it's been 3 Months)
MAJOR Incomplete
Did not get the Prince and the Pauper Puzzle felt there was something more
and did not revive my brother will have to play again to see what I missed
really did not see that coming till hints on the boat ride and arrival in the new land

And am now 42 points (Potentially 44 Points) into the second game and 5 Treasures richer...
Don't like switches even if at the bottom of a hole that I don't know understand what they do
Once I get to that level (Now have access) will see if I can figure out what it does..
before I blindly press the lever hoping it will solve all my problems (even if a get a point for it...)
So far have only got stuck 2 times in the 2nd game which to me is learning how the author creates his games,
and each author I think discovers different things in George wonderful engine.
The player has to learn how the author may do thing differently from the Original games
NEEDED HELP... Gurrr....
Never had to cook diner for me or someone else in a computer game and
you sometimes give objects more than one use which to me is different from the original games
Your game really makes the player think on many different levels on how the game operates
and the puzzles are quite challenging and some times a little to frustrating.
But that what the author is suppose to do, and George engine allows the author to many thing the original games could not.

Have a few current issues but will try and find the solutions without going crazy...

Will try and post more often but to me a Wonderful game is one which you can play without
resorting to help like the good old day when the original games existed

Yours Faithfully
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by Darth Mouse »

Hi Saumun

Update on My progress in your wonderful game

It's been a while since I've posted where I am
Finished the first game 94% finished 26 Secrets (If I remember correctly it's been 3 Months)
MAJOR Incomplete
Did not get the Prince and the Pauper Puzzle felt there was something more
and did not revive my brother will have to play again to see what I missed
really did not see that coming till hints on the boat ride and arrival in the new land

And am now 42 points (Potentially 44 Points) into the second game and 5 Treasures richer...
Don't like switches even if at the bottom of a hole that I don't know understand what they do
Once I get to that level (Now have access) will see if I can figure out what it does..
before I blindly press the lever hoping it will solve all my problems (even if a get a point for it...)
So far have only got stuck 2 times in the 2nd game which to me is learning how the author creates his games,
and each author I think discovers different things in George wonderful engine.
The player has to learn how the author may do thing differently from the Original games
NEEDED HELP... Gurrr....
Never had to cook diner for me or someone else in a computer game and
you sometimes give objects more than one use which to me is different from the original games
Your game really makes the player think on many different levels on how the game operates
and the puzzles are quite challenging and some times a little to frustrating.
But that what the author is suppose to do, and George engine allows the author to many thing the original games could not.

Have a few current issues but will try and find the solutions without going crazy...

Will try and post more often but to me a Wonderful game is one which you can play without
resorting to help like the good old day when the original games existed

Yours Faithfully
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by Darth Mouse »

Hi Saumun

Has it really been a Month
I meant to post a few week earlier but time got in the way.

Am now in the Sandstone Castle
with 66 Pts and 7 Treasures

The Power Gem Level was very impressive and it took me almost 3 week to finish
Your use of the tiles was most creative and did present a difficult puzzle
until I revisited how I got the Neta Rune

Am slowly inching my way up the Castle
and hope to finish in the next couple of Months
that will of course depend on how many levels there are

Once I have finished this game, I would like to try some of your other creations...

Could I ask you to provide me with a list of your other games
you have created for Return to Chaos
if Possible in chronical order
so that I may try to better understand your progress in using George wonder engine
And if it not to much to ask how difficult you would judge them (This game being Master Level)
I Look forward to your response

Yours Humbly
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by Saumun »

I don’t know how much the others will appeal to you, as they’re not like The Trail at all. Everything before that was in the more traditional DM/CSB style (though not all straight up or down.

In chronological order...

For RTC:
Dark Reign (straight down DM style - fuse chaos)
Dark Reign 2 (carries on immediately from the end of DR1 - partial dungeon collapse - find an alternative way out)
The Chaos Mirror (four ways ala CSB, but ways are not connected - three levels to each way, plus final showdown)
Helloween (very short halloween dungeon just for laughs, that exploits a bug where you can play while dead - only takes around 20-30 mins to complete)
Underverse (enormous dungeon and fairly difficult. non-standard layout with optional sub quests. Parts of map/objects/monsters/route are decided by cycling triggers, so subsequent games will differ each time)
Dungeon Master X (original dungeon master with extra stuff, themed levels where tasks have to be completed to get sar coins, and an alternative ending (if you choose))
The Trail (you know this one)

Dark Reign (direct port of the RTC version)
Echoes of Chaos (medium length, DM style but with different layout (levels up, down, and side by side. DSB only)
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by Darth Mouse »

Hi Saumun

First a BIG BIG thanks for your list of games
downloaded them all but for 1 (where can I get the Dark Reign Download)
Second sorry for the delay but I've been busy with an Audit for work

so close and yet so far
Now have 90 Pts and am coming to the End
Did get a friend to help me with the riddles but that's not everybody skill

Am Possibly stuck... but not sure if its just a timing thing?
Not the best with timed puzzles

Got stuck earlier and have now completed the other 3 corners to the sand castle so I must solve this next

The Sand Castle South West Corner level 4
A hidden hall death trap what spits lightning at you from both ends and a lever on the wall
is it just a timing thing on the second attempt or have I missed something
and if its a timing thing what's the key to the timing
What will help me get the timing right...
Have tried multiple time and am getting tired of looking at my bones Grrrr....
Have shed all weight for Speed and use potion to also increase my Dexterity
Will try again and again and will try everything I know on that level or retry the lower levels as its possible I missed something
Something weird did happen on level 3 got up the fake stairs before
the ghost morphs and immediately had access to level 5 but no way back
You can be blunt with your response

But it will be at least a week before i can get back as have no Internet at home

Again thank for your help on my difficulties in your great Game

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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by Saumun »

It is indeed about timing, but is also a trick…
The two levers in the lightning trap toggle the two doors in the middle passage that need to be open… but if you look on your map tablet, one is already open.
So using one of the levers will close it, which you don’t want to do.
The best way is to enter backwards (facing south) so you’ll be facing the wall with the levers. Go right and ignore the first lever, go left into the teleport before the lightning hits you, pull the second lever, then go right and exit before the other lightning bolts hit.
The timing can be quite tight, but if you’re facing south and have the mouse pointer in position where the levers are, you can just use the sidestep keys.
Then both the doors in the middle passage will be open paving the way for you to open the door near the stairs.
On the other point…
Where you went straight to the fifth floor from the ghost stairs, it must have bugged when it happened.
For a split second after using the stairs, you do hit a level 5 teleport but I don’t know why it didn’t work on that occasion.
You’re very close to the end now.

Dark Reign download is on the shared one drive.
https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21A ... 18BAED6EC0
The folder is called “Dark Reign-49”.
There is also a DSB version.
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by Darth Mouse »

Hi Saumun

As usual I must always give you a big thanks

I retried the Hallway of Death as that had been my experiences with it up till this weekend
I figured that what I was trying would never work so I went the other way (South) into the blue Force Field
Voila I was teleported to a switch Hummmm... Something New
Poof Vaporized by that damn Lightning again... So try again hoping to get the timing right
Voila a switch this time check my map where am I Poof - Well at least I know where I went
Again now to get out of here flick switch and move... What now another switch Poof
Again 1st Switch, Move, 2nd switch and try and escape Poof Opps only need to return 2 hexes not three
So finally got both switches and UGGG I have now opened the door that was closed and closed the
door that was open. Well at least going in the right direction.. I Hope.....
Try again with only throwing 1st switch QUACK QUACK QUACK have now closed both doors
Try again and Voila Success..
So you can see that solving difficult puzzles requires some experimentation
Had originally followed your other suggestions about which way I was pointing at the start.
On previous attempts I could see the switch on the wall if I moved fast enough so that why I originally tried going North.
But could not see the switch on the wall going south cause got vaporized before I could do anything

And followed your next suggestion - must find a lever to switch so I know exactly where
my hand has to be on the screen as I will need to move very quickly to solve this..

Thank you for all your very useful suggestion as they are the only way to solve this puzzle...

Now have 93 point and am trying to pass a Lava Hex
This Lava Hex that on the 3rd time is not a lave hex for a slightly longer interval
cannot yet move fast enough - Suspect need to lose weight and try again
Well will need to properly map the new area as the Lava hex may or may not be the Answer...

And hope fully my next post will be about my completion to this most trying game
but completely AMAZING game of yours.

I think at this point I can hopefully call myself a Dungeon Master for having got so far in this Master level game
with so little help and solving many of the puzzles for which the clues sometimes where difficult to understand
but as I got more familiar with your style of puzzles they came easier to solve...

Thank you for the pointer to Dark Reign which I will play next

Your Faithfully
Darth Mouse
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Re: [RTC] The Trail (Full - Parts 1 & 2)

Post by agarules »

On my 3rd attempt and died pretty soon. Got cornered and didn't even have a weapon or any magic runes. Gonna keep trying and learn to be more careful.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.
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