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Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 11:06 pm
by beowuuf
i compeltely agree with selie, that's how i thought of it - it's roleplaying, so it was a nice contrivance so that even the player is gettign to play a charatcer, you are theron, the inexperienced charatcer with knowledge of magic and a good brain who will shape and guide these heros : )

and indeed, the point is that we have a cool story where it's not just what we all imaginbe anyway...makes it interesting!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:10 pm
by Ameena
Omg I'm on page nine and I still haven't finished the first level. Omg I didn't realise I'd written so much already. Well, I told you it'd end up being long-winded. Should finish this level in a page or two though (she says...).

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:07 pm
by The Journeyman
Come on...the more the merrier...uhm the better. You dont want the bookbinder to lose his job when he has to bind your Novel...and it's only 10 pages thick, do you? :)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:19 pm
by Ameena
Lol well I've got no problem having written something that long...just giving advanced warning of the many hours ir will probably take for people to read the whole thing. BFS is practically at the end of Level 2 of his story and it's only about three pages long. I haven't finished Level 1 and mine's nine! And could easily be twelve by the time they descend those first stairs...
I'll do what I can to make the other levels shorter, but...well, they're kind of bigger than the Hall of Champs. Though by the later stages, the group should know what's what and have a better idea about things. Right now I'm going into icky picky details explaining how they cast spells and stuff...not really meaning to, but that's just how it turns out. I'll edit the section before I post it up, but it's unlikely to change (is shorten) a great deal. Be prepared! :twisted:[/list]

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 2:34 pm
by BloodFromStone
Jeez, Ameena. You're gonna make me look bad. :)
Actually, one of my bigger problems with my writing is that I think I'm too shortwinded.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:53 pm
by BloodFromStone
Very nice, Ameena! I'm glad to see another story in the works. :) I'm not abandoning mine, it's just going to gather dust for a little bit through finals week. I'm hoping to do an update something after that.
Glad to see you picked Gothmog to be in yours. I really wanted to use him (He's just too cool!), but I opted for Elijah instead.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:51 am
by Ameena
Hmm, this forum has been rather quiet...has anyone managed to trawl their way through to the end of (part one of) my story yet? Just been wondering what people think, and if anyone's interested in my posting up the rest of it as it comes...

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:23 am
by BloodFromStone
I've read all of part one and am interested in seeing the rest.

The story threads have been quiet, though. :(

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:53 am
by beowuuf
I'd be interested in seeing more too!
Sorry, I think I read through it before rushing out to work so forgot to comment.

Only critisism is the same as for BFS, which is when it's obvious the characters are discussing the mechanics of the game a bit too much I lose following it as a story (not speaking about the magic discussions though)

But that's just me...keep going! More! More!

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:26 pm
by BloodFromStone
Hey, I finished finals! I have a few days off of work this week. Maybe I'll clear the next entry of my story. :)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:57 pm
by beowuuf
good to know on both counts!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:05 am
by Ameena
Well I will try and get out of game mechanics...but it was more intended as like, what's it like for a party dumped in the DM dungeon...I don't think you'll like combat much then but pfah to you then lol ;).
Gambit naughty posted in the story thread when I asked people post replies in a different thread so I can have the whole story flowing one part after another in the one thread. And in reply to that message, the characters are named that way because that's what I called my party when I played it. I think I mention that in the Author's Note thingy at the beginning. If I didn't, then I'm mentioning it now :).
And about the fact they wouldn't trust each other blah blah...hmm yeah I kind of agree...though none of them are stupid, and they've all lost their memories (having been reincarnated of course!), so they're pretty much figuring "Well, I don't remember who I am, they don't remember who they are, we've all heard this weird voice telling us to go somewhere and what we're doing somehow feels right, so let's get on with it". As Shadow would point out, there's no point in them wasting time messing around not trusting each other when for some reason they're feeling this inner drive to pursue this quest. Even though they don't really know what they're supposed to DO for said quest. Not really.
Something like that, anyway :).
And it's probably not gonna be that atmospheric on Level 1 where the entire place is lit up and there's no mobs (or any sign of them). However, once they descend to the next level, where they must provide their own light and there's a Mummy through the first door...muahahahhahahahaaaa...

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 11:13 pm
by BloodFromStone
It's not dead, for real! I warned you guys. Here's entry 3! I wrote it kinda fast and didn't really have anything planned out (Aside from a skeleton of a story based on how things went for my play through party. Yes, I'm actually playing through with this group as the story progresses :lol:), so it's probably the bottom of the barrel, but I had some fun writing it.

Anyway, as usual, please comments and critiques not just accepted, but encouraged. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:21 am
by beowuuf
Like this one, the action is good, and it's nice to see little moments with the characters at the start, and of course getting to know Theron better too : )

Even things, like mixing up the party in a fight or having hawk go off alone

Anyway, keep u pthe good work!

Between one thing an another, the little starting DM thing I had won't get finished anytime soon!

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:26 am
by BloodFromStone
Yeah, after thinking about what you guys said, I thought it would be interesting if Theron has more of an appearance of confidence and strong leadership than he actually does. Wasn't really something I thought about exploring beforehand.

I'm glad you liked the action. I have a lot of trouble with action scenes (My stories are dialog heavy). I was worried between 'this trollin' and 'that trollin', things would get a little confusing.

Thanks for reading, by the way! :D

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:31 am
by beowuuf
No, i find the opposite problem, in that i can get bogged down easily describing an action scene when I think of it - i start gettign a very graphical idea of where everything is and who is doing what.
Dialogue is easy in my head, but like a spell having done it perfectly once through in my head, i'm always tryign to recapture it typign, rather than it flowing freely as before. Ah well!

I must admit, my trick in action/etc where you don't give charcters names or if they are similar is always to go with some characteristic you've emplanted on them. Like some poor sod trying to menace someone on a bucking horse who pointed a sword alot became pointy, etc
Always hard to interestingly mix up pronouns and descriptions that way though!

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:24 am
by BloodFromStone
Reading over this hunk of junk again with Selie, I noticed a little detailed I slipped in and then completely forgot about. Alex loses his knife, then later just pulls one out of no where after commenting that he was unarmed. Little inconsistancies... *scolds himself*

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:06 pm
by Ameena
Hehe yet another good installment in your story BFS :). And a few moe similarities to mine, argh...well, you already know I'm not copying you hehe :). I'm partway through my Level 3 chapter, but as I was reading yours I realised I'd totally forgotten the "Choose your door, choose your fate" message and had them going straight into the room. I'll have to add it in.
That was cool anyway - the fight was good and I had no trouble following what was going on. Like Beo, I think, I tend to describe stuff a lot and so end up taking up loads of space with that. And over-long, probably pointless dialogue too, I think. Oh well, it's fun to write anyway :).
Looking forward to your next part :).