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Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:09 pm
by terkio
To Ouch

I am stuck at the dragon door. I have solved 7 riddles out of the 8.
I have a firestaff without power gem.
I have opened, mapped, visited everything in the entire dungeon.
I see what is controlled by the "control room".
Should I park ants on all of the 63 pads ? This will take ages, should I continue on this idea ?
Will this give me a Corbamite ? I killed the Vericks at the zoom, they don't have it.
I have a spare tourquoise key. Did I miss something ?
I found all of Darc and Lyte stuff except one part. Is the Helm of Lyte a must item ?

About the item I am missing at the riddle room, you said
It's the hardest riddle because player can't get the item :P
I do not understand. Please explain.
Is this a hint, another riddle ?

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:27 am
by Ouch!
To tekio

You need a lot of silver coin :roll:

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:43 am
by terkio
I don't have enough. :cry:

Thanks to Ouch, I opened the dragon door at the riddle room. :D

Lord chaos is not in charge of this dungeon anymore. He was fluxcaged and fused.
From now on Grey Lord rules.


Praise and honors to Chani Darou Leif and Azizi.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:50 pm
by Ouch!
Congratulations terkio :D

By the way,I want to add my quest there.
Who can do it?

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:32 pm
by Jan
ChristopheF. Send him a PM. But the list at DM Encyclopaedia is not totally complete / updated anyway.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:03 pm
by Ouch!
Jan wrote:ChristopheF. Send him a PM. But the list at DM Encyclopaedia is not totally complete / updated anyway.
Thanks your advice.
My quest was added there. :D
But no one come here :cry:

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:19 pm
by Jan
Ouch, Ouch! :(

When I find some time, I'll definitely try playing your game. :D The problem simply is that everybody's so bloody busy. There's no time for anything on this bloody planet. :|

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:57 pm
by beowuuf
True :(

The weather ois turning, so autumn/winter will mean I'll spend more time by the computer again to play the dungen backlog.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:45 am
by Jan
Alright, I started playing, got to the Canyon level (with many pits). Seems great so far - well balanced, good fights, some very smart puzzles, smart and somehow "logical" layout of the levels (it looks like you've spent a lot of time with the layout). Classical settings and graphics - that's what I enjoy. :) It's quite difficult overall, but not impossible and it always can be done somehow - which is great. The "Cave" arena (with ghosts and rock piles) was particularly challenging. The larger levels sometimes might seem confusing (with buttons opening walls and connecting the areas to very large ones), but meh.

The only trouble is that if you overlook one tiny switch leading to a scroll with a new rune, you're basically finished. IMHO, the runes should be in "special" places that cannot be overlooked / missed. For instance, I haven't found IR so far so I can't cast a fireball. I hope it's in higher levels and I'm not having problems in fights without it so far, but if I miss it... I wouldn't like to play all the game without IR.

But as I said, I've liked it very much so far. :D

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:46 am
by Ouch!
Thank you for using your precious time.
It's not a problem because you will be able to cast fireball spell later. :wink:

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:45 pm
by Jan
Is there any meaning in the message "Do we really need a pillow" on the Colosseum level or is it just a red herring?

(and, yes, I tried sleeping in front of it and around it A LOT :wink: )

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:05 am
by Ouch!
Jan wrote:Is there any meaning in the message "Do we really need a pillow" on the Colosseum level or is it just a red herring?

(and, yes, I tried sleeping in front of it and around it A LOT :wink: )
Not meaning all message in my quest except riddle. :lol:
It is only don't use pillow when I sleep.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:43 pm
by Jan
I can't find the third Skeleton Key for the important-looking-door close to the end of the Graveyard level. I found one in the place with several fires (there's a false wall nearby with a cross in an alcove) and second one at the stairs up to the next levels. I can't find the third one. I think I might have overlooked it because the grey keys are very badly visible on floor in RTC. Any ideas? :?:

Also, I don't know if the "smell of coffee" message is another red herring or if it has any meaning. :?: I think I haven't been to some of the areas around it.

The closed iron gates all around are very confusing and the loooong hallway is a nightmare (I always solve it randomly with a huge consumption of food and water). But I'm liking it a lot. An excellent dungeon, certainly on my "must play" list. :D

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:11 pm
by Jan
Alright, ignore me, with some patience I found the proper way through the endless corridor and found the third Skeleton key. :D

I still don't have the IR rune and don't know what the "coffee" means, but meh, let's go to the Time Switches... tomorrow... :)

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:16 pm
by the master
I think the IR is coming up on the next level if I remember correctly.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:40 am
by terkio
I think, the "smell of coffee" message has no meaning, about the game.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:21 pm
by Jan
Alright, I got the formidable IR rune - now I can go and blast and wipe out all these bloody time switches from the surface of the Earth, turn them into ashes and bury them hundreds of feet below the Hall of Champions and don't mention them anymore. :twisted:

I'm just too slow for the time switches - the only ones I made were the red ones, the others are simply faster then me. I reckon I'll have to give up here. I've never been too good in fast things, I'm too disorganised and uncoordinated for it. I've never been good at games like Boulder Dash or Jet Set Willy or basically any action games that require fast reflexes / reactions. It's a pitty - after all this effort. :|

But it's still an excellent game you made, Ouch! :D It's just that I'm not good enough.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:33 am
by terkio
Jan, you did very well in the speed puzzles.
IMHO the game is too tough on those. Most players gave up because of this.
Indeed it is a pity.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:38 am
by Jan
Wow, I made it! :shock: After a lot of irritation, desire to throw the laptop out of the window, desire to throw myself out of the window, walking here and there accross the room in order to calm myself down, a lot of training and some luck I did it! I managed to reach the Chaos level! :shock: The worst were the three tiny crack switches. I thought I'd give up here. Well, thinking about it, the worst was the blue switch on the level below (I think), starting a fast sequence of three opening-closing pits leading to a Skull lock. I must have tried and failed (fell) a hundred times. The worst thing was that I didn't have IR back then so after each unsuccessful attempt I had to restart RTC (whereas usuallly I kill myself with a fireball in my face and load the game). I had a temptation to strangle my mouse then. :twisted:

Nevermind, I'm back on track, with (almost) no harm done to my hardware or to myself. :) Too bad I can only continue next weekend - now I really wish to go on, it's so addictive and excellent game. :P

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:22 am
by Ouch!
Jan wrote:Wow, I made it! :shock: After a lot of irritation, desire to throw the laptop out of the window, desire to throw myself out of the window, walking here and there accross the room in order to calm myself down, a lot of training and some luck I did it! I managed to reach the Chaos level! :shock: The worst were the three tiny crack switches. I thought I'd give up here. Well, thinking about it, the worst was the blue switch on the level below (I think), starting a fast sequence of three opening-closing pits leading to a Skull lock. I must have tried and failed (fell) a hundred times. The worst thing was that I didn't have IR back then so after each unsuccessful attempt I had to restart RTC (whereas usuallly I kill myself with a fireball in my face and load the game). I had a temptation to strangle my mouse then. :twisted:

Nevermind, I'm back on track, with (almost) no harm done to my hardware or to myself. :) Too bad I can only continue next weekend - now I really wish to go on, it's so addictive and excellent game. :P
You did great my action puzzles :twisted:
Though you were able to restart without fireball if you throw VEN potion or FUL bomb and run forward.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:47 pm
by Jan
There's absolutely no way I could defeat those regenerating Oitus in this small room on the Chaos level with one character only. I can't even get to the alcove to see what's there and I'm not talking about getting back to the door. Freezing them or horn-blowing them doesn't help. The trouble is that after each spell / action I can't use my "action hand" for some time so I can only chuck stuff at them and by the time my action hand "unfreezes" I'm almost dead. No way here.

The logic of the door with two pads opening / closing it nearby also evades me completely. I tried everything but failed.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:58 pm
by the master
Jan, I think there is a false wall in this room which you can go through and then fight them off from there. If I am wrong (my memory isn't that good) I think you can hack through the door opposite. One of these is right.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:14 pm
by Jan
Well, thanks, but:

1. I can't find any false wall nearby. If it's IN the Oitu room than I'm finished because I can't even get to any of the walls inside to check if it's false.

2. I'm not able to break through any door nearby.

(and of course I had tried these two things before - as well I had tried to scare everyone everywhere, freeze everyone everywhere, lure everyone everywhere with no luck - I think I had tried pretty much everything imaginable plus a few things unimaginable. I think I'm missing something in the big chaotic room with teleporters and munchers but I don't know what exactly. I can't open the RA door there.)

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:42 pm
by the master
I am trying to remember the room your in Jan. You say you can see an alcove but can't get to it. Does the door close behind you when you step into the room? Think maybe with this one there could be a key in the alcove to unlock a door. The trouble is I play so many games that its difficult to recollect certain rooms and in different games you often get a room that is very similar. I know that there is one, as I say a false wall in one of the corners. Also I recollect one with 3 levers in and you had to pull down all 3 levers. Another you had to get to the door opposite the one you came in by bashing it. Hope one of these may fit your scenario.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:05 pm
by Jan
No. It's on the Chaos level (with changing / rearranging walls). In a corner of a corridor there are two RA-looking doors.

One leads to a small room (2x3) full of Oitus that regenerate very fast. On the opposite side from the door there's an alcove with something.

The other door leads to a short corridor ending with two pressure pads and a small room with an ornate portcullis on the right (and to the left there are stairs leading up and down) - the first pressure pad opens the portcullis and the other one closes it.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:15 pm
by terkio
Respawning Oitu room. The item in the alcove is not a must item. You can buy one at the Colosseum level.

The two pads nearby is a must puzzle. One pad opens a door the other one closes it. Not a speed puzzle. Opening/Closing is immediat. Use logic.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:20 pm
by Jan
terkio wrote:Use logic.
Well thanks a lot. And I was using a banana. *facepalm*

Of course I'm using logic, but my logic is apparently not as good. Could you be more specific, please?

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:39 pm
by terkio
I removed hints.

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:13 pm
by Jan
*light bulb over head*


Thanks, Terkio! That's probably one of the smartest - and yet technically simplest - puzzles I've ever seen! :P

Re: [RTC] Dungeons Matter released

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:16 pm
by terkio
Indeed, I like it. So simple....... once solved.
You are back on the right tracks, beware of those damn rusters, double check before commiting a save.

I removed spoilers.