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Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:30 am
by cowsmanaut
Really? you don't ask other designers? I guess designers are a different beast :) We animation guys tear each other a new one on a regular basis. picking apart the smallest of details... then beating each other over the head of them.. in a nice way :)

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:03 am
by Gambit37
As someone who has a very low opinion of my own design skills, and who is completely self taught, I'd never expose myself to criticism from designers who know what they're doing ;-)

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:04 pm
by cowsmanaut
really? you're a pretty solid artist for someone self taught though. Perhaps your specific drawing skill is not as strong, but your ability to present, clean up, and compose images is fantastic. This is the kind of person they hire in gaming to do interface design and then often moves on to Art director.. I could totally see you going that route if you desired.. Just a matter of interest ;)

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:50 pm
by Zyx
Completely agrees with Cows. I wouldn't trust many persons to design ergonomic and aesthetic interfaces, but you have just the perfect blend of analytical and artistic skills to do it!

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:59 pm
by Gambit37
Thanks guys, I really appreciate your kind words :-)

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:47 am
by Gambit37
This week feels like the end of an era.

After two disastrous web-design job interviews on Monday, I feel like I no longer "fit" in the web industry.

I now seem to be unemployable. At interview, I was unable to demonstrate the required level of design skill for the job in question, and I couldn't articulate what my strengths are. This is the downside of being a "generalist" for so long. With the industry now looking for specialists, I fear that my varied and "only OK" skill set is now holding me back.

If I'm completely honest with myself, I'm not creative enough for a senior design position (what the interviews were for). I know that most of my web work is really influenced by what I've seen elsewhere, and I don't have much originality. I'm not being hard on myself: this is the truth. In the interview feedback, they said they were looking for someone with "more creative flair" and "more flamboyant". Most of the work in my portfolio is fairly dry and corporate.

My personal hobby stuff is actually more interesting than my day job. But the style of those hobby projects (DM Codex, Tomb Raider Xtra, DSB) doesn't really match where web design is heading. Most modern stuff is very clean and simple and my style is very "artistic", almost thematic. Fundamentally though, I don't even know if I'm actually a designer. When I look at all the concept work from other designers, I just know that I don't have that sort of talent and don't really think that way. With web design, I sit somewhere between deisgn and development: I guess you could call me an "implementor" or "integrator".

My girlfriend thinks that I should re-focus and should instead look at department management or project management. Indeed, I've been approached several times by companies wanting me as a project manager based on my 20 year digital career. But although I have some PM experience, it's not my forte and the idea does not fill me with enthusiasm. At this age (40+), I "should" be in a more senior position such as Art Director or Production Manager, but I'm so far away from that, I feel like a little kid.

If I want to keep designing, perhaps I need a new portfolio showing off my more personal style of my hobby projects, rather than corporate stuff? I've always got far more enjoyment out of game related design work, whether that's User Interface, environment, texturing, etc. (I used to build Doom and Duke 3D levels back in the day, probably the most creative fun I've ever had :-) ) Cow's mentioned above about doing UI work for games, but other than my own tinkerings on the DM interface I don't have any examples of that sort of work. Funnily enough, 22 Cans were looking for a UI designer for Godus and I nearly applied, but in the end didn't bother as I knew I didn't have any gaming experience and I'd not even get a look in.

Clearly I can no longer trade on "past glory" and need to skill up and/or change the focus of my work. I would love to do more design work on games, but I've no idea how to get involved in that given that my experience is mainly on corporate web bollocks.

I'd appreciate any advice from my stalwart crew :-)

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:51 pm
by Ameena
I've seen loads of people on Elance (a website for freelancers interested in pretty much anything computery/creative/linguistic, from arty stuff to story-writing to translation to computer programming and all sorts of stuff like that) looking for designers for websites and games and stuff. Maybe you could have a poke around in that sort of direction and start doing jobs for people like that, build up a portfolio and a reputation and maybe something really cool will come along. I started doing some freelance stuff a few months ago (been trying to find a new job for over a year due to my current one generating such income that it's currently impossible for me to get my own place because there's no way I'd be able to afford bills and stuff, then had a brainwave of "Ooh, I like writing, maybe I can do that...", and had a look for came across Elance) and though originally I thought I'd end up doing some kind of Fantasy story-writing because that's what I'm into, I've actually ended up doing a bunch of Minecraft guides :D. So basically I'm getting paid to play and write about Minecraft :D. I'm still looking for a "proper" job since freelance stuff isn't exactly a guaranteed income, but it's a nice little thing to have going on the side.
Or we could all form our own company and make some really cool games - you do the UI and other graphical stuff, I'll write the fluff, someone else can do the animation, and so on ;). Ha, that'd be fun :D.

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:39 pm
by Sophia
Ameena wrote:Or we could all form our own company and make some really cool games - you do the UI and other graphical stuff, I'll write the fluff, someone else can do the animation, and so on ;). Ha, that'd be fun :D.
Count me in as programmer for this totally unrealistic and hypothetical thing that's not going to happen anyway so whatever. :mrgreen:

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:46 pm
by Lord_BoNes
Don't forget ME... pick me! pick me!
<jumps up and down excitedly>

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:18 pm
by Gambit37
Thanks Ameena for the tip about Elance, I'll check it out.

It's a shame that your other outlandish suggestion seems to have diverted things somewhat...! I was ideally hoping for some sensible feedback....

Does anyone else have any advice on what I wrote earlier? It was quite a difficult, personal thing to write in what has been a very difficult week for me, so it feels a bit like the last comments glossed over it as of no consequence :-(

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:38 pm
by Ameena
There are probably other freelance sites besides Elance - that just happens to be the one I found first (and so ended up joining, at which point I stopped looking to see if there were others). The cool thing about writing stuff for people (or doing anything else which involves computer software) is that it doesn't matter where you live, 'cause you just e-mail it to them :).

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:33 pm
by linflas
Pffeww.. that was long and sad :( I would tell you to stick with what you *like* creating but you have to earn (more) money as well. I'm still a middle-leveled system expert after 15 years of experience. At almost 40, i should be a IT manager, architect, director or similar. But nope, those jobs can only be reached if you have been recruited in big companies (i.e. my customers). In France, if you work as a service provider for a big company, they may recruit you after 2 or 3 years if you have the right studies level. They don't care with experience, only diploma counts in their "salaries grid". But I don't have a paper with "engineer" written on it, and my situation will never evolve (there are very rare exceptions).
Maybe you could start new studies ? I don't know if your government can help people who switch to another professional purpose...

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:37 pm
by beowuuf
I know when I was refocusing on my career, what I did was create a circle of skillsets at the centre. It was something like my technical knowledge my previous job had generated, my engineering / design degree I was letting lapse, my general degree/years of work, the quality background I had generated,, and something else.

If fitted nicely in a circle where the neighbouring things were connected. I started pushing for anything in thta inner circle - to the extent that I could even get in to places like KPMG for accounting with my degree to fast track through the actual accounting programmes - and then pictured any progress in one direction or acquiring of new skillsets was moving me further out of that circle and closing off options.

I think that helped, I didn't limit myself at first, but based on feedback, and my gut feeling, I started pursuing goals and acknowledging that I can#t go back to certain skillsets, and focused all my energies on slowly refining three of the five and then pushing on the last (quality) as that picked up more interest and leads.

Is there a little more background on what led to those two interviews? Did you have to fight for those interviews, or were they simply the interviews that have come up so far? If the latter it might be as simple as you don't feel marketable, or you have reservations about going back to the industry for a while, and that is what you are projecting. Plus you may just have had two bad interviews or been seen by two unsuitable companies back to back.

If you are still lacking focus in exactly what you want to be doing, that might be coming across. And also if you are feeling as if you are falsely pushing qualities you don't have, you might be holding back.

If the industry is looking for specialists, it will be a fad as much as any other time anything gets popular or necessary. You may need to focus in on companies outside of such concerns if possible, or ones already on the turn. Or maybe even focus on industries that are still behind the times and still finding their footing in digital media and the like. It's still amazing how many of the bigger companies and older industries drag their heels so much with regards newer technologies and communication media.

It could be a generalist like yourself has enough grounding to make someone happy to employ you to push forwards in that way. And you would be the one who would employ specialists under you, your own nature perfect for co-ordinating such a thing.

That might be the way to market yourself if you move towards project management instead - you have such a diverse understanding that you can reach in to an co-ordinate with many relevants skillsets. And your own self employed nature means you have far more business understanding than a specialist only looking at things from the perspective of their own skillset.

That might be the way to get in to games designing - from the business end, rather than the creative end?

Amyway, hopefully your initial shock from this week might be just from a statistical blip, not necessarily a true indicator of a shift in the industry. If it is though, I think your skillset and history is still something you can trade on if you push it in the right ways. Certainly like my own past skillset (split in many ways) I think you can use it as a springboard, as long as you slowly focus your efforts on one path or linked paths.

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:19 am
by beowuuf
Also just want to put a :( for your job unfairly plateauing too linflas! Someone should make more use of your artistic talents.

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:27 am
by ian_scho
> My personal hobby stuff is actually more interesting than my day job. But the style of those hobby projects (DM Codex, Tomb Raider Xtra, DSB) doesn't really match where web design is heading.... I'm not creative enough...
I still believe that web design goes through long term phases/fads, and if you learn the spiel you are halfway there. I won't disagree that the creative types really stand out, but at least you have experience and drive to have had a go, imho. Btw, two failed job interviews isn't exactly new news for anyone. Especially for such a specific role.

> Funnily enough, 22 Cans were looking for a UI designer for Godus and I nearly applied, but in the end didn't bother as I knew I didn't have any gaming experience and I'd not even get a look in................. I used to build Doom and Duke 3D levels back in the day, probably the most creative fun I've ever had
I COMPLETELY disagree with this first statement. You're a game designer, over multiple platforms (see above). You enjoy it. It's your hobby with results to show for it. You're just being YOU again :P

> They don't care with experience, only diploma counts in their "salaries grid"
Gosh Linflas, that's quite similar to Spain. We're similar I suppose but happy, right? :)

Keep poking away at those interviews. If you find a job close to what you do for your hobby, it will surely be quite eye opening as to how to 'enjoy under pressure' with tight time scales and other pressures. MORE INTERVIEWS. And Good Luck!

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:45 am
by Lord_BoNes
This "global economic crisis" is hurting everyone, everywhere. The unemployment rate here in Australia has risen quite sharply in the last 12 months (Aussie's are apparently 5yrs behind everywhere else, give or take, so the crisis is only just starting to hit us pretty hard). The biggest issue is that it's caused alot of Governments to go into large sums of debt, and this filters down through the commercial "food-chain", hurting almost every business and consumer along the way. Look a fuel prices worldwide for what I'm getting at here, and this hurts everybody (especially the average consumer, getting essentials at the supermarket).

The big banks have ended up loaning huge amounts of money to the affected countries, but that's also made them less valuable (as a business), this had hurt stock markets worldwide... and this also filters down the "food-chain", affecting businesses and consumers. Look at interest rates over the passed few years to see what I'm getting at. This hurts everybody too, but businesses and homeowners the most.

Now, the reason I mention this is: because of the above mentioned crisis, there are a whole-hell-of-a-lot of businesses going under, people unable to pay the mortgage, etc... in this situation, businesses are going to want to get the "best bang for thier buck", and are therefore going to hire the most qualified candidates (and out of these, the one that will take the least dollars per hour). This means that the bloke who's got a cert 2 in IT will usually lose out to the guy with the cert 3... even if the cert 2 has more hand-on experience, and would do his job x10 better than Mr. Cert 3.

I unfortunately fall into the category of having basically no qualifications, but (as I'm sure you know) I'm pretty tuned-in when it comes to computers... I'm entirely SELF-TAUGHT. This puts me in a very bad position when it comes to getting employment :(
So I completely understand what it's like to feel like you're bashing your head against an impenetrable wall :P

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:01 pm
by Gambit37
Thanks for the input everyone :-)

That sucks indeed. Sounds like we're in a similar position. What is it about us creative types and the mid-life crisis? :-P The thing about qualifications seems a little different for me though. I do seem to have had quite a bit of luck getting interviews for good jobs, even though I have 0 higher-education qualifications. In digital/web design, the skills and talents we can demonstrate are more important than the bit of paper. You do some commercial artwork in your free time now: is there enough time for you to work on that so that you could eventually do it full time?

As for learning something completely new: yes, it would be possible to do that if I had enough money behind me. Unfortunately at the moment there's no government money for this sort of thing for someone my age, esepcially someone who's is already employable.
Whoo, thanks, some great advice there. I've done that circles exercise in my head before, but easily forget it; I must do it on paper and *really* understand the results.

To answer about the interviews: I got them from a guy I know via Twitter. He's a UX designer at a startup, and works in a building with lots of small web companies all funded by same VC. He was looking for a designer, I responded, and he setup three informal interviews. I was really badly prepared as I thought they were more just an informal "meet and chat", and as I've not had anything like that for a long time, I got nervous and presented myself really badly. (This wasn't just my own perception, he told me the same in feedback later.)

I think a lot of the problem was that, yes, I did project the wrong impressiona, largely because I'm actually confused about what my skillset really is, and what I'm best at. So I was unable to give them positive noises about these roles because deep down I wasn't really sure I could do them, or indeed, I probably didn't really want them either! So yes, I was probably projecting something negative. I did have a third interview which was more positive, but that was for my "integrator" coding skills (HTML,CSS, a bit of Javascript) -- so it wasn't all bad; it's just I was more interested in the design roles, despite that I didn't seem to want them! WTF is wrong with me!? LOL! ;-)
@Ian Scho:
Yeah, you're right, I need to get perspective. Two bad interviews are probably more to do with what I mentioned to Beo above, so I shouldn't dwell on their failure really.

You're very kind about the "game designer" comments, but really I'm not. My only evidence is years of tinkering with different engines and remixes of "prior art". All the stuff I mess about with, especially the DM stuff, isn't really game design, it's just adapting previous work. I'm still trying to really understand where my strengths and enjoyment lie, and it purely comes down to the process of creating something out of nothing. It almost doesn't matter if I finish the thing, or what the thing is that I'm working on: it's the process of creativity itself which is the reward. This is probably why I'm unable to finish any of my hobby projects, because once my creative curiosity about a particular method or new skill is satisfied, I tend to get a bit bored...
I'm completely self-taught too, and while I think it can get us to interesting places in a career, it can seem to hold us back when going for the higher positions and more "responsible" jobs. Qualifications do matter in many cases (clearly for jobs such as doctor, lawyer, etc.), but creatives in tech/digital industries can mostly get by without them -- to a point.
Primarily I want to own the creative work that I do. I'm actually quite tired of doing all this work for other people and having to "hand it over". I've been investigating some options on how I might create and own my own creative work (and make it commercial.) I'm tinkering with ideas, but I'll put that in another post when I'm closer to a formulated idea. There may be things that people here can with -- and make money out of too :-)

In the meantime however, I do need paying work and I can only get work based on the skills I've got. And that mainly means a combination of web design / development.

Luckily however, I had several leads come up yesterday for various different roles, and some freelance opportunities too. I'm now following those up and will let you all know the outcome....

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your advice :-)

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:18 pm
by beowuuf
Good luck!

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:10 pm
by Lord_BoNes
Good luck from me too! I hope things work out for you.

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:25 pm
by zoom
Yeah, good luck and keep us posted.
I can´t really give you any useful tips since I have no work experiences and still don´t quite know for myself where I am heading.
It is true however that what you think you can or cannot do, actually influences what you try to do and ultimately can accomplish.
You should get yourself clear of what you want to focus on. If all fails, you could probably still just go on with what it´s like now.
So base is earn money, further goal is try to do the thing you feel like you want to do. Completely changing everything is likely a
bad idea, since all is in a net and connected, so too much stirring could cause miscomfort. That also means do not put too much
of pressure on yourself. Aims are good but pressure and forcing it can be negative on the drive you generate with the tasks.
Have you tried to take a walk? or doing sports? If at all possible for you currently , this will refresh your mind and you feel better.

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:27 pm
by Gambit37
Well, some good news to start the weekend: I have an interview being lined up for next week :-) It's with this company:

It's not a designy/creative role, it's more about doing front-end coding/interactivity for web and mobile. I'm very good at that though (it's probably my best skill to be honest) and enjoy it and it's for an agency that does mainly educational stuff which interests me too. Here's the summary of the role:
Job scope
Overall scope – take briefs and develop the HTML products required by the
EdComs Digital Team. Assist in architectural design, interface design and
scoping processes. Create products and deliver them, in an effective and
acceptable manner.
The ideal candidate is a self-starter and is able to take Photoshop files,
wireframes and content and build standards compliant pages. In some
instances not all pages will be prepared as Photoshop files, and therefore the
candidate should be comfortable adopting the design and being guided by
wireframes to build subsequent pages.
Team work – work as part of the Digital Team, to meet combined goals.

Overall responsibility
Deliver the products and targets set, taking responsibility for their production,
delivery and quality. Contribute to the Digital Team’s goals and aspirations.
Communicate with EdComs staff and clients; translating technical issues in to
understandable concepts.

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:43 pm
by Lord_BoNes
Sounds like you're suited for the role. Congrats. I wish you good luck, it sounds like a job you'd quite enjoy doing... which, in my opinion, is the best job a person can have.

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:41 pm
by Ameena
I think I'm sort of in a similar position, job-wise. I've been in my current job for just over six years now (didn't actually apply for it - got it through the New Deal thing from being signed on at the Job Centre for long enough) and it's, erm, well, I'm been tryuing to find a new job for over a year now - as mentioned, I'd like to be able to afford to get my own place (with Ja'Ph') but that's currently impossible as I'm paying eleven quid a day to get to work, for four hours a day, three days a week (except around Christmas, when I work an extra three hours on each of those days) for basically minimum wage. So I get maybe £350-ish a month yet I'm spending maybe half of that just getting to work. But the thing is, I'm not really entirely sure what I'm good at/what I want to do. A lot of jobs I look at require previous experience...which I don't have because I haven't worked in that area before. But if everyone only wants people with previous experience, I'll therefore never be able to find a new job in that area :P. If I could get a job writing the fluff for a Fantasy RPG or something, that'd be really amazingly epic but what are the chances of that? That's all I do, really - sit around and write stuff and play computer games. At least qualifications don't seem to mean anything when it comes to finding a job (at least, not any job I think I could do), since I didn't go to Uni...I just have some GCSEs and a few A-Levels and I did an animal-related course at college.
Still, you never know - maybe the freelance stuff will go really amazingly well and I'll be able to make a "proper" job out of it or something :D.

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:07 pm
by linflas
Gambit37 wrote:You do some commercial artwork in your free time now: is there enough time for you to work on that so that you could eventually do it full time?
Obviously not, even if I'd like to. I complained about my current salary but it's way higher than what an artist can earn. :roll:

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:09 pm
by Gambit37
An update on that interview: I had first interview last Wednesday which went pretty well. They said I'd hear this week about a second interview. Finally today I hear that they want me to do 5 days work with them on a freelance basis to see if I will fit into the team OK. They are worried that because I've been working on my own for so long, I won't be any good in their team environment.

I am not quite sure what to make of that: on the one hand: Yay! On the other: I don't feel that I need to prove myself with a 5 day interview.

I suppose this is what I should expect coming from a freelance environment back to full-time. Anyone else ever had something like that?

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:18 pm
by beowuuf
Depends if they have staff problems or like staff moral - it might be a good thing they are looking for someone who is a good fit, and not just sticking a person directly in. It might mean your work colleagues are cool people :)

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:15 am
by ian_scho
Just make sure they pay you...

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:30 am
by beowuuf

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:59 pm
by Gambit37
Well, an update: I've been working at that place for four weeks on freelance contract terms, and finally today they confirmed I have got the fulltime role! :-) The delays were really frustrating but apparently they had trouble getting all the other interviewees in a timely fashion. So from next week I'll be back in full-time employment after nearly 6 years of working for myself!!!

Oh and hopefully by next week I'll have a new house too! Exchanging contract tomorrow. *fingers crossed*. (Finally moving in with my girl and growing up!)

I suspect I won't be on the forums much over the next few months: the new house requires building work, new kitchen, new bathroom, full redecoration etc. It's gonna be quite a project! And I'm looking forward to it :-D

Re: New version of my business website

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 1:36 am
by Zyx
I'm very glad for you!