DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Ah, okay...I'll twist that in, then, in a bit. Just wanted her to have more of a reason to want to get to know these guys, plus they all seem to have lost something major (most notably the casters), so I thought I'd give her the same kind of treatment, hehe. She just thought the wrong thought, that was all, what with being in a strange place she has no memory of entering, and which has scary background noises that could be anything. At least the people she's with don't seem to want to squish her or anything ;). I think maybe it's also because she didn't get to do what she normally does, which would be to observe them from nearby first (ie out of sight) and then step in and say hello once she's determined that they might not start screaming and brandishing sharp pointy objects at her ;). She's just woken up surrounded by three full-grown males of species which she knows aren't usually all that friendly toward her (maybe less so the halflings, since I think they're normally a bit more of an easygoing species anyway, but still...), and with nowhere she can run to get away from them.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Money, if you want Falkor to respond to Westian's revelation about his own magic, you can sneak in a quick sentence or two before/just after my update.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

ian_scho wrote:Haynuus wanted to drop a weight into the alcove he was examining to see if it activated something but noticed that Westian had wandered under the doorframe on the side. The half-orc had little expectations in life but accidentally dooring an ally was not one of them, so he let that idea pass.
I am saddened you would think such a thing as being cabable of your DM. Sad that now I have to find sneakier traps :(

I also love your magic = good mechanisms = bad thinking in the orc, nice anti-tolkien surprise there :)

Some nice RP going on, poor lonely Ameena, sweet Falkor bonding to the group already, and brave Westian admitting his weakness!

Ok, so as people can see, I've updated. The next update doesn't need to happen until Monday. As said, I don't mind the next 'update' being a set of OOC posts with some dice rolling resolution before you make any actual character posts. Of feel free to make some instantaneous character posts while still reserving the right to post a larger action post later.

Depending on what you as a group decide to do, I might be talking you all through how D&D deals with immediate situations where everyone has to act together in a short period of time (not necessarily combat, but that is the model). Therefore, it would do you well to glance over my combat rules summary :)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Oh, and please tell me if I have put any of your characters on the wrong square on the new map!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

I think Ameena needs to be a square south of where you've put her - she came through that side of the door after having sort of edged along the wall to get to it. I think I'll hold off posting her taking action till someone else has done so - that way I can have her react to their reaction after they all hear the approaching critters.

Edit - Just rolled a 7, btw, regarding that d20 you just asked us to roll.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Map position moved.

Do remember that sometimes delaying your post is a bad thing for the rest of the group. For example, it is only luck that Falkor and Haynuus know at least two Trolins - or creatures that speak like Trolins - are coming towards you. You actually know Trolins are coming, but you haven't actually communicated that to anyone yet!

To everyone: if you need to post first, but want to ensure that your reactions to later posts are logged, you can always post explanations of your character's state of mind and possible actions here.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Heh, rolled a 7 - so noted :)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Hmm, I could make a post, I suppose, but I wasn't gonna have Ameena do very much till someone else acts - right now she's a bit distracted by the whole loneliness thing, and doesn't really feel part of the group (assuming any of them do), more someone who happens to be standing near them. It's her way to see what they do first and then react, because she doesn't think she'll be paid much attention if she tries to tell them anything, and won't want to be thought of as someone trying to take command (assuming that thought even occurs to her - murafu don't have chains of command or anything because they're all equal to each other). And she doesn't know how much the others know about the Trolins already - they might have recognised the sounds and stuff and if she pipes up and says "Those are Trolins coming", for all she knows, she might get shouted down with "Oh shut up you stupid little furball - everyone knows what Trolins sound like - do you think we're stupid?".
And since they're so close now, it's also instinct for her to not make any noise anyway. But there aren't really any sheltered corners or nooks she can hide in to try and avoid detection so fighting back the urge to freak out and leg it is going to be quite high on her agenda too.
I could say all that in an IC post but it wouldn't give much by way of moving the story forward because it'd all be taking place in her head and therefore wouldn't give the others much to react to.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

That's also a valid choice :) Just pointing out the options and occasional limitations of a play-by-post! And there's nothing wrong with posting what you did right here.

I haven't specifically said, but as I've hinted if you are outside the direct light of the torch (20 foot to be specific), you are in fading half-light. You can actually try to hide in this half-light , as people with normal eyesight have a chance to not see you.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

That's true, but if the Scary Incoming Monsters kill everyone else, that won't help Ameena much, will it? ;)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

More treasure!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Lol only if she can somehow solo them ;). I meant more the fact that if they gank everyone else, there'd be nothing to stop them roaming around the relatively small area and finding her pretty quickly as there's nothing for her to hide behind/in.
I think I will make an IC post just to give her a reaction, but since everyone else is probably directing their attention toward the door, I don't think they'd notice her much ;).
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Just to point out, I won't be enforcing any rolls for character interaction, nor even roles. As long as you are playing within your ability scores, or story wise it feels right, then feel free to spot the actions and moods of the party members and post accordingly. I will leave it up to you players to regulate through OOC how that goes.

Of course, if for example OB wanted Westian to deliberately lie to the party about what he thinks their chances are, he is quite free to make a bluff roll to be opposed to others' sense motive checks. Similarly, if Haynuus wanted to quietly wipe a tear from his eye about the sadness of Ameena, he could make a sleight of hand check. :) Again, that is up to the players.

I'll always be led by the players in how their players interract. You know, except for the times when I don't, which will always be for good fun reasons, have no fear :)

Similarly with character roles. You all have your classes, and you all have potential roles in the party. However, due to the ease of multiclassing and freedom of play, you can adapt your party how you all see fit. Haynuus can give up his club and be moved by Westian's religeon, becoming a pacifist. Falkor can realise there is as much fun in roguing and wizarding. There will always be options in how tasks can be beatenor overcome. As long as you then play well in the roles you choose, find your own roles!

Again, your DM will leave you alone in this regard, and not insist a party has a rogue nor wizard nor cleric nor fighter or else some encounter cannot be beaten. You DM does reserve the right to make other options less obvious, of course :)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Quick summary of where each character seems to be info wise, with some added items to speed things up for you:

Now you can hear the footsteps, you can better understand what you hear earlier was indeed a creature. Retroactively, you realise even though there was no pattern, there was probably three distinct parts to the banging. The thoughts of water reminded you of the power. Given how thick the doors whatever is coming must be very strong. However, given how long the banging was, you are sure whatever comes will not be fresh to a fight.

You recognise the voices as Trolin, and you picked up the subtlty of the words to realise there must be at least three creatures, two being Trolin. Your thoughts still dwell on classroom lessons.

I assume your attention is on the group and the doorway, and your thoughts on absent unremembered friends. Therefore it is up to your RP to decide when you notice something odd. Although the footsteps are coming closer, the scent does not increase in any way.

You can tell some orc-like creatures are coming, although you only recognise two distinct voices. You do not get the subtlety of their speech, but you can tell from their general tone their emotional state. The strongest voice sounds agitated. The first voice sounds relieved, as if released from a great terror. By the time you nose picks up the familiar odor of Trolin, they will be in line of sight. You also find the footsteps painfully slow to how you would expect any orcoid critter to move!

And everyone apart from Ameena will still need to give me an additional die roll along with their next update, ontop of any you wish to make for other things.

Time for food!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Sweet mother hubbard!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by money »

Right, Falkor rolls 2d20 and gets 16,6.
First was for the DM, 2nd for Haynuus...

Out of interest... can i roll a dice to check to see if i can recall a spell? Perhaps light? I'm consious the torch hasn't dimmed yet - but with the Trolins not far away the last thing we would want is for the light to dim (or go out)... As I'm waiting for the group to make a decision I would like to think about my magic training... let me know :)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

I worried for you when you rolled on ajachat, but the 16 is good! What is the Haynuus roll for?

I have absolutely no problem with another roll at all :D As I said, Falkor seems to have been dwelling on his classroom studies anyway, so you can take a knowledge (arcana) roll as a passive action given no strenuous previous actions. You might find I pull a Mick Jagger though, since you already had one runes roll recently and nothing has changed yet...
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Oh, and as for the torch...well, I think there are enough clues for players and characters alike to start asking questions...
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by money »

hehe... :) Falkor rolls 1d20 and gets 17. knowledge (arcana)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by oh_brother »

Westian rolls a 3. Damn, I hope that was not important!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

*whistles* Of course not! Depending on how things go, better to blow this one than another...
Otherwise you're doomed :D

Ok, after OB posts I'll allow a brief round of reactions to the initial posts, then on we'll go!

Nice roll btw money, there should be something useful in your character's future, even if it might not be what you expect. Indirectly it should help Westian too if my clue hadn't been enough.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by Gambit37 »

OK, I'm dumb: what do OOC and OB stand for?
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

OB = oh_brother
OOC = out of character :)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

@ian : I had wondered if the shift in tone in your previous post was a precursor to something ... :D
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Ok, just to check - Ameena is staying put at the corner by the door, and Haynuus has moved shoulder to shoulder with Westian. The idea is that Falkor could come forward to help present a strong front, the party will bluff, and Haynuus has given an idea incase it all goes wrong and the Trolins attack.

Money, you can decide if Falkor comes forward, and if so to where. OB, will Westian be speaking and looking for translation if needed, or will you let one of the others take the lead using orcish, and providing diplomatic advice instead?

Wahahahahhaha-I mean ... update after the answers!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

@money: Just to make your decisions easier, and also to ensure less resolutions get in the way of describing the bluff/combat process (whichever way it goes), I'll explain what your knowledge roll yields.

While Falkor cannot remember the runes, concentrating on casting light, etc suddenly gives him a flash of memory of something else, a flash that seems to open some backdoor in his memories. He can better remember his classroom lessons.He remembers the earlier years where even before they were allowed to cast a rune, the class was run through exercises to increase their mana and gain control over the energies.

Application of mana was merely a matter of will. A starting mage was encouraged to connectto their mana and channel it by trying to enforce their will on the world. Without the shapes and power of runes to lock the effects, such bursts of mana were fleeting. However, most mages learned to invoke bursts of light, sound and movement by the time the finally called forth stable light or hurled the elements of the world around.

Money, if you check out the 0-level spells of this page: ... zardSpells might just get an idea of what such an 'concentration of will' would be capable of. Any spell with a permenant effect or that conjures something physical (like a blob of acide or stable light) will not happen under the DM spellsystem. However, you can certainly attempt to manifest some instantaneous effects like a burst of light, quick sound, etc.

I will leave you to have Falkor experimenting with the limits of this.

OB, you might therefore spot the parallel possibilities for a cleric and how to unlock them. I will leave it up to your conscience as a player as to whether your character would natural invoke such abilities without realising it. If he wouldn't, I am sure some update or future roll might allow him to remember his powers later :)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by money »

Falkor will move forward, to the left of the doorway in front of them, so he can scurry to the first room in case of emergency... Will take a look at the spells now, but not likely to update till the morning!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : OOC thread

Post by money »

Actually, if anything comes close i would like to attempt the Ghost Sound spell, this would certainly help with the bluff... in case i need a roll... then Falkor rolls 1d20 and gets 9.