Ameena's hidden OOC thread

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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

What's wrong with it? Yes, adjacent is the four squares adjacent to you, that being what "adjacent" tends to mean ;). That is, the squares in front, behind, and to each side of you. As far as attacking is concerned, you can melée only on adjacent squares - if you want to melée across a diagonal, you have to have a wep which has "reach" (spears and stuff). You can shoot across diagonals but not if you're adjacent. I don't think having someone (someone hostile, I mean) standing next to you stops you from shooting across at someone else who isn't adjacent, but it might pull an AoO or something - I don't know on that one.
I have a file of the 4th edition Adventurer's Handbook (as well as a few others) on my comp if you want me to look it up - it's probably in there somewhere.
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

That would be cool!
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Right, let's see what I found. The following are quotes from "Players Handbook 1".

"Two squares are adjacent if a side or a corner of one touches a side or a corner of the other. Two creatures or objects are adjacent if one of them occupies a square adjacent to a square occupied by the other." - Looks like I was wrong on that one, then. I was just going by what our GM said, though.

"A melee attack power that has a range of “weapon” allows you to attack a target within the reach of the weapon you’re wielding. Some weapons extend your reach beyond adjacent squares. Example: If you use a “Melee weapon” power while
you’re wielding a dagger, you can attack a target within 1 square of you. If you’re wielding a halberd (a reach weapon), you can attack a target within 2 squares of you."

"If you use a ranged power while adjacent to an enemy, that enemy can make an opportunity attack against you." - Thought so ;).

"If you use an area power while adjacent to an enemy, that enemy can make an opportunity attack against you."

Hope that helps somewhat :). I have access to the Player's Handbook 1 and 2, the DM Guide, and the Monster Manual in case you need anything more looked up in the future :). I also have a handy little character-builder prog that takes you through, step by step, the creation of a character (including the ability to add in any picture you like, plus there's a shop where you can buy equipment - you can set how much gold you have to spend and everything) - you can then print out the character sheet afterwards. It only works up to characters of level 3 though - to make anything higher, I'd need to subscribe to the full version which is a monthyl (I think) payment - it's not a one-off :P. But if you want to make any characters, maybe I can send it to you over Messenger some day or something...or get a link from the person who linked it to me - if I recall he just linked it to me from Messenger and I was able to download it.
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Many thanks!

I paid for a subscription to D&D a while back, so have the character builder too - which is really cool :) It's liek the free version, except I can create characters to 30 levels, and it updates with all the newest stuff. Hmm, maybe the demo does...can't recall... Anyway, so if you want any characters created betterthan 3rd level, give me a yell. I can save the sheet as a file you might be able to read in the demo verison, or I can 'print' it out as a file that your computer can read to print out.

Bought the DMG1 & 2, not the player's handbook yet. There is the compendium on the website, but I coulnd't find definitions like adjacent anywhere :( It gives all the other cool thigns like monsters, powers, etc though.

So there we go - 3.5 and 4th aren't so different, 'adjacent' is all eight squares around! Go be evil and do more evil moves in your next D&D game!
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Heh, I'd have to point it out to the GM ;). But DnD should carry on tomorrow, I hope, so maybe I'll remember to do so then ;).
The version of the Char-Builder that I have, as far as I can remember, says it has "updates available", but as far as I can remember if you click on that link it just points you to a page to download (and therefore pay for) the full version. If it was a one-off payment I'd probably get it but apparently it's a monthly subscription (so say the guys at club). I don't know how much it costs, though. Seems a bit weird for it to be a regular-payment thing like that, rather than a one-off, but meh.
The trouble with getting someone else to use their version of the builder to level up my character would be that I wouldn't be able to see for myself what the skills and stuff were...I mean, Powers and stuff, that would be accessible at that level - I'd want to pick everything for myself, you know? ;)
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

It updates with all the information in the books, gives you access to the full magazine articles, etc.

So yeah, it's something like $70 dollars a year, but since a single rulebook would cost like £20 - 30 and the magazines would be a few quid a month, I don't mind just paying the subscription. RPGs are pretty notorious for being bad to get money from, so I can see why they did it, and they do give a decent amout of access and stuff for the money. And at least the introductory stuff is free like you have!
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Yeah, it'll just be annoying when I get to level 4 and don't have a nice handy little program to tell me htf to level up ;).
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

That's what PHBs are for!
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Bloody hell, you've been separated from the party for like two and a bit months! January 15th to now!
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Firstly - "PHBs"? Ohh Player Handbooks? Yeah, but those things always seem to give the levelling info over a bunch of really confusing tables and I'm never sure whether I'm doing it right and if I'm doing it from home I don't have anyone to check with. Plus another reason for wanting to do it in the program is 'cause then I can print out a nice proper computer-done sheet rather than pencilling in a blank one ;).
Secondly - Wooo, two-and-a-half months :D. I wonder if the others are expecting Ameena to reappear ay any point. Muahahaha, the Ameena-returns-via-GM-post thing should hopefully prove quite...entertaining :twisted:. Well, you know, as long as they don't all decide to try and kill me and get really good rolls at doing so ;).
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Right, these are the details I am interested in acquiring with regard to how much Ameena may remember about what she's about to get to. I realise that some of this may rely on a Will save and some of it she may have no clue about anyway, but I'm hoping that experiencing something she's already dealt with before (ie an encounter involving Seeroc and grak-graks) might cause her to remember some stuff "for free", as it were, like the way she remembered about the existence of the Giant Rats, which I think she managed without having to make any particular saves or effort to recall.
Right, so...a you know what kind of things I'm hoping Ameena will have some memory of when she reaches the lab. I realise she's also probably unlikely to remember much of this in very clear detail, but even an emotive reponse is better than none (eg "grak-grak smell = fear-fear-bad" even if she can't remember exactly why).
Oh yeah, and I know before starting that this post is gonna be somewhat long ;). I'll go through each aspect of the encounter Ameena is soon to be joining. Like I say, I'm hardly expecting to get all this information, or even half of it. These are just the things I've been thinking about so I'll mention all of them in case you miss something vital when you're updating me on Ameena's memories when she gets there and...well...presumably remembers some stuff ;).

-What happened the last time they met him? For example, did he put on the "Brighteyes" act?
-If he wasn't "Brighteyes", did he ever at least act friendly? Or did he try to nuke them on sight?
-Was he encountered in his lab before, or somewhere entirely different - encountering him out of context now if they didn't meet him in hs lab before (or even visit his lab, which of course would have smelt of him) might cause a little confusion on Ameena's part - otherwise she might enter the lab, see the gnome, and remember more stuff since he's in the same place they met him last.
-An important one - what was the state of Seeroc the last time Ameena saw him? Like, you know, was he dead or something? What would be the last thing she remembers of the group's last encounter with him? If he died, how? If not, what happened?

-Can they mimic smells or just appearance? Because, you know, this will give Ameena an easy way to distinguish them from her friends, provided she dares get close enough for a whiff (or somehow manages to be downwind in this underground dungeon ;)). Or do they have some kind of visual difference anyway?
-What does she remember of the last encounter(s) with them? I gather that she remembers they are undead creatures who can change their appearance to match someone else's, and if injured while in that person's guise, the person takes the damage rather than the grak-grak...or does the grak-grak take damage too, as seems to be under debate in the other threads of the RPG?
-Does she remember anything about them with regard to what can injure or scare them (assuming they can be scared...they are undead, after all)...or maybe banish them, or whatever? You know, weaknesses, generally ways to beat them ;).
-As with Seeroc, anything relevant regarding context? Wil she recognise a grak-grak as soon as she sees one? She's picked up the scent but would she twig if she enters the lab and sees one across the other side of the room where she can't get an instant smell of it?

Screamers (Since there's one in the room, might as well, if it's not dead by then.)
-Presumably an obvious memory, for Ameena, at least, regarding these guys is "loud high-pitched noise + sensitive rattish hearing = OOOWWWWW :(". Alright so that would be more of an RP than a mechanic thing, but I figure that these guys would affect Ameena more than the rest of the group, so she may have more of an over-riding memory of them.
-Will she remember that they're edible? If so, what will she recall about the nommy slices? :D
-Anything else. Alright, so Screamers are hardly a major source of vast amounts of plot detail right now. But Ameena will probably want to give the thing more attention than anyone else would, because of the "pain in the ears" thing.

-I suppose even without any memories, the mere sight of this bugger will cause Ameena to take note. I think she would probably be about as freaked out by the snarly noise as I am ;).
-Likewise as with the others - anything relevant regarding weaknesses, etc?

Seeroc's lab
-Did the group come here the last time around? If so, what happened? Will Ameena remember anything of the layout, the forcefields, exits, the surrounding area, etc?

-The group didn't meet him last time around, did they? So Ameena is okay to react to him as a complete stranger? Would his apeparance/scent trigger a Will save regarding conflicting memories of the "second run" (ie, this one), where she did meet him?
-I've completely forgotten what he's wearing. Actually, I can't remember what anyone's wearing. Maybe I should check their sheets - do you know if they're all up-to-date (apart from mine, obviously, because I know it's not, nor will it be till I've rejoined the group for sure ;))? Anyway, if he's wearing any of the blackskull armour, am I okay to have Ameena react to him with confusion/suspicion (depending on whether he appears to be helping or hindering the group when she arrives)?

-If I recall what you said, the group met him, albeit briefly, on their first run - what will she recall of this? Was he searching for Ardur then, too? The current time is "two-weeks-ago-from-the-time-they-entered-the-dungeon-and-Chaos-threw-them-back", yes? So presumably that means, by that time, Farel had spent two weeks in the dungeon...for some reason. Looking for Ardur all that time? Or maybe he (Ardur) was dead and Farel was out for revenge?
-How did they meet Farel, how long was he with them, and under what circumstances did they part ways? And did anything significant occur during that time which Ameena might remember?
-Appearance/personality - what will Ameena remember and will this conflict with the way he is now? You mentioned that she would recall that his sword is blunt. Anything else? Is he wearing blackskull stuff too?

The dead(?) bloke in the corner
-Would Ameena remember anything about this guy, provided the group survives long enough to examine him? Well, I suppose this is something I'd find out when we get to it - it will hardly be an urgent need-to-know when Ameena arrives on the scene, I'm sure ;). At a glance, I'm guessing that that wouldn't be enough to establish any sense of familiarity if he's someone she's encountered before.

The rest of the group
-Obviously, they're wearing different (crappier) gear to what they had the last time she remembers seeing them (ie two weeks in the future). I presume it would be okay to just have Ameena look at them and think "Hmm, that's weird, they look somehow...wrong...", rather than trying to remember exactly what gear they had. Just that whatever they had then, they haven't got it now (except Farel's sword).
-Regarding what Ameena can tell them, ie what she remembers about Lord Chaos and all far as she's concerned, the last time the group was together, they were all in a big room, something weird happened (she remembers nothing of Gholst/Theron, I'm guessing?), and there was a mage in either a grey robe or a black one, who had blue eyes or maybe red ones, who cast some kind of spell or something, which threw everyone backwards...and then Ameena woke up under the scary ceiling with an ache in her right foreleg and some kind of weird bite mark in the back of her neck. Is it okay to have her tell the group all that or can she be more/less specific about the Gholst/Theron/Grey/Chaos encounter?
-I presume she remembers nothing of Helm, or indeed of the entirety of the "second run", so will just be confused (or have to make a Will save?) if anyone brings it up. Mass confusion - wheee :D.

Hmm, is that everything? Heh, probably not, but it's all I can think of for now...
With regard to the way Ameena remembers things, as opposed to anyone else, being a murafu, I expect she'd remember personality-related things more than, say, visual things. And scent would have a high priority too. Emotive scenting, I suppose you could call it - you know, when you smell something and it puts you mind of a certain place or feeling. So, like, the small of grak-graks incites nervousness/fear, because she has only bad memories of them. What would she get from the other scents (besides her friends, of course, because in their case, friends = good :D)?
Right then...that may or may not be it. If I think of anything else, I'll add it. Like I said, I'm hardly expecting to acquire most of this information (and whatever I do get I'm hardly expecting to get all at once) - this is just all the stuff I'd be bugging you about when Ameena arrives on the scene ;). It'll be nice to have it in a list.
Ooooh one last thing,, wait, I can check that myself...remind me in case I forget that I need to copy and paste a list of Ameena's "symptoms" from the first page of our private IC thread regarding the aftereffects of her encounter with Chaos. I remember that she has the aching foreleg and will see scary red eyes in her sleep and has a fear of shadowy shapes (or something along those lines), but before I fully reintegrate with the others and therefore this area of the forum is closed off again, I'll need to grab it for future reference :).
Ummm there was one more thing...ooh yeah...with regard to the "Ameena-reintroduced-in-GM-posts-to-prevent-untentional-metagaming-on-the-part-of-everyone-else" thing...shall we switch to PMs for that or continue it in here? I was thinking that I make my posts as a kind of double-post-in-one. The first part would be a normal IC post in the same way I usually write (containing Ameena's private thoughts and feelings and all that, so I know for myself what she's up to as well - it helps me remember what's going on with her and stuff), and the second part would be more of a generic kind of narrative version which describes Ameena's actions as viewed by someone else - so you can integrate that part of the post into your own update (you know, add in a few typos and stuff ;)). That way you know exactly what I'm up to, and I still get to write my own posts as viewed by everyone else (but if you wanted to change the wording slightly to make it sound more in "your" style, go ahead, though I can't say I've ever stopped to check as to whether our writing styles are different...but we're different people so I imagine they are ;)).
Right, yes, now I will send this and let you spend all night typing a nice long reply for me :twisted:.
Back to work tomorrow after a two-week break, oh joyfulness :P.
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »


Nah, it's cool, I would have had to make a huge list anyway, You've guessed that alot will still be hidden from you. Some of that is you just won't remember, other parts will just be that it's hazy. Note that while you are repressing this 'second time around' in favour of the 'first time around', because you still have a hazy memory of the firts time around, certain aspects of the second time around could be allowed to slot into place. The waves get created when you clearly recall or have a connection to one part, and then a contradicatory part comes along.

Hence why you guys didn't have many issues before - you are in such isolation that any niggles (liek the date Westian found, or deja vus that are wrong) can be written off, or just go right over you guy's head.

Right, since the reply is gunna be long, let's make a new post after this explanatory one.

Anyway, so in general - will saves only really occur if it's something that was currently buried (like dim memories actually become very solid) or of course if you start remembering anythng that might be contrary. Hence some things you get for 'free' as part of other checks, or as you carry on.

Right, let's get to you list... I might do bold answers in with your original post...
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Ameena wrote:I realise she's also probably unlikely to remember much of this in very clear detail, but even an emotive reponse is better than none.

Actually, this is a very good way to play it! I had been thinking of giving you some deja vu liek thoguht just before certain events, but having a very emotional reaction ot a situation and not knowing why until slightly later is also very cool :D

-What happened the last time they met him? For example, did he put on the "Brighteyes" act?

The party gathered there was a mage controlling the grak-graks (which theyhad met and defeated, one would assume), but would probably have had to enter his room through the false wall. Seeroc/Soorec would not have put on the Brighteyes bit, but I'm sure the party would have not realised whom they were dealing with and so lost initiative!

-If he wasn't "Brighteyes", did he ever at least act friendly? Or did he try to nuke them on sight?

Probably more curious while summoning grak-graks, and then trying to capture them

-Was he encountered in his lab before, or somewhere entirely different - encountering him out of context now if they didn't meet him in hs lab before (or even visit his lab, which of course would have smelt of him) might cause a little confusion on Ameena's part - otherwise she might enter the lab, see the gnome, and remember more stuff since he's in the same place they met him last.

I don't imagine Ameena would remember much of the exact details, so in a way this fight would seem like deja vu if she'd seen the start of it. Lets assume the scoprion was not released right away, only when someone was trapped behind the haze and had to be released :)

-An important one - what was the state of Seeroc the last time Ameena saw him? Like, you know, was he dead or something? What would be the last thing she remembers of the group's last encounter with him? If he died, how? If not, what happened?

Interesting one. Ameena might remember that the party did kill him, and thta something bad happened. Really bad. Ameena would probably find her mind would not let he recall exactly what - that would be a will save. And for some reason, Seeroc - actually Soorec, the party would have known about Seeroc, but Ameena would then recall he was actually called Soorec. That's his proper gnomish name, she would not know his nick-name was actually Brighteyes, and she might dimly recall he used Seeroc - or let the soldiers use Seeroc - to sound more like a human mage.
Anyway, Ameena will recall the party did something with him but left him alive. She might not recall exactly what, it seemed like it should hold him at the time, unconscious. So she could naturally assume he just escaped and this is round two :)

-Can they mimic smells or just appearance? Because, you know, this will give Ameena an easy way to distinguish them from her friends, provided she dares get close enough for a whiff (or somehow manages to be downwind in this underground dungeon ;)). Or do they have some kind of visual difference anyway?

Technically speaking they 'become' what they mimic, but not completely. So for example they will always have that oily, undeath smell to them even as they also begin to smell like a sweaty, horrible version of Haynuus or Westian. Note the metal clothing (or actually any clothing) never smells like clothing. So Westian and 'Westian' right now would smell completely different - one is metallic and westian like, the other is undead, oily, westian like but with no metal smell.

-What does she remember of the last encounter(s) with them? I gather that she remembers they are undead creatures who can change their appearance to match someone else's, and if injured while in that person's guise, the person takes the damage rather than the grak-grak...or does the grak-grak take damage too, as seems to be under debate in the other threads of the RPG?

She's certainly remember them, because it is still planned that the party should encoutner them alot. They should be a puzzle to figure out. So I don't really want to give you all the answers. Ameena would recall that they seem to ignore damage when they are the other person - it's liek a shield sharing it with them. Their tactic seemed to be to chase down someone, let them be all but dead, and then change to a hideous creature and cut that person down. The grak-grak always seemed fresh when it did. However, Ameena might recall once that Haynuus and a grak-grak fought, and somehow they knocked the grak-grak unconscious while Haynuus still, somehow, managed to remain standing. So it is possible the creatures take the same damage, or are affected by damage, and if they can't 'pull out' of it in time they can get knocked out. And therefore they aren't exactly liek the ones they copy. For exaple, they don't suddenly sprout the weapons, don't smell like metal, and also Ameena wouldn't recall any using magic or anything like that.

-Does she remember anything about them with regard to what can injure or scare them (assuming they can be scared...they are undead, after all)...or maybe banish them, or whatever? You know, weaknesses, generally ways to beat them ;).

Ameena will just dimly recall that after them being initially really tough buggers, the party just slowly got better at fioghting them. Partially they just managed to gang up better on single ones, partially they just got better equipment and spells and items to use on them and kill them. Westian used to have trouble with pushign them back, but did manage - dimly Ameena might recall - to start pushign them back sometimes. Though then Ameenw mgiht recall a worse version of grak-grak that Westian couldn't do that too, if she presses the memory.

-As with Seeroc, anything relevant regarding context? Wil she recognise a grak-grak as soon as she sees one?

If it's being a double, probably becuase it will just have that predatory look and oily smell and usually it's trying ot attack. And if it's looking normal, then it's unmistakeable :) They never have tried to 'infiltrate', and pretend to a memor of the party nor anyone else. It seems to be an attackign instinct. Of course, a shame only Ameena will dimly recall that right now, innit...

She's picked up the scent but would she twig if she enters the lab and sees one across the other side of the room where she can't get an instant smell of it?

If she only saw one Haynuus in a combat, for example, she might not twig instantly. However, the armour and clothes always look slightly off, so a perception check might make her twig, and they would just act too weirdly compared to the one they intimidate to fool her for more than a round or two. In Seeroc/Soorec's room? She's probably realise right away there would be some around.

Screamers (Since there's one in the room, might as well, if it's not dead by then.)
-Presumably an obvious memory, for Ameena, at least, regarding these guys is "loud high-pitched noise + sensitive rattish hearing = OOOWWWWW :(". Alright so that would be more of an RP than a mechanic thing, but I figure that these guys would affect Ameena more than the rest of the group, so she may have more of an over-riding memory of them.

Yes, but not for the reaosn you think. The scream would be annoyign, but screamers actually attack using spores (and occasionally whippign with their roots). Ameena's nose (as you foudn already) is exceptionally sensative to that, so it would have been more unpleasant than to the rest. Infact, her reaction to it might have allowed the party to realise that spores had been released and ingested and might still be a threat. I imaghien Ameena would not like screamers at close to.

-Will she remember that they're edible? If so, what will she recall about the nommy slices? :D

The rest probably ate them, and they aren't releasing spores afetr dead, so she might well have eaten screamer slices instead of whatever else the party could have managed. Up to you. Probably bland, mushroom like.

-Anything else. Alright, so Screamers are hardly a major source of vast amounts of plot detail right now. But Ameena will probably want to give the thing more attention than anyone else would, because of the "pain in the ears" thing.

Again, the shrieking own't be anything - it's only loud enoguh to be annoying. The pain in her nose and feelign of being bunged up instantly? You betcha!

-I suppose even without any memories, the mere sight of this bugger will cause Ameena to take note. I think she would probably be about as freaked out by the snarly noise as I am ;).

She will just recall they were very, very vicious. Note that since they are technically level 10 creatures, iit might be a little odd to recall them right now, and so her mind might just skirt passed exactly where she knows them from.

-Likewise as with the others - anything relevant regarding weaknesses, etc?

None she would recall, just because she wouldn't recall much. They are just big bastard that can crush a man easily, and their stinger delivers a powerful nasty poison. She might recall someone temporarily beign almost dead or even dying because of them. Because I'm sure I could kill at least one of you with them. Like Haynuus right now when I deliver his first lot of damage via grak-grak.

Seeroc's lab
-Did the group come here the last time around? If so, what happened? Will Ameena remember anything of the layout, the forcefields, exits, the surrounding area, etc?

She won't recall too much specifically. Fight, grak-graks (which will be a common place occurance), a miniature spellslinger (just like Falkor spellslinging, so again nothing too much to recall). Like I said, something about death, something about that being really bad, something about Seeroc coming back to life, and something about not killing him the second time but leaving him captured/trapped somehow. She'll probably recall the forcefields trap tyhigns, and can be released, and she will probably recall the illusionary wall top left (after a moment's pause, afetr all she came in from the other side of it).

-The group didn't meet him last time around, did they? So Ameena is okay to react to him as a complete stranger? Would his apeparance/scent trigger a Will save regarding conflicting memories of the "second run" (ie, this one), where she did meet him?

I don't think Ameena has interacted with Aurek enough for it to really trigger that strongly. Afetr all, he's been mostly a smell of sweat and huamn, just liek every other soldier. And I don't think she formed any emotional attachment to him. I'm goign to go ahead and say she just won't recall him properly, unless a will save intrudes. However, that would only be if she recalls the discussion with Passin, the same area with Helm, or the fight that Falkor started.
I really think she'd just assume he's a soldier they've met before, but she can't quite remember from where.

-I've completely forgotten what he's wearing. Actually, I can't remember what anyone's wearing. Maybe I should check their sheets - do you know if they're all up-to-date (apart from mine, obviously, because I know it's not, nor will it be till I've rejoined the group for sure ;))? Anyway, if he's wearing any of the blackskull armour, am I okay to have Ameena react to him with confusion/suspicion (depending on whether he appears to be helping or hindering the group when she arrives)?

I think some peopel are better than others. Falkor is wearing what he probably always wears. Haynuus is pretty underdfressed, just his sandlals, leater trousers, and a crappy breastplate front. Aurek and Westian are both wearing the lesser of the blackskull armour - so skulls at the joints, but no faces on them. Farel is wearing his customary shiny armour. And yeah, Ameena would have no reason to assume Aurek anything other than a soldier. Indeed, Westian never mentioned a guardian paladin before (althoguh that might ring a vague bell, thoguh she wouldn't know why).

-If I recall what you said, the group met him, albeit briefly, on their first run - what will she recall of this? Was he searching for Ardur then, too? The current time is "two-weeks-ago-from-the-time-they-entered-the-dungeon-and-Chaos-threw-them-back", yes? So presumably that means, by that time, Farel had spent two weeks in the dungeon...for some reason. Looking for Ardur all that time? Or maybe he (Ardur) was dead and Farel was out for revenge?

Nah, Farel would have been taken to Seeroc's room eventually, met with Ardur, and managed to escape - but sadly only by goign deeper. He would have had to exist on his skills while keeping Ardur - who is actually a level 1 fighter - safe. You would have encoutnered them both much deeper. Ameena might not recall specifics - that they were on the same mission, and Westian trusted him for some reason - but otherwise not too much. She will recall she trusted him too, because he did seem to be the least aggressive human she had ever dealt with, despite his armour and weapon-carrying. And she might recall he was very curious abotu her race.

-How did they meet Farel, how long was he with them, and under what circumstances did they part ways? And did anything significant occur during that time which Ameena might remember?

As above, partng ways she won't recall how, just that they did. How they met, just theyencoutnered each other - you can imagien the scene, hearing something, assumign a soldier, gettign ready to spring the surprise attack only to find Farel was trying to do the same in reverse.

-Appearance/personality - what will Ameena remember and will this conflict with the way he is now? You mentioned that she would recall that his sword is blunt. Anything else? Is he wearing blackskull stuff too?

Fare lnever has and never would wear blackskull armour. She will recall the sword being blunt upon seeing it, recalling he never sharpoed it - even though he kept it immaculately - because he never wanted to fall into violence if he could help it, certainly not to kill. Nothing should conflict with what she remembers now. IF she had seen him throttle Seeroc/Soorec earlier, she might have thoguht him a different man.imposter, though not known why she thought that.

The dead(?) bloke in the corner
-Would Ameena remember anything about this guy, provided the group survives long enough to examine him? Well, I suppose this is something I'd find out when we get to it - it will hardly be an urgent need-to-know when Ameena arrives on the scene, I'm sure ;). At a glance, I'm guessing that that wouldn't be enough to establish any sense of familiarity if he's someone she's encountered before.

Nope, he would probably have been removed by then.

The rest of the group
-Obviously, they're wearing different (crappier) gear to what they had the last time she remembers seeing them (ie two weeks in the future). I presume it would be okay to just have Ameena look at them and think "Hmm, that's weird, they look somehow...wrong...", rather than trying to remember exactly what gear they had. Just that whatever they had then, they haven't got it now (except Farel's sword).

Just like Ameena finding she didn't have her right gear on, and shrugging it off. Also, since they will also look right to her more repressed memories, she can perhaps find herself slotting in this appearance as 'oh, yeah, maybe we didn't have as much at the end. So, some confusion, but probably her mind would skirt passed it unless pushed, in wich case willsave time :D

-Regarding what Ameena can tell them, ie what she remembers about Lord Chaos and all far as she's concerned, the last time the group was together, they were all in a big room, something weird happened (she remembers nothing of Gholst/Theron, I'm guessing?), and there was a mage in either a grey robe or a black one, who had blue eyes or maybe red ones, who cast some kind of spell or something, which threw everyone backwards...and then Ameena woke up under the scary ceiling with an ache in her right foreleg and some kind of weird bite mark in the back of her neck. Is it okay to have her tell the group all that or can she be more/less specific about the Gholst/Theron/Grey/Chaos encounter?

She would probably recall confronting Theron/Gholst, that it was somehow going badly, and that someone in - as you say, either grey or blakc with either blue or red eyes - then blasted them.

Hopefully, the players might think this is her recalling their previous life before being put into misrrors, and they were dead :D We shall see!

Soudns liek you have the memories correct, obviously they will more come into play once thigns have settled down for her as post-traumatic stress. For now, she's still got stress! :)

-I presume she remembers nothing of Helm, or indeed of the entirety of the "second run", so will just be confused (or have to make a Will save?) if anyone brings it up. Mass confusion - wheee :D.

Again, little things can slot in. If the party press her on the whereabout of Helm, and say she went to the entrance with a thief, she can perhaps be concenred that some form of shapeshifter tried to intimidate her recently and confusethe party :) Yeha, if they press her, it's gunna be will save city and some contradictory weirdness and dizziness. We'll see what comes of that. Not a total memory of 2nd run, maybe just some confusion and her being concerned about false memories, etc.

With regard to the way Ameena remembers things, as opposed to anyone else, being a murafu, I expect she'd remember personality-related things more than, say, visual things. And scent would have a high priority too. Emotive scenting, I suppose you could call it - you know, when you smell something and it puts you mind of a certain place or feeling. So, like, the small of grak-graks incites nervousness/fear, because she has only bad memories of them. What would she get from the other scents (besides her friends, of course, because in their case, friends = good :D)?

Indeed. But be careful about going overboard with exactly what Ameena's nose can tell when. Looked over your IC post, and the fact you wanna be able to tell which charatcer went down first from one minute to the next is pushing it a huge amout! TRacker dogs can, after all, get fooled by someone goign one way, doubling back, then jumping into water. Scents hang around, scents might be untangleably, but it's not liek you get a perfect book of times and places and exact details. given that, if something should trigger a memory - like smells can - or an emoptive reaction, I'll certainly add a PM, etc to you!

Ummm there was one more thing...ooh yeah...with regard to the "Ameena-reintroduced-in-GM-posts-to-prevent-untentional-metagaming-on-the-part-of-everyone-else" thing...shall we switch to PMs for that or continue it in here?

See, I was starting to think you you were there, exact I want you to write the posts. I think everyone assuems I am such a duplicitous troublemaker I would do anything - including having you write Ameena posts when you are someone else now. So yeah, what you shoudl do is write your proper post (including all the internal thoughtm, and OOC questions) here. However, as you say, can you make the post in two parts,. External actions only - with no thoguht process - that you then copy over to the main thread and post.

The fact you have altered your style - apparently - and aren't actually indicating ehat you charatcer is thinking or why she is doing it, might be enough to create lots of 'huh'.

What I'll do once the group finally realise you are really you is then edit al lthe full Ameena posts into the space where the reduced posts wre - if that makes sense,

Because of that, if you have any time quetsions or will saves, etc, could you use the OOC thread here for that? Or PM me?

Anyway, yes, lots of time taken to type that. Still, it's alll tiem waitingfor pizza to come, isn't it? :)
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Cool, that's a nice load of info for me to keep referring back to once ameena gets reunited with the others...umm, let me know if you're gonna be closing off this area of the forum again so I know to copy and paste it all to somewhere ;).
And didn't I tell you I'd be bound to think of some more stuff that I forgot? Well, here's some more...

-Do grak-graks speak? Did one in disguise ever actually vocalise anything (I mean, the first time around)? It would be another means of quick identification - "Oh no, two Westians! Quick, which one of you is the real thing?"..."Me!"..."Phew, that's alright then!". Or would this be another thing Ameena can't remember?

-Just to clarify regarding Seeroc...on the first time through they knew him as "Soorec", which was his gnomish name, but were familiar with "Seeroc" too as that was what the guards called him, whereas the term "Brighteyes" never even came up, yes?

-A side note on whether or not Ameena would eat Screamer slices...well, as long as she was certain they'd do no know rats will eat pretty much anything, right? ;) let me know if/when my access to these threads is gonna be removed again (once Ameena meets the others), so I'll know to grab any info I want to keep.
Meanwhile, you want me to actually put up my own posts when Ameena reappears? Will that work? I mean, will they think that it might be a grak-grak, or will they not even be fooled and just wonder why my posts have suddenly gone all sort of...third-person? I mean, obviously I've been writing in the third-person anyway, but how would I know how to write it in terms of who sees what? I thought it would be funnier if you just incorporated the "brief" version (as oppsed to the detailed, emotive, "proper" IC version) of my posts into your own updates, and then once the fight dies down or someone twigs/works out that it actually is me, then I can make my first actual post in that thread for two-and-a-half months? :twisted:
But I'm not there yet. Haven't checked our IC thread yet. Need to see what Ameena found out on the stairs.
Ohhh and one more thing...since it's likely that Ameena's arrival will be in the middle of the chaos of mid-round combat (though I suppose her move-times will have been gradually incorporated so that she's actually moving in turns by then), could you give me a description of what Ameena will see at the moment she steps past the threshold of the lab? Just so I have a mental image to work with. Or just let me know when I'm entering line-of-sight of the battle so I can refer to the upper threads and whatever the current map is in order to work it out myself and so I know what to work with in regard to constructing my post.
I can see a big mess of (even more) confusion coming up, whatever happens, once Ameena steps ineo Seeroc's (errr...Soorec's?) lab. For multiple reasons :D.
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Ameena wrote:umm, let me know if you're gonna be closing off this area of the forum again so I know to copy and paste it all to somewhere ;).

Will leave it open for a while, unless anyone decides to split off from the group, in whch case I'll let you know :)

Do grak-graks speak? Did one in disguise ever actually vocalise anything (I mean, the first time around)? It would be another means of quick identification - "Oh no, two Westians! Quick, which one of you is the real thing?"..."Me!"..."Phew, that's alright then!". Or would this be another thing Ameena can't remember?

Not that Ameena would recall. They don't seem to be trying to foll anyone, it just seems to be the way you know they are distributing damage. So yeah, it's very likely whoever talks is the real one. Of course, none of the rest know that, so if Ameena ever has to prove she isn't a grak-grak... well, I dunno what to say. Probably 'duck'

-Just to clarify regarding Seeroc...on the first time through they knew him as "Soorec", which was his gnomish name, but were familiar with "Seeroc" too as that was what the guards called him, whereas the term "Brighteyes" never even came up, yes?

Indeed. They knew of Seeroc as some form of mage (probably human) jsut as now. They then met this gnome Soorec Moongold in his room, and then all hell broke loose. Soorec/Seeroc never mentioned brighteyes. Note, if Ameena namedrops Soorec, and of couse mentions she is Ameena, both those facts will make for some fun :)

-A side note on whether or not Ameena would eat Screamer slices...well, as long as she was certain they'd do no know rats will eat pretty much anything, right? ;)

Yet can't vomit...not a conducive combination unless they can poo really fast!

Meanwhile, you want me to actually put up my own posts when Ameena reappears? Will that work?

Indeed it will, and will mean less work for me! As long as you leave the main post as 'external' actions without justification, and keep the parts where Ameena thinks or reacts as separate paprgraphs, it should be fine.

I think me just being overenthusiastic and O.O about you joining in will work wonders. Hopefully, you guys know anything is possible. Wahahaha!

Ohhh and one more thing...since it's likely that Ameena's arrival will be in the middle of the chaos of mid-round combat (though I suppose her move-times will have been gradually incorporated so that she's actually moving in turns by then), could you give me a description of what Ameena will see at the moment she steps past the threshold of the lab?

Indeed, once she's in there I can do that, though I think the battle map will be the easiest to work with :p
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Regarding your mentioning that Ameena dropping the name "Soorec" and saying her own name too...well, I suspect that the latter is likely to be done by someone else, and most likely very soon after that person (whomever it ends up being) catches sight of her ;). If she's more familiar with the gnomish mage as being "Soorec" then that's most likely what she'll call him, and since the group had reason to associate the name "Seeroc" with him too, the first time around, she probably won't take too much notice of the fact that the group are calling him that now (if she hears any of them mention the name after she arrives).
On the note of Screamer slices...I never said she'd nom them down super-fast or anything. She'd have done what rats (and murafu) usually do - nibble off a tiny amount, then if she didn't feel any ill effects later on, consider the food "safe" and eat some more. She did it with the food they found in the store-room right back near the beginning of the game - I made sure of that at the time I wrote whatever post it was ;). Ooh, and that makes me think of something else - the food she has on her now, is that a type of food she'll have encountered on the first run, or will she treat it as a "new food" for now? Gawd, I'm sure she's absolutely bloody starving, thirsty, and knackered by now...
And what was the other point I'm replying to...ohh yes...the combat situation on Ameena's arrival. Yeah, I figure the map will be naturally useful to refer to everyone's positions, tactically speaking, but not what they're actually physically doing. I don't think I mentioned that in the previous post, but it was probably around midnight, like it normally seems to be whenever I post in this thread, so I think my brain may have started to neglect a few of the things it was supposed to be telling my fingers to type up ;).
I had a thought while I was at work today - Ameena arriving via a narrative-style post from me is rather likely to elicit an OOC response from someone (no idea who, but one of them is sure to bring it up) along the lines of "So is that really Ameena?", to which I can gleefully respond with something like "Meta-gaming, are we? :twisted". I'm rather looking forward to it, you know :D. And of course, I won't tell the buggers anything. Not outside of the IC gameplay. They can all bloody well figure it out for themselves :twisted:. Hey, I wonder if they'll even start asking you what's going on. Muahahahahaha...
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Regarding you writing the IC posts - there you go, NOW you get it :D Whahahaha!

Like I said, nothing better than me over-emphasising that you are back, and isn't it great ytou are back, isn't it such great timing too, isn't this just the coolest' to get everyone assuming it's a tri




Or we have to figure out some way to work this in. It's just too perfect timing - in terms of you joinign the combat, and the date - not to do that somehow...
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Ooooh hahaha that would be fantastic :D. And look! It seems you're online now! And so am I! :D. Maybe we can get to that point tonight and so I can post tomorrow. Bear in mind I have club tomorrow (but no work) so I won't be available from about 4-11pm (usually a bit later than 11pm actually, but it depends when club finishes).
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Yeah, it would be cool, but ....

Ooh, ooh, ooh...I know! I just introduce a second part of the map showing where Ardur is, and Ameena standing beside him. And add Ameena's 23 initiative to the map. See what people say, and if they ask, of course say 'yup, Ameena's back, etc'

So yeah, still work for April 1st, and after it's proven Ameena isn't being removed fro mthe map, still will seem really suspicious.

And all without you haveing to metagame Ameena into the room when she probably wouldn't instantly leap inside :)

Obviously, if at any point the haze comes down, Farel would go looking for Ardur, so Ameena would probably get pulled in then...
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Teehee, I'm going for it and doing that unless you have any objecttions - ameena gets added to the initiative count and there will be a little map bottom right showing you and ardur's position.... and I'll post it tonight....given how things are going, I can save it for 12.01am :)
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Well, once I see the map I'll be able to see just how far Ardur ran - if Ameena can hear some of what's going on in the room (since I'm sure it will blatantly sound like combat), she may want to give that a little more priority over talking to Ardur, the latter of which is what she'll want to do once she introduces herself, something she'll happily do if she can be sure that she's not gonna get a fireball to the face (or any other kind of projectile, magical or solid) just for attempting a friendly greeting. I figure Ardur may likely panic no matter what she does, since he's so emotionally on edge right now (and apart from the cloak and pouch-belt, she doesn't look much different from a rather undersized Giant Rat), but it's a chance she'll be willing to take, I think. If she hears the combat (whether she can work out exactly who's making the noises or not), she'll want to get in there pretty sharpish because she'll reason that there is quite a high likelihood of her friends being in there, given the scents she's been following, and all...
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Your call, if Ameena would dart in, then cool, if not, we can play it like this for a few rounds. I'm sure Ameena could be persuasive enough to get Ardur back in, or at least learn from Ardur what's going on first.

Anyway, see what you say in the IC thread :)
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Do we want to put her into the map now? Maybe wait till I've done one single post in the main thread? That can be her intro, then you update the map accordingly to include her? I think it would be more of a surprise if done that way.
As for persuading Ardur...I'm not sure she'd want to try. Will she remember him as having any combat skills? Actually, no, even if she does, he's clearly crapping himself - she'll see that clearly whatever's happening up ahead has become too much for him. If she can get an explanation from him as to what's happening, she'll reassure him that she'll come back for him if she can, and then go on ahead to help out her friends - after all, their lives are in immediate danger. Afterwards, provided everyone survies, Ameena will go back and get him (if Farel doesn't, though I suspect that he probably will) and offer reassurance - kind words, the murafu equivalent of a hug, etc. Not so much maternal instincts as murafu ones, but with the same intended effect :).
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

She won't remember him having any skills really. Not compared to everyone else.

And lol, depends how fast you will be. The more I play that I'm introducing you, and then you appearing, might reinforce it's a trick of some kind.

Like 'haha, yeah, AMeena's coming back, good april 1st'

Then you post tomorrow night for the cliffhanger before I shut it down over the four day weekend (which I'd forgot was so close)

And then people can spend all extended weekend tryign to work out what's going on....

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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Or Ameena just waltzes in, does the "non-detailed, narrative-style post thing with no hint as to wtf she's up to" thing, everyone can be confused, but meanwhile you just add her into the map and carry on as if nothing weird has happened. And then we await the barrage of questions and "wtf"s from everyone else and silently laugh to ourselves and say bugger all in the main IC/OOC threads (because we're too busy cackling with malicious glee and mirth down this end of the forum :twisted:).
But I like the April Fool thing - that was a cool idea :D. I think I'd like to do it as I just described, but agree that it should happen tomorrow. Or at least, on tomorrow's date (so I'll stay up another 40 mins in order to get the post in past midnight). Then we can see if anyone twigs. Wrongly, of course, because it isn't an April Fool. But, you know...hey, this is what would be known as a "double bluff", isn't it? Muahahahahahhaaa :twisted:.
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Ok, we can do it that way :)

Oh, by the way, it was Westian who namedropped you infront of Ardur when pretneding Falkor was evil - saying 'Ameena knew what you were like' or something similar. And of course Falkor namedropped Ameena infront of Brighteyes on the stairway down a few moments earlier.

And my favourite April fools things are double bluffs. Cause then you get to pull the 'joke' twice for something that isn't a joke :D

Goign a different route with a collegue tomorrow, setting her up to think I've done something, when I haven';t...more fun to make her look around for stuff, and less hassle for me.

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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Lol you are mean ;).
I was just thinking a couple of minutes ago - maybe someone else will make a post on the forum somewhere, about April Fool's Day - maybe linking some joke that's been put up on a website somewhere, or something. And then I was wondering whether I should make a "perfectly innocent" post along the lines of "Oh yeah, you get all sorts of stuff like fake websites and stuff put up around this time, don't you?". I wonder if any of the game-players will make any kind of link there... ;)
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Or you could remind people of all the jokes we've had on the site - like the DSB 1.0 release, or....hmm, there was somethign relse RTC related, wasn't there?
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Re: OOC thread

Post by Ameena »

Erm, I dunno...I just wondered whether, if some innocent forum member (ie not one of us who's involved in the game) makes a post about tomorrow, anyone from our game would twig that it was me making such a comment, just when I'm also posting some really weird shit in the IC thread ;).
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Re: OOC thread

Post by beowuuf »

Lol, who knows. Hopefully and hopefully!
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