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Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:03 am
by oh_brother
Westian sat down near the crude maps and began pouring over them. It was a good chance to get a feel for how widespread the blackskulls were, and what kind of numbers they may have been dealing with. In particular he looked for any location he could recognise from his travels. Or better yet if he could locate where Ameena and Haynuus had ventured alone.

"So what is your plan?' Westian asked the king. Before he had time to respond he continued. "To directly attack the leaders, or to fight through their entire army? If I were to guess I would say you planned to kill their leaders first, am I right?" He smiled. "If so that would have the advantage of taking out their command, and leaving the army directionless."

Trying to make some sense of the maps was a 16. I imagine that is a straight intelligence roll (if so +1)? If it is perception it is +4.


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:35 pm
by money
Falkor was patient, there was plenty of talk going on. the King seemed to pride himself in all he did, boasting and pointing out victories at every opportunity. "sorry, interuptions, where is toilet?" he spoke in Trolin - made sense, the others were no wiser than him! He hoped he would be either directed, or if needs be 'escorted' to the nearest ... conveniance!


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:59 pm
by beowuuf
Farel did not reply further to Aurek at the time, though it was hard to make face to face contact in the situation. Farel then stood apart from the group later. Whether he was reserving judgement based on what Aurek had said, or had already made his mind up, was uncllear. Only that he was apartf from the group. Luckily, a Knight in full armour standing impassively seemed to intimidate the guards and impress the King. Little did they know the Knight's sword was blunt.

The paladin was too busy studying the maps, locking the images in to his mind. Instinct and recognising where they had walked combined well so that he knew he would be able to figure out where they were going from here to anywhere in the Blackskull's territory. It was made easier by the disruption caused by Falkor as he looked for an exit, giving Aurek extra time for circumspect looks.

Assume you guys probably won't get lost, or will be allowed some extra information/bonuses to rolls, as long as Aurek can advise you.

Falkor received odd looks, but the King was the one to chuckle. Apparently Falkor had - perhaps by Ummack and Tosc'a words - been built up as some small mage like a ghost. It was obviously strange for the halfling to develop such a very humanising manifestation of his normal nature.

"I show mage the way," said Uumack. The King laughed for a different reason, perhaps not yet trusting the Trolin leader. The King nodded for Uumack to take Falkor outside to, as it would probably turn out, a ditch in some abandoned and dangerous tunnel. However, the King also gestured for a guard to go with them. And a second guard was of course distracted, ensuring the group

lol, if it's a distraction, it's a good one, if it's a chance for exploration, you might leave Uumack in the lurch, but it's a possibility. Let me know the thinking here, I'm intrigued :) I can update firther once I know, assume being led through reasonably deserted side tunnels that are dark. Those back in the room, there's a little more freedom for quiet words, or other distractions given the dead spot Falkor just created by pulling focus and a guard out of the room.

The King seemed in good spirits, chuckling at Westian's words too. "Hah. You the one who want to attack blackskulls. I just showing you how. Yes, I have thought of how to do it. Blackskulls all spread out. All have long memories, have wild eyes. Leave any alone, come to kill us while we cheer and drink."

The King tapped the bottom part of the map, where the Blackskull leaders obviously was. "Yes. Thought about this. Cut head off." It did not seem clear if that was the King's plan, or if he was covering from Westian's tone. The Trolin king had showed himself both this mentally adept and yet this easily led before. "Kill leaders. Set up trap. Let men spread all over come back central point looking for orders. Looking for revenge. Mow them down."

The King gave a large, unholy grin, chuckling once more and slapping his hand on the table at the thought of it. Farel shuffled uncomfortably, if anyone noticed.

The King then sighed. "Two problem," he said, pointing to the lower map. "Maybe three." The King skirted a dirty nail across the plan, trailing from a large room that sudden'y Westian could see was the hall they';d come from. He snaked his hand around through some caverns, around some straighter corridors, and to something that looked like a stairwwell, that blipped to the other page. "Only way down. Tensions still there. Line of soldiers here to warn blackskull leaders. Blackskulls like making lines and running away to give warnings. Hard to kill if they run and come back with more later." The King then started waving a finger around. One was pointed deep in to the Blackskull area, much straighter squares and lines that were obviously properly the Grey Lord's domain, or left over dungeons from Lord Chaos. "Dark priest here. Controls undead, and strange things. Wimp. Not worry me." The Trolin moved his hand across. "But him make friends with blackskull not-head. And dark priest gets in head. Tries to make Trolins see things. Not trust men by your side, not know if you turn in to blackskull in their eyes! Or them think they new King!" Trolin shook his head. "Cowards, priest will use his tricks not let soldiers fight one on one." The Trolin King shrugged his shoulders, as if this was not a real threat, just something to consider.

The King then put his finger on a small area reasonably near the stairs. "Short mage. Like yours. Dangerous being so small. Tosca took you to through his high rooms. He not there, then he be in low rooms? Blackskull mage controls the swift death.. Look like us. Hurt us when we hurt them. Then burst open with teeth and claws and rip us apart. Then do it again without care." The King then leant back, looking to Westian and Aurek speculatively. There was an unanswered question in the air, clearly from his expression this last matter was the real matter. Soorec's grak-graks were the thing that made Trolins pause, psychologically and in actual battle. And clearly, either Tosca or more likely Uumack had mentioned to his KIng the small success that had occurred, turning aside a pair of grak-graks. How much of it had been real, the power of Larethian manifest? And how much had that small victory been built up?

Leave it there. The perception/knowledge roll (will take the single roll and feed you info based on a 17 int and 20 perception) will flow in to the new update as any suggestions and questions get tied back in to the map. Also, Westian may well recognise at least one of the Grey Lord areas :) Obviously, Aurek will be able to memorise and recall anything being commented on on the map.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:48 am
by oh_brother
Westian listened to every word the king said, his palms pressed together near his face in concentration. Inside information on the state of Mt. Anais was thin on the ground.

When the king spoke about blackskull runners Westian jumped in with a question. "How fast can they run? Are they in armour? Could a force of Trolins overwhelm the defenders and catch up with the runners? " The Trolins he had seen had seemed pretty fleet of foot, maybe they could swamp the blackskulls before they knew what was happening. "Or maybe our wizard could take care of the runners from a distance."

"I have seen the elf priest use his powers before. We were able to overcome his mind traps. When we meet face to face we will end his cowardice for ever."

"The swift deaths. Yes, they are powerful. But we have some power over them too, as you know." Westian sat back, pondering for a minute. "This small wizard wants the elf priest dead. Maybe he will keep his swift deaths out of the fight. If not, then he will regret it. Aurek and I will face his creatures. The gnome himself is easy to defeat once you get close. Not very strong. Only problem is that his swift deaths go crazy when he is not around."


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:55 am
by Lord_BoNes
"We severely injured the small wizard earlier. And, he went down very quickly, not a very tough opponent at all. Just be weary of his swift deaths... they pack a fair punch." added Aurek to Westian's comments, while he was memorizing the maps.

Once he was finished to his satisfaction, he stood back and let Westian do the talking.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:56 pm
by money
Falkor was silent, he knew the King would find this request funny, but equally he expected no objection. He knew his loyalty to the party was not in question, and he had already shown the King that he would protect him... If only a token gesture! Still, he was pleased to be excused and made his way out towards the 'bog' or wherever he was being taken. On the way he made little talk, just to mention that it was customary for his people to 'relieve' in private. He continued on... not too sure what he's going to do yet... Watch this space!


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:24 am
by beowuuf
Falkor was led to, as he feared, a strangely abandoned area. It seemed to be a half room that just swapped, a few items like manacles on the wall and a grating simply locked by a wall as if the wall had just appeared from nowhere. There was dust and what could once have been bones.

Stand outside. Don't...go places," said the guard, clearly realising the enormity of what it was supposed to guard against, and how little it could do in theose circumstances. Uumack gave Falkor a respectful nod, and almost seemed to hesitate as if expecting something else from the mage first.

Back in the room, the King looked amazed, perhaps even a little fearfully at the mention of taking on Soorec. He looked to Aurek as if to catch the paladin in a boast, or a lie, but seemed to detect neither from the man's simple statement.

It gave Westian a moment to pause as the King assimilated Westian's own questions. Westian realised he recognised a strangely shaped area on the Blackskull area, relatively central. He had been there before - and not in shadowy memory. It was the soul stone room, a multi-sparred room that the Grey Lord had entertained the representatives of Larethian when Westian had been here last. Biasing from that, Westian could see the direct from there that would eventually lead to the dark elf's area. And he managed to work out where - probably - the waterfall cavern had been, if there was a short cut to the dark elf's place there.

He could even spot the reaatively close space to the soul stone room that Soore was supposed to have chambers near.

Thinking on Soorec, and the dark elf, Westian felt that Soorec was by far the greatest threat. After all, they had certainly defeated the elf's mind tricks. And certainly, his friends had certainly killed the priest already. No need to consider the dark elf at all. No, Soorec was the one to throw both his own resources against, and also all the Trolins. Breaking the mage was almost certainly the key, for he had been a thorn in the party's side that had almost mocked Westian by staying alive.

"No runners," said the King, coming back to Westian's words. "One blackskull in armour easy to chase down, even if they run. But they not stay in group. You attack one, next one off in distance runs, and one that seems him runs. You attack one, and they all know. LIke spiders." The King considered the words. "Yes, dark elf coward. He uses tricks, he broken when saw him, but no one else saw it. They weak minded. No, I see him weak, and I laugh at his supposed power. Watch him beg me for help, and why not give it. Why not let keep weak priest on flank. No point attacking." The King shrugged. "Still, that change now, yes? Good to know though, mage weak, easy to kill. We break swift deaths, we break Blackskulls!"

Westian felt a sudden spasm of anger from nowhere. Why marginalise the dark priest? It marginalised Westian's own power to make the feat of defeating the dark priest appear easy. It had been no such thing. Infact, Westian suspected that the King had fallen for the mind tricks after all, just from a different side to his followers. Still, Westian had not been so foolish, nor so easy. Anyway, Westian should pay the dark priest no further mind...

Incase you didn't get it already OB, roll me a d20 for absolutely no reason whatsoever :D Even if you do get it, you'll need the roll anyway.


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:36 pm
by oh_brother
Something did not feel quite right. Maybe the dark priest was more of a threat than people realised. Why was he so underestimated? He had visited Westian in his dreams, he had turned the group against each other. He possibly had Ameena or Haynuus held captive, or worse. He certainly had Brother Deephold, and finding him was, at least ostensibly, his main goal. The more he thought about it, the more sure he felt about that.

The roll for "no reason" was 20. Boo-yah! Take that, freaky dream priest! (I assume a 20 allows me to see through it a bit, hence the update).


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:08 pm
by money
Falkor looked at Uumack, and using his message technique said only a few words "Wait for me, keep the guard busy".

As he came to the 'rest room' the others left him in peace. Seeing the bones reminded him of the promise he had made to the elf. He activated his cloak - to see if any such soul was still here. Un-aware of their passing to the next world.


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:20 pm
by beowuuf
Uumack raised his eyebrows when Falkor spoke to him without words. However, he took it in stride, and after a faltering start bergan distracting the guard with questions regarding the King's behaviour, Tosca's betrayal, and the coming battle.

Falkor activated the cloak, prepared for the odd shift to the ethereal world. What he wasn't prepared for, instantly, was the brilliant light, and the screaming. There were souls in here, but they seemed very aware of their condition. He could feel their anger like a physical force...

Should you stay or should you go? :)

BAckn in the hall, Westian felt the snarl of anger in his mind as he detected and rebuked the clumsy attempt of the dark priest to influence him. It was only once he realised the dark cloud was back over him, and fought against it, that Westian realised the priest had probably been hovering in Westian's consciousness all this time. In a way as planned. That meant the lightening of the cloud when Westian faced the King was perhaps due to some distraction greater than Westian Was it his friend's success? Of course, if they had been successful, then why had the priest came back to plague Westian?

Still, that left some unpleasant questions in his mind. How many decisions had he made of his own volition al lthis time? Worse, even if he had been guided by the dark priest, nothing he had done in the King's hall had been done by anyone other than himself...

Yeah, you can have Westian explicitly realise Dolo was trying to brute force his mind. The funny thing is, originally I wanted to play the priest's influence as this subtle thing that built up over time. Hence why I was a little more explicit about putting words in Westian's head the moment you guys split off, which I would usually shy away from. However, I didn't do it as much as I wanted to nor as well as I wanted due to the various story beats, and of course it more fun than that is the fact that I honestly can't tell if Westian was influenced at all! His character is complex enough that I can't tell if you were runnign with my character suggestions, or if you thought my occasional comments were simply picking up well on your own beats for Westian. Plus I haven't done many. So that's been pretty cool to see. Anyway, that's a good moment of reflection for Westian to have at an inopportune time. Especailly with Farel looking on in judgement, and of course the planning out of human slughter a reality :p

Anyway, yeah, the lighting of the cloud earlier was very subtly Dolo losing focus for ...reasons...and his les than subtle return perhaps hints that those reasosn were not good for him. Which is good for you :) You can either mention the attack to the King, or you can simply use trhe knowledge Dolo is alive and perhaps a little afraid to be so unsubtle to base your plans on.


Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:37 am
by money
I mean you no harm. He repeated this in as many languages he could. Falkor would leave this place if it was required, but for now he was prepared to try... To communicate with the fallen. "I am no friend of the King, nor a foe. I give my service to honor the good. I call upon you all to help in our crusade to rid this place of evil". He had no idea how this would go down... For all Falkor knew the place was full of black skulls!!!


Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:16 pm
by oh_brother
Settling back in his seat, Westian pondered whether to discuss what he had noticed. He looked around, Falkor was outside relieving himself, so Aurek, Farel and Ardur were the only non-Trolins left. He decided it best to warn them though. Not only so they would be prepared, but also so Farel could see what they were up against. That even though the measures were desperate, so too were the foes they faced.

As he spoke he included the king, his gaze flicking between the four of them. “I felt the dark priest in my head. He tried to whisper lies to me, and to lead me astray. But I have now managed to rid myself of him,” he added, nodding his head gravely. He did not go into details, preferring to leave the idea open to Farel that some actions may not have been of his own volition. Indeed he could not be sure himself if he had been swayed, even subtly, by the elf.

“Everyone be careful. He may try to tell you that he is not a danger. Or to turn us against each other. Do not believe it. Fight his influence.” He sighed sincerely as he continued. “He is still alive. So that means Haynuus and Ameena have not managed to defeat him.” And they might be dead he thought, a lump rising in his throat. They were both good, innocent creatures, and did not deserve it.

Still, he was threading a fine line. While emotion might endear himself to Farel, it could alienate himself to the Trolins. His eyes shone with sadness only when he faced away from the king. “We need to defeat him. And do it quickly.”

Yes, there were a couple of occasions where I picked up on things you said. I think there was one time where it changed my actions, though it was a significant change. A good, subtle strategy, I must admit! :)


Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:54 pm
by beowuuf
That's cool, that's what I hoped for - and yet obviously it kinda breaks it to actually draw attention to it and ask, so I hoped something like that was happening, or at worst you just didn't mind me apparently reading your character a little more off than usual. :) What was the part where Westian's actions were significantly changed, then?

Obviously, will let LB react to the revelation before I have the others react. And LB is usually on at the tail end of the evening, so I'll probably update the main thread tomorrow after I get home from a brief stint at work.

Falkor could feel his words being sucked in to the air. Occasionally, he felt that his words - human and elf and halfling - were being absorbed and reflected back, although the replies were garbled with rage. The bright light resolved itself in to vague shapes. Falkor felt certain they were not blackskulls, there was a sub-conscious understanding of the words even though he picked out barely anything comprehensible. Falkor had studied Lord Chaos's dungeon, and tales of it, enough to realise what place this might be. It was said that Chaos had twisted his dungeon to each new challenge. When the party had died - or become boring - he had simply altered the dungeon on a whim for the next champions to attempt. There were tales of items found in dead ends, apparently abandoned. And other tales of those dead ends having skeletons buried in them. Sometimes there was evidence that the creatures had not been dead, first.

The room had probably been some trick or puzzle room back in the days of Chaos, one where a party - it seemed at least four or five, perhaps as many as ten - had come to and died in. The place had shifted, and the dead had apparently been left with nothing but the feeling of abandonment and rage at their untimely and small death against Chaos.

They may be nothing more than mindless thigns now, supernatural beings capable of nothing more than attacking anything thye could perceive.

Still, even if that was the case... that was still something that could be directed, with care, against the blackskulls, or even the Trolins if necessary. Assuming there was not somethign to reach...perhaps these people who had once been champions would welcome a way have their lives mean something in the fight against evil. If they could be made to understand, if a way could be found through the rage

So there you go, dead adventureres, and human/elf/halfling in the mix. A decently sized group. Might just be mindless energy to direct, might be abandoned and angry souls you can reach as you've been starting to do. As you know, the ethereal realm can be dangerous while you are in it. And from playing DM, and encountering Arbrut before, you might guess that what's in the ethereal realm can come back to he physical if you aren't careful!


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:44 pm
by beowuuf
It took a moment for what Westian said to sink in, that Westian meant he had shrugged off the influence now. Farel did seem to react to the news, looking at Westian oddly but turning to Ardur and earnestly speaking to him in a whisper, obviously aware of the Trolin King being close. He had his hands on Ardur's shoudlers, stooping a little to look Ardur in the eyes much to Ardur's alarm and discomfort.

Aurek remained quiet, Guree and the guards simply shuffled worried, but it was the Trolin King that had the loud expression of what everyone must be feeling. "This not stand! How him doing this?" The King seemed to be looking at Westian angrily, as if this was the priest's fault. The King then banged the table hard, and pointed to the area that was the dark priest's lair.

"We must throw what we have at this place! Not stand! Not in my head. Not sit in his little caves and mock us!"

The fact that, indeed, the dark priest was still aorund did not bode well for this friends. Also, what had become of Soorec? He had wanted the group to rid him of the priest. Was this why he had dragged back Farel? Did he know the others had failed? Still, it appeared that while the Trolin aspect was not, really, every going to be merely a diversion, it now was the only method the group had to attack. Possible rescue his friends, if they were still alive.

Westian could already see that getting to the dark priest was tough, for there was the length of the blackskull lair to go through. His mind was hanging on to different aspects, however. There was the room that the soul stone had beenin, a central place. Was that somewhere they could go to? If they held that, would it force the dark priest to come to them?

Of course, if Westian was reading the top map correctly, he suspected the strange thing in his travels had been that in encountering the initial Trolin group, he had been lead all the way up the mountain back to Tosca's rooms, near Soorec's area, and then all the way back down again. Whwreas, Westian was suspecting from little clues he could see that the vast underground cavern was probably not so very far from here. Certainly, there had been two intrusions of Trolins in to it. The first that had led away the grak-graks, and the second that Haynuus had first stumbled upon, which Westian had discovered still aorund later.

Dare he lead them back to where he had arranged to meet his friends? Woudl the elementals allow him to use the secret area behind the waterfall to gain direct access to the dark priests rooms. If he gave up this information to the Trolins, would the elementals even have a choice?

Well, the King is now definitely motivated to attack the blackskulls, incase there was any lingering doubts of trechery and so forth. There's also the first germs of an idea on how do do it to avoid a frontal assault, or what tactics to employ with a frontal assault.


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:59 pm
by oh_brother
Westian cast his mind back to the recent meeting with the elementals (and OB re-read the posts from last August!). The water elemental had shown disapproval of the soldiers presence, and a visceral hatred of the undead. Surely he would at least allow them safe passage.

He nodded in agreement as the king spoke. “Your words are strong, and wise. We should defeat this foul creature first. He does mock us, but soon he will learn that he faces people far more powerful than himself.”

He sat back again, a look of deliberation on his face. “I know a short cut to his lair." He pointed on the map to where the waterfall lay. “Here there are water and air elementals. They approve of our quest to defeat the undead that infest this place, and the soldiers who bow down before Chaos. I believe they will allow us passage beyond the waterfall into his lair. That way we get rid of him first, before he can try his cowardly mind tricks on us. Or those who follow us,” he added, resisting to urge to turn and see if Farel was still worriedly examining Ardur.

“Sir Aurek here can even speak their language” he continued, again hoping to prove the usefulness of the group. “I think we should move soon, as soon as the other leaders arrive. Is everyone in agreement?”

The time I changed my plans was when dealing with the king the first time was when I tried to turn the crowd against him. I assume that was Dolo’s idea? :shock:


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:11 pm
by beowuuf
Lol, you mean just after the time when Westian felt in a lighter mood than he had done since starting for the Trolin King, which wa a subtle indication of Dolo being distracted? :D Yeah, that bit was more an admission of your mediocre king diplomacy rolls, good crowd rolls, and me giving you good clues based on your great sense motive roll. I think I was actually taking my 'Westian thinks' cues based on how you had said something before? Lol, like I said, there was a cool synergy with what you were doing and the little thigns I was doing earlier, to the point I couldn't tell. Certainly, the arrogance would be vestigaes of what Dolo was doing, but he wasn't actively saying anything at the time. He couldn't, he was ... eh,let me know if you guys wanna hear how the other team has been doing OOC!

The King seemed pleased with the flattery, Westian giving the King the credit saved the King needign to do it, and seemed to convince the Trolin that he had probably thought of the idea himself completely anyway. The Trolin even slammed his hand down on the table where the priest's lair was supposed to be, as if to crush the dark elf remotely. He laughed again happily.

Westian spotted that Farel had finished with Ardur, perhaps hearing Westian's comment and understanding it looked bad. THoguh he still seemed neutral to the politicking of Westian, and seemed simply concerned to be drawing attention to Ardur. After all, showing weakness now could be bad for all of them. Still, Farel seemed to be looking to Westian, as if dying to ask the elf a question.

However, Farle quickly stopped looking at Westian, and it was clear why when the King reacted. Clearly, Westian's final words of a short cut had sunk in, and seemed ot be provoked some suspicion. The King's humour turned as he realised what it was Westian was saying, and what it meant.

"You have short cut! Why you not say before!" The King's eyebrow shot up. "You trying to trick me against dark elf! Why you not go there if you so powerful!" Suddenly there was a noise outside. A loud voice seemed to be coming form the other side of the room, outside one of the other doors. The King growled in irritation, apparently being caught at the worst time by Westian's comments. "Quick," said King, "one of leaders come early. Don't make me to fool. Why you not speak before! What wrong with short cut! Why you need Trolins!"

Lol, sorry, it just does seem a little bit convenient if you look at it from the outside, when of course Westian only realised he could undertake what Ameena and Haynuus failed to do right now. And of course, there is the matter of powerful elementals guarding the way, which is why the Trolins have never found this place before. Still, I don't want it to seem like I'm being too evil. Just watch yourself and come up with a decent explanation the King likes and can spin, and you should be fine.... honest.... *innocent face*

LB, if you want some more information so Aurek can help, ask OB or myself here OOC and we can fill you in on any particulars of that encounter. Basically, the water elementals seemed ot value life, and so hated undeath and and the blackskulls. However, they seemed to hate all violence, and thus really only helped your group due to the more passive members, and because Westian had himself and Aurek lose their armour (I had Aurek disagree and not like it, if I recall) and Haynuus also removed his armour and dropped his weapons. Thus, while Westian is technically being correct, Aurek might remember a little more bitterly that the water elementals were not wonderfully disposed to arbitrary violence and war. The air elementals were more flighty and while they played second fiddle the water elementals in the discussions, they were also better disposed to helping with anything, as long as it was interesting. After all, the four elements are in a circle, and what one is opposed to is what another is friendly with :D


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:30 pm
by oh_brother
Will update tomorrow. I had forgotten about the elementals being woudl be useful if Aurek discretely mentioned it to Westian! Clearly I should have read more of those earlier posts! Still Westian has no metal armour or weapons. And with Dolo I meant before we met the Trolin king...I can't see the post now but it was something about Westian having unworthy thoughts about over throwing teh king and having the Trolins follow him!


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:33 pm
by beowuuf
Ah, yeah, that was probably Dolo-centred :D


Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:41 am
by money
appoligies all, very busy with work. Will try and post tonight or tomorrow when on the train.


Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:32 pm
by beowuuf
Not a problem. Currently you are split off, so providing we don't snow you under, we can creep ahead if needed.


Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:50 pm
by oh_brother
Westian moved close to the king and spoke calmly and quietly in the distraction caused by the arrival of the first leader.

“The shortcut is guarded by powerful elementals, so it is not an easy route. Last time I was there they would not let people pass who were carrying metal weapons or armour. Perhaps more importantly, once we are inside the priest’s lair he will know we are there. We need to swarm the defences quickly. If only one or two people go they could be delayed by some guards. That would give the priest time to summon more defenders. Or more likely, give him time to hide and try to carry out his cowardly mind tricks again. He would try to mock us from the shadows. But together we can take him out quickly” he smiled as he continued.

“He will not try mind games when his head is on a pike, I think. Before he dies he will learn a lesson, he will learn that he has messed with the wrong people.” He was practically beaming as he finished the sentence. “I think it would make a good decoration for your chambers, no?” He laughed quietly, and then turned around to face whoever was entering.


Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:55 pm
by beowuuf
The King raised his eyebrow at the mention of the elementals again, and this time made strange gesture that might be a ward against evil. It apparently went unnoticed, with Westian blocking view of the King temporarily.

"Those caverns are death, if not respected," Guree agreed, catching the reference and daring to come forwards. Obviously she was one of the few Trolins who perhaps went deep in to that place to hunt or travel, a fact the King seemed to remember. "Water can pull you in when back is turned, rocks can trip you up and thrown you down to ground."

The King seemed to understand the basic idea of why Trolins - with their wooden clubs and natural armour - might not set off the elementals. And luckily, Westian's shift of the conversation on to the priest and killing the priest seemed to forstall any further questions. The King might regret it in a few minutes when those questions were asked by his leaders, but for now Westian had dodged another unpleasant situation.

The King laughed too, a little louder as he nodded enthusiastically.

It was, of course, that very image that the leader saw when he finally pushed his way in to the place. The Trolin that entered was thin, yet well muscled. He grimaced as he walked in, revealing a distinct lack of teeth. His eyes shot open wide as he realised the apparently warm discussion he had interrupted. Whatever opening dismissive comment the trolin was going to make died on his lips.

"This Kurcha," said the King, moving his hand expansively, "him leader of the long legs. They like to run in the tunnels. Maybe him can give me a good decoration?" The King said the last to Westian, smiling as if making a private joke a Kurcha's expense.

Obviously I won't do a Gandalf and keep bringing in each leader one at a time. However, I'll let you react to the first one, and perhaps set a tone for dealing with them. Perhaps after the first one or two we can set a SOP and I'll do the first of the planned time jumps until all the leaders are gathered. That will also let Falkor do what he's doing and - potentially - return before the jumps occur :)

LB - I know you said Aurek was sitting it out for now to let Westian, but feel free to even having him do background things. You never know what might be fun or useful later :)


Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:22 pm
by oh_brother
Westian smiled at the king’s comment and eyed up the new arrival. “Fast runners will be useful in the coming battle. We will need to be able to catch the soldiers as they flee!” He laughed good-naturedly as he nodded in acknowledgement to Kurcha’s entrance.

He stood tall and straight, but then let the king take over any discussions. Deciding that his best chance of influencing events was to do so indirectly he was reluctant to take the lead role. Better to try to guide them where he wanted to go, without being demanding. Come across as domineering and they may be forced to disagree just to save face.

Lol, it would take some time if we did it a la the Hobbit!


Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:40 pm
by beowuuf
What story woudl the King have to be spinning to sneak in all the leaders, for a start? :D


Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:46 pm
by beowuuf
Clearly Kurcha was offended that he was actually being called a runner, even if that would turn out to be the function of his group within the Trolin society. However, just as clearly Kurcha realised that he had come too early. Eager to not miss much, he had overplayed himself and now looked the most eager - and also the least - in the Trolin leadership. Having Westian and the King apparently making jokes with each other was not helping, especially given the King laughed warmly at Westian's words.

"Yes! Kurcha can go fast! Catch the little stragglers, strangle them. Isn't that right?"

Kurcha looked uncomfortable, as if under attack. "Is this trick?" it said in halting common, realising it needed ot look educated for Westian's benefit. "You not ask other leaders? You think I do dirty work no other leader will?"

The King growled noisily. Havign stood himself, when Westian had, it was a revelation that the King could stand up straight. He did. "Who say you invited at all. Who say you not die in corner for all we care when honour and glory and riches come to us..."

Westian has the chance to offer soothing words, or stand aside and let them do their thing.


Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:09 am
by Lord_BoNes
Aurek had simply sat back, and watched the show up until this point...

But, when Kurcha entered the room, and Westian seemed to insult him, Aurek spoke to the trolin.
"Think about fighting 5 blackskulls... 1 runs off to get 20 more... if you stopped that person by running after them, and cutting them down, then you'd be known as the one who stopped the re-inforcements. You would save many lives. You'd be a hero."
And with that, the paladin returns to his previous "I'm just standing here, but I occasionally speak" posture.


Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:28 pm
by money
Falkor could feal the energy pulsating in the room. It was powerfull - there was a lot of anger but also restraint. He felt it important to channel this is the right way or they could have a fight on their hands.

"I mean you no harm and ask that you collect together one last time to help fight the evil in this place. Work together, with me and my friends, to fight for truth and justice so we can stop the pain and torture in this dungeon. in the name of Loriathon, Galias, and other great gods... we will collectively rid this place of evil once and for all. Many a great story will be wrote about the events that are yet to pass here - and your lives, in the material world, can be mortilised and rememeberd for hundreds of years - as you had all hoped for."

Falkor waited a minute, giving the energy time to collect their thoughts... "My name is Falkor - where will you stand?"


Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:38 pm
by beowuuf
Astutely spotted about the fight.:D Or at least damage!

Falkor still felt the anger, although it became diffused. He recognised that listing some of the High Lords seemed to ring faint bells with some aspects, and gave them pause. It was like a tide splitting apart and curling back before hitting him, but there was clearly still aspects that were furious, even while some paused.

The angrier spirits seemed to spin at Falkor's mention of great stories - smashing the walls in anger at apparenrly having missed out.

When Falkor called out his own name, he could suddenly feel ten or twenty names shouted out in to his brain at once, threatening to overwhelm him. Some called proudly or angrily their own names. Some called their names and the names of High Lords, and Falkor recognised the feel of them because they were like the elven druid before. Those who called to their High Lord because they were lost.

Intuitively, Falkor realised the groups of spirits were too disperate to rally together in one. Surely several group had died cursing each other. Should he appeal to those who were invested in the world, but angry? They seemed dangerous but powerful. However, he would then lose the weaker ones who were recalling their own identities and perhaps already looking to leave.

Or he could attempt to petition the weaker ones, as he had before with the druid. However, in that case who knows what the angrier spirits would do...

Unless you can think of a very compelling was to get both at once, you've got a choice of who you reach out to. Dangerous spirits who might be more useful but less controllable (and more impatienct) or do you ask for the aid of those better aligned to your goals, and to good, however at person risk...


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:02 pm
by oh_brother
Westian nodded in agreement, hoping the intervention would help to diffuse the situation. Maybe between the harsh words of the king and the more conciliatory tone of Aurek and Westian Kurcha would hear something to keep him in line.

His expression was neutral as he continued. "We will all do what has to be done. Attack. Chase down the runners. Remove their leaders. Get the glory. There is plenty of glory for everyone who takes part in the attack. In battles such as this there is no dirty work" he finished, as if he knew what he was talking about.

With that he too stopped talking; he did not want to take the lead. Perhaps having the king flanked by two allies – a cleric and a paladin, each backing him up when necessary - would lend him any authority he needed. Whereas if he took over, trying to overtly organise the plan while whipping the leaders into shape, he ran the risk of making the king look impotent. Or worse, make it look like this was a elven-human lead attack, rather than a Trolin one.


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:43 pm
by beowuuf
The King was still giving an angry posture. Still, it seemed Westian had managed to frame the coming battle in such a way that neither the King nor the leader were giving ground now if they stood down nor accepted the words of the other. And Aurek had pitched the honour perfectly, Kurcha's eyes had glittered greedily, for the Trolin did not have the control of his King.

"Yes, fight now sounds good. Kill the blackskulls! Have men scared to go long distance, good to put fiure back in them. Pullack's tribe steal our kills and finds!" Kurcha gave Guree a nasty look, and it was sudden'y clear that Guree - and hence Uumack - was part of a rival faction.

There followed a wonderful five minutes where Kurcha and Guree threw insults - apparently - at each other in Trolin. And then a further five minutes where the King obviously felt he was being disrespectved, and seem to swap sides with ease between hwo was being disrepected. Finally, it appeared that tempers were in check, or at least the King had threatened enough to stop the discussion.

During the interrum, Sir Farel had taken the opportunity to come over, to speak to Westian although he seemed prepared to speak in front of Aurek. "Westian. What you said earlier. Look me in the eye and tell me that the elven priest influenced your actions in the hall. And tell me we do not ally with these...creatures...lightly, because it is too difficult to turn from a path set forth by another." Farel has another concern. "Were your words earlier, when you convinced me of this madness, yours? Or the dark priest's?"

As the three men were speaking, the door again burst open. The Trolin was a very dark blue, and solid looking, like a miniature mountain. It looked around angrily. It said something angrily in Trolin.

"You not able to speak the speech of our allies?" asked Kurcha, already looking to score the point.

The new Trolin gave the clustered three a dismissive look. "I choose not to!" is said in less broken common than Kurcha. "Why you conspire with my rival, imprison then turn my Trolins! Why you betray me!"

Wherether this was a trick, or genuine, it appeared another case of 'here we go again.' And by his wordfs, it was clear this Trolin was Guree and Uumack's master. One that, upon Westian's words, the group had of course avoided meeting, goign to the King directly. It appeared this was Pullack.

There we go, some concerns of Farel to address, and then another Trolin leader to pacify. You know, while you have three more angles to protect against this time.

Don't worry, I'll sort of skip the leaders along afetr this to the big meeting. And then maybe you might get out of here alive :D