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Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:44 pm
by MasterWuuf
Beo or Gambit: Feel
It said Free free, like some sales thread from Sears :lol:
free to rename this thread.
Or if you would prefer, send me a PM with suggestions about the thread title. I'd be pleased to change the name.
(er, I won't consider 'Check In When You Feel Like A Wuuf' however) :wink:

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:52 pm
by Ameena
Wuffy - back to the "Revenging Angel" comments (since I haven't been online all day and loads of posts have been made since then), D'Argo's brand of choice was Ozme, not Acme ;). But i love that episode though, it was brilliant :D. And I have all the Farscape soundtracks now and one of them includes the music from that episode - great stuff :D.

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:09 pm
by beowuuf
That was such a great series, it could go in many great directions

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:22 am
by Ameena
Farscape? Ohh yeah, I wish they'd actually made the fifth season rather than just having to wrap it all up in PK Wars (and it did feel like they
killed D'Argo off just so they could name the baby
). That was such a great programme. I discovered the existence of the Farscape tabletop game when someone mentioned it at club - we've since played it and it was pretty cool (uses DnD 3.5 ruleset). I want the Ultimate Complete Collection great big uber DVD boxset thingy which we discovered the existence of online, but it doesn't seem like you can get it anywhere now - they probably haven't made any more copies and I expect all the ones that do exist are in the hands of Sci-Fi fan people who collect everything to do with those kind of shows and hoard them forever and ever ;).

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:49 am
by beowuuf
What? It's out of print? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If it went cheap enough I'd buy it :(

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:14 am
by MasterWuuf
I saw very little Farscape. I thought of it, the first time I saw Serenity.

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:41 am
by Trego
Ameena wrote:Farscape...I want the Ultimate Complete Collection great big uber DVD boxset thingy ...I expect all the ones that do exist are in the hands of Sci-Fi fan people who collect everything to do with those kind of shows and hoard them forever and ever ;).
I think my bother in-law has a collection of Farscape DVDs, I'm not sure its the 'uber DVD boxset', but he has a far few. He's kind of a Sci-Fi fan and a DnD/warcraft miniatures fan and I'm sure my sister would say he hoards things too. The only Farscape episodes I saw were at there place.

I'll keep my eyes open in Asia for you(all), if anything turns up it'll be in Asia, and for about 1/2 the price. You can get 'original copies' here of most things which keeps the price down.

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:46 pm
by T0Mi
Dammm... seems I'm a little late. What is Farscape anyway? :-)

MWs birds scared the shit out of me!

Germany is very dense, so there is very little 'wild-life' out there except deer and wild pigs.
We had a single bear in bavaria. He was declared a "Problem-Bär" and put down. Oh, brave humans!

Hedgehogs are quite wide spread (at least here in SW). I even stepped on one of them by accident. SQUIEK! (braught him to the vet and he was fine)

We had a killing spree in early 2009 and at the same school I've been on some 20 years ago. Been 500 meters away when it all started, heard the shots and remember thinking about stupid hunters having a shoot-out in early morning. While this town is quite big (roughly 20k inhabits) and industrial (Kärcher, Stihl, Mercedes, all withhin a few miles), it is (or was) still kind of 'sleepy', especially in all those micro villages spread around it. Things have changed since then. It's no more my little hometown. It became more like what the media made out of it; reporters from all over the world giving the kids money so they would tell some 'insight' stories or to cry in front of the camera. There was an incident where angry parents chased away some reporters who would not stop asking stupid questions ("Have you lost a child?", "How does it feel?", "will things ever be the same after this", aso).

However, people around here always have sticked together, even more so now. Most of my friends know each other since kindergarten. If there wasn't TV and internet, I'd still be believing the earth is flat and carried by some giant turtle. :-)

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:03 pm
by Ameena
Farscape's a Sci-Fi series that ran for four seasons (plus a two-part miniseries which wound everything up at the end 'cause they had been gonna make a fifth season but it got cancelled so they had to make the miniseries, PK Wars, instead :(). It started back in errm, 2000 or 2001 and was made in Australia. Well, the people in charge, like the main writer and stuff, were Australian (and some of the actors) or I sort of presume it was made in Aussie-land anyway.
The Ultimate Complete Collection box-sex thingy is basically a massive uber-huge DVD box set containing every episode from Seasons 1-4 plus the PK Wars miniseries, and then zillions and zillions of extras (making-of stuff, interviews, outtakes, deleted scenes, all the usual stuff you get as DVD extras...just loads of it). Going by what I've seen about it online, it was around 200 quid but varied in price down to 100 or in one case as low as about 84 quid or something. But it seems to be completely sold out/unavailable/out of print or whatever now. It would have been a few years ago it came out, I suppose. Bahhh...

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:06 pm
by Gambit37
T0Mi wrote:I'd still be believing the earth is flat and carried by some giant turtle. :-)
Wait, what? You mean it isn't? HUH? How the hell do we stay standing up then? Noooooooooo! This is all wrong!

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:27 pm
by T0Mi
Personally I believe it is not a turtle carrying the world, but a huge horse named Manfred.
Things may be different on a certain isle where people drive on the wrong side of the road. ;-)

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:30 pm
by MasterWuuf
TOMi mentioned fearing the picture of egrets.
(Well, he didn't say it 'quite' that way, but I got the gist. :wink:

I've never tried to pet one. They don't look all that intimidating in the fields.
Seeing the Great Blue Heron in flight always catches my attention.
They sure seem to struggle to get aloft, however.
(An Egret is a similar bird to the Great Blue Heron)

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:56 pm
by Trantor
Gambit37 wrote:If we're talking about the puupose of this thread I must admit I'm confused. We have plenty of general chat threads, we don't really need another one.
Thank you, I thought I was the only one. This seems to be just anoher "general chit-chat thread" - so why again does it exist?

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:04 pm
by beowuuf
Weather and what's happening where you live!

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:35 pm
by Ameena
We had random snow earlier! It only lasted a little while, maybe ten minutes or so, and then the sun came out again (which had been shining brightly before) and melted most of it, but I've just looked out of the window again just now and it look slike some more must have fallen 'cause there's a bit on the road which wasn't there earlier. Maybe I'll wake up to even more tomorrow, who knows!
Oh, and Ollie is now gone. Weird having the empty corner in my room again after so long - I'd had him since about June this time around. Will have to get used to him not being least till whenever I get to look after him again ;).

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:40 pm
by beowuuf
awwwwwwwwwwww :(

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:37 am
by MasterWuuf
beowuuf wrote:Weather and what's happening where you live!
It's chilly. No snow. Probably won't see any for another 10 years or so.

Odd thing...I read some of the comments on this thread...
...and was even pleased to see you guys show up who don't see any real need for the thread.

I guess it never ceases to amaze me; the childlike pleasure at just seeing the names of 'friends'
on a forum or a PM.

Glad to know all of you.

Why mention this type of thing???

Because these are the kind of feelings which make me 'Feel Like Checking In' on this thread. :lol:

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:54 pm
by T0Mi
(was feeling kinda strange, so please forgive my asking)
How the heck can you keep up such a joyful, everhappy attitude while still facing the oddness of this world?
You must have found a way to prevent it from even entering yours.

:?: What's the trick? :?:

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:03 pm
by MasterWuuf
T0Mi wrote:(was feeling kinda strange, so please forgive my asking)
How the heck can you keep up such a joyful, everhappy attitude while still facing the oddness of this world?
You must have found a way to prevent it from even entering yours.

:?: What's the trick? :?:
No trick. I decided, a long time ago, that I wanted to be generally positive in attitude.
I figure I'm going through life anyway, so why not enjoy the good parts and adapt to the bad parts?
You can dodge some fists. Others? Well, I guess we all get 'hit' from time to time.

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:05 am
by Ameena
We seem to have a similar attitude, MW ;). I figure that stress is bad. Stress can kill. Therefore, to stay more healthy and not die so quickly, I must avoid stress. Things like arguing and getting pissed off are stressful. Therefore they should be avoided. Some things can piss me off very quickly, but they don't happen very often (usually stuff like being spoken to in a certain way, ie very rudely/with no respect). Anyway, I can't usually be arsed to get annoyed at stuff - it never really helps the situation. LIke if I bash my toe on something, say, I don't kick the thing I bashed it against - I just let out a torrent of swear words but without really feeling angry or anything. It just makes me feel better.
Why is that? Why does swearing a lot make you feel better? That's weird. Well I suppose some people might let out a scream or just say nothing, but personally I find that a lenghty chain of mixed expletives works wonders for a situation, and without breaking any objects or beating people up ;).

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:33 am
by MasterWuuf
Ameena wrote:We seem to have a similar attitude, MW ;). I figure that stress is bad. Stress can kill. Therefore, to stay more healthy and not die so quickly, I must avoid stress. Things like arguing and getting pissed off are stressful. Therefore they should be avoided. Some things can piss me off very quickly, but they don't happen very often (usually stuff like being spoken to in a certain way, ie very rudely/with no respect). Anyway, I can't usually be arsed to get annoyed at stuff - it never really helps the situation. LIke if I bash my toe on something, say, I don't kick the thing I bashed it against - I just let out a torrent of swear words but without really feeling angry or anything. It just makes me feel better.
Why is that? Why does swearing a lot make you feel better? That's weird. Well I suppose some people might let out a scream or just say nothing, but personally I find that a lenghty chain of mixed expletives works wonders for a situation, and without breaking any objects or beating people up ;). don't feel that yelling something like,
"OUCH! My WORD that did hurt 'just a tad' on more poor little toe.
And just LOOK at the lovely color of purple the toe is turning. A GLORIOUS day. Oh, and look at the blood oozing out.
I'm just feeling like everything is going to turn up roses today."
is going to make you feel as good? :lol:

Regarding the swearing, when pain occurs, and it making you feel better?
I figure it's the rapid expenditure of passion that does the trick.
Nothing like 'firing the old adrenalin' to lift your spirit.

Er, in regard to the 'lengthy chain' however? I've thought a lengthy chain might get someone's attention, at times. :evil:

Who? What? Now where did THAT come from? (Innocent facial expression)

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:57 am
by Ameena
Hehe, maybe. Force of yelling overcomes sense of pain. As does rubbing said afflicted area - cancels out the pain response in the receptor cells and all. I do that too.

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:35 pm
by MasterWuuf
Ameena wrote:Hehe, maybe. Force of yelling overcomes sense of pain. As does rubbing said afflicted area - cancels out the pain response in the receptor cells and all. I do that too.
If it's a smashed toe, just smack the same toe, on the opposite foot, with a good sized hammer.
The original toe will seem to lose significance.

Just a suggestion. Take it or leave it. I won't be offended, either way. :shock: :twisted: :oops:

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:49 pm
by MasterWuuf
Irish Creme coffee. That's what I'm drinking at this moment.

Good stuff. Wish I could share.

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:21 pm
by Ameena
Weather report - apparently we're supposed to be getting biggy snow tonight. Apparently. They're changing the train timetables or something in anticipation of all the snow and slippy ice and stuff that's supposedly gonna come. So that probably means the next few days will be fine and it'll all hit us in a few days when all the fuss has died down ;).

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:39 pm
by MasterWuuf
My feet are cold. How can you talk about snow at a time like this? Image

Hee, hee, Ameena. Multi-purpose emoticon. :wink:

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:25 am
by Ameena
I think I'd better just keep the snow updates to the Snow thread, to save posting the same thing in two threads like I did earlier on when I forget there were two threads which involve weather chat. So now I'll go over to that one and post...

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:52 am
by Zyx
So this is like a twitter thread?

My bed is oriented east-west. While about to rest I started wondering wether it would make any difference at all if I put my feet to the east or to the west and went through electromagnetic considerations about the rotating earth that was like gliding into a semi-dimension and ended up envisioning something that could be like event horizon with resticted relativism and intelligent communities of dimensionless particles living only in the temporal dimension and infering very astutely a holographic quadridimensional (spatio-temporal) map of the surrounding space from the recent past, which would explain both our consciousness and the content of its representation.
Or not.

Anyway, an impressive thought to hold and behold. Kudos to my imaginary particles - whose society could be called our brains.

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:50 pm
by Gambit37
^^^ That's why Twitter is restricted to 140 characters.

Re: Check In When You Feel Like It

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:41 pm
by Jan
Zyx wrote: While about to rest I started wondering wether it would make any difference at all if I put my feet to the east or to the west and went through electromagnetic considerations about the rotating earth
Actually, one guy measured orientation of standing sheep (he took images and their orientation from Google Earth) and he found that there was a significant dependence on the direction in which the sheep stand and the electromagnetic field / magnetic Earth poles. The sheep are so smart! :)