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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:14 pm
by beowuuf
The clickable champions or the normal pillar?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:17 pm
by linflas
hmmm, both ? :)

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:58 pm
by Gambit37
beowuuf wrote:I think clickable monsters have made this far, far more doable now! Still never got back to my rat you could pick up though!
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but how do you make a monster go 'into' the mouse cursor when clicked on? So far, I've only been able to turn a monster into something inanimate that sits on the dungeon floor.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:19 pm
by beowuuf
Back before monsters were clickable the mosnter actually had a moving pillar associated with it so you clicked on a wall item to release the item

I thought there was an explicit action command to place object in mouse though?

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:10 am
by linflas
hijackers !!!!!!!


Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:12 pm
by Gambit37
As another aside, I had a quick read through of the original FoD gamebook last night. . I have very fond memories of it as it was the first gamebook I ever read.

It doesn't hold up any more :-( Imagination as a child is clearly a lot more powerful than as an adult. I remember it being colourful, atmospheric and interesting, but now I think that Ian Livingstone's prose is some of the most dull I've ever come across!

I shouldn't have gone back to it. Should have just kept the memory, rather than try to recreate it. Oh dear, another childhood memory destroyed. :-(

Incidentally, I completed it on the first read through and it was done and dusted in 30 mins (I didn't play the fights though) -- and while I don't really remember the true path, clearly it's there in my subconscious still!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:37 pm
by linflas
i can understand really your point of view, i have exactly the same. as zed5duke suggested above some time ago, there will be extra places because of one thing : you will have to follow more than only the one-true-path of the book to complete the story.
but this is quite far at the moment in my mind, i will work on the story/design when almost all the new stuff is penciled and integrated.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:43 pm
by Zed5Duke
How goes progress? Too much features will slowly production, maybe just forest with few dungeons to explore (like begining of EoB2 when you walk trough forest and found entrance to dungeon in bushes)

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:52 am
by linflas
progress is practically null. i've been doing other things during those 6 last months.
Zed5Duke wrote:Too much features will slowly production
don't ask this to a crazy perfectionnist like me : there will be FoD as i want it to be or there will be nothing better than a graphics pack.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:54 am
by Gambit37
linflas wrote:don't ask this to a crazy perfectionnist like me : there will be FoD as i want it to be or there will be nothing better than a graphics pack.
I know exactly what you mean!

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 6:20 am
by Zed5Duke
Are you going to replace all graphics? Am working on my new dungeon and i found that is faster to mix new stuff with DM2. Anyway these new graph could make troubles, lately i changed folder name from i upload gfx and get critical errors during compile (and learn this way i must storage somewhere this all new stuff and work less chaotic)

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:14 am
by linflas
i won't replace all graphics, only the ones i need for the story.
DM2 bitmaps are better than DM but are still in low resolution, and i don't mix resolutions..

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:17 pm
by Joramun

This dungeon is overkill. It's not allowed to sleep.

<fr> Ce donjon tue trop pour qu'on le laisse dormir ! </fr>

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:59 pm
by Gambit37
Overkill? I don't think anyone would want to sleep in The Forest of Doom!


Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:05 pm
by Lord_BoNes
@Linflas: PLEASE release something to us.... We've all been waiting ohh so patiently. I wanna see it. I felt a bit robbed when it just ended the way it did :(

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:44 pm
by linflas
ah... evil bumpers ;)
ok, it's time for a little confession : this preview exists because i was lucky to have the time to design it.
i started designing FoD in 2006, at my work office. everyday, i was launching photoshop at 9am and was closing it at 8pm. my boss was ok with that, he didn't care about it as long as i was able to do my real job at the same time.
this period was crazy, i was waking up FoD, eating FoD, drinking FoD, sleeping FoD and my only reason was : "i posted screenshots and now they want something alive." it ended in early 2007 when i released the alpha and decided to quit my job for something better paid for.

i can't (and i don't want to) live that again : now, my point of view is clear : i work on FoD when i feel good doing it.

and it happens. sometimes.

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:18 pm
by Gambit37
No need to justify yourself Linflas. We understand that it's something you do for fun, for you alone. I'm the same with my own projects. I don't do them for other people, I do them for me. So no one will pressure me into releasing something that I'm not happy with...

If others can enjoy them at some point in the future when (if) they get finished, that's great. But people should have no expectations...

Some might say, in that case, that we shouldn't release screens or teasers. But the nature of the creative soul is that it also needs to be encouraged, so we like to show what we're doing to get encouragement... silly really, because it then creates expectations...

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:35 am
by Joramun
Please note that I wasn't asking for stuff. Just, you know, bumping.

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:08 pm
by Lord_BoNes
Okay, I'm sorry if my previous post came across wrong... let me rephrase...

Linflas, I was not meaning to sound pushy. It's just that I've seen you on, explaining what you're doing in FoD, it sounds really cool.
The thing I was asking above (probably not the right way) was could you just throw us what you've done so far, or even a past version that's more playable (if your current one is full of half-done stuff, I know mine is). As I said, I didn't mean to prod you about it, I'm just wanting to see what you've done... the alpha was great, and it left me hanging for more. I'm sorry, I can't help but admire your work, you do a damn good job.

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:03 pm
by linflas
thanks for your support, but as most of designers here, i want to keep secret the rest of my project.

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:37 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
linflas wrote:thanks for your support, but as most of designers here, i want to keep secret the rest of my project.
Hey all :D

I'm totally impressed with this RTC work of FoD. So inspiring to recreate the effects Linflas has done. It is ego beating to see such mastery work and I am just thrilled that he has not given up. I never read those books and I don't think I will, to leave the game with unknowns is appealing. This game i'm sure will be worth every minute dreaming about it. Thanks Linflas!!! You've made me into a RTC FoD junkie and have improved my dungeon editing skills 1000 fold, thanks again.

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:07 pm
by Lord_BoNes
linflas wrote:thanks for your support, but as most of designers here, i want to keep secret the rest of my project.
That's all cool... you can't blame a bloke for trying :mrgreen:

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:13 pm
by Trantor
Gambit37 wrote:No need to justify yourself Linflas. We understand that it's something you do for fun, for you alone. I'm the same with my own projects. I don't do them for other people, I do them for me. So no one will pressure me into releasing something that I'm not happy with...

If others can enjoy them at some point in the future when (if) they get finished, that's great. But people should have no expectations...

Some might say, in that case, that we shouldn't release screens or teasers. But the nature of the creative soul is that it also needs to be encouraged, so we like to show what we're doing to get encouragement... silly really, because it then creates expectations...
Rarely have I nodded so often while reading a post. I agree 100% with everything you say Gambit and feel exactly the same way about my own dungeon.
I just hope that the many projects people have started will eventually see the light of day. It's sad if so much effort and creativity go into designing dungeons that nobody else ever plays. Luckily, I've learned to be patient when waiting for new dungeons... :wink:

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:32 am
by Chaos-Shaman
let's just keep the fingers crossed. it's tough doing anything with a family. I said the same thing as linflas, and i know how it feels. if we're lucky we will finish one dungeon,lol

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:25 am
by Lord_BoNes
Linflas did do Sukumvit... so, I guess, that there is a great chance that FoD will someday see the light of day :)
As to when... only the gods know :twisted:

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:31 pm
by Lunever
Still one of the most beautiful custom dungeons ever.

Can you confirm that the latest version is Aplha-1 for RTC V0.44?

Linflas, would you maybe be willing to provide the source files and/or media for backup or release?

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:48 pm
by linflas
thanks for your comment Tobias :)
i confirm only alpha-1 version for v0.44. there's a second alpha version you may have seen "live" in London some years ago but i haven't released it here.
of course, i cannot provide source and gfx : that would happen only if a final version is released or if i decide to stop the project.

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:00 pm
by Lunever
Well, should you want to have the source and/or media backupped non-publicly, just let me know.

Yes, I remember the London version, I just didn't know anymore that it was a later unreleased version than the one online.

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:08 am
by linflas
a non public backup can be interesting. There are approximately 100Mb of bitmaps and sounds.

Re: [RTC] The Forest of Doom (under construction)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:10 am
by Lunever
Well, to much for an email, though you could probably split it into 4 archives and send it.

If you temporarily upload it somehow for me I'll make a copy and upload it to the nonpublic part of my skydrive. So it'll still be there if you ever got a problem with your own space.

When I'm through with all file gathering I'll burn the entirety of them unto a DVD in addition and keep it safe.