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Post by wvlr »

beowuuf wrote:
I had not thought to eat Stone mushrooms at least not yet. I ate a tree pod and it has me poisoned forever - at least until I find an empty flask - I hope.

After pounding on the minotaur with rocks & mace for about an hour I gave up lured him to a certian place that I felt would do the job - it did.

For the priest guild clue - I think I know what it is but have not seen even one - yet. Anyway - everything I have, I have tried and it does not work yet - or maybe I an using them the wrong way. No problem though, there are plenty other things to do in this game.

It is great!
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Post by Antman »

I don't think chewer pods poison you, it was probably the trees themselves!

Priest clue, it took a lot of people ages to find the right item. There are some hints on the Wiki I believe if get desperate.

OK, I got to the alcove up the stairs at the end of the Emerald Forest, turned out I was way over prepared for there, but what am I supposed to do here? It has changed from Conflux II...I've tried putting the bone doll, ekhart cross, galfusilvr and skeleton key in the alcove, which are the items you start with. Also tried praying in front of it and banishing it. Only just saw that "banish" had appeared as an option on the bone doll, no idea what it does, but it seems to be an elemental attack (DES EW from original DM).

What is the point of the two extra skeleton keys you can get with the Maleficient guild? The one at the start and the one the bone golem carries.

I also uncursed all the starting items, I'm guessing they were all cursed? As you get a hint from the scroll at the start, but what is the point of uncursing these four items?

Need help to finish this quest!!
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Post by beowuuf »

I think cursed items generally reduce your luck

And you are doing everything but the right thing at the door unfortunately. You are facing the correct way, but doing the wrong thing - why stay and pray and figure out the alcove if all you really want to do is keep moving?
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Post by Antman »

And you are doing everything but the right thing at the door unfortunately.
By door do you mean alcove?
You are facing the correct way, but doing the wrong thing - why stay and pray and figure out the alcove if all you really want to do is keep moving?
I've experimented for a while longer trying loads of different things, but it's all too cryptic for me I'm afraid. Where am I supposed to keep moving? I can only move backwards. I went back and and brought the other three curses back to life but that didn't seem to change anything, but it turns out they gain about 24 health from this. Moving from their 1 health to 25 health.

This is the final clue: "Dear lady can't you hear the wind blow and did you know your stairway lies on the whispering wind". Why couldn't Led Zepplin just sing "Dear lady, place the Bone Doll in the alcove", this whispering wind is highly elusive.

Does the "The ZO Doll is a view focus" scroll from the start have any significance here? I never understood this. Why the ZO Doll and what's a view focus? The ZO equals death I guess.
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Post by beowuuf »

Face the alcove and walk backwards through the now opened wall
. You see, it wasn't too criptic for you, you had it, and as a veteran of CSB you must remember the worm trap!

View focus probably means 'focuses you view' as in provides hints where you should be looking at places

And you did the mal guild to that point with 1 Health and 1 character!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bloody hell, I take all four all the time and vi ressurected the mfor that health jump asap! Wow. I am deeply impressed. The low carrying capacity alone must kill you, let alone the lack of mana with one character
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Post by Antman »

Hmmm...are you sure you are not thinking of Conflux II? Directly behind the alcove is where I came from initially, and I tried walking backwards from every direction already, as well as left and right. I'm talking about 14,07,17 on the Wiki maps. There's nothing else special I have to do before reaching here? Funnily enough I remember that worm trap in CSB had me stumped for ages when I was young, used to just pick up the items from around the edges of that square.

I think one character is much easier than all four, hopefully, since I kept all my logs, I'll be able to make a movie out of them. Although I slightly worried because at one point I tried to move forward but something invisible blocked me, there were Chewer Pods Trees two squares in front of me, then I forgot and kept on playing and saved...these are the kind of things that can go wrong in playbacks. This also occurred again with Chewer Pod Trees later on, but I quit straight away. There's also an unexplained random crash in amongst the logs as well.

Carrying capacity is annoying, but the guilds are never far away, and I reckon the extremely slow mana and health regeneration rates are more annoying than the lack of mana and health.
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Post by beowuuf »

Oh, that might be exactly what Ian and I are thinking about :( That would be a shame if this feature was gone. You are holding the bone doll? If it still works the same then at the first door, where the song annouces, you face the direction and walk backwards.
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Post by Antman »

Omg...just realised we are talking about completely differently places! You're talking about the area directly before the SAR doors at 14,02,22, which does work perfectly!! Wow, never knew you could skip those doors. Anyway, I had already obtained 2 SAR keys and moved on from there. I'm talking about 14,07,17, this is where you get once you've already passed through the Emerald Forest and walked up the stairs at the end. It is the area where you won this ending from in Conflux II, you used the Bone Doll on an altar then progresses up stairs to win, now there is just an empty alcove there.

Sorry for the confusion.
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Post by beowuuf »

Aaaaaaaaaaaah, sorry, yeah, I was continuing the conversation of Ian about avoiding sar key usage

And I see - have you tried a snapdragon there? Proof of the dream perhaps?
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Post by Antman »

Yup I tried that to no avail....hmmm will have dwell on it some more I guess, cheers for the help anyway!

Anybody else got any hints or ideas?
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Post by Parallax »

Sorry, I got to that area in my regular game, but there could find nothing there at the time. I never made it with the Mal guild. I might try, though, now that I know about the SAR-bypassing trick. :)
Does that mean that when
the doll sings in the Emerald level store
there is a way to get free stuff?
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Post by Zyx »

Led Zeppelin didn't want to spoil your fun.
just put in the alcove one of the items they hinted
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Post by Antman »

Here's my brief assessment of the Bone Doll's quotes:

In sewer: It's just a spring clean for the may idea what this is about

04,21,31 Two roads...Wisdom...wisdom potion?

Spider level: hint for Druafang...Something from his crypt?

Emerald level: the stores, with a word she can get what she came for...? Something from the stores? (I hope not)

All that glitters is gold and she's buying a stairway to coin?

Dear lady can't you hear the wind blow and did you know your stairway lies on the whispering wind...Ice winds or mistral gusts? (Should have thought of this earlier...)

14,02,22 hint for passing SAR door.

Emerald forest area...hints for bone doll ending

Lets hope one of these works!
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Post by Antman »

Done! Finished the Mal Guild. Now what I want to know is, is there a way to to turn all my logs into a movie? I can go through the 300+ recordings and weed out all the deaths and restarts, but then what do I need to do?
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Post by beowuuf »

There's a csb utility someone on Paul's site called something ...i forget what, that knits them together

But i have a feeling the logs need to be perfectly in step for it to work
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Post by Paul Stevens »

If they are all played using the same
version of CSBwin, then in theory it
is very simple. Get SpliceCSB.exe
and tell it where the LAST one is. It
will work its way backward, splicing
together whatever fits.

But that is only theory. Whenever I
try something as complicated as what
you describe, a bug pops up. Then
you will have to ship them to me. If
so, I can provide a place to put them.
Let me know.
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Post by thyceult »

Hey ya everyone!

Sorry for the long hiatus from the forums, but I was caught up with a bit of freelance writing work for a career guide for graduates. I guess nothing helps more than a bit of "give it back to society time" especially for the younger generation eh?

Anyways, what have I missed in terms of map development for Conflux? I've missed you guys. Zyx, I hope you're still in good health? You too Beowulf? How's it kicking Antman? :D Kudos to all the rest.
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Post by Gambit37 »

Welcome back! :-)

We can't split posts in two -- I'll move your post to the "Other games like DM" section as it's not appropriate here. People will find it, don't worry!

EDIT: phpBB software is not letting me move your post for some reason. Please can you post copy and paste it into a new thread in the "Other games like DM forum"? Thanks. You can then edit your post here and remove the Captive stuff.

Not sure why you added questions about Captive to a discussion about Conflux! :roll:

Edit: Indeed, the coflux thread is too big to split now apparently, the php software doens't seem to like it. Removed the captive questions and posted them in the other thread, and you can always use the general forum to say hey again! - b. :D
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Post by thyceult »

Hey ya Gambit!

Long time no see! Glad to see you around! Yeah, so sorry admin and guys about the irrelevant post. It must be quite a bit of pain on the noggin eh? Anyways, that's partly because being a forum newbie, I'm not really sure how to go about posting something like this. Hopefully it was not too much extra work for you guys. :(

Thank you so much though! I'll refer to the other thread to see what the response is like there!

In fact, how's the progress coming along for Conflux anyways? I'm keen to know of new things!

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Post by beowuuf »

Nothing new, there's still enough to play in conflux III for that not to be an issue whatesoever
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Post by thyceult »

Good then!

I shall return to my dungeon delving ways very soon :D! See you inside!

Oh Zyx, Paul and Beowuuf,

No offense intended whatsoever though by my remark on what's new. What I meant was if there were any fixes or patches that I would need to redownload, just in case.. much less an issue of content ^_^. Oooh yes, I'd be a happy camper for a long time coming :D. And oh, before I forget Zyx, I never forgot that offer of mine. I look forward to making good that promise hopefully in the near future! Keep up the good work Zyx!

You too Paul! :D


Latest Update

Okay folks, I'm knee deep in undead on the Crypt level. There are a few points to observe regarding this:

1. Zyx, apparently I can skirt past
your massive undead army trigger (Power Gem heading for the Power Gem door, presumably triggered by exiting the stairway of ashes and entering the Crypt and walking back up the normal way) by running back down to the spider level, and then coming up from the opposite staircase.
Is this intentional? You seem to have done a really good job blocking all other possible exits except that particular one.

2. Everyone else, after I've made it to the Power Gem door and gotten it open, what now? There appears to be a pressure plate, a pit that leads down to the L Fountain, and a gate that I can't seem to open. I think my DM skills have gone rusty in that 1 month hiatus of mine :( Help anyone?

Observations on game mechanics

1. I can only assume that the game's natural limits are 999 for hp/mana and stamina. Is this hard-coded into the original DM? Is there any way to remove these limits? It would be cool if you could go beyond... makes for a really long-winded Conflux or any other mod for that matter!

2. How is hp gain determined each time you level up? Is my assumption of the following formula anywhere near the original?

[(x * y * z) / 100] + x = hp gain per level
where x = value by class type (probably fighter has 8 pts for index, and wizards have 1);
and y = new level of class (not necessarily locked to actual levels, but maybe each level represents a value that is not consistently increasing at +1 per level... perhaps more like this: 1,1,2,3,5,8,11,15)
z = vitality value

It's probably wrong, but did I at least get the principle correct?

3. On that note, how does mana and stamina gain work?

4. I was always curious on how anti-magic and anti-fire works. Do they work on a % principle or damage reduction principle (where a 250 dmg fireball would be cut down to 200 by a person with 50 anti-fire)? I would assume it to be the latter, because it seems really ridiculous to have a 120% fire resistance, which then amounts to 0 damage all the time?

5. Was there any documentation on the above (1-4) questions anywhere in historical records? If it's too much trouble to explain, you can always direct me to the original site for my study purposes!

Thanks again :D
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Post by Ian Clark »

2. Everyone else, after I've made it to the Power Gem door and gotten it open, what now? There appears to be a pressure plate, a pit that leads down to the L Fountain, and a gate that I can't seem to open. I think my DM skills have gone rusty in that 1 month hiatus of mine Help anyone?
You need to get a monster onto that pressure plate.
I think if you place the boulder onto it, a Stone Golem will be generated
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Post by thyceult »

The answer seems so obvious yet vague though, because I tried it and there are no
stone golems
to speak of. Completely missing.
Only his club lies on the floor.
Hmm... and anything from the outside refuse to enter this area. Haha... never mind, I'll try an alternative of your technique and see how it works out?

Thanks and oh, well met Ian! I believe this is the first time we've exchanged comments? Well, if so, hello from Malaysia :D

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Post by Zyx »

Watch the floor. Where do monsters generally appear?
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Post by thyceult »

Well Zyx,

If you're referring to the area I've noticed
the pressure plate, which is the obvious one, and another one which is the hexagonal hidden plate. I take it that the setting of the puzzle is meant such that when I enter the room there's already debris of dead golem lying around?

I think I can figure it out from here. Haha... no worries. I haven't expended my brain power like I used to (yet!). Thanks guys!

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Post by Parallax »

Actually, that one is completely arbitrary as far as I can tell, so here goes:
Pick up the stone club and drop it back on the same tile, a golem will appear on that tile (which means, if you're standing on it, it will appear on top of you and you have to move to see it.) After that you should be able to figure it out. If you have to kill your new friend for any reason, you can make another one using the same method, btw.
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Post by thyceult »

Hey ya Parallax!

Thanks for responding to this puzzler. In fact, thanks to all of you who replied! Wow, didn't know that so many people had the same problem with this thing. At least that's what I feel, otherwise you guys wouldn't have come out in force :P

As for the method, I'll test it right away!

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dragon helm

Post by stewy »

I am not finding it where it use to be, all I get is the dex helm,twice
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Post by stewy »

Its me again
1 In con, bugs fixed 4, after you kill the dark councler and get the power jem, how do you get back up to the crypt, all my ways are blocked. it was not that way in bugs fixed 3,

2. I tried downing a worm in phazing showers didnt work, I put 3 worms and a spider inside and killed them and nothing.

3 I can not pack my cyberus, wont fit in hand or anywhere.

any help will be greatly appreceated, Thanks
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Post by money »

Hi Stewy,

I had the same problem with the Cyberus - i ended up just leaving them :?

As for getting around, as i had completed both the fighter guild and Wizard Guild both leading back up to the Guild entrance - of course you can just drop down the pit in the Ninja's guild to get back to most places.. of course if you havn't done either the fighter or wizard endings not sure how else you can move about.
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