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Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 8:53 pm
by Toni Y
Looks right. But you might want to check the website links... You have the "list of standard files on PC-DOS." link pointing to your HD again instead to the website.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 9:21 pm
by beowuuf
All i would suggest is having the readme (say dm2_readme.txt) in the zip, and also having a copy of the game game as a back-up - such as dm2_dungeon_backup.dat

edit: oops, found the readme - paul, i'm mailing you a slightly amended package for your opinion

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 1:00 am
by Paul Stevens
Toni Y: Thank you. I have no idea why this dumb thing
will create several relative links and then suddenly make
an absolute one without any warning. I must be doing
something different somehow.
Sugest...copy of game backup
Hmmmm. I'm puzzled by the meaning of this.
Are you saying that the dungeon.dat file should be
available separately? And that this would make something
less likely to go wrong? Or get lost? Or?? It would
not be a problem to do it but I don't understand. :?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 1:25 am
by beowuuf
Oops, what i meant was to have a back up in the zip file (if you got the .zip file I sent you'll see what i mean). Especially in the case of custom savd games, where you would be overwriting the dmsave.dat as you play.

So having a special 'dungeon_dm2.dat' file or 'poison_dmsave.dat' aswell as the 'dungeon,dat' version, you would always have a copy on your hard drive.

But yes, a smaller 'game only' version might not be a bad idea so someone isn't downloading DM 15 - 20 times : )

"Download Zip here or custom files only here"

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 2:12 am
by Paul Stevens
I understand both those suggestions.
If you put any games on my site you are welcom to
do these things. I am going to do the very simplest
thing that will accomplish my objective. For now.
I get confused enough already. After everything is
in pretty good shape and I can come to a bit of a pause
in the PocketPC/CSBwin version9.7/CSBuild/GameIndex
action it will be easy and non-confusing to go back
and update the game pages as you suggest. Because
everything needed will be in that one place and the structure
will already exist.

Temporary workarounds:
1) Overwriting savegame. The zip files are only about 1meg.
I imagine most people keep the zip after unpacking and can restore
from that almost as easily as copying and renaming a file.

2) Downloading multiple EXE and Graphics. Again, the zip is
only about a meg. Even on telephone lines that is not
overwhelming if you don't plan to play more than a few games
per day.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:26 am
by Paul Stevens
I added a couple of games. The HalkGonzo (CSB for PC)
and the Towers. You two might want to tell me what
blunders I have made in creating these pages. I tried to
check the links, at least.

Adding a game is time-consuming and somewhat tedious.
I'm not going to try to hurry too much.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 2:38 am
by PaulH
Thanks for adding my ToC game to your list. There is however two versions of the game, the original DMPC version (which has been reviewed and included), and the CSBWin only version that you have packaged with the new graphics.dat. This version takes on board PitDs reviews and has a lot of changes, but I don't think this is clear from your page. Also I have released a newer graphics.dat with redrawn wall graphics for this dungeon.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:33 am
by Paul Stevens
Thanks. Why don't you write what you want the description
to say and tell me where I can get the new graphics.dat
for the CSBwin version? And can you supply the review for
the CSBwin version? Are the versions different enough to
have two separate description pages? In any case, I will
split the reviews into separate pages.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:04 pm
by PaulH
Yep, good idea, I'll just get the info together and mail it to you.

I am in a particularly bad mood at the moment. My beloved 5ft claymore decided to vacate its place on the wall, deflected by an unfortunately placed (and expensive) golf club, straight through the lower bass cone on my floor standing speakers. Bugger.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 1:08 am
by Gambit37
I suggest that each dungeon has a text file such as those that were developed for DOOM mods; these have become quite standard for all kinds of modded games and could be adapted for our dungeons easily. Here's an example or one I created for Duke Nukem 3D:

Code: Select all

Title                   : BlowPort
Filename                : BLOWPORT.MAP
Author                  : Matthew Hill (resonant edge)
Email Address           :

Single Player           : No
Co-operative 2-8 Player : No
DukeMatch 2-8 Player    : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : From scratch. (Partly inspired by a Canaletto painting!)
Editor used             : Duh?
Build Time              : On and off for about three months ;-)
Design Features (Bugs)  : Shouldn't be any...
			  However, if you rush around too fast, you
			  can sometimes fall 'through' the overlapping
			  rooms. There's also a bit of HOM if you look
			  at the high window when the lower door is open.
			  You'll be pleased to know - THIS DOESN'T AFFECT

Notes:	My first complete Dukematch level for the guys at work.
	We've been playing it for solidly for about a year and
        still aren't bored.......
	The original had some custom graphics, but I removed these
	for this version to enable easier installation.

	This was the level I submitted to Creative Creations when
	applying for the position of Level Designer for the Die Hard
	TC. I got the job.....

* Copyright / Permissions *

As if I can stop you doing anything with these files.....
But if you do use the MAP as a base for one of your own,
please credit me.

* Other MAPS on the way *

Send all comments and suggestions to me at address above. Only constructive
criticism please, don't E-Mail me with the message "It's rubbish".  Tell me
why and I'll fix the problem in future levels.

This file was designed to be viewed with NotePad.

**************************  END of BLOWPORT.TXT  *********************

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 2:30 am
by Paul Stevens
Looks good to me. Fortunately, I consider that supplying
such text is the responsibility of the game's designer.
And, in particular, not my responsibility. :)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 3:06 am
by sucinum
we already got the dungeon.txt-files, which are quite standard and look like this or similar:

Code: Select all

Dungeon Name:   
Release Date:           
Last Update:	
Created with: 
known Bugs:
Version History:

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:04 pm
by Guest
I downloaded from ... (dungeon)

But could not unzip it with WinRar. Any ideas?

"The archive is unknown format or damaged"

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:28 pm
by Paul Stevens
That was me, by the way.

The dmweb site appears to be having a problem. That
may be why it did not work.

I found it at
and it unpacks ok.

but it does not contain the new graphics. The original
site had a dungeon file and a graphics file.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:49 pm
by beowuuf
deeper, as in venture deeper into the dungeon by sphenx?
i'll mail it...don't remember it having new graphics though...

just cheked the file, the version i have doesn't have new graphics

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:05 pm
by Paul Stevens
Here is the information I received:

Code: Select all

Venture Deeper in the Prison - Sphenx                   
For PC
7 (small) level dungeon expanding the CSB prison. Good puzzle/exploration bias. 
        Download - (dungeon)
        Review -

Note that there is a graphics file. Perhaps Sphenx meant to
include the CSB graphics file because this dungeon looks like
the CSB prison.

Also, it still has the "THIS IS THE PRISON. SELECT YOUR
confusion for me when playing it with the PC-DOS runtime

Also, I cannot fetch these zip files. I think something is wrong
with Or something is wrong with me.

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 2:40 am
by Zyx
I dimly remember having produced a graphics.dat for PC DM for this dungeon, with the CSB graphics. Some palettes were wrong, however.

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 8:58 am
by beowuuf
You'd think that as the person who wrote the list I would have remembered that or have been able to find the list easily to confirm it when you asked a week later. Not I!

I have one '' file (all the rest are .rar) which may be the one. Trouble is, I can't currently test it out without crashing my comp due to low resourses.
Once I restart I will check it out, and if it's the right one I'll send it along. I don't think I ever played this with the corrected graphics file, which is why it never connected fully in my head.

And yes, the enclyclopaedia forum has been down for the last week - maintenance or something?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 4:43 pm
by beowuuf
Nope, its not that graphics file

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:59 pm
by Paul Stevens
Now that the dmweb databases are available I have
started adding some more games. It will not be fast.

I added Imprisoned II and would appreciate reviews, corrections,
additions, suggestions.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:41 pm
by sucinum
ouch. please exchange v1.3 for 1.4/1.5, i have removed all changes from 1.3, because it was rather crappy and half-done. 1.5 is what i call the final version (next to bugfixes, but didn't get a bugreport so far).

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 9:58 pm
by Paul Stevens
I tried but failed.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 10:00 pm
by sucinum
any hidden sarcasm i'm not understanding there? :?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 11:45 pm
by Paul Stevens
Nope. No sarcasm. I tried to fetch your newer version
but was not able.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:12 am
by sucinum
oh. i just found out it isn't possible to use lycos-webspace as a download-source. bad luck. stupid lycos. time for real webspace.
so the only source is here:
does that work?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:26 am
by Paul Stevens
OK. I think ImprisonedAgain is now up-to-date. Again,
let me know of any changes that need to be made.

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 3:29 am
by sucinum
The text is from V1.3 - but i just got some minutes left, i will create a new html-file :)
when beeing on that, i will create a clean html-file to c/p in other dungeons :)

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 4:26 am
by sucinum
wow, some minutes grew to almost an hour :shock:
i created a blanko-file which allows copy/pasting further descriptions within minutes without needing to fiddle with the layout (next to insert some <br>), i hope that helps you.
Because i got only free webspace which doesn't allow direct downloads, i created this download-page:
if it doesn't work, i send an email ;)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 9:40 am
by sucinum
anything i can help? could you use the blanko-stuff?
i'm just starting to get into html and stuff and have a bit of free time, so i can spice it up a bit or create a navigation. i can not create a database where you can sort etc, though.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 3:22 pm
by Paul Stevens
Thank you. It works great. It will serve very nicely
as a template and make things a bit more 'standardized'.

I will put it somewhere so that people can download it
and fill it in themselves if they so choose. Along with
some instructions about how they can package their
dungeons to be added to the collection.

I am trying to pause the CSBwin development (good luck!)
and perhaps I can get something done here.
wow, some minutes grew to almost an hour
I discovered the same thing.