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Re: So, tell us about yourself...

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 11:16 pm
by Paul Stevens
Welcome to Dungeon Master. Haven't we met somewhere before? ;-)

Re: So, tell us about yourself...

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:09 am
by tiamat1968
Hey, Paul! Yippers, it's me. Lovely to see you again. :D

Hey, are you on Discord or Steam? I've been plugging away at my mod and would love to catch up.

Re: So, tell us about yourself...

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 12:28 pm
by Ameena
Hi, welcome to the forum :). Feel free to post any stories of your time playing DM/CSB or whatever - it's always cool to see someone else who had the same kind of experiences as we did. You can also join the Discord if you want - some of us are there and it's generally pretty quiet, but sometimes a conversation will start up. And often we get people who join without reading the description and think they're getting a DnD-related Discord, sigh...
That said, some of us do play/run DnD and other tabletop RPGs, so talking about that isn't entirely off the table ;). Link here if you want -

Re: So, tell us about yourself...

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 4:10 pm
by tiamat1968
Thank you so much for your kindness, Ameena. :)

And thank you for your invitation. I'm sort of exploring the retro gamerverse at the moment, so I'd love to have a look at your discord server.

Re: So, tell us about yourself...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:41 pm
by Ameena
It's not actually mine, it's run by ParuNexus ("DMologist" in the Discord server), though I have "ownership" status to act as a kind of backup from one time when Paru was having some account issues and decided to just leave me as-is once said issues were sorted :).

Re: So, tell us about yourself...

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:50 pm
by Ksloth
Hi everybody. I'm a bit of an old fantasy dork/AD&D/CRPG/SCA...
I play electric guitar, do art, and space-out/daydream a lot.
Dungeon Crawlers are my favorite genre as I just really enjoy the tension, risk, and claustrophobic tunnels.
In fact I spent a good deal of time as a teenager exploring the water tunnels under the city with handmade torches, weapons, etc. with my like-minded friends. We basically tried to live as close to the life of a D&D adventurer as we could manage (in the pre-videogame days).

Nowadays I enjoy life with my family and work as an IT professional, but I am still 100% an adventurer in my daydreamy ADHD addled brain :D

Cheers! :)

Re: So, tell us about yourself...

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:53 am
by Ameena
Have you played Barony? It's a kind of first-person Rogue-like dungeon-crawler with old-school-style, pixelly graphics. You pick a class (which have various different benefits/penalties and starting gear and such) and go into the dungeon which has randomly-generated levels...well, the layout and loot and stuff are randomly-generated, but the "biome" is the same (those change as you get deeper down), with certain monster types that live there. If you die, game over, start again from scratch. And you will most likely die a lot :D. There is, somewhere, a bottom-most level with a boss (the titular Baron, as implied in the intro), but I've not managed to get there yet. I don't even know how many levels there are. But it's pretty fun and you can play it with friends as well (max four players, I think).

Re: So, tell us about yourself...

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:58 pm
by Selie
I was just reminiscing about Dungeon Master with some folks in a Discord community and mentioned this forum in conversation, and then wondered if the forum was still here and active, and ... it is! Just wanted to say I hope everyone is doing well. It's been a minute :)

Re: So, tell us about yourself...

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 7:10 pm
by Ameena
Oh heya, not een you for a while :). Yeah we're still here, so is the Discord server. And still new people join every now and then :D.